

第3章(2/4)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め!Marching Along」

The next day I left for Streator, Illinois, reaching there at about the same time that his company did. I reported to him and the first question he asked was, “Have you had any experience in engaging musicians?” 



“No,” I said, “except with a little dance orchestra in Washington.” 

“You go down to the theatre,” he said, “and find out who the leader of the orchestra is, then go out and engage not over ten men at the best price you can, have a thorough rehearsal, for they'll need it, and then report conditions to me.” 



I found the local leader in a paint shop, weighing out white lead and putty, his arms and face smeared with many-colored daubs. He assured me that he was ready to talk “art” and that he was the man with whom to do business. I told him that I was the leader of the travelling company which was to perform that night and asked if he could supply ten men for the orchestra. He took his cigar from his mouth, and said, “Can supply you as many as you want.” 



“How much do you charge per man?” I asked. 

“Two dollars a skull, “ was his reply. 




“Well,” I said, falling into his mode of expression, “I want ten skulls ― one first skull, one second skull, viola, 'cello, and bass skulls for the strings, and flute, clarinet, cornet and trombone skulls for the wind, and a drum skull besides.” 



“Anything else you want?” he asked. 

“Yes, I would like them at the theatre for rehearsal at two o'clock sharp,” I said. 

He looked at me with a pitying expression and said,  





“Stranger, there are just two things that you don't want here. One is that you don't want any first fid, and you don't want any viola or'celly and you don't want no flute, 'cause we ain't got 'em. The second thing you don't want is a rehearsal at two o'clock or any other time.” 



“But,” I said, “we must have a rehearsal.” 

“Rehearsal be blowed,” he said, “we never rehearse here.” 




“But,” I persisted, “my music is difficult and a rehearsal is absolutely necessary. Several numbers must be transposed. Can your orchestra transpose? 



With a wave of his hand he disdainfully said: 

“Transpose? Don't worry. We transpose anything.” 



No argument could budge him; and he finally stopped any further discussion by saying that I could take his orchestra or leave it, just as I liked. It was Hobson's choice with me, so I said, “Well, I'll take your orchestra and I do hope everything will go right to-night.” 



“Don't you lose any sleep over us. We're all right,” he called to me, as I was leaving his store.” 



Shortly after seven I went to the theatre and found the orchestra in the music room under the stage. The leader said, “You might as well know the boys and I'll just introduce you. What is your name?” 

“My name,” I answered, “is Sousa.” 




“Well, Sousa,” this with an awkward bow, “allow me to introduce Professor Smith, our second fid; and, Sousa, this is Professor Brown, our clarinet player; and Sousa, this is Professor Perkins, our bull fid, and this, “ pointing to a cadaverous-looking fellow, “is Professor Jones, who agitates the ivories on our pipe organ. Sousa, these are Professors Jim and Bill Simpson, solo and first cornet; this is Professor Reed, who whacks the bull drum, and yours truly, solo trombone. Now that all of us know each other, what is your overture?” 



I explained that the overture we used I had written myself and it had met with some favor. “I ain't sayin' that's so or not, but it won't go here. Will it, boys?” 



A unanimous “No” from the orchestra dispelled any doubt as to their feelings. I expostulated with warmth and injured pride: 

“But you have never heard my overture, you know nothing about it, and I can assure you it is all right.” 



“It may be all right in Chicago or Boston, but I tell you it won't go here. I got the overture that our people want and that's the one we are going to play to-night.” 



“But I think ― “ 

“Don't think,” said the leader, putting his hand on my shoulder; “just make up your mind that you are going to play our overture. Do you read first fid at sight?” 





I mildly admitted that I could. “Well, just take a look at this thing,” and he held up the first violin part of his “overture.” “Now, I want to explain this piece to you. When we open up on her we go along quietly, not making any fuss, almost sneakin'-like,” and he pantomimed the tempo. “When you are playin' that first strain you do it just as if you didn't have no train to ketch, but when we get here,” he pointed at the next strain marked Allegro, “just go as fast as hell! You'll have to chase your fingers all over the fiddle.” 



I sighed and answered, “All right, I think I understand.” 

After we were seated in the orchestra box I rapped for attention and we began the overture. I noticed immediately that all of them were wretched players and, when I started into the movement which the local men told me was to be taken “fast as hell,” I began playing the strain with a rapidity evidently unknown to the orchestra, and pandemonium reigned. But curiously enough each man felt that it was his duty to play the notes to the end regardless of what the rest did, and they finished one after the other, stretched out like a bunch of horses in a race. I had no time to express my disgust, for the curtain was raised immediately and the first number was to be sung. It was Come Back to Erin in E flat. When we began the introduction of the song every member of the orchestra was blowing a note either in a different time or different key. 

「了解です、大丈夫だと思います。」私はため息をつきそう答えた。オーケストラボックスに入り、私は手を打って全員を集中させる。序曲の演奏を始めた。音が出た瞬間気付いたのだが、メンバー全員、どうしようもなく下手くそだった。最初の部分に差し掛かる。「これでもかっていう位速くやれ」と言われていた所だ。私が出だしで示したテンポは、肝心のオケの方は、全く知りません、みたいな感じだった。大混乱になる。ところが面白いことに、メンバー全員、自分の責任で最後まで演奏しきらねばならない、と思っているようだ。テンポも何もかも各自それぞれだから、競馬のレースのように、それぞれバラバラに演奏し終える。胸クソ悪い思いがしたが、そんなことを顔に出すヒマもなく、すぐさま幕が上がる。1曲目「Come Back to Erin」(変ホ調)だ。曲の出だしから、テンポも調性も、てんで違うことを弾き始めてしまった。 


I shouted, “It's in E flat.” 

