

本編最終:第20章(1/1)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め!Marching Along」





































Music, whatever may be the opinion prevailing at home and abroad, is a vital and integral part of American life. What I have said earlier in this book concerning the capacity of Americans to write good music is not intended to apply to the future alone—I am proud to have known many and admired all of a host of American composers, Charles Wakefield Cadman, George W. Chadwick (Director of the New England Conservatory of Music), Arthur Foote (dean of American composers), Frederick S. Converse, Horatio Parker (a singularly brilliant and talented man), Stillman Kelly, John Alden Carpenter (my dear Western friend), Ethelbert Nevin, Henry Hadley, Homer N. Bartlett, Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Howard Brockway, George F. Bristow, Dudley Buck, Arthur B. Whiting, Edward MacDowell, Ernest Richard Kroeger, Adolph Martin Foerster, Reuben Goldmark and John Knowles Paine. Every one of these stands out in musical annals as an originator, not an imitator, and as a typical American.

音楽は、国内外で色々あるが、アメリカ人の生活にとっては、活力を与えてくれる無くてはならない存在だ。この本でも先に記したが、アメリカ人が良い音楽作品を書く能力については、これから先のことに限って申し上げているのではない。我が誇り高き知人である、アメリカ人作曲家達の数々をここに沢山ご紹介したい。チャールズ・ウェイクフィールド・カドマン、ジョージ・W・チャドウィック(ニューイングランド音楽院長)、アーサー・ウィリアム・フット(我が国の作曲家の最古参)、フレデリックSコンヴァース、ホレイショ・パーカー(無双の才能家)、スティルマン・ケリー、ジョン・オールデン・カーペンター(西部の我が親友)、エセルバート・ウッドリッジ・ネヴィン、ヘンリー・ハドレイ、ホーマー・N・バートレット、H. H. エイミー・マーシー・ビーチ婦人、ハワード・ブルックウェイ、ジョージ・F・ブリストー、ダッドリー・バック、アーサー・B・ホワイティング、エドワード・マクダウェル、アーネスト・リチャード・クルーガー、アドルフ・マルティン・フォエレステル、ルービン・ゴールドマーク(コープランドの先生)、ジョン・ノウルズ・ペイン。彼ら全員、誰もが音楽史に燦然と輝く、ゼロから物事を興し、他人のマネをせず、アメリカ人の鑑である。


When the question arises as to influences, I feel sure that the only

influence which American composers can be said to have had on others is that shown in imitations of Stephen Foster’s darky ballads, or of my marches. The European has had a style of his own to pursue and accordingly has not often attempted ours. On the other hand the younger country has of necessity been influenced by Continental methods. America has given us many harmonists, and men who have produced excellent examples of the purest music; ninety-nine per cent. of these men were educated in Europe and are dominated by foreign methods. However, just as opera programmes now display with pride such typically American names as Tibbets, Johnson, Hackett, Talley, Homer and Farrar, and foreign names are no longer particularly helpful to success in grand opera, so the influence of the German, French and Italian composers upon American composers is becoming almost negligible. I have always believed that ninety-eight per cent of a

student’s progress is due to his own efforts, and two per cent. to his

teacher. We are rapidly developing teachers of rare ability, and

students of talent and purpose; with such a combination, the whole

hundred per cent ought to emerge triumphant. Moreover, American teachers have one indisputable advantage over foreign ones; they understand the American temperament and can judge its unevenness, its lights and its shadows. They bring a native understanding to their pupil.



Such discussion leads inevitably to the question of nationalism in

music. Mark Twain tells a story of a celebrated actor who was

absolutely confident of the power of the human face to express the

passions hidden in the breast. He claimed that the countenance could disclose more surely than the tongue what was in the heart.



Observe my face,” said he. “What does it express?”


Bah! It expresses peaceful resignation. Now, what is this?”


Nonsense! It means terror. This?”


Are you mad? It is smothered ferocity. Can you tell this?”


The devil take you! Any ass can see it means insanity.”











An attempt to place a melody within geographical limits is bound to fail. Rhythmic qualities are imitated in all popular forms, but music, although it has many dialects, is, after all, a universal language.



