While I played more and more in public, I became a member of the Orchestral Union, of which Mr. George Felix Benkert was the conductor. Mr. Benkert was a remarkably fine musician and one of the greatest pianists of that day. I played first violin in the Orchestral Union and evidently looked younger than I really was, for, on one occasion when they gave the oratorio, “The Creation,” Clara Louise Kellogg, the famous American prima donna, who was singing the soprano role, came over and patted me on the head. I have no doubt she did it because she thought I was in the infant class. I was too shy to reciprocate, which shows I still had something to learn.
A great admirer of my ability as a musician, Dr. Swallow, introduced me to a Washington music lover, the Hon. William Hunter, who was Assistant Secretary of State. Every Tuesday evening during the concert season, Mr. Hunter had a string quartette party come to his house and play from eight until ten o'clock, after which he served a supper, and I was invited to come and take part in one of these musical evenings. I must have favorably attracted the attention of Mr, Hunter, for, until I left Washington a couple of years later, I invariably spent my Tuesday evenings at his home, and my knowledge of some of the leading composers, such as Frescobaldi, Haydn, Tartini, etc., ― what they did and what they wrote ― was entirely due to him. He would place advertisements in the London, Berlin, Paris and Vienna musical papers for certain rare works that he could not obtain in the ordinary music store and, when they came, he would read me the biography of the composer out of a European encyclopedia, translating as he read, and in that way I grew to know much about the old-timers.
Knowing that I was earning my living as a musician, Mr. Hunter took a very delicate way of paying me for my service. Every Tuesday evening after the quartette playing, when we were packed up and about to leave he would come over to me and say, “Young man, you did very finely tonight.”
Of course I would utter a modest “Thank you.”
He would then say, “What a splendid vest you have on tonight,” and would slip five dollars into my vest pocket. Five dollars was a lot of money in those days. Gradually I tired of my position in the Marine Band. At a change of leadership of the Band I had written a march, “Salutation,” and when the new conductor came on the Parade we were playing it in his honor. When he reached the band he said, “What is that you're playing?”
The assistant leader answered, “That's a march by that boy there,” pointing to me.
“Take it off the stands!” he ordered. Needless to say, he and I never became friendly.
I went to Mr. Hunter and told him I was unhappy in the band and asked him to see the Secretary of the Navy and secure my release, which he did.
The very moment I was released from the Marine Band, Mr. Hunter said, “You should go to Europe and complete your musical education.”
I told him that was impossible; that my father had a number of children and could not afford to do it.
“I know a gentleman,” he said, “who, I'm quite sure, would send you.”
“But I wouldn't want anybody to support me.”
“I wouldn't be so particular about that,” he said.
“If the man wants to spend money to educate talented young musicians, why not let him do it? I'll see the gentleman tomorrow and make an appointment.”
It was Mr. W. W. Corcoran, the great philanthropist. Mr. Hunter made me promise a few days later, after he had seen Mr. Corcoran, that I would call on him. So I went to his house, pulled the bell rather timidly, and an overwhelming footman came to the door and asked me, in the splendid manner of footmen, what I wanted. I told him that I had called to see Mr. Corcoran, and also told him to tell his master that I had been sent by Mr. Hunter.
In a little while, Mr. Corcoran descended the stairs, came over to me, and asked me my name and ambitions. Finally, he said, kindly, “Well, now, I'll think over your case and you call again in five or six days.”
I never got out of a house quicker than I did out of that one, and I didn't call up in five or six days; in fact, I haven't called up to date! The idea of being under obligations to anybody was very distasteful to me and though Mr. Corcoran might have sent me to Europe, I feel that I am better off as it is ― even without the benefits of European education ― for I may therefore consider myself a truly American musician.
Meanwhile, I was beginning to get pupils. I had three or four nice little Italian boys who played the violin in the streets, to a harp accompaniment. The little fellows had talent, even though they smelled of garlic.
I had a cornet pupil who wanted to learn only one tune, The Last Rose of Summer, and my efforts to teach him exercises went for naught ― he wanted the fingering for the cornet part of The Last Rose of Summer and nothing else! That is all he studied with me for a period of three months. He had a yacht and his great delight was to take friends down the Potomac, get out his cornet and play this old melody. He was a fine swimmer, and when he had a party of men aboard, and The Last Rose of Summer had become a bit wilted with repetition, they would throw his cornet overboard, whereupon he would immediately dive after it and fish it up!
