CHAPTER 4 Tackling the Monster: PRACTICE
第4章 正体不明の、でもイヤなことに、敢えて立ち向かおう:練習することについて
So far in this book we've explored ways that different types of music relate to each other. Now let's explore how training in music can help you with any type of training, whether it's intellectual ― you read books to develop your mind; athletic ― you do push-ups to make the team or to look cute; or whatever skill you're interested in developing.
Hearing a great musician play in concert, watching a great athlete hit the winning home run or catch the touchdown, or eating a fine meal in a restaurant can inspire us to want to become musicians or athletes or chefs. Experiencing great things can motivate us to want to be great ourselves. Whatever the achievement that inspires us many be, we have to realize that it takes many long hours of practicing to become good, let alone great. The large monster of practicing always comes to trample on our dreams of becoming great without sacrifice. Almost no one likes to practice. That's just the truth. We all want to be heroes, but we just don't want to fight the dragon. And that is understandable. Dragons have bad breath.
Practicing is always difficult, especially if it's truly practicing. You have to spend time working on things that you can't do, which makes you feel bad about yourself. Often it's just terribly boring, the same thing repeated over and over and over again until you get it. And you have to be inspired to want to practice. There must be some reason besides “I don't want to make a bad grade,” or “My parents will kill me,” or “I don't have anything else to do.”
Even after we have been inspired to practice, we may not know how. You could do more damage than good by practicing the wrong way. It's like if you go out and get a weight set because you want to develop muscles, but you lift weights every day and work the same muscles. You're not supposed to work the same set of muscles two days in a row, because that way you break muscles down instead of building the up. That's why I'm going to give you Wynton's Ways to Practice. There are twelve of them, and they ensure that you're practicing the right way.
その1 マンツーマンで教えてもらおう。
That means try to find someone who knows what you should be doing. For example, Yo-Yo Ma is the greatest cellist in the world, he's applauded everywhere he goes. But when he and I played together, he asked me, “Could you show me something about Duke Ellington's 'Mood Indigo'? Could you show me how to play this piece of jazz music? I like to learn things.” He's not too proud to seek out advice and ask for help.
A good instructor will help you understand the purpose of the exercises you practice, and will help you learn how to control your instrument and ultimately control yourself through playing your instrument. Another reason to seek out private instruction is that other people's experience can provide you with shortcuts to get where you want to go. You could take years trying to figure out something that a good teacher could show you very quickly. Give yourself the benefit of the experience of a more accomplished musician. No matter how talented you are, there will be things you don't know. An instructor can evaluate your situation more objectively that you can yourself. A teacher can be like the captain of a ship and keep you from straying off course.
Sometimes another student can also be a teacher. If someone can do something you can't do, don't sink down into jealously and backbiting, or assume that there's no way you can learn to do that thing. Don't say, “He can double tongue all right, but his slurring is not very good.” Learn from what people can do, not what they can't do. Your attitude shouldn't be “He can play high, but his tone is sad.” It should be “Let me see how he plays those high notes so I can improve on that, too.”
その2 予定表を作ろう
to organize your practice time. And follow it every day (especially when you don't want to). A schedule is like a blueprint for building a house, or some instructions for building a toy plane. Have you ever built toy models or anything like that? You know you'll have a hard time building a toy plane without directions. Practicing is the same, you need to have some instructions. That's what your schedule gives you, it lets you know what you have to do, and when. It's something tangible you can see and follow, like a map.
Make sure that the schedule covers all the fundamentals of playing your instrument. You will never stop practicing these fundamental techniques. Even the greatest virtuosos practice the fundamentals, because they are the basis of all playing. You will always practice the same fundamentals, but in different ways as you progress.
The fundamental techniques of playing the trumpet are breathing, tone, tonguing, slurring, range (from the lowest notes to the highest ones), velocity (the ability to play fast), articulation, and endurance. There are different techniques for playing other instruments. But the fundamentals of musical playing are the same for all instruments. So your schedule also has to cover these.
The fundamentals of musical playing are strong rhythm, phrasing of melodies, dynamics (having control of different gradations of volume), hearing harmonies, and employing various expressive shadings usually characterized by foreign words you should look up and learn the meaning of when you find them in a score. Words like molto dolce (very sweetly) and leggiero (lightly). Practice all of these fundamentals every time you play your instrument.