The waltz may have been German in the beginning but it certainly

belongs to the world to-day. It is true that a phase of nationality

can” be depicted by national instruments but not always infallibly. A bagpipe can play a German melody quite as well as “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye.” The only true nationalism I have observed is that of imitation—where a man writes something fresh and original and is slavishly imitated by lesser lights who repeat the rhythmic flow in other compositions. If nationalism were a factor in music, would it be Wagner or Brahms in Germany who would represent the German in music, Debussy or Gounod in France, Sullivan or Elgar in England, Puccini or Respighi in Italy? We speak of music which is typically Irish; I have in my library nearly five hundred compositions by Irishmen and not one of these works shows the slightest trace of what we have been pleased to call the Irish note in music. And in Scotch, French and Spanish music we find any number of compositions that bear not the slightest tinge of localism.



Nor can one nationalize a melody by the placing of its harmonic

structure. Because you meet a blonde in Spain, is she a Swede; or a brunette in Sweden, is she a Spaniard? From a melody itself one cannot deduce its birthplace. “Yankee Doodle” is old English and not American at all. It is the individuality and the genius of the composer that matters, not the individuality of his race. Americans like the martial rhythm of the march but that does not make it more distinctly American than it is Serbian or Norwegian!



If there were absolutely national schools of music, then there would be no Wagnerian style, no Weberian style, nor would there be much difference between Schumann and Schubert. Mozart’s style is a combination of his own individual genius and the imitation of certain early Italians—is he then to be classed as typically German, when, instead, he is typically Mozart? We often hear that Chopin wrote essentially Polish music; he did not. He interpreted his own soul. His music is the faithful poetic revelation of the enigma of his heart. If that resembles the revelation of other Polish hearts it is because Poles feel things much as the rest of the great human family. No, I do not believe there is any such thing as nationalism in music.



I have every sort of faith in America’s meed of musical artists and

music-lovers. I firmly believe that we have more latent musical talent in America than there is in any other country. But to dig it out there must be good music throughout the land, a lot of it. Everyone must hear it, and such a process takes time. Most schools to-day have bands and orchestras for boys and girls; I have often met high school bands (one-third girls) who were not confined to ordinary routine instruments but joyfully executed pieces on tubas, trombones, clarinets, etc. This enlivening of interest means an increase in the number of American concert-goers and, accordingly, in the number of concerts. I think that the quality of all bands is steadily improving and it is a pleasant thought to me that perhaps the efforts of Sousa’s Band have quickened that interest and improved that quality.



It is fascinating to watch the barometer of public favor and to

observe what gains interest and how. We have a secret love for the old hymn tunes and the American response to these melodies is a keen one. There is a deep-lying foundation of religious sentiment in our temperament which quickens to those songs, and the simple fervor of hymn tunes (the older the better) makes a profound impression upon American audiences. True, we do not wear our religion on our coat-sleeves, but we are nevertheless strongly affected by religious impulses.



At the moment, radio is undoubtedly wielding a tremendous influence over the public. By this medium the masses are becoming acquainted as never before with the best of the world’s music. It is pleasanter, moreover, at times to give oneself up to the charms of music with pipe and foot-stool at hand than in the crowded concert hall. I cannot tell whether this influence extends to the student of music in his practice, for I am sure that the progress of any student depends largely upon the urge he feels “within” him. But even at its highest and finest degree, radio will never take the place of the personal performance by the artist. It fulfills its purpose, just as the movies do, but its scope is limited. The rapport between performer and audience is invaluable and can be fully attained only through actual vision. I have refrained from broadcasting for this very reason; I am reluctant to lose the warm personal touch with my audience.



Still, the radio is excellent for our busy people. Americans have such a diversity of interests! The United States has, I think, a greater variety of sport attractions than any other country. We have clubs where much time is given to encouraging and perfecting tennis, golf, baseball, trap-shooting, hockey, prize-fighting—even dominoes! Therefore the American man, rising from his dinner and seeking diversion, may often be torn between two loves—the lure of a concert and the stronger lure of a hockey match or a track meet. It is just another case of “t’other dear charmer!” Variety is the spice of life to an American and so he doesn’t always choose the opera or the concert. Your German or your Frenchman has fewer attractions from which to select his programme for the evening—and the opera or the concert has become a habit with him.



Certainly “jazz” takes up a goodly share of the American’s time,—too much, to my way of thinking. “Jazz,” like the well-known little girl with the curl, when it is good is very, very good, and when it is bad it is “horrid.” The greater part of it is very bad. Its popularity is the result of the avowed tastes of those people who care only for music which is strongly rhythmical. Its harmonic structure is not new and its melodic design is very, very old. I have seen advertisements offering to teach the “art” of jazz in “twenty lessons!” And this wonderful art will, I am positive, some day disappear—when the dancer tires of it—unwept, unhonored and unsung. It is raging now, to be sure, and has a considerable following, but it does not truly represent America to the world; it does reflect a certain phase of the world’s life (not America’s alone) since it employs primitive rhythms which excite the basic human impulses. It will endure just as long as people hear it through their feet instead of their brains!



