

「Copland on Musicを読む」第11回の2 南アメリカの作曲家達 1941年 ブラジル・チリ他




The name of Heitor Villa-Lobos dominates all talk of musical composition in Brazil. Villa-Lobos is, of course, the dominating figure, not only in Brazil, but on the whole South American Continent. Still, this fact should not obscure the existence of other worthy men in his own country. Brazil, like Mexico, boasts a full-blooded school distinguishable from the European or any other model. This comparatively recent emergence is to be attributed to the fact that almost without exception Brazilian composers have frankly addressed themselves to their folklore, which is unusually rich, being based on four different sources ― Negro, Indian, Portuguese, and even Spanish. Combine this with the sharply defined features of the Brazilian temperament, which is uninhibited, abundant, non-critical, romantic, and you get a music with more “face” than that of any other Latin-American nation. 



But the blanket use of folk material carries with it certain dangers. In Brazil it narrows the field of action, for most composers confine themselves to the languorously sentimental or the wildly orgiastic mood, with very little between. Moreover, it encourages a type of romanticism that gives much of their music an old-fashioned touch ― as if the essence had all been stated before, though not with the particular Brazilian twist. In this respect Mexican composers are more fortunate. The Mexican temperament is far more disciplined and therefore closer by nature to the generally sober line of new music. 



Aside from its exclusive folklore bias Brazilian music suffers at present from a lack of what is called musical ambiente. The ambiente, or atmosphere, is definitely provincial, lacking stimulus for the wide-awake composer who wishes to keep abreast of the times. As a result, surprisingly few long or elaborate works are composed. Some ballets and a few operas have been written, but the balance sheet is weak as regards orchestral scores. On the other hand, literally hundreds of attractive songs and piano pieces have appeared in recent years, many of them have been published, and some few have even begun to find their way on American concert programs. That is where one hears the distinctive Brazilian note most easily ― the sinuous melodies, the Negroid background rhythms, the peppery repeated notes, and the peculiar brand of nostalgia they called saudade. 



For Brazilian art in general it is hard to find a more representative figure than Villa-Lobos, yet anyone evaluating his work takes on a heavy job. He has written hundreds of pieces in every category. As I see it, the Villa-Lobos music has one outstanding quality ― its abundance. That is its primary virtue. It is also at times enormously picturesque, free of musical prejudices, full of rhythmic vitality, sometimes cheap and vulgar with an overdose of figuration formulas ― and sometimes astonishingly original. It has a way of being most effective on first hearing. Structurally the pieces are often loosely thrown together, making the impression of an inextricable melange of authentic Brazilian atmosphere plus a full quota of modern French compositional processes. At his finest Villa-Lobos is a kind of zestful Brazilian Falla. His worst may be straight cafe concert music. He is always an absorbing composer because of his extraordinarily instinctive gift, which makes each composition unpredictable, full of surprises. 



Some of the attention lavished on the work of Villa-Lobos could profitably be diverted to the music of Francisco Mignone, Camargo Guarnieri, or Lorenzo Fernandez. 



Camargo Guarnieri, who is now about thirty-five, is in my opinion the most exciting “unknown” talent in South America. His not inconsiderable body of works should be far better known than they are. Guarnieri is a real composer. He has everything it takes ― a personality of his own, a finished technic, and a fecund imagination. His gift is more orderly than that of Villa-Lobos, though nonetheless Brazilian. Like other Brazilians, he has the typical abundance, the typical romantic leanings (sometimes, surprisingly enough, in the direction of Ernest Bloch), and the usual rhythmic intricacies. The thing I like best about his music is its healthy emotional expression ― it is the honest statement of how one man feels. There is, on the other hand, nothing particularly original about his music in any one department. He knows how to shape a form, how to orchestrate well, how to lead a bass line effectively. The thing that attracts one most in Guarnieri's music is its warmth and imagination, which are touched by a sensibility that is profoundly Brazilian. At its finest his is the fresh and racy music of a “new” continent. 