リズム練習、フレージング、ダイナミクス(音量変化をコントロールする力)、ハーモニーの聞き分け、表現の変化付け。この「表現の変化付け」については、外国語で書いてあることが普通だから、譜面に出てきたら、意味を調べて覚えるようにしよう。molto dolce(非常に甘美に)とかleggiero(軽快に)とかね。楽器に触る日は、これ全部練習すること!
その3 目標は段階毎に、いくつか作ろう
to chart your development. It's very important that you set goals that are both realistic and challenging. You don't want to look at the blueprint to your house and say, “Okay, I'll build this house in a week.” That's unrealistic. You won't build it in a week. So you make a chart for your goals. “Okay, I'm going to put the foundation down in a month, I want to get the walls put up in two months,” and so on and so forth. And six months later you want to have a house.
With setting goals there is a component of integrity. It's up to you to challenge yourself. Sometimes you have to adjust your goals. If something comes easier than expected, you have to challenge yourself a little more. If something is harder, you want to relax your schedule and allow more time to work on that problem. A private instructor will help you with setting goals.
Competition with fellow students can also motivate you to set goals and achieve them. A “cut head” ― being outplayed by someone ― can lead you to a more earnest pursuit of excellence. Competition is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be positive so long as it is not mean-spirited, but respectful and based on the desire to sound better. But the best competition is with yourself.
その4 集中しよう
when practicing. You know how sometimes you have your math homework or something that you don't want to do, and you just sit over it and sigh and moan. You end up wasting one hour, when you could've gotten all of the work done in five or ten minutes. Use the time of practicing to focus and concentrate. Now, if you can't concentrate, don't go through the motions. Just stop and come back to it a little later.
Concentration is the ability to focus on something without being distracted. It means that you can clear your mind of other thoughts and channel all of your energies in one direction for extended periods of time. Concentration is an important tool for development in any area, and everyone can develop the ability to concentrate. How? Just by trying to concentrate, first for short periods of time and then longer ones. At first you may only be able to focus your energies for thirty seconds or a minute, but if you keep trying, you will soon be able to concentrate for five minutes, ten minutes, then even much longer periods of time.
Sometimes we have so many things going on around us, with video games, radios blaring, television on, other people bustling around, that the hardest thing to do is just sit still. We can use our practice time to sit, collect ourselves, and be calm. Then we can develop our mental powers by focusing purely on the task at hand, which is projecting our best personality through an instrument.
時には外野で色々なことが起きていて - ビデオゲームやうるさいラジオ、テレビが付いていたり、他の人達がせかせか歩き回っていたりして - じっと座っていることが一番大変だ、なんてこともあるだろう。練習時間中は腰を据えて、雑念を払い、心静かにすること。そうすることで目の前の課題にまっすぐ集中することによって、精神が磨かれ、やがては楽器を通して君の個性を最高の形で表現してゆくことへ繋がってゆくんだ。
その5 肩の力を抜いて、じっくり練習しよう。
You can't be in a hurry if you're going to get better. A lot of times we want to rush it. I notice this often when I'm trying to explain something to a student. Before I'm finished speaking, the student is saying, “I know. I know. I got it. I got it.” Then bluh-bluh-bluh, they flub through it. Take your time.
It can be kind of boring having to play a fast piece of music at a very slow tempo. That's part of practicing. You have to just keep working on it. After you get it at that slow tempo, then every day, every week, you work on it and you play it faster and faster and faster.
When you relax, you can breathe better, you can concentrate more easily, and you have a better time. Don't practice as if you want to get it over with as quickly as possible, even though you do. If you're going to practice, you might as well practice correctly. In most cases correctly means slower. Almost everybody practices too fast. Playing slowly helps you to develop your sound, it helps your rhythm, it gives you time to train your muscles to execute difficult physical maneuvers, and it allows you to become more intimate with your instrument and with the music you are attempting to play.
Also, relaxing helps you when you have to perform and that nervous panic hits you. You'll know how to relax because you're practiced relaxing. It just becomes the way you do things.
その6 難しい部分こそ、じっくり時間を変えて練習しよう
You have to practice longer on things that you can't play. You know, you're around the house or at school and you want to show off. You want everybody to be proud of you, so naturally you're going to play whatever you can play. Generally, that will be the easier things. So when you get to a hard part, that's when you really have to buckle down, concentrate, and dedicate yourself. Don't be afraid of confronting your own inadequacy. You're a person, not a machine. You can't be perfect. For some people the intricate, fast parts are easy, and the slow ones are difficult. Everyone is different.