The variety theatre of those days corresponded to the vaudeville of today, except that the only ladies present were on the stage. The principal variety theatre in Washington was Kernan's Theatre Comique. Mr. Kernan decided to open a summer garden on a lot adjoining this theatre. The lot was below street level, but seemed otherwise well adapted to such use. The stage was built, the singers and orchestra engaged, when suddenly they realized that there was no conductor, since the regular conductor of the Theatre Comique had gone off for the summer with his orchestra to a watering-place in Virginia. Leaders of variety were scarce in Washington and Mr. Kernan was in a dilemma, until one of his musicians said, “I know a boy up on Capitol Hill who would, I think, suit you as an orchestra leader.”
Kernan immediately sent a messenger to my house and asked me to call on him, which I did with a speed that would not have shamed Nurmi.
Kernan said, “What experience have you had in variety?”
“Do you read music?” “Of course.”
“Well, I'm willing to give you a chance.”
“Thank you.”
“Rehearsal will be on Saturday morning and we'll give a performance on Saturday night.”
When I joined the orchestra to lead it for rehearsal it was a very easy matter to play songs and dances and so on, and I got through swimmingly, with everybody delighted.
I went home and in order that I might be on time for the performance at eight o'clock that night I returned to the Theatre Comique at five!
About half-past five one of those well-known Washington summer showers came down and flooded the Garden until everything was afloat except the piano, and the waves were lapping the black keys. As I stood there with Kernan looking out upon the deluge, he groaned,
“We can't give a show there tonight. We'll have to give it in the Theatre Comique, indoors.”
“All right,” I answered, pulling on my rubber boots, “but if you're going to do that, we must have the piano moved up right now.”
Three or four husky Africans were summoned, who exhibited such a fine carelessness in the process that the instrument finally reached the Theatre Comique and was installed in the orchestra pit with every wire, from middle C down, torn from its mooring!
This was before the days of a steel E string for fiddles and when you sometimes got a lot of bad strings. Before we had finished what they were pleased to call on the program The Overture, I had snapped my E string and was given an exhibition of jumping up position on the A which would have done credit to a half dozen Paganinis rolled into one.
One of the admirable qualities of a vaudeville entertainment is its incessant action; so we had no more than played the last note of the overture (I frantically trying to put on a new E string) when the bell rang for the beginning of the performance.
During the short dialogue that intervened, I managed to put the E string on; but I had played only fifteen measures of the next movement when the D string broke, and before the performance was over I think every string on the violin broke from one to five times, except the G, and that was a hardened old sinner and stayed by me the whole evening. The pianist couldn't hit a bass note because there was no note there to hit; the cornet player worked hard but was wheezy; the clarinet player was extremely nervous, and the drummer thumped irregularly. It was without any doubt the worst orchestral performance that was ever given in this imperfect world.
Kernan's reputation as a dangerous man in an argument was already known to me and, before the performance, I had been told that he didn't hesitate, in a fight, to bite off a man's ear or gouge out his eyes. He had been a sailorman.
When the performance finally came to a close, the stage manager apologized for its obvious faults and informed everybody that it would be improved the following day. I had one wild desire while he was talking ― because it seemed as if everything he said must be directed at my miserable work ― to have the floor open and swallow me up!
While I was putting away my violin the cornet player leaned over and said, “Here's Kernan coming down the aisle. I hope he doesn't kill you!”
I turned my head quickly and saw him striding towards me. Just as he got to the orchestra railing I wheeled around and shouted at him, “I never want to play in your theatre again!”
He looked at me, as if I had gone hopelessly insane.
“What's the matter with you?” he said.
“Matter with me? This is a great way to treat a man. You brought me up here in the hottest theatre the Lord ever allowed a man to work in, had a lot of darkies smash the piano so we couldn't play a note on it, and then you expect me to stand here and submit to it. I never want to play in your theatre again!”
“Now, son,” he said, “listen.”
“I don't want to listen!”
“Now you listen, or I'll get angry!”
“Well, go ahead; what do you want to say?”
“I know you're right. It was no place to put you. We should never have attempted to give a performance. But we'll have a rehearsal tomorrow morning, and everything will be all right.” He was almost gentle ― because he knew of no other leader for his orchestra. I shook my head dubiously at first but soon relented and agreed to try once more.
Next morning, when I arrived, the lady who sang, We Used to be Friends, But We're Strangers Now, or some such classical selection, descended on me with fire in her eyes: “You spoiled my song last night!”
翌朝、私が会場に入ると、「 We Used to be Friends, But We're Strangers Now」か何か、そういうクラシック曲を担当した女性歌手が、怒り心頭の目をして私の方へとやってきた。「昨夜はアンタのせいで、あたしの歌が台無しだったわよ!」
Kernan, who was sitting in the first row, called out to her roughly,
“That's enough from you; sit down! We've heard all we want. Go ahead with the rehearsal!”
