

「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の7 「シェーンベルクとその楽派」ルネ・レイボヴィッツ著


第2章 〇〇の本 



Schonberg and His School (1949) 



RENE LEIBOWITZ, Polish-born composer living in Paris, himself a student of Schonberg and Webern, is the latest, and in some ways the most formidable, champion the Schonberg school has yet had. No serious musician denies the historical importance of Schonberg's contribution, nor the fact that all contemporary music, directly or indirectly, owes something to his daring. But to arrive at a conclusive judgement as to the merits of Schonberg's most characteristic compositions, as well as those of his pupils, Alban Berg and Anton Webern, is hardly possible as yet, because of the infrequent performances their works are given (it is remarkable to note how much music of the Schonberg school has become readily available on records in the past decade). In the meantime the argument continues hotly in musical and intellectual circles. 



To get the most out of this book, one must be prepared to ignore the intensely dogmatic tone of the author. Leibowitz is the born disciple, with a proselytizing fervor seldom encountered in musical treaties. His invective seems deliberately designed to provoke the reader; it works for a while, but in the end is merely wearying, since it has nothing to do, really, with the purpose of the book, which is to make clear the significance of the Schonberg movement. 



The thesis might be stated in this way: the essential core of Western music in the last thousand years has been its polyphonic structure. The fact that we, in our music, hear independent melodic lines sounded simultaneously (polyphony) separates our music from that of all other peoples, and gives it its special glory. Unfortunately (according to Leibowitz), simultaneously heard melodies tend to form chords that gradually take on a life of their own as harmony. At first in the modal system and later in the tonal system, harmony pre-empted the place of counterpoint. Melodies were no longer free to move outside their harmonic framework. This hegemony of harmony could not be destroyed until the tonal system itself was destroyed. 



It was Wagner who precipitated the suspension of tonality through continual chromatic modulation, and Schonberg who first bravely dispensed with all feeling for tonal centers, thereby freeing polyphony from its harmonic fetters. It was then necessary to organize the new world of atonal sound, which Schonberg proceeded to do with the creation of his compositions written in the twelve-tone system. 



The rest of the book is devoted to a brief analysis of each of the master's works and those of his followers, Berg and Webern. Nowhere in his book does the author speak of the special world ― Vienna at the turn of the century ― that so strongly influenced the aesthetic ideals of the music of Shonberg and his school. The declining romanticism of that period, with its tense emotionality and its love of complexities, powerfully influenced the new revolutionary music. Its principal adherents, even to day, are those who feel a natural affinity with the language of an exaggerated romanticism (←no longer a true statement of the musical situation). 



Leaving aside their specific expressive connotations, Shonberg's innovations posit certain fundamental theoretical problems. Has the tonal system really been exhausted and should it be abandoned or are there still hidden resources to be tapped? Must music always be based on themes, or can we envisage a new athematic music? Isn't it time to find a new way of organizing musical structure based on entirely new principles? 



It is one of the ironies of the twelve-tone system that its supporters should be so anxious to prove that they are in the main line of musical tradition. Leibowitz in particular grovels before tratidion in a way that is most unsympathetic to American mind. Especially since this tradition-drenched music actually makes a bewilderingly untraditional impression on the uninitiated listener. 



Similarly the author makes a kind of fetish out of musical logic. Faithful to his Central European training, he holds before us the ideal of a music in which there is “not a single note or figuration which does not result from the development and variation of the basic motive.” But isn't it ironic that it should be just this music, of an undeniable ingenuity in note-for-note logic, that appears to have no inevitability of flow for the unprejudiced ear? 



In the name of logic Leibowitz contends that only the music of twelve-tone composers can be considered truly representative of our time. Perhaps. But then what are we to do with triflers like Stravinsky and Statie ― abandon them for the good of our musical souls? As an antidote to so much method I suggest that the author relax long enough to contemplate the charms of the unanalyzable and the non-systematic, which, after all, is what makes music an art and not a science. 



For this reader the chapters devoted to the music of Anton Webern were the most absorbing. Here one finds material nowhere else available in English. Whatever the purely musical quality of his music may prove to be, it makes clear that Webern undoubtedly possessed one of the most original musical minds of our century, and that he carries the implications of the twelve-tone system closest to their inevitable conclusion. 