Some things are so hard that you might have to practice them hour after hour after hour. You know, it's like in basketball. You see players go out on the court and do all kinds of fancy dunks and things that they've worked on, but then they go to the free-throw line, and they can't make the free throw. It's because they didn't practice what they couldn't do.
Your practice schedule should reflect your particular strengths and weakness. That means practice the things you can't do longer than the things you can. This is always a difficult discipline, because we want to sound good. We have to train ourselves to endure sounding bad for the “short” time it takes to improve. When you have a problem, confront it. That's the one way to solve it, not running away and avoiding it. Playing only what our friends and even we ourselves will praise leads to one-dimensional music, as it can also lead to a one-dimensional personality. Our practice schedule should reflect a confrontation with our deficiencies, with the constant goal of improvement.
その7 常に心を込めて楽器を鳴らそう
Treat everything you play on your instrument as an important piece of music, even if you are just warming up, or flirting, or joking. Something might seem like it's not important, but it is because it's all a part of you, the way you tie your shoes, the way you hold your fork. Every day you walk around making yourself into you. Do everything with the proper type of attitude. Always try to be yourself and give yourself over what you're doing. Don't be a cynic and think you're too hip to be a part of something. Invest yourself by participating and trying to do your best, no matter how insignificant your part seems.
The expression that you play with is your style. Playing with expression requires a more internal intensity. Expressing is not a matter of physically doing something like slurring or tonguing. It comes from inside. We could say that expression is your intent, it's what you want to communicate. And you can communicate a full range of experiences. There is no right or wrong in expression, only different levels of success in communicating how you feel. Ultimately that is why you take the time to learn to play an instrument, to express how you feel. It's like developing an extensive vocabulary. The more skillful your use of language, the more precise your communication will be.
その8 自分の失敗から学べばいい
don't be too hard on yourself. If you make a mistake, if you mess up in a concert, it's not the end of the world. It's like dropping the touchdown pass in the championship. Everybody's looking at you, all your friends, your mama and daddy are up in the stands, and ― uh! You come back to the bench and the whole team is disappointed. Don't feel that bad. It's not the end of the world. You learn from your mistakes. You make a mistake, and you just incorporate it into your experience and keep going.
Sports teams look at films of their games for hours to see what they've done wrong. People are not machines. It is important to continue with style, not just continue.
The single most important aspect of playing any instrument is sound. We speak of the supremacy of sound because your personal sound on an instrument is your musical identity. It's just like your voice. Now, tones can be opened or closed, happy or sad, big or small, and all can be beautiful. First, you have the sound of your instrument, like the sound of your personal sound on the instrument, not just the sound of the trumpet but Wynton's sound or Eddie's sound or whoever's sound it's going to be. So when you're practicing for your sounds, first you want to get just a good sound on the instrument, then you want to project your personality through the sound.
Don't be afraid of imitate people whose playing you like. That is the only way to learn to develop an extensive musical vocabulary. But it's also important to identify and play things that only you would play. Because you feel better when you sound like yourself, and everyone else feels better if they can recognize you in your sound.
Now, let's talk a little about how these things work in a group of musicians. A large portion of your musical life will be spent in group practice; and most of your greatest moments in music are the result of a group effort. Actually, the same thing is true outside of music. How many times have you heard someone receiving an award say, “The people I want to thank are just too numerous to mention ... it was truly a group effort.” I'm always fascinated by groups. It's like a congregation in a church. You know how you might hear 300 people saying the same prayer, and they start a little out of sync and then somewhere near the beginning they find a group rhythm, and by the end they are together. Well, this is the essence of what group activities are about. The attempt to “get it together” makes group playing and group living successful.
The things that are most important about group playing are good manners and listening. Having good manners in music means to play in balance with everyone else and to listen. Playing in balance means that you have to know what your role is. Are you playing a harmony part, are you the soloist, or are you playing a rhythm part? Or are you not playing anything for the moment?
We might think that because we don't have anything to play, we're no longer a part of the group. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you're not playing, listen to the rest of the group and concentrate on supporting them. Try not to just count measures until your part comes in, but to learn the whole piece of music so that you understand how your part fits into the whole.
Listening is perhaps the most important skill to develop, because there's an integrity to listening. It's just like a conversation. Have you ever had the feeling that someone you are talking to is not really interested in what you are saying? Then their next comment makes it clear that they haven't been listening to you at all, just waiting till they can say something else? A group musical performance can have the same problem. In most compositions the musicians converse with musical themes and ideas, and generally they do this through call and response. If you're not listening, you will miss the call and your response will be unmusical.