The louder I shouted, the louder they played. The singer sang on, trying to appear oblivious to the cacophony that reigned. As soon as the song was finished I turned to the leader and said, “This is the rottest orchestra I have ever heard, you do not know one note from another.” 




He looked at me calmly and said, “You're too particular. If you don't like our style of playin', pay us and we'll go.” 

“Pay you?” I cried. “You have not earned a cent.”  

“Well, if you don't like us, give us our money and we will go.” 



I was much excited, and I shouted, “Give you your money? Not under any circumstances. Pack up your instruments and get out of this theatre.” 



“We'll go when we are paid, and not before,” said the leader. 

“I'll see about that,” I said, jumping up and walking through the centre aisle of the theatre. Going to the box office I explained the situation to my manager. He called the manager of the theatre over and the latter said, “All right, just call in the constable and put them out as usual.” 



As the constable walked in to drive out the orchestra, I said to the local manager, “Just think, these men told me could read anything and when I wanted them to come to rehearsal they said they never rehearsed in this town.” 



“Yes,” said the local manager, “that is true; they never have a rehearsal because if they did they would be discharged before the performance.” 



I was very happy in Mr. Nobles' company. He was a fine man and a scholar, and we got along splendidly the entire season. After we had been out six or eight weeks, through some disagreement, the actor who played the part of Dionysius O'Gall, the Irish lawyer, in The Phoenix, suddenly resigned his part and left the company. Mr. Nobles was in a dilemma, until a little Englishman, valet to one of the actors, volunteered to do the part. He had heard the play so often that he was letter perfect and went on immediately. Those familiar with the play will recall that the first act ends with a great fire scene. Mr. Nobles played the part of Carroll Graves, and while he is sitting at a table writing the famous story, The Villain Still Pursued Her, the Irish lawyer makes his entrance. On the night of the valet's debut, the exigencies of the stage required that one of the fire traps would be immediately in front of the door marked for the entrance of the Irish lawyer. Through some inadvertence, the young valet actor had not been informed of the situation of the fire trap and the necessity of stepping over it. When the cue came, the door was swung quickly open and with a hearty, “Good morning, Carroll, I have brought you some oysters,” the valet rushed forward and stepped into the open trap. 



The audience, who thought it was part of the play, gave the most spontaneous laugh I have ever heard, while I, sitting in the orchestra, felt my hair stand on end. Believing the valet must be maimed or killed, I rushed through the orchestra door to the stage, while Mr. Nobles, with a look of great anxiety, motioned to the stage manager to ring down the curtain. When I reached the stage, I found that a ladder had been lowered into the trap to the caverns beneath and a group of actors and “grips” were peering into the abyss, all fearing that the poor fellow was dead; but at that moment the valet poked his head above the trap. Mr. Nobles grabbed him by the arm, and said , “Are you hurt?”  



The little Englishman looked at him much perplexed and replied very slowly, “No, I am not hurt, but greatly surprised.” 



We were gradually working into the extreme Middle West, and when we were to give a performance in a town in Kansas, the manager of the theatre said to Nobles and myself, “If you want to pack this house tonight, just get the city past seven to eight o'clock. By that time you will have the whole town out.” “And,” he added, “they won't cost you a cent; all they ask is that you let them into see the performance.” 



I hunted up the leader of that band and he was sure that his boys would be delighted to play. All they wanted was to see the show afterward, and they would use their instruments as a passport into the theatre. At half past seven the band, resplendent in their uniforms, struck up a march and for half an hour entertained the audience that gathered in the street; but no one seemed to be enthusiastic about entering the house. Finally the leader of the band said, “Guess we'll go in now.” 



The theatre was a ground-floor one, barn-like, and had a number of windows on one side, not far above the ground. The band passed in. I went to the music room to tune up my fiddle and had been there perhaps ten minutes, when the callboy came running back and said, “How many men are there in that band?” 



“Oh,” I said, “perhaps twenty.” 

“Well,” said he, “about a hundred men have already gone in with their instruments!” 

“That's impossible,” I replied, “I'll go and investigate.” 





As I entered the theatre, I noticed a man come in with an instrument, immediately go to an open window and hand it to a fellow outside, who went round to the front door and came in with it; he in turn handed it to someone else outside. If I hadn't closed the window the entire town would doubtless have viewed the performance, and all for the half hour's work of the band! 



Most of the towns we played were small, and I very soon got used to the depth of musical degradation a country orchestra could reach. Their so-called musicians were men employed in other walks of life; and, without an opportunity to practice their instruments daily, they made a sorry mess of the melodramatic music which was used in the performance.  



The original name of the play was Bohemians and Detectives. The hero is rescued from fire in the tenement house where he lives and is lying in a hospital reading John Hay's poem Jim Bludso. An officer of the hospital asks his name, and it occurs to him to rename himself Jim Bludso. Dramatically he says, in an undertone, “From the ashes of Carroll Graves will arise Jim Bludso.” 



I suggested to Mr. Nobles that, since here was the rebirth of Carroll Graves, The Phoenix would be a good title for the play. Nobles immediately adopted it and the play for the greater part of the season (and even today) is known as The Phoenix. One of its lines, “The villain still pursued her,” is still quoted. 
