On the occasion of my second appearance at the White House, at a dinner given to the ambassadors and to members of the Supreme Court, I had a set-to with a man of African descent, which brought about an immediate reform in the matter of refreshments for my band. The members of the band had complained to me from time to time that when they were called to get something to eat, after playing several hours, they found, on reaching the dining-room in the basement of the White House, that a motley crowd of waiters, garden helpers and policemen had devoured nearly everything on the table. One bandsman told me that the last time he attempted to answer the supper call, he received only a plate of oyster soup ― without the oyster.
On the second night we had been playing almost incessantly from 7:30 until 10 when a burly, dictatorial colored man ― a left-over from General Grant's administration ― came over to my stand and grumbled, “You an' yo' musicianers can go downstairs now and get something to eat.”
I looked at him a moment and then, a faraway look in my eyes, replied, “It has been my privilege to see the Jungfrau in all her snowy grandeur; I have seen the lazy Tyrrhenian lap the Neapolitan pebbled shore; I have heard the melodic words of the silvervoiced orator expound the beauties of America. I have heard much, and seen more, but I never expected to hear a menial of the President of the United States use a word not in the dictionary and never used in polite society in any part of this mundane sphere. What, precisely, do you mean by 'Musicianers?' Explain yourself.”
“Explain? Hell!” said he, “If yo' don' go downstairs to the dinin' room, you won't get nothin' to eat.”
I turned to the band and said, “This colored man, evidently deputized by someone higher in authority, says if you don't hurry, you will get nothing to eat. Those who wish to go are excused.” Eight or ten went. They returned shortly, however, reporting an entire absence of food.
The next time we played, the same colored man came to me and said, a trifle less aggressively than before, “There's some grub downstairs for the band if dey wants it.” I said, “Just a moment, please, and I will give your order.” Turning to the bandsmen, I said, “This dusky factotum reports that there is grub downstairs for you. Whoever wants it may be excused.” Not a man left his place. The old darky went off, shaking his head and muttering, “I'll be damned!”
Next morning there was a message at the barracks asking me to call at the White House as soon as possible. I went immediately. Colonel McCook, the officer in charge, informed me that the summons was from Mrs. Hayes, who entered very soon and said in her kindly fashion, “Mr. Sousa, the President is anxious at all times to contribute to the welfare of those who entertain his guests. It was reported to him that neither you nor your band accepted his invitation to have some refreshments last night. There must be mistake; possibly it is on our part. Won't you talk it over with Colonel McCook, who, I am sure, will set everything right?”
Consequently, I told the Colonel just what had happened, giving him an account of the colored man's attitude and the disappearance of the food before my men could get there. “Mrs. Hayes was very particular about ordering luncheon for your men,” he said, “and, hereafter, we will see that they, and they only, get it.” At the next White House affair, when lunchtime arrived, a young man came up to me and said respectfully, “Mr. Sousa, there is a luncheon for your men down in the dining room. Please tell each of them to rap twice on the door and they will be admitted. The President has arranged for your luncheon in the State Dining Room and will be pleased to have you accept his invitation.” Such thoughtfulness was characteristic of General Hayes.
The next President was General Garfield, whose tenure of office was so short that I had little opportunity to form any estimate of him as president or man. We played only once at the White House during his administration; ― that is, we should have played there, but by a curious circumstance, we failed to connect, much to Mrs. Garfield's disappointment, and to our own. We were ordered with the Marine Battalion to take part in the dedication of the Farragut statue. Leaving the barracks about 8 A.M., we marched to the northwest of the city, waited until the ceremonies commenced, took part in them, and reached the barracks again about 6:30 that evening. The tired band was dismissed. All the men who lived out of barracks left immediately. I went home, changed to “civies” and sat down to dinner. Presently the doorbell rang and a maid brought me this message from an orderly, “The Commanding Officer wants you as quickly as possible.”
I jumped up, re-assumed my uniform and hurried to the barracks three blocks away. “Sousa,” said the Commanding Officer, “a message has just been received for the band to report at the White House in full dress at eight o'clock.” “But,” said I, “it's after seven now, the band has been dismissed for the day, and the men are probably scattered all over the town, and no doubt many of them are playing at private engagements and I know it will be hopeless to try to find them in time.” “Well,” he replied tersely, “those were my instructions and those are your orders.”
We sent our messengers and they found just one man, the bassdrummer. So at eight o'clock, I, in my gorgeous red uniform, sat at one end of the platform, and the bass-drummer at the other. There was a dazzling array of music stands and empty chairs, but no men. The President, evidently, saw the humorous side of it, for when I explained it to him, he said it couldn't be helped. All evening long we sat there, the drummer and I. When the reception was over, I dismissed the drummer with proper military ceremony and we filed out. We had reported for duty, were present and accounted for, though the President and his guests heard never a note.
That was the only time I met Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, for an assassin's bullet ended the life of the President. I was so confident that the President would recover that Wilson J. Vance, at that time Appointment Clerk of the Treasury Department, and myself, were planning a hymn of thanksgiving for his recovery. We had several interviews and were about to begin work when the terrible message came that the President had died at Elberon. I had retired when I heard the newsboy shouting the sad tidings.