In spite of its fanatical tone and dense prose style this is an important book for all those professionals who want an authoritative analysis of the workings of the Schonberg system. I doubt whether it can be of much use to the musical layman. It has been faithfully translated by Miss Dika Newlin, herself an American devotee of the master's school. 


「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の6 ヴァージル・トムソン著「音楽事情」


第2章 〇〇の本 




Virgil Thomson's Musical State (1939) 

ヴァージル・トムソン「Musical State(音楽事情)」(1948年) 


VIRGIL THOMSON has written the most original book on music that America has produced. The State of Music is the wittiest, the most provocative, the best written, the least conventional book on matters musical I have ever seen (always excepting Berlioz). If you want to have fun, watch how people react to this book. It will undoubtedly be taken too solemnly by some, not solemnly enough by others. It will make many readers hopping mad. It will simply delight other. In other words, it is the book that every reader of Modern Music would expect Virgil Thomson to write ― a book that only he could have written. 

ヴァージル・トムソンのこの度の著作は、我が国でこれまで出版された書籍の中では、最も独自色の強い音楽関連の本である。「The State of Music(音楽事情)」は、私がこれまで見てきた中では。最もウィットに富み、最も読者を挑発し、最もよく書かれており、最もありきたり「ではない」、音楽関連の本である(勿論、ベルリオーズの本が一番なのは、毎度のことである)。真面目に読み込みすぎる方もいれば、不十分な方もいることは、間違いない。熱狂する人は多いだろう。普通に喜ぶ人もいるだろう。あちこちで引用されたり話題に登ったりするだろう。別の言い方をすると、ヴァージル・トムソンの前作「Modern Music(現代の音楽)」を読んだ全ての方が彼に期待した、彼にしか書けない作品、というわけである。 


Composers especially can profit by reading it. The State of Music is primarily a discussion of their own profession. There is very little about good and bad composers, good and bad music. Thomson is positively squeamish about judging other men's music. Instead he describes the composer's general situation in the Musical State and in the world at large. For once the composer is treated as a human being, with not merely a craftsman's interest, but also economic, political, and social interests. One can violently disagree with any number of Thomson's conclusions on these matters, but the composer qua composer emerges from these pages as a personage, un homme. 

作曲をする人はこの本を読むといいだろう。勉強になる。「The State of Music(音楽事情)」の主眼は、作曲家の仕事についてである。作曲家の良し悪しや、音楽の良し悪しについては、殆ど触れていない。トムソンは、良い意味で他の人の音楽を吟味する上で気を遣っている。良し悪しについて論じるのではなく、彼は作曲家の置かれている状況全般を、音楽界で、そして世間一般の中で書き記している。作曲家を人間として、それも単に物作りに携わる者としてだけでなく、お金のことや政治のこと、あるいは世の中に対する事全てに関心を示す者として扱っている。これに関しては、トムソンが本の中で述べていることについて猛烈に反発が起きる可能性もあるだろう。だが、作曲家を作曲家として、生身の人間としての描き方をしている。 


Thomson has an almost medieval sense of the composer's professional community of interests ― both financial and artistic. He is strongly for a composer's united front vis-a-vis the home government (whatever form it may take ― democratic or authoritarian), the music employers (whether they be publishers, patronesses, or radio stations), and the music consumers. (What music-lovers are to you are just plain customers to him.) Professional solidarity is about the only thing preached in this book. 



The composer, according to Thomson, is a miniature capitalist, with “vested interests” in his compositions. This makes him different from the musical executant, who, being paid a wage on an hourly basis, is properly organized in trade-unions, affiliated with other trade-unions. The composer, like the doctor, the lawyer, or the literary man, is more properly organized in guilds or alliances. The present setup, in which composers and publishers band together for the collection of performing rights, is less desirable than a possible future alliance between the composers and their executants. As far as I know Thomson is the first composer among us who has ever considered these things. Everyone else has been so busy upholding artistic ideals that they have completely lost sight of the composer's professional status as such. 



