

第2章(2/3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め!Marching Along!」

When I was a boy in Washington everybody who lived east of 6th Street, S. E. and south of Pennsylvania Avenue lived “on the Navy Yard.” In fact, it was not a difficult matter to find out in just what section of town a boy lived by asking him what he was. The city was divided, in our boyish minds, into regions - the “Navy Yard,” “Capitol Hill,” “Swampoodle.” (which is now in the vicinity of the Terminal Railway Station and the Post Office) and “the Island,” which was south of Pennsylvania Avenue between Tiber Creek and the Potomac River. The nabobs who lived in the Northwest hadn't reached the dignity of a neighborhood nickname and the nearest approach to their vicinity was the “Northern Liberties,” which was out 7th Street, N. W. While the “Navy Yard” section was probably ten squares from the United States Navy Yard near where I lived, I always said, “I live on the Navy Yard.” 



The boys who lived “on the Navy Yard,” with scarcely an exception, toted a gun as soon as they were old enough to shoot and went out on the river - the Potomac or “Anacostia,” as we called the eastern branch - and into Prince George County whenever game was in season. A boy who couldn't shoot a gun or sit out all day in the sun fishing had no standing “on the Navy Yard.” 



Thus very early in my life I was inoculated with the love of duck and quail shooting, my father being an inveterate hunter, and whenever he had the time, he was out hunting quail or decoying ducks during the season. 



When I was still too young to carry a gun, but not too young to lug the provender, my father took me on hunting trips. We would usually be up at four o'clock in the morning, for a hearty breakfast, if it was to be a quail shoot over Benning Bridge and into Prince George County. 



I remember one occasion when I everlastingly disgraced myself. My mother always prepared a lunch for us of four boiled eggs, two rolls and a couple of apples, which was enough for anybody's luncheon. On this particular morning we started out happily, and, when we got over in the cultivated fields where there were quail, the dogs made a point, the birds were flushed and my father brought down one of them. He then started in a relentless pursuit of the squandered birds. About ten o'clock he was so far ahead of me that I could just hear the occasional sound of his gun, and suddenly I became very hungry. It was two hour before luncheon and in my boyish mind I felt I should probably starve to death if I hadn't something to eat before the lunch hour. So my hand stole into the haversack and I felt a hardboiled egg in the corner. I took it out, looked at it admiringly, almost reverently, took off the shell and ate it. I next took one of the rolls and ate that. Instead of appeasing my appetite it seemed to give more, and, to hasten matters, before twelve o'clock had come I had eaten four eggs, two rolls and one apple. 



About twelve o'clock I caught up to my father and he, putting his gun against a tree, said cheerily, “Now we'll sit down and have luncheon.” 



Suddenly, at the word “luncheon,” it dawned on me that I was probably the most abject scoundrel in the world, but I said nothing. My father lifted the haversack off my shoulders, put his hand in it, and then a puzzled look came over his face and he said, “Strange, strange; your mother never forgets,” and drew forth one solitary apple left of the entire luncheon. 



He raised his eyes and saw my guilty face and the telltale egg around my mouth. He looked at me for perhaps half a minute, then said, “You're not a hunter, you're a loafer.” 



He went down to the brook, took a drink, came back and offered me the other apple, saying, “Before eating it, I would wash my face if I were you.” And that was the end to the incident! 



This quiet father of mine was one of the best-informed men I have ever met. A most accomplished linguist and an inveterate reader, he had stored up wisdom from a multitude of sources. In the last days of his life, when he was an invalid, I have noticed on his table four or five books in different languages, each of which he delighted to read. I am happy now, to recall that I was not only his son but his companion, and whenever there was a hunting trip or a fishing expedition or any other pleasure, I was always with him. Many of his observations made an impression on my youthful mind and, with his wide knowledge, he had a story suitable for any incident in our daily life. One thing he fastened in my mind very strongly: never assume that you know all about a thing, or try to talk the other man down; instead, agree as nearly as possible with his opinions and so gradually forced him to see yours. No better way can be found to get at the truth. 



Father had his lovable and amusing little foibles. For one thing, he was not fond of work despite the fact that he was wonderfully handy at doing the things he liked. And like all Portuguese, he liked to take a siesta after his luncheon hour. I can recall Mother, who was charged with ambition and energy, saying despairingly, “O, Tony, Tony, don't go to sleep this afternoon!” But he would continue slowly upstairs, saying: “Elise, the night is for sleep, and the day is for rest.” 



Father was very reticent about his boyhood days, and almost never talked of Spain, or his days on the sea, but I did know that his parents were driven out of Portugal during the Revolution of 1822, and went over into Spain where he was born in Seville, on September 14, 1824. As a youth, he left Spain and went to England, and from England came to America some time early in the forties. In Brooklyn he met Elizabeth Trinkhaus, a young woman who was visiting the United States with some school friends (she was a native Franconia, Bavaria) and after a short courtship they were married. Mother used to recount with much pride in Father's ingenuity (for if ever a wife worshipped her husband it was she!) how Father got out her German Bible and his English one, and how thus she learned English, and he conveyed his tender sentiments to her by that highly respectable medium! Father never let us know - and if he told Mother, she kept her own counsel - just what his standing was in the Old World, but I have read so much about the Sousas since I have grown to manhood that I have every reason to believe that he was a man exceptional in education and family. He was a gentleman in the liberal and the accurate significance of that much abused word. He was always keenly interested in literature, language and current events, and although his technical knowledge of music was limited, he possessed an unusually acute ear. 



