

Copland On Music第1回「音楽の愉しみ」pp.23-27





第1章 3つのよもやま話 


The Pleasure of Music 



PERHAPS I HAD BETTER begin by explaining that I think of myself as a composer of music and not as a writer about music. This distinction may not seem important to you, especially when I admit to having published several books on the subject. But to me the distinction is paramount because I know that if I were a writer I would be bubbling over with word-ideas about the art I practice, instead of which my mind - and not my mind only but my whole physical being - vibrates to the stimulus of sound waves produced by instruments sounding alone or together. Why this is so I cannot tell you, but I can assure you it is so. Remembering then that I am primarily a composer and not a writer, I shall examine my subject mostly from the composer's standpoint in order to share with others, in so far as that is possible, the varied pleasures to be derived from experiencing music as an art. 



That music gives pleasure is axiomatic. Because that is so, the pleasures of music as a subject for discussion may seem to some of you a rather elementary dish to place before so knowing an audience. But I think you will agree that the source of that pleasure, our musical instinct, is not at all elementary; it is, in fact, one of the prime puzzles of consciousness. Why is it that sound waves, when they strike the ear, cause “volleys of nerve impulses to flow up into the brain,” resulting in a pleasurable sensation? More than that, why is it that we are able to make sense out of these “volleys of nerve signals” so that we emerge from engulfment in the orderly presentation of sound stimuli as if we had lived through a simulacrum of life, the instinctive life of the emotions? And why, when safely seated and merely listening, should our hearts beat faster, our temperature rise, our toes start tapping, our minds start racing after the music, hoping it will go one way and watching it go another, deceived and disgruntled when we are unconvinced, elated and grateful when we acquiesce? 

音楽が愉しみを与えてくれる、なんてことは当たり前。当たり前だけに、これを話題にするのは幼稚、聴衆とは何かを話題にした方がいいのでは?と言う方もいるかと思う。ところが、そもそも音楽の愉しみとは何か、私達人間の持つ「音楽的本能」とは何か、となると、幼稚でも何でもない、ということは、ご納得いただけるだろう。それどころか、人間の意識というものの第一の謎なのだ。音波が耳の鼓膜に当たると、「脳ミソに浮かぶ神経刺激のボレー(テニスやバレーボールの打ち合い)」を引き起こし、愉しい気持ちになってくるのはなぜか?それより何より、私達はこの「神経刺激のボレー」が何なのかをキチンと理解できるからこそ、音楽が創り出す幻影 - 素直な気持ちに満ち溢れている本能の世界 - その中で過ごしてきたような気分から、整然とした音の刺激に乗ってそこから抜け出せる、これはなぜなのか?そして、ゆったり座ってぼーっと音楽を聴いていると、心臓がドキドキして、頭に血が上って、足踏みまで始めて、頭は流れる音楽について行こうとし始め、このまま上手く行ってくれたらいいのに、と思っていたら流れが変わり、肩透かしを食らって気分を害したり、運よく上手く行ってくれたら、嬉しくなって有り難い気持ちになっておとなしくなる、これはなぜなのか? 


We have a part answer, I suppose, in that the physical nature of sound has been thoroughly explored; but the phenomenon of music as an expressive, communicative agency remains as inexplicable as ever it was. We musicians don't ask for much. All we want is to have one investigator tell us why this young fellow seated in Row A is firmly held by the musical sounds he hears while his girl friend gets little or nothing out of them, or vice versa. Think how many millions of useless practice hours might have been saved if some alert professor of genetics had developed a test for musical sensibility. The fascination of music for some human beings was curiously illustrated for me once during a visit I made to the showrooms of a manufacturer of electronic organs. As part of my tour I was taken to see the practice room. There, to my surprise, I found not one but eight aspiring organists, all busily practicing simultaneously on eight organs. More surprising still was the fact that not a sound was audible, for each of the eight performers was listening through earphones to his individual instrument. It was an uncanny sight, even for a fellow musician, to watch these grown men mesmerized, as it were, by a silent and invisible genie. On that day I fully realized how mesmerized we ear-minded creatures must seem to our less musically inclined friends. 



If music has impact for the mere listener, it follows that it will have much greater impact for those who sing it or play it themselves with some degree of proficiency. Any educated person in Elizabethan times was expected to be able to read musical notation and take his or her part in a madrigal-sing. Passive listeners, numbered in the millions, are a comparatively recent innovation. Even in my own youth, loving music meant that you either made it yourself or were forced out of the house to go hear it where it was being made, at considerable cost and some inconvenience. Nowadays all that has changed. Music has become so very accessible it is almost impossible to avoid it. Perhaps you don't mind cashing a check at the local bank to the strains of a Brahms symphony, but I do. Actually, I think I spend as much time avoiding great works as others spend in seeking them out. The reason is simple: meaningful music demands one's undivided attention, and I can give it that only when I am in a receptive mood, and feel the need for it. The use of music as a kind of ambrosia to titillate the aural senses while one's conscious mind is otherwise occupied is the abomination of every composer who takes his work seriously. 



Thus, the music I have reference to in this article is designed for your undistracted attention. It is, in fact, usually labeled “serious” music in contradistinction to light or popular music. How this term “serious” came into being no one seems to know, but all of us are agreed as to its inadequacy. It just doesn't cover enough cases. Very often our “serious” music is serious, sometimes deadly serious, but it can also be witty, humorous, sarcastic, sardonic, grotesque and a great many other things besides. It is, indeed, the emotional range covered that makes it “serious” and, in part, influences our judgement as to the artistic stature of any extended composition. 



Everyone is aware that so-called serious music has made great strides in general public acceptance in recent years, but the term itself still connotes something forbidding and hermetic to the mass audience. They attribute to the professional musician a kind of Masonic initiation into secrets that are forever hidden from the outsider. Nothing could be more misleading. We all listen to music, professionals and non-professionals alike, in the same sort of way - in a dumb sort of way, really, because simple or sophisticated music attracts all of us, in the first instance, on the primordial level of sheer rhythmic and sonic appeal. Musicians are flattered, no doubt, by the deferential attitude of the layman in regard to what he imagines to be our secret understanding of music. But in all honesty we musicians know that in the main we listen basically as others do, because music hits us with an immediacy that we recognize in the reactions of the most simple-minded of music listeners. 


(original from page 23 to 27)