Money is a word that doesn't frighten Thomson. Au contraire, he likes it. It explains a great many otherwise inexplicable things. Musical style, for instance. Tell Thomson how you make your money and he will tell you what your musical style is likely to be, In the highly diverting chapter on “Why Composers Write How” (the economic determinism of musical style), composers' possible income sources are tabulated with devastating completeness. Heaven help you if you live off the “appreciation racket.” A composer, says V. T., can sink no lower. On the other hand, he exudes a warm glow when writing about that rara avis ― the composer who can support himself exclusively from collections of royalties on the sale or performance of his music. “Royalties and performing-rights fees are to any composer a sweetly solemn thought” is the way he puts it. It's a chapter with a great deal of real observation in it, despite an overdose of continuous generalizations. 



The composer as a political animal is another of Thomson's preoccupations. It keeps cropping up on every other page. If I understand him correctly, Thomson has no quarrel with the individual composer who dabbles in politics. He thinks that said composer might be better employed working at his music at home, but still, there is no great harm in it. What he will not have, however, is that the composer's organization be involved in the affairs of any particular political party, rightist, leftist, or liberal. He firmly maintains that the proper province of the composer's organization is the setting of musical policies. “We must demand... from any governing agency of whatever kind in any possible state, both economic security for our members and the musical direction of all enterprises of whatever nature where music is employed.” I strongly suspect an oversimplification here. But whatever its value as a program for the future, it makes sense here and now in America, where composers have no control over musical affairs, let alone political ones. 



Composers are not Thomson's sole concern in the State of Music. There are very amusing sketches of the artists in neighboring states ― the painters, the poets, the architects, the actors, the photographers. The dancers, poor dears, rate only one sentence. They are “autoerotic and lack conversation.” 



Under the pretext of telling “How to Write a Piece” there are excellent analyses of the considerable problems involved in writing music for the screen, the stage, the ballet, and the opera. Thomson knows whereof he speaks, having written successfully in all these forms himself. He has sound advice to give, worth the attention of any composer. His handling of concert music is touched by a certain amount of personal acrimony. “It is a very intense little affair,” he says. The shortcomings of the concert field are gone over once again, without adding very much to an already-sore subject. 



But Thomson's really big guns are reserved for that special field of the concert world as “modern music.” He sees an International Modern Music Ring, (something like Father Coughlin's International Bankers) a kind of self-perpetuating oligarchy, intent on performing or allowing to be performed only one kind of music ― the dissonant-contrapuntal style. This is just our old friend Virgil having a good time. For fifteen years now he has been repeating the same thing, as if we didn't know that this same style of modern music, which he supposedly abhors, has served as the perfect foil for the simplicities of Thomson, Sauguet, and Co. Now, as Thomson himself points out, the international style in modern music is rapidly drying up. Everyone is beginning to see the advantages of melodious and harmonious-sounding music. That old gag about the modern-music style is in for some serious revision. 

だがこの演奏会用音楽という特別な分野に対してこそ、彼は伝家の宝刀で一刀両断を打ち込んでいる。彼は国際現代音楽協会(カフリン司祭のInternational Bankdersみたいなものだが)のことを、しぶとく生きながらえる寡頭政治集団とみなし、自分たちが演奏するにせよ、他者に演奏させるにせよ、認める音楽は唯一つ、不協和音による対位法を用いた作品だけだ、としている。これぞ、良き時代を共に過ごした我らが盟友、ヴァージルである。今日まで15年間、彼はこの主張を繰り返し続けている。彼が忌み嫌っているであろうこの様式の音楽こそ、本人やアンリ・ゾーゲ、そして私の音楽の持つシンプルさにとっては、格好の引き立て役となっていることを、まるで私達が気づいていないかのようなものの言いようだ。さてトムソン自身が指摘するように、現代音楽においては国際的なスタイルというものは、急速に先細りしている。皆がメロディがハッキリしていて和声がきれいに響く音楽の良さに注目し始めている。かつての現代音楽のスタイルが持っていた目くらましは、今やしっかりと見直す時期に来ている。 


One thing is sure. It will be a long time before there is another book on music as fascinating as this one. Unless Thomson himself can be persuaded to write it. 



