Reprinted from the music page of the London Sunday Times, October 12, 1958.
第2章 演奏家は新しい音楽にどう向き合うべきか
1958年10月12日付 ロンドン「サンデー・タイムズ」誌 音楽欄より再掲
A VISITING COMPOSER like myself, settled in Mayfair for a dozen weeks goes program-shopping more or less as the typical American tourist goes window-shopping. No tourist can hope to buy everything ― just as I have no intention of hearing everything ― but it is always of interest to know what is being offered in the music emporiums of a world center.
One is naturally on the lookout for musical fare not obtainable at home. My own peering into London's programs of the recent past and those to come has left me rather disgruntled: what is being offered, in the main, is a rehash of more of the same. I don't wish to appear too surprised: something of the sort, I suppose, was to be expected. Why? Because the condition is world-wide; whether one is in Buenos Aires or Tel-Aviv or New Orleans, audiences are usually offered “more of the same.” One signal difference is that London seems to have contracted the more-of-the-same disease in a more virulent form than is evident elsewhere.
There is no need to paint the picture blacker than it is. I realize that there are notable exceptions in evenings such as the BBC's all-Monteverdi program or the London Philharmonic Orchestra's Twentieth Century series. (The latter, I was pleased to see, attracted a large and enthusiastic public at its opening concert.) But these only point up the all-pervading conventionality of the run-of-the-mill concert program. In such surroundings Debussy and Ravel look like ultramodernists.
The musical life of a great city is a complex and often puzzling affair. A mere visitor can hardly hope to say who or what is responsible for the present unhappy situation. (It may even be ungracious of me to bring the matter up at all.) But in so far as the appalling sameness of repertoire is a universal problem it bears examination by any serious musician. Other commentators have put the blame in various quarters: the money-harassed impresarios, the timid or unimaginative program directors; and, of course, that simple soul, the uniformed music lover, has also been the subject of considerable invective.
Apart from every other consideration I have often wondered about the effect of all this on the performing artist, without whose intervention nothing can be heard. It is almost inconceivable for a composer to imagine what it must be like to confine one's musical activity to the endless repetition of the same famous pieces by the same famous composers, season after season, year after year. To us these artists seem trapped: they spend their lives in sonic strait-jackets, manufactured in their despite by the master composers. How do they react to their sorry state? Some appear to accept the inevitable; others are so inured to their condition they hardly realize what has happened to them; still others ― especially ensemble musicians who must play the music set before them ― harbor their frustrations in silence.
Every composer has had occasion to think about what he might say or do to reawaken these musicians to a sense of responsibility to the art they serve, to reanimate their interest in the whole corpus of musical literature, old and new. What, after all, is the responsibility of the performer to the art of music? Isn't it to keep music fully alive, renewed, refreshed? And how is that to be accomplished if the interpreter fails us?
One important touchstone of the performer's sense of responsibility is his relationship with the music of his own time. Many of them, I know, have no relation of any kind. This is particularly true of many of the great virtuoso performers, whose names can easily be inserted by my readers. It is my impression that 75 per cent of the performers now before the public have lost all contract with the music of their living contemporaries. Each one of them has a bad conscience in this matter, and with cause. Not having kept abreast of today's music, they are positively frightened of it. And yet they need such music to relieve the stylistic monotony of their programs. I have never known a public concert of a variegated make-up that wasn't enlivened by ten minutes of controversial music. Even those who are sure to hate it are given something to talk about. Involvement in contemporary music aids the interpreter in another significant way. To my mind no one can adequately interpret the classics of the past without hearing them through the ears of the present. To play or conduct Beethoven's scherzi in a contemporary spirit, you must feel at home with Stravinskian rhythms. And I can even recommend familiarity with the rhythms of American jazz for those who want to play Couperin.
Not all famous performers are to be reproached with their neglect of the living composer. In the distant past Arthur Rubinstein was acclaimed for his sponsorship of the music of Villa-Lobos, and Sir Thomas Beecham for his persistent championing of the music of Delius. Perhaps the most outstanding example in recent times was the effective battle fought by Serge Koussevitzky in introducing a whole generation of American composers to the United States public. I know at first hand of the Russian conductor's efforts on behalf of the newer composers, having been one of his principal beneficiaries. It was a lesson in leadership to observe how, over a period of twenty-five years, Koussevitzky used every possible tactic to win over his listeners (and his orchestra) to a cause he passionately believed in.
Apathy in the making of programs ― giving the public what it wants and nothing but what it wants ― leads to the complete stagnation of music as an art. Can anyone seriously maintain that that is all that lies ahead? In some way, not clear to me as yet, we must persuade the interpreter to take a hand in the making of musical history by letting us hear the full sonorous range of music past and present.