The fact that Chile is on the west coast of South America has made a great deal of difference in its musical history, It has lived a comparatively isolated musical life, maintaining only superficial relations with other South American countries. As a result, the capital city, Santiago, has developed a remarkably self-reliant and well-integrated musical existence, in which the composers have taken a leading role. So far as musical organization goes, Chile is far in advance of the other Latin American countries. Most interesting musical events take place under the aegis of the faculty of fine arts of the University of Chile. Since the university is an autonomous body, subsidized by law but under no governmental control, the dean of the faculty is in an excellent position to carry on important cultural work in music. For example, the Orquesta Sinfonica de Chile is managed by the Fine Arts Department, which has allotted all the administrative posts to composers. The conductor is a native Chilean, the gifted Armando Carvajal. Obviously things are done differently here. Most of the setup is due to the efforts of the present Dean, Dr. Domingo Santa Cruz, a very energetic and competent musician (Dr. Santa Cruz, now(1960) retired from his post, has seen his work continued by his former pupils and colleagues). 




So far as composition goes, one continues to see the group tendency strongly in evidence ― this time, however, with less good results. Chilean music lacks outside air. Forming only a small circle (though surprisingly numerous in relation to the size of Santiago), Chilean composers influence each other too much. Their music is not as fresh as it might be. There is a definite overstressing of the nostalgic note ― a kind of Ravel-like nostalgia, thickened by complex chromatic chords that seem more complex than is absolutely necessary. I miss the bold and affirmative note that one expects in the music of a newly developing country. I hasten to add, however, that the composers with whom I spoke seemed well aware of these limitations and intent upon developing the national musical creativity along broader lines. 

作曲に関しては、一つのまとまった傾向が強く見受けられる。残念ながらここではあまり良い傾向ではない。チリの音楽は外の空気をもっと吸わねばならない。こじんまりと一箇所にまとまって(それでもサンティアゴの規模を考えると信じられないくらい作曲家の数は多いが)いるため、お互いの影響を受けすぎている。彼らの音楽はもっと新鮮味を醸し出せるはずだ。明らかに懐古主義的な音使いに重きを置きすぎている。ラベルがかつてやったような、複雑な半音階のコードで音に厚みを付けているが、明らかにやり過ぎなくらい複雑なのだ。新興国ならではの細かいことを気にしない大胆な音使いを期待したい。忘れないうちに付け加えておくなら、私が取材で話をした作曲家たちは こういった頭打ちをよく自覚しており、もっと国を挙げて想像性を広げてゆこうという意識を持っている。 


The outstanding composer is, without doubt, Domingo Santa Cruz. His technic is extremely solid, far in advance of most composers on the West Coast. But, like our own Roger Sessions, Santa Cruz is more the philosopher-composer than the composer pure and simple. This gives his music, particularly the recent examples, a scholarly look that makes one respect rather than love it. Still, the recent Five Short Pieces for String Orchestra has warmth within the neoclassic frame that inspires renewed interest in the working of this inquisitive mind. 



Humberto Allende, now a man of about sixty, is one of South America's most sensitive composers. It is easy to enjoy the best of his music, but undoubtedly lacks variety. His most famous composition, the twelve Tonadas for piano, is sad and poetic .But the sadness and poetry are real, underneath the Parisian veneer, vintage 1923. He has taught many of the younger men and is looked upon with much affection by his confreres. 



Carlos Isamitt is both painter and composer. His musical works may be divided briefly into those based on Araucanian Indian melodies, and those without any folk material. Personally I much prefer the Araucanian works. The others suffer badly from a type of harmony that is far too peculiar to be real. Isamitt's music would improve if he were able to inject into his work some of the quiet charm of his personality. 



The younger generation is best represented by Rene Amengual and Alfonso Letelier, both in their early thirties. Letelier has the more spontaneity, but Amengual has more technic. What they both need is a larger experience of the whole field of modern music (Humberto Allende died in 1959 and Rene Amengual in 1954. The outstanding representative of the younger generation at the present time is the gifted Juan Orrego-Salas). 







