Nowadays I allow myself a bit more of vacationing than formerly. Up to the time of the World War I toured with the Band practically the entire year, often following the road for fifty weeks, including both summer engagements and winter tours; but since the War I travel from July to December and then gather together my guns and equipment and go south for the shooting season. Then to Pinehurst for golf, and back to Long Island to write and to enjoy my home and my family. When June comes, I turn to programme-arranging for the next tour, to determining the personnel of the Band and to rehearsals. Once the tour is mapped out by my business manager it is submitted to me. On long engagements, and on foreign tours, I have always had my family with me.
I have been singularly blessed with a home life which has given me peace, harmony and understanding between the tours that demand so much of my energy, a home life far different from that of many a composer and musician. Surely nothing is so invaluable to a professional musician as the sincere and considerate affection of a loyal family. I have had it—and all because of Mrs. Sousa’s sympathy and foresight.
When we were first married and lived in Washington (on A Street, S. E., then on 6th Street and finally at the corner of 4th and B Streets, Capitol Hill) Mrs. Sousa realized that my life work was to be music, that music was an exacting mistress and that domestic affairs would have to be subordinated to the musical demands of the moment. She was therefore careful never to interrupt my train of thought or disturb me at my work. She has always had the kindliest words for my achievements, proving herself a constant inspiration because of her incurable belief that I can “do it better than anybody else!”
When I left Washington and my directorship of the Marine Band in 1892, I established my family in an apartment in New York City and the children began school there. We kept an apartment in New York until 1915 when we moved to the present family residence at Sands Point, Port Washington, Long Island.
Our children have brought us only happiness. Mrs. Sousa has been the most devoted of mothers—and grandmothers. My son John Philip, Jr. married Eileen Adams, who has presented us with five fine grandchildren, Eileen, John Philip, 3rd, Jane Priscilla, Thomas Adams and Nancy. My daughter Jane Priscilla is with us at Port Washington, and my other daughter, Helen, the wife of Hamilton Abert, has brought us still another lovely little Jane Priscilla.
At home, this family of mine has given me cooperation, appreciation and constructive criticism. As I write, I can recall the many conferences—frank in the extreme—about my work, and I have always profited by them. My wife and my children have been companions, editors, critics and audience, sharing my hopes and my hobbies, one harmonious company—like my Band.
“Recollection is the only Paradise from which we cannot be turned out,” says Richter. Every day has been and still is rich in its contacts with beautiful and talented women and gifted men. Their public often sees them as lovable but remote. “I” have found them lovable and “human”—in their play hours the most delightful of grownup children—Chaplin “in the wings” or De Koven at a dinner table.
I met De Koven when the American composers formed a Baton Society and we immediately became warm friends. He was a stickler for proprieties—his fastidious appearance being equalled only by the perfection of his manners, but at one banquet he said to me with the engaging candor of a child, “I wish you’d let me call you ‘Philip.’”
“All right,” was my reply, “but I should like to call you ‘Reggie.’” So thereafter it was “Philip” and “Reggie” although I doubt if many people addressed the dignified De Koven with so little ceremony. He had been educated in Vienna and England—at Oxford, in fact, and his excellent accent showed it. Of all De Koven’s operas, and there are twenty-five or more, “Robin Hood” retains best its pristine youth and vigor. It was first presented in England under the title of “Maid Marian” and was played here with great success by “The Bostonians.” I believe that it is the most popular opera ever written by an American composer.
To talk of light opera is, inevitably, to talk of Victor Herbert. It is always a pleasure to me to include many of his compositions on my programmes. I was handicapped in my own opera-writing by the difficulty of getting first class librettos and by the arduous demands of my long band tours, but I followed with interest the creative work of Herbert. He was the best-equipped man of his time for this work; curiously enough he always did his best when he was composing for some particular star; evidently it was necessary to him to have a definite human picture in his mind. Herbert was an excellent example of fine musicianship and it was a distinct aid to his success that he could give so much of his time to operatic writing. Perhaps no two men in the profession have been paired more often in the minds of the people than Herbert and myself. When I planned to go to Europe with my band for its first overseas tour (which the approach of the Spanish War prevented) Herbert, then conductor of the Twenty-Second Regiment Band, formerly Gilmore’s famous group, took my place at Manhattan Beach.