While I was a pupil of Esputa, I began to attract kindly attention as a violinist, and began to do some solo work in amateur concerts, besides earning money with a little quadrille band which I had organized. This band had a second violin, viola, and a bass, clarinet, cornet, trombone and drum. They were all grown men, in fact, the bass player was a very old man indeed. We became popular as a dance orchestra in Washington, and continued prosperously, until I listened to the anarchistic utterances of my associates and so talked myself out of a job. 



We were playing for Professor Sheldon's dances. They came to me and said, “You're a great favorite here and you ought to make Sheldon pay you more money for the music.” 



Professor Sheldon was probably paying us the fair market price for a small orchestra and I couldn't understand why he should pay more, just because I happened to be popular. But my fellow musicians egged me on until I finally yielded and told Sheldon that he must advance our wages two dollars per man thereafter. 



“And if I don't, what will happen?” he asked. 

“I'll quit,” I replied. 

“Well, I am very sorry to lose you, but it's all I can pay, and all I propose to pay.” 

“Then,” said I stoutly, “I'll quit.” 






At the next Saturday hop there was another man in my place, but the same seven anarchists were meekly playing there at their old wages! It was a lesson I have never forgotten and never shall forget! 



One day while I was playing one of de Beriot's Concertos there came a rap at my door. I found a gentleman there who said, “I have been listening for five minutes to your playing. I was anxious to know just who you were so I rapped at the door.” 



“Won't you come in?” I asked. 

He began, “You play very nicely. Have you ever thought about joining a circus?” 

“No, indeed.” 





“I am the leader of the band in the circus that is showing near Pennsylvania Avenue,” he said, “and if you would like to join I can get you a place.” 



Visions of beautiful ladies in spangled tights, of pink lemonade in buckets, flashed through my mind and I said, “I'd like to do it, but I don't think my father would let me go.” 



“There's no necessity of asking your father,” he replied.  

I told him I wouldn't think of it without asking him, since he was an awfully nice father. 

“Yes, but fathers don't understand the future for a boy travelling with a circus; he might object.” 





“Yes, probably he would.” “I tell you what you do,” he urged. “Tomorrow night we are going to 'strike the tents.' You come over with your fiddle and go along with us, and then, after we've been away for a day or two, write your father and tell him what a good time you are having; perhaps he won't interfere then; but if you tell him now he might forbid you. And, by the way, do you play any brass instrument?” 



I said, “Yes, I play baritone.” And I got out the baritone and played him a few measures. 



He enjoined secrecy, and I agreed to report the following night. The more I thought of it the more wonderful it seemed to follow the life of the circus, make money, and become the leader of a circus band myself. What a career that would be! 



Inevitably, however, I had to let somebody into the secret. Next door to my house lived a good-looking boy and a great playmate of mine, Edward Accardi, so I must go and tell Ed my good fortune, pledging him to secrecy. Ed, I suppose, immediately told his mother, and she, with woman's wild desire to have everybody know everything, told my mother. 



Next morning, while I lay a-bed, dreaming contentedly of circus triumphs ― conducting a gigantic band beneath a moster tent that reached upwards to the stars ― I was roused by the gentle voice of my father, “Good morning, Son.” 

“Good morning, Father.” 




“When you dress today,” he said, emphasizing every word, “put on your Sunday clothes.” 

It was not Sunday and I didn't like at all the idea of making such a radical departure from custom, but I obeyed, put on my Sunday clothes and went downstairs where Father and I had breakfast together, and chatted casually. At the end of the meal he said, “We'll take a walk.” 




We took the walk in the direction of the Marine Barracks ― through the gate in silence and across the Parade Ground to the Commandant's office. 



The record of the Marine Corps says that “John Philip Sousa enlisted on the 9th day of June, 1868.” Somewhat over thirteen years of age, and not fourteen until the following November! 



This father of mine, bless his soul, had played trombone in the Marine Band since 1850, and was very much liked by everybody in the corps from the Commandant down. He had been to see General Zeilin, the Commandant, and they had discussed the matter as two fathers would, and concluded to enlist me in the corps as an apprentice boy to study music until I got over my infatuation for the circus, for my father knew that I was so much a law-abiding boy that I wouldn't desert. 



Being a boy in the band was not a novel situation for me, for from my tenth year I had played triangle, cymbals and Eb alto horn (God forgive me!) at various times with the band, and was a great friend of all the musicians in it. 



The first time that I heard really fine music (apart from the ordinary orchestra or band programmes), was when the Franko family of five wonderfully talented children came to Washington for a concert. Professor Esputa announced to the school that they were exceptionally gifted and that he wanted every student to be sure to attend the concert; and most of us did so. It was the first time I had heard real violin playing, and the exquisite performance of little Nahan Franko, who was a wonder on the instrument, inspired me with zeal to do better. 



His sisters and his brothers, too, added much to the pleasure of that excellent concert. 



My youth up to this time had been spent largely “on the Navy Yard” but as I developed into a professional musician, I became acquainted with people who lived in the Northwest section of Washington, and, until I left the city, my companions were almost entirely from the Northwest. Some of those interesting young people had organized a club which they called the Vis-a-Vis, a literary society which issued a little magazine, containing their own articles. I do not remember what I wrote for them, but I am sure I was active in it. 