Uruguay has an active musical life though it is confined almost entirely to the capital city of Montevideo. Unfortunately it has failed to exploit its composers, of whom there are very few. But one of the most impressive new talents in all South America is a Uruguayan, Hector Tosar, a quiet, nervous youth of eighteen who is studying law and music simultaneously. He has a vivid imagination, dash, and elan; his music reminds me a little of Shostakovich. It is still student work, naturally, but very promising. 



In Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador musical composition is still in its infancy. (This is said to be even more true of Paraguay, Bolivia, and Venezuela, a report I was not able to verify by personal observation [Two important festivals of Latin American orchestral music took place in Venezuela in fifties. Antonio Esteves emerged as a Venezuelan composer of consequence.]) Several factors account for this ― the lack of any rigorous training for composers, a dolce far niente attitude on the part of the students, and a generally low ebb of musical activity. The only composers whose work is worth serious consideration, Guillermo Uribe Holguin in Colombia and Andre Sas in Peru, are European-trained. 

コロンビア、ペルー、そしてエクアドルは、作曲活動についてはこれからその成果がまたれるところだ(この点、もっと言えるのがパラグアイボリビア、そしてベネズエラだ。私一人の調査では、何も見いだせなかった [1950年代になり、ベネズエラを開催国として、二つのラテン・アメリカの管弦楽作品を採りあげた重要な音楽祭が行われ、この時はアントニオ・エステベスが重要な役割を果たしている ]。)。色々原因は考えられるが、それは作曲家を育てるしっかりとし多態性が整っていないとか、学生の方も「のんびり、ゆっくり、何もせず」の雰囲気があるとか、全体的に音楽活動自体が下火だとか、といったところであろう。ヨーロッパで学んだ経験を持つギルジェルモ・ウリベ・オルギン(コロンビア)と、アンドレ・サス(ペルー)の二人ぐらいしか、注目に値しないと思われる。 


Sas is a naturalized Peruvian who was born in Belgium but has lived in Lima for almost twenty years. He has written mostly songs, piano or violin pieces, tastefully done in the Gallic manner. He claims to be too busy with his teaching to engage in longer works for orchestra. Many of his pieces are based on Inca material, but this is no more than a detail since in spirit Sas can be thought of only as European. While in Lima I was fortunate in hearing a group of native performers called the Conjunto Vivanco, who produced a fascinating music on home-made harps, violins, flutes, rattles and ram's-horns. Someday a Peruvian composer will be able to re-create the music I heard in terms of a symphonic combination, in the way that Chavez has done for Mexican native music. 



Uribe Holguin has been Colombia's outstanding musician for a good many years. At sixty he has a long list of works to his credit, only a very few of which I was able to examine. These seemed definitely on the French side, as would be natural in a man who trained in Paris under D'Indy. They did not, however, give the impression of being carefully done, though the musical quality was pleasant enough. 



A musical roundup of South American composers would not normally include Cuba, but there is no doubt that culturally and musically Cuba belongs with the Latin American countries. Serious music in Cuba suffered a setback in the death of its two leading men ― Amadeo Roldan in 1939 and Alejandro Caturla in 1940. The only composer of importance now writing works there in the larger forms is Jose Ardevol, a naturalized Spaniard of thirty, who has taken Roldan's place as the teacher of most of Havana's young composers. He is a very intelligent musician and a gifted artist. His recent works stem directly from the neoclassic aesthetic, giving them at times a too great similarity of style and emotional content. Still, they are well worth exportation, and should be heard in this country. 



Cuba has a folk music comparable in interest to that of Brazil. No one seems to be carrying on the tradition set by Roldan and Caturla of using that material as a basis for serious composition (this remains largely true, even of the work of Julian Orbon, Cuba's most gifted composer of the new generation). Gilberto Valdes, who composes musica tipica, for his radio orchestra, comes closest to fitting into this category. With more training and greater discipline he might even become the Gershwin of Cuban music. 



Today one may wonder why we have been so little conscious of the music of South America. But from now on, whatever other result the world crisis may bring, it is a safe bet that musical relations with our southern neighbors will be different. 