I got up, dressed, and told my wife I wanted to get out in the air, and I walked all night, in fact, until ten o'clock next morning. I came home, took music paper and wrote the dirge In Memoriam, which we played when the President's body was received at Washington and when he was put to rest in the cemetery in Cleveland.
When Mr. Arthur became President we were still idle because of the period of mourning over the death of General Garfield, and we did not appear at White House for several months. One day in the late Spring I met the President's private secretary on Pennsylvania Avenue. He stopped me, and said, “The President wants the band next Thursday evening.”
Next morning I told the Commandant that the band would be required at the White House on the following Thursday, to which he replied, “Of course they'll send their orders through the proper military channels.”
When Thursday arrived and no order had been received at the barracks. I went to the Commandant and asked him to telephone the Navy Department because I felt sure there must be some mistake. He reluctantly telephoned, for he was a military man and did not approve of slipshod methods. The message was returned that the band was not required. I was anxious to go, as it would have been our first appearance during the Arthur Administration; but the answer from the Department led me to believe that the period of mourning was not over, and that Mr. Arthur had decided not to have music at his party.
Next morning, while I was at breakfast, a messenger came from the barracks saying the Commandant wished to see me immediately. Straight to the Commandant's office I went. “Did you go to the White House last night?” he asked. “No, sir.” I replied, “I was told by you that I was not needed.” “Well,” he said, “the Secretary wants to see you find out why you were not there.” And off I went, puzzled but determined to defend my band.
Mr. Hunt, the Secretary of the Navy, very evidently expected me. “Sousa,” he said “the President is much displeased at your failure to be at the White House with the band last night. You go over to the White House and make your peace with the President. Explain your absence, then come back to me.” I could see that he was very much worried.
At the White House I was escorted to the office of the private secretary. When I entered I said, “I am more than sorry the band was not here last night, but I desire to make an explanation.”
“We don't want to hear any explanation. The President will get a leader who will obey his orders.”
“I wish to explain,” I reiterated.
“We don't want your explanations,” he replied, angrily, waving his hand towards the door.
Without another word I returned to the Navy Department ― to the Secretary's room.
“I hope you fixed things up,” he said.
“No, Mr. Secretary,” I replied, “it's worse than ever.” I then recounted my interview at the White House, and Mr. Hunt asked, “What will you do?”
“Do?” I repeated. “Mr. Secretary, did you order me to appear at the White House? No, you didn't. I get my orders from the Commandant, who gets them from you ― not from a private secretary, and I did not receive any orders from you to appear at the White House. Had I, I would have been there. I would have been pleased to go, but I received no orders,” and I bowed myself out.
Although I knew I was right, I immediately went to see Senator John F. Miller of California in his Committee Room at the Capitol. He was a friend of mine and a great friend of the President. He laughed heartily.
“That's a great joke on Arthur,” he said. “Don't you worry; he'll appreciate it. He was in the sutler's department during the war and probably didn't understand military etiquette or he wouldn't have allowed you to be ordered out at the command of a private secretary. Don't worry.”
I didn't, and the matter ended. I never knew whether Senator Miller talked with Mr. Arthur or not, but I know there was no further trouble during his administration. While the President was much more reserved when he talked to me than was President Hayes before him, he never showed any indication of resentment.
The coming of Chester A. Arthur had placed the office of President poles away from the American atmosphere of the Hayes era. One snobbish official said to me in high glee, “At last we have a gentleman for a President!” If he meant a President who differed from Grant, and from Hayes, as I knew him, then he was right. But if being a gentleman involves following lines of pure Americanism, he was wrong. Mr. Arthur would have done admirably in an absolute monarchy, but that he carried out the American tradition of cordiality, I do not believe. The austerity of President Arthur was reminiscent of the effete aristocracy of the Old World; the genial activity of Hayes, Cleveland and Harrison suggested the pioneer stock of America.
I can hardly credit the oft-repeated story that General Grant knew only two tunes, one of which was Yankee Doodle and the other wasn't. I have known more than one President, relieved from the onerous duties of a great reception, to find rest by sitting quietly in the corner of a convenient room, and listening to the music.
At one of Arthur's state dinners, the President came to the door of the main lobby of the White House, and beckoning me to his side, asked me to play the Cachuca. A young lady wanted to do a Spanish dance to that tune. When I explained that we had not the music with us, but would be glad to include it on our next program, the President looked surprised, and said: “Why, Sousa, I thought you could play anything. I'm sure you can. Now give us the Cachuca.”
This placed me in a predicament, as I did not wish the President to believe that the band was not at all times able to respond to his wishes. Fortunately one of the bandsmen remembered the melody and played it over softly to me on his cornet. I hastily wrote out several parts for the leading instruments and told the rest of the band to “vamp.” We played the Cachuca to the satisfaction of Mr. Arthur, who came to the door and said “I knew you could play it.”