「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の5 ウィリアム・シューマン



William Schuman (1951) 



A COMPOSITION LIKE the String Quartet No. 4 makes one understand why Schuman is generally ranked among the top men in American music. Even a single hearing made it evident that this is one of Schuman's most mature works. A second hearing confirmed the impression. This is music written with true urgency: compact in form, ingenious in its instrumental technique, quite experimental as to harmony. In some ways it is typical of the composer, in others it seems to be composed from a new premise. 



It is the way in which it is different that interests me most. I cannot remember another work of Schuman that strikes so somber a note. The old full-throated, free-singing eloquence, so characteristic of some of his best pages, is little in evidence. Instead a more tentative expressivity has taken over; a darker, more forbidding tone that seems far different from the basically optimistic ― sometimes boyishly optimistic ― tone of his earlier music. 



Much of this darker texture comes from the harmonic fabric, which is less tonally defined than in former works by this composer, and teeters on the edge of the atonal. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that I detect, if not an influence, then a stimulus to the composer's thinking from contact with the music of Roger Sessions. At any rate no other work of Schuman's is so consistently dissonant in chordal structure. At times, especially in the third movement, the composer employs a device he has used only in his latest works; it is based largely on simultaneously sounded major and minor intervals, mostly thirds and sixths. The final measures of this slow movement are a good example of this procedure, with its major-minor intervals that produce chords of a bitter-sweet expressiveness, and make for a considerable unity of style. It is the wavering between the diatonic and chromatic implications of chords such as these, alternatively suggestive of strain and then relaxed tension, that gives the work its character. Not all the harmonic textures of the other movements are equally convincing: in a strained and “painful” harmonic complex it isn't likely that each measure will come out as happily, so to speak, as one would like. (The same might be said of certain Schonberg pieces.) But it is the over-all experimental attitude that augurs well for the future; the sense one has that a new (for Schuman) expressive content rendered the old formulas inadequate, leading him in a direction that is likely to enrich his style. 



Schuman's masterful handling of instrumental color and rhythmic ingenuity is again demonstrated in the new quartet. The second and final movements of the work contain those curiously Schumanesque rhythms, so skittish and personal, so utterly free and inventive. As usual with Schuman, these rhythms are all innocently fitted into regular metric divisions, but they are devilish to perform nonetheless, because the true rhythmic impulse makes a mockery of the bar-line. Schuman uses the bar-line as a railing, to prevent his performers ― and perhaps himself also ― from toppling over into rhythmic chaos. One holds one's breath as these rhythms bound along ― sometimes easily, sometimes a little awkwardly ( is that the player's fault? ) ― skipping and leaping about, losing a quarter here and gaining a triplet there, with sudden pauses of unpredictable length, the whole thing carried off with exhilarating effect. There is nothing quite like these rhythms in American music, or any other music for that matter. 



His instrumental writing is idiomatic, and at the same time original. Schuman isn't afraid to take chances with his four strings, and for the most part his daring is justified by the dash and brilliance of the result. I am thinking of the section of four-part pizzicato chords, strummed fortississimo by each of the performers in the last movement; or the quiet opening double-stopped chords of the slow movement, curiously suggestive of a kind of organ-string tone. Schuman is concious of his players at every instant; he knows how to combine sonorities for the strings that would sound ugly on the piano or in a brass ensemble, combinations that give bite and color to a medium that can easily become oversensitized, and even cloying. 



Technically the greatest advance is in the composer's handling of the formal problem in this work. Schuman has always had a strong structural sense, but he has not always succeeded in filling out his forms with music all the way. By that I mean one sensed the effort it cost the composer to round out a long form ― the dangerous area being the long pull to the climax before turning the corner to the restatement of the opening material. More than once a forced and laborious climb spoiled the natural ease of an opening section. This quartet has no such blemish. The first and last movements are compactly shaped; the second movement and especially the third are more extensively developed, yet fully realized. The whole leaves an impression of a varied and well-balanced content. 



In retrospect it is clear that this work will not gain Schuman new adherents among the lay public. Even a cultivated audience will be put off by a certain hermetic quality at its core. But it is just this hermetic quality ― this somewhat forbidding and recalcitrant aspect ― that presages an enlargement of the capacities of the William Schuman we already know. 