Almost every good tune in the world has been unmercifully

jazzed—exquisite melodies whether grave or gay—themes from “Aïda” and the lovely creations of Saint-Saens and Tchaikowsky. Some of the writers of jazz are not composers at all. “Jazz” permits people of no talent whatever to write stuff and call it music. There is no short cut to skill in composition.



Marches, of course, are well known to have a peculiar appeal for me. Although during a busy life I have written ten operas and a hundred other things—cantatas, symphonic poems, suites, waltzes, songs, dances and the like—marches are, in a sense, my musical children. I think Americans (and many other nationals for that matter) brighten at the tempo of a stirring march because it appeals to their fighting instincts. Like the beat of an African war drum, the march speaks to a fundamental rhythm in the human organization and is answered. A march stimulates every center of vitality, wakens the imagination and spurs patriotic impulses which may have been dormant for years. I can speak with confidence because I have seen men profoundly moved by a few

measures of a really inspired march.



But a march must be good. It must be as free from padding as a marble statue. Every line must be carved with unerring skill. Once padded, it ceases to be a march. There is no form of musical composition where the harmonic structure must be more clean-cut. The whole process is an exacting one. There must be a melody which appeals to the musical and unmusical alike. There must be no confusion in counterpoints. The composer must, to be sure, follow accepted harmonization; but that is not enough. He must be gifted with the ability to pick and choose here and there, to throw off the domination of any one tendency. If he is a so-called purist in music, that tendency will rule his marches and will limit their appeal.



How are marches written? I suppose every composer has a somewhat similar experience in his writing. With me the thought comes, sometimes slowly, sometimes with ease and rapidity. The idea gathers force in my brain and takes form not only melodically but harmonically at the same time. It must be complete before I commit it to paper. Then I instrument it according to the effects it requires. Often I fix my mind upon some objective—such as the broad spaces of the West, the languorous beauty of the South, the universal qualities of America as a whole. And then comes its musical expression—be it thunder or sunshine!



I do not, of course, manufacture my themes deliberately; the process isn’t direct or arbitrary enough for that. It is not a nonchalant morning’s work. I often dig for my themes. I practice a sort of self-hypnotism, by penetrating the inner chambers of my brain and “receiving” the themes. Any composer who is gloriously conscious that he “is” a composer must believe that he receives his inspiration from a source higher than himself. That is part of my life “credo”. Sincere composers believe in God.



Curiosity has often been expressed as to the building up of a musical background, of the whole complex orchestration. The process is difficult of description. In the fashioning of the orchestration the theme occupies somewhat the relation to the whole structure that a leader does to his orchestra—forever weaving in and out, emerging vividly here and subordinating itself there. Of course it is necessary to understand the science of music-making. I might say the theme sounds through the brain—it wakens vibrations from the memory chords of the brain and produces creative activity; the mind quickens, hovers intently about the suggested theme, and gradually the theme, the technique and artistry of the composer all work together to build up the orchestration.



Composers are an odd lot, but I sometimes think visiting ones are

oddest of all. I remember one composer-musician who made a tour of the United States and later abused the country in general but added that “one” part of it was charming—California. The explanation was that, at the time,—years ago—the Californians were not as relentless in their criticisms as were the Easterners. So it is that wounded egotism often permits itself ridiculous untruths.



Despite such occurrences nearly every European artist looks forward with eagerness to the day when he can vend his musical wares in the U. S. A. He never gives a thought to presenting them to the Patagonians. Why not? Because there would be no monetary “quid pro quo” and because he could not find an intelligent public. These artists—at least the honest ones—must feel that in the United States they are well paid for their efforts and that those efforts if worthy, are invariably appreciated. Moreover, the symphonic orchestras of America are as well equipped as those of Europe (often better equipped) to provide an adequate medium for composer or soloist, and the range of musical literature is greater here. I “know” that we have greater variety in that field, for when I toured Germany they knew little and cared less about French music; the same attitude prevailed in France concerning German music. Our population is more cosmopolitan in character, our tastes are less limited and we are more open to the delights of eclecticism in music. Europeans claim to be international in their

tastes, but to my interested eye they were pathetically provincial,

perhaps deliberately so, for they always magnified their own music.



Once in Germany I met a sour-faced man who informed me that my outfit played well enough but that their music was too “sugary”! Well, Wagner, Tchaikowsky and Saint-Saens were included on that programme and although I was guilty of choosing the pieces and my audience was guilty of liking them, primarily the composer was guilty of having written them!



