1960年の彼の自叙伝「Treat It Gentle」(優しくして)からの抜粋を、拙訳ですが御覧ください。「ミュージシャンが演奏する」という言葉を、色々な言葉に置き換えてみてください。
Some people hear how you've got to smoke reefers, be hopped up before you can play.
How you've got to have a woman or a bottle coaxing you on from the side... You can get yourself drunk up to most anything... drunk up, or womaned up, or thrilled up with a lot of dope. You can do that. There's many who think you have to do that.
But the real reason you play... it's just because you've got to play.
Inspiration, that's another thing
The world has to give you that, the way you live in it, what you find in your living. The world gives it to you if you're ready. But it's not just given... It has to be put inside you and you have to be ready to have it put there. All that happens to you makes a feeling out of your life and you play that feeling.
But there's more than that. There's the feeling inside the music too. And the final thing, it's the way those two feelings come together. I don't care where that life-feeling comes from a love-feeling, it has to become something else before you're through. That love-feeling has to find the music feeling. And then the music can learn how to get along with itself.