We rehearsed, everything was all right and I stayed there until the winter season opened.
However, all was not so pacific where my studies were concerned. I was often disheartened. Professor Esputa was a kind man, but he believed that the way to manage boys was to “treat 'em rough.” He was considerate and kind to his girl students but invariably severe with the boys. This was no way to treat me, for at home I was used to kindness and love. Moreover, since I was following a profession quite foreign to the atmosphere of my home life (since Mother was unmusical and Father was not an especially good technical musician) I felt that every other music student of my acquaintance knew more than I did, and so I required much encouragement to keep me from becoming depressed and unhappy.
On one occasion I brought my professor an arrangement of my very first musical composition. I had heard the Traumerei of Schumann played very beautifully, and thought it a perfect melody ― to this day it still seems to me surpassingly beautiful ― and I wondered if I could write something a thousandth part as lovely. So I evolved a little piece which I called An Album Leaf for piano and violin, which I played to my unmusical mother, who said it was beautiful, and to my father, who asked to play it over again. Even the neighbors remarked that, while it wasn't as jolly as Dixie or as solemn as Nearer My God to Thee, still it was pretty! So when I went for my first lesson that week, I took it to the professor and placed it through. As we completed the last chord, he took the piano part between his fingers, tossed it over the instrument, and said, “This thing is nothing but cheese and bread, and bread and cheese.” Probably he intended only to stimulate me to greater efforts but, had he struck me, he could not have hurt me more than by that expression. I picked it up and even though it is only “bread and cheese, and cheese and bread,” I have kept that little piece among my treasures even unto today.
Another of my teachers was Mr. Benkert, with whom I studied harmony, violin and piano. Mr. Benkert took unusual interest in me and under his genial instruction I made rapid progress, especially in harmony, which would occupy most of the hour's lesson; although he would sometimes, when his engagements permitted, give me two- and three-hour lessons. My violin playing would begin after we had finished the harmony lessons. He would pick out a sonata of Beethoven or Mozart and I would play the violin part to his piano accompaniment; but he never gave me any instruction on the piano. Happening to mention that fact to my father, I was told, “Will you kindly say to Mr. Benkert I am anxious that you should know something about the piano?”
This I repeated to my teacher. He went to the piano and struck C on the ledger line below the staff of the right hand and asked what note it was. I said, “C.”
Then he struck the same note again and said, “What note is that?”
“Why,” I said, “That is C on the ledger line above the staff in the G clef.”
“I think that's as much piano as I want you to know. You seem to have a gift of knowing a composition by looking at it, and you may develop into a very original composer if you follow that line of procedure; whereas, if you become a good pianist you would probably want to compose on the instrument and, if you are not careful, your fingers will fall into pleasant places where somebody else's have fallen before.”
After I had been with Mr. Benkert I grew to love him. He seemed to me the perfect man. Brown beard, deep sunken eyes, and aesthetic features, he appeared to me a modern embodiment of the Saviour.
I was past nineteen by that time and playing first violin at Ford's Opera House, where the Alice Oates Opera Company was giving Offenbach's Les Bavards. I took the violin part with me to my lesson to have Mr. Benkert mark the fingering in one or two more or less intricate passages, and at the end, after going over it I said, with an outburst of boyish enthusiasm, “Mr. Benkert, do you think I will ever be able to write an opera?”
He put his hand on my head and said, “My son, you will write a better opera than this one you have just been playing.” That was encouragement. The nearest he ever showed his displeasure at any of my exercises was slowly to raise his nose. He died in his forties, beloved by every one who knew him, one of the finest musicians to whom American has given birth.
I published a few compositions while he was still with us; and, although he did not approve of a young man rushing into print too rapidly, he was good enough to go over the proofs of one with me. Its publication came about in an amusing way: a man much older than myself was very much in love with a pretty girl and he thought that a piece of music, dedicated to her, would smooth the road to matrimony. So he offered to pay for the publication of the piece. That brought into existence (they long since dropped into oblivion) a set of waltzes entitled Moonlight on the Potomac.
My next compositions were a march called The Review and a galop, The Cuckoo. I took them to Philadelphia to the then well-known firm of Lee and Walker. Their editor was the late Thomas a Becket, a fine musician and a splendid man. When he played my compositions they sounded much better than when I played them myself. I sold them to him for a hundred copies of each piece. They did not electrify the public, but were played by a few bands here and there.