「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の4 レオン・キルヒナー



Leon Kirchner (1950) 



COMPOSED IN 1947, this Duo for Violin and Piano is the first published composition of Leon Kirchner, a comparative newcomer to the American musical scene. I doubt whether a more important young American composer has come along since the advent of Harold Shapero several years back. Recent New York performances of Kirchner's Duo, his Piano Sonata, and most recently his String Quartet No. 1 were accorded a unanimity of enthusiasm that is rare in the case of a hitherto-unknown name. It is all the more unusual since his music is not by any means of the easily assimilable kind, belonging as it does to the Bartok-Berg axis of contemporary music. 



Kirchner is a Brooklynite who pursued his musical studies in California, where he was a student of Roger Sessions. (He also did some work on the West Coast with Bloch and Schonberg.) In considering the teachers he sought out, and the clearly chromatic propensities of his own music, it is rather surprising that Kirchner has not been won over to adopting the twelve-tone system in toto. The fact that he has not is indicative of an independent mind, an independence that shows itself in other aspects of his music.キルヒナーはブルックリン出身で、音楽教育はカリフォルニアで受けたが、そこではロジャー・セッションズに師事している(彼はまた西海岸ではブロッホシェーンベルクと共に制作活動をいくつか行った)。彼が教わりに行った指導者と彼自身の作品にハッキリと見られる半音階を好んで使う傾向を鑑みるに、キルヒナーが12音音楽を使った音楽作りに全く関わっていないことは、むしろ驚くべきことである。この事実が示すのは、彼の思考回路が独特のものであり、彼の音楽が持つ他の側面にも独自性が見られるということだ。 


Studying this first available work of Kirchner's, I am struck by how little the written notes convey the strong impression made by a live performance of the Duo. It is well to keep this in mind ― the potential effect of these notes when performed in the concert hall; otherwise I am afraid that the purchaser may be a trifle disappointed. For a measure-by-measure examination of the Duo will disclose nothing remarkable in the way of melodic invention or rhythmic novelty. Nor is there anything remarkable about Kirchner's harmonic vocabulary, which reflects current practice in advanced creative circles. 

キルヒナー初の出版譜「二重奏曲」をよく読んで驚いたのが、生演奏を聞いた時の強烈な印象が、書かれた音符から殆ど感じ取れないことだ。この音符がコンサートホールで演奏される時に現れる潜在的な効果がある、ということを念頭に置いたほうが良い。でないと、この楽譜を買ってもガッカリするだけではないかと思う。「二重奏曲」を 1小節ずつ検証していっても、メロディ作りやリズムの目新しさという点で何もめぼしい発見は無いだろう。同じように特筆すべきものが見られないのがキルヒナーの和声のネタだが、これは近年の先進的な作曲家グループの取り組みを反映している。 


And yet, undeniably, when sounded in actual performance, the notes themselves cast a spell. What is the explanation? I am not sure that I know. But what I do know is that the impression carried away from a Kirchner performance is one of having made contact, not merely with a composer, but with a highly sentient human being; of a man who creates his music out of an awareness of the special climate of today's unsettled world. Kirchner's best pages prove that he reacts strongly to that world; they are charged with an emotional impact and explosive power that are almost frightening in intensity. Whatever else may be said, this is music that most certainly is “felt.” No wonder his listeners have been convinced. 



In studying the Duo one inevitably thinks of Bartok, since there is obviously a similarity of aesthetic approach in both composers. But in the case of the Hungarian master the basic emotional turmoil, the bitterness and pessimism, is tempered by a meticulous workmanship, almost schoolmasterish in its manipulation of musical materials. Bartok's is a controlled violence, in which the element of control is a mitigating circumstance. But with Kirchner, although he works with analogous material, we get the impression of a creative urge so vital as to burst all bonds of ordinary control. It is this out-of-control quality that gives any one of his works enormous excitement. To date it would seem to me that that is his principal claim to originality: the daringly free structural organization of his compositions. Certain it is that the Duo, cast in a one-movement form, will never make the analysis boys happy. One literally never knows what is likely to happen next, and sometimes the composer seems no more sure than ourselves. But I respect his willingness to take such chances, for the future is sure to require a more experimental attitude toward formal problems on the part of composers. 



The road ahead will not be easy for a composer of Kirhner's gifts and pretensions. All the more reason why we shall watch with special concern what the next work will bring. 