Since Herbert was a ‘cellist, orchestra work was naturally his first love and so it was that he formed an orchestra and became conductor of the Pittsburgh Symphony; before he left his New York band he presented me with a number of military pieces he had arranged and I still have them all. In those good old days, the three names most familiar to patrons of light opera were certainly Herbert, De Koven, and Sousa. Herbert, I am sure, wrote more light operas of high quality than any other composer in Europe or America.
The younger composers of to-day are immensely pleasant fellows to meet. It was at my first attendance of a “gambol” of the Lambs that I met Irving Berlin. William Courtleigh, Shepherd of the Lambs, had asked me to become an honorary member; I accepted gratefully, since I had many warm friends in the club. I went along on that famous “gambol” as general musical conductor. I wrote what is perhaps the only medley overture ever designed to be “acted out,” in which I had introduced solos, duets, choruses and dances in a new style of an old-time minstrel overture. It was a novelty and Frank McIntyre (of “Travelling Salesman” fame) afterwards told me that there had been some doubt as to whether it would “get over.” Well, no one ever knows which way “the cat will jump” just as no one ever knows just what will receive the stamp of public approval. In that respect, it resembled every other new creation! Berlin had a special song for that night—about Mexico—and he did it most cleverly. I found him a charming fellow, modest, entertaining and a mighty satisfactory companion. Our friendship is still very much alive.
Rudolph Friml, Berlin’s contemporary, has appeared with me several times in the Hippodrome stunt which combined a group of composers, each playing his most popular number. I considered him one of the very finest composer-pianists in the lot, and I might add that I was probably the very worst! I am perfectly sure that Friml knows it.
It was at the Hippodrome Sunday feature concerts in 1915 that I first met that public idol, Charles Chaplin. We had been revelling in the vocal gifts of Melba, Culp, Garden and Fremstad. Charlie was therefore quite a departure.
“I want to lead your band!” said Charlie.
“In what number?” I asked.
“The “Poet and Peasant” overture,” he confidently replied.
At the rehearsal he mounted the podium, took my baton and as the band started the stately measures of the opening, he proceeded to beat time fully four times too fast! That well-known blank expression came over his face but this time it was involuntary. “That isn’t it!” he exclaimed. I smiled. “But I’ve played it many years,” I reminded him. Suddenly I realized that he remembered only the “allegro” and had forgotten all about the “moderato”, so I told the band to begin again, this time with the “allegro”, and we were off! On the night of the performance, the audience, reading his name on the program and never having seen him in the flesh, suspected a trick—some clever impersonation of Chaplin—but, as he came from the wings, he did his inimitably funny little step and slowly proceeded to the band-platform. The house, convinced, rang with applause.
Among many pleasant musical associations has been my friendship with that gifted director and interpreter of music, Walter Damrosch. I have the following cordial letter from him:
_November 9, 1915_
Dear Mr. Sousa:
I regret more than I can say that I cannot be present at the presentation of the testimonial on your sixty-first birthday. In fact, having just seen and heard you at the Hippodrome in the full zenith of your activities I refuse to believe that it is your sixty-first! Your enthusiasm has kept you young and you are a wonderful example of the power of music over such a purely arbitrary thing as the marking of time, for you have “marked time” so ably and successfully that the “March King” has become a household word in every quarter of the globe. Your stirring rhythms have quickened the pulses of millions and we are all proud of you as a fellow American and fellow musician. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on this happy anniversary
and believe me
Yours most cordially,
Walter Damrosch
I have a host of friends among America’s actors. And I have worked with them at the pleasantest of tasks—that of amusing a group of sympathetic people. James T. Powers brought back to New York from Washington a song of mine, written for the Gridiron Club, whose guest he had been and he sang it many times for the Lambs. We had enjoyed the planning of that song and I still quote it at intervals. The refrain was “Do We, We Do!” a confirmation of the poet’s predilection for wine, woman and song, and Powers put a lot of energy into his eloquent rendition of “Do We, We Do!”