Use group practice to help rein your ego in. The other musicians have to sound good for the music to work. Your success as a musician in a group is based on your ability to make the most seemingly insignificant part feel good for the rest of the ensemble.
その9 ひけらかさないこと
First, because nobody will like you. I remember when I was in high school, every time I played a jazz solo, I would circular breathe. Circular breathing is breathing in through your nose while you breathe out through your mouth. It enables you to play for ten minutes without stopping. Inevitably, what you play for those ten minutes becomes much less important than the fact that you are playing for ten minutes without stopping.
So anyway, I could keep doing this all night. Eventually my father, who's jazz pianist, told me, “Son, those who play for applause, that's all they get.” That was a great lesson for me because I was sacrificing the idea of music just to show off this thing I knew the audience would clap for. So when you're playing, try not to show off. Play music instead. That's the best way to grow and develop.
Another reason it's not good to show off is you miss the point of group playing. And it's manipulative. It's like putting sugar in every dish of a meal. People will enjoy it at first, but after a while it will make them sick. And you will never learn to cook. As a musician you always try to establish a rapport with the audience, and when you show off, you cheat yourself out of the opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the people. You're just giving them tricks and gimmicks. It's like changing your real personality to fit in with a certain group. You cheat yourself and your supposed friends.
その10 自分で工夫しよう
Your instructor will have certain methods of teaching you music. You shouldn't accept these things without thinking about how they affect you and your deficiencies and abilities. The most widely used methods are often the most effective, but not always and not for all people.
In the high-jump competition in the Olympics and other track and field meets, the standard method was to run up to the bar and jump over it frontward. Then a guy named Fosbury thought up the idea of running up to the bar and jumping over it backward. People laughed, until he won the Olympic gold medal. Now all high jumpers use the method he invented, the Fosbury Flop, because you can jump higher that way.
So you don't want to become a robot. Your teacher is a guide; it's up to you to walk the path. Your success or failure as a musician is ultimately based on your ability to confront and solve problems. Some problems your teacher can help you solve, and others only you can solve. No teacher, no matter how great, can do the work for you.
When your teacher tells you something, work on it. But if that method doesn't help, try to find other ways to solve the problem. On the other hand, don't dismiss what you're taught just because you're too lazy or too proud to practice it.
It's important to establish an honest dialogue with your teacher without crossing the line of respect and sinking down into senseless arguments that make both teacher and student unhappy. A good question can help your instructor to teach you better. But confrontation is almost always the wrong method. Once animosity has developed between a student and a teacher, it's almost impossible for good communication to occur.
Thinking for yourself will develop your powers of judgement. This allows you to take responsibility for your experiences. Sometimes you judge wrong, and you pay for it. When you judge right, you enjoy the benefit of it.
その11 前向きに物事は捉えよう。
How you feel about living in the world is who you are. When you're optimistic, the world is always wonderful or becoming wonderful. When you're pessimistic, you have a bad time. And there's nothing pessimistic than pessimism coming through an instrument. The legendary Art Blakey used to say ― he was a very great jazz drummer ― “Music washes away the dust of everyday life from your feet.” So whatever you choose to do, nobody wants to be around complaining all the time. You have to think like the blues. Yes, things may be bad, but they're gonna get better. That's right.
You can learn to be optimistic by examining another side of a situation. It's like the old adage, is the glass half empty or half full? It could be either. Once you start to see it one way, it becomes that way for you. Like everything that must be practiced, optimism can be uncomfortable at first. Then with repetition it becomes habit, and through experience habit becomes reality.
Optimism is valuable in a performance. Mistakes are inevitable. When mistakes occur, instead of falling apart and thinking that the performance is a failure, you can carry on and play better. Often you'll discover that what you thought was a glaring error was actually trivial. Optimism gives you endurance because you always feel that something great is about to happen. It makes you want to keep playing instead of stopping.
その12 何事に対しても、他のとの関連性がある、と思って、アンテナを張ろう
That's what we've been talking about all along, looking for connections to other things. No matter what you're doing, everything is related. That's why we can relate practicing an instrument to building a house, learning a language, improving in a sport, cooking, getting along with people, and many other things. When you look for connections in life, you and your ideas don't have to be lonely. The more you discover similarities in things that seem to be different, the greater the world you can participate in.