It is much easier to ridicule the taste of a nation than to improve or correct it. Foreigners laugh at our naïve taste in the arts, and we, with equal thoughtlessness, journey abroad and find food for mirth in their obsolete customs. There are plenty of explanations for both. “Our” limitations are due to the fact that we have been developing an enormous territory in an astonishingly short time and have been trying simultaneously to absorb the literature, art and music of Europe.



We can afford the best in this country, and once convinced that we

desire it, we shall achieve it; the desire is rapidly being implanted,

therefore we are going to achieve the best in music. Of course our

cousins across seas, like all affectionate relatives, persist in

prolonging our infancy. Witness Williams of the English Grenadier

Guards Band, who said, indulgently, upon his return to London after an American tour: “We did not try to force upon the American people too ‘hifalutin’ music—and that is no doubt the secret of our success.”



If I could meet the rising army of young American composers face to face, I should say to them, speaking with a veteran’s privilege of

frankness, “Be yourself and never an imitator. Do not be obscure, and do not be a materialist—it will ruin your work. Remember always that the composer’s pen is still mightier than the bow of the violinist; in you lie all the possibilities of the “creation” of beauty. You need turn to the orchestra, the piano and the band only for the faithful interpretation of what “you” have envisioned.”



The rest of the world has had a long start, but the American composer with his heritage of creative genius from a race which has produced thirteen out of twenty of the great inventions of the past three centuries, is well qualified to catch up! We require time but (to employ the American vernacular) “we’ll get there!”



To-day, if I were a young composer, I would rather submit my chances of success or failure to an American public than to any other public in the world. It is essentially music-loving. I have “laid my ear to it, to see if it be in tune” for these many years, and it has never discouraged or disappointed me. I can think of a thousand glorious and satisfying responses. Moreover, there is concrete evidence of musical interest all over the country. Looking over the field of the finest, I find some twenty-five orchestral societies giving series of concerts; some forty-five festival associations appearing before the public every year; some hundred choral groups and musical ensembles; some eight grand opera companies; at least a hundred and fifty pianists and an equal number of violinists and ‘cellists; more than two hundred agencies, and a myriad of singers going up and down the highways and byways of this great land. All this confirms my assertion that ours

is” a musical nation.



As for myself, I began my apprenticeship as an orchestral player—a violinist, and I paid little attention to wind organizations until I led the Marine Band. Like most people who are, so to speak, brought up on the fiddle, I didn’t have a proper respect for wind combinations.



To me, band instrumentation in those early days left a void that cried out to be filled—I was never satisfied. Wholly lacking were the qualities I felt a band should and could possess—a tone as sustained as that of an organ and a brilliancy of execution similar to that of the piano. I began my career with the Marines determined to develop a musical body as important in its own field, as any orchestra. This determination was bound, of course, to deflect my sympathies and affection from orchestra to wind-band.



Since the day when I strove to lift the Marine Corps Band out of its narrow rut of polkas, grand opera cavatinas and national airs, the public has accepted my offerings graciously. The press too, has always treated me with the utmost consideration, and has ever shown a kindly spirit toward the work I produced. Whenever I look over my unwieldly tomes of clippings, I feel like saying, “Gentlemen of the press, I salute you!” Success is, after all, only the friendly fusion of the feelings of giver and receiver and I appreciate every cordial handclap and every printed word which has paved the way to the long continuation of my band appearances. Had I not received so overwhelming a reception thirty years ago I could not have proceeded with enthusiasm and confidence; in those days when the air resounded to the strains of Sullivan, Strauss and Sousa, I was warmed and delighted by this appreciation of my work.



But inevitably there will come a time when I shall be too feeble to

serve my public longer. When that time comes I shall lay down my baton and say, “God bless all of you—every member of a faithful following. The love shown me is returned a hundredfold, I assure you, and I am proud to say it. I thank you, every one, for what you have done to make my life so rich in happy memories. I hope that, long after my marches have been forgotten, the clarion call of America which I tried to make the keynote of my compositions will continue to inspire her children with undying loyalty.”



Well, every concert must reach its last number, the echo of the last

fine fanfare must fade away and the conductor’s baton be laid aside. At the behest of the Baton of Memory I have called back the melodies of a thousand happy concerts, re-awakened the echoes of many a stirring march and tuneful opera. If, out of the cadences of Time, I have evoked one note that, clear and true, vibrates gratefully on the heartstrings of my public—I am well content.