私にはアメリカ人俳優の友達が沢山いる。そして彼らとこの上なく嬉しい仕事をご一緒させていただいている。彼らは心優しい人達である。ジェームス・T・パワーズはワシントンからニューヨークへ、報道関係者団体「グリンドン・クラブ」のために私が書いた歌を引っさげてやってきた。彼はグリンドン・クラブにはゲストとして何度も歌を歌いにやってきている。その歌の企画は私達にとっては楽しい仕事で、今でも私は、自分の公演の幕間でこの曲を採り上げている。サビの部分に「Do We, We Do!」という歌詞がある。作詞者の酒好き・女好きがスゴイことを歌ったもので、パワーズもこの部分を歌う時は、特に力を込めて、堂々たる歌いっぷりで「Do We, We Do!」と演ってくれる。
Then there are Fred Stone, Frank Daniels and Francis Wilson. I came into constant contact with Wilson in my younger days. He was a contemporary of mine—born in 1854. I never wrote an opera for him, but I did do much of his orchestrating—”The Merry Monarch”, “The Lion Tamer,” etc. One of my prized possessions is a gold watch which he gave me in recognition of a “rush order” which I filled for him in the early nineties. He telegraphed me, “Will you orchestrate ”The Lion Tamer?” and I went on to New York immediately. Much of the music and some of the libretto had been taken from the French, but a few American numbers were included. I did the orchestration in one week, working from twenty to twenty-two hours a day. The play was a great success. Then came the gold watch—and Wilson offered me the position of musical director of his company, at a very high salary, which I declined.
Frank Daniels, since our first meeting, has always been extremely kind to me. One night, while he was playing in “The Wizard of the Nile” and I was in a box, thoroughly enjoying his performance, at the end of the first act, when the applause was at its height, someone in the gallery spied me and sent up the shout of, “Sousa!” The whole house turned to me and applauded. Frank rang up the curtain once more, took my hand and led me on to the stage. Of course the next cry was “Speech!”
Fred Stone—excellent shooter, fine horseman, all-round athlete and, incidentally, something of a comedian—has especially endeared himself to me because of his devotion to his daughter, Dorothy. Although we are both busy men, whenever we meet he says, “I’m sure Dorothy would be delighted to see you. Let’s go!” And we go.
It may seem a sort of inverted politeness to leave the ladies to the last but it is only following the rule of the most vivid impressions. Certainly it is not likely that I shall ever forget beautiful Maxine Elliott, vivacious Henrietta Crosman or the lovely Violet Heming. When I last saw Maxine we were in London where an English gentleman gave a supper to Nat Goodwin, Maxine, Edna May, Mrs. Sousa, and myself. About midnight, Nat said lugubriously, “Here we are,—all but the host—Americans, and according to my way of seeing it, you’re a success in London and so are Edna and Maxine, and “I’m” the only failure!” Nat never spoke to failure!
I am always looking for beauty everywhere, and I am among the first to pay it homage. I found it raised to the “n” th degree when I first met glorious Violet Heming. If all women were as beautiful as she the managers of marriage license bureaus would be working overtime!
In 1927 I met delightful Henrietta Crosman while she was appearing as one of the three stars in “Merry Wives of Windsor”. The others were Mrs. Fiske and Otis Skinner. I also renewed my acquaintance with Mrs. Fiske and was set right about the conductor in New Orleans who told me about that many-times-dedicated polka. To my friendly, “I knew your father well!” she contradicted me, “Why, no, that was my uncle!”
Marie Tempest sang with us at Manhattan Beach and the members of my Band won her heart completely. In one of her songs—”Vogelhander”—they hummed the chorus, as she sang. The combination, a new one at the time, “brought down the house.”
Lillian Nordica—there was a glorious voice! I was invited by the Rubinstein Society of New York to be toastmaster at a banquet at which Nordica was a guest. When I introduced her, I said, “We have the very great pleasure of having with us to-night the first ‘brass band girl’!” (For Gilmore, planning his trip to Europe in 1878, wanted a girl of talent with an American name and found both qualifications in this Maine girl—Lillian Norton. Once having heard her sing, of course he took her. The gifted girl found it a short step from brass band soloist to queen of the operatic stage.) That night she sang song after song, with the greatest generosity and with magnificent artistry. I shall never forget it, though the voice is stilled.
There comes to me out of the Past
A voice, whose tones are sweet and wild
Singing a song almost divine
And with a tear in every line.