「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の3 シュテファン・ヴォルペ

Stefan Wolpe (1948) 



IN THE WELTER of musical activity in America the publication of two more songs would seem to make little difference one way or another. But these songs (Two Songs for Alto and Piano from the Song of Songs) are exceptional. They draw attention to the work of Stefan Wolpe, one of the most remarkable of living composers. And they draw attention also to the venturesome Hargail Music Press, to whom we are indebted for more than one unlikely publication. 

多くの作品が、我が国アメリ)の音楽界に溢れかえっている中にあっては、その中の2曲といってもどうしても埋もれてしまうかも知れない。ところがこの2曲(「Song of Songs」から「アルトとピアノのための二つの歌」)は別格である。これらの作品のお陰で注目が集まるようになったのが、シュテファン・ヴォルペだ。現代作曲家の中でも最も注目すべき一人である。そしてこれらの作品のお陰で注目が集まるようになったのがもう一つある。ハーガル音楽出版社である。私達作曲家が一つや二つ、自身の作品の出版でお世話になっている。 


America doesn't seem to know what to do with strong talents like Wolpe. If his music were less grimly serious, less stark, less uncompromising, it would undoubtedly fare better in the musical market place. Although Wolpe has been composing and teaching among us for the past decade (he arrived here from Germany via Palestine about 1939), only a small group of professionals and pupils have come to know his value. To me Wope's music is strikingly original, with a kind of fiery inner logic that makes for fascinated listening. Some pounding natural force brings it forth and gives it reality. It is a sad commentary on the state of our musical house that this man must create in comparative isolation. Wolpe is definitely someone to be discovered. 



These two compositions for alto and piano, with text from the Song of Songs, are part of a larger series of Palestinian songs. Wolpe has put the essence of himself in these songs in something of the same way that Das Marienleben contains in microcosm the essence of Hindemith. They are intensely alive, deeply Jewish, and very personal. The first of the two alto songs is especially characteristic: the curiously restless rhythmic structure, the bareness and severity of the two-part piano accompaniment, the fresh flavorsome quality of the folklike melodic line. By comparison, the second song is less arresting, though it is by ordinary standards nobly expressive. Both songs demand superior interpreters. They make one keenly anticipate the publication of the remainder of Wolpe's Palestinian songs. 

アルトとピアノのために書かれたこの2曲は、「Song of Songs」から歌詞を得ており、パレスチナの歌曲を沢山集めた中の一部である。ヴォルペはこれらの歌曲に自分の作曲家としてのエッセンスを注入しているが、それはヒンデミットが「マリアの生涯」という歌曲集で自らのエッセンスを凝縮して注入したことを思い起こさせる。1曲目がかなり特徴的だ。不安な気持ちを掻き立てるリズムの組み立て方はとても興味深く、2パートあるピアノ伴奏は虚飾のない簡素さがあり、民族音楽のような旋律は味わい深い。これと比べて2曲目はどちらかというと印象にかける。といっても普通の基準に照らせば、堂々とした表現力を感じさせてくれる。どちらの曲も力のある奏者を要する。ヴォルペの他のパレスチナの歌曲も出版して欲しい、と強く思わせてくれる作品である。

「Copland on Musicを読む」第12回の2 ベンジャミン・ブリテン

Benjamin Britten (1947) 



THE INTERESTING THING about Benjamin Britten's new opera, The Rape of Lucretia, is the impression one gets that it is better than his opera Peter Grimes. This is significant in view of the fact that Britten is still in his early thirties, that he is now engaged on another opera, and that he is likely to compose several more. Grimes was an opera in the usual sense; Lucretia is a chamber opera, designed for eight singers and twelve instrumentalists. It is part of a trilogy of chamber operas planned by the composer for the repertory needs of a specific company of singers and players. 



Britten has been, since the start of his career, a boy wonder. Something of the aura of the boy wonder still hangs about him. I know of no other composer alive today who writes music with such phenomenal flair. Other composers write with facility, but Britten's facility is breath-taking. He combines an absolutely solid technical equipment with a reckless freedom in handling the more complex compositional textures. The whole things is carried off with an abandon and verve that are irresistible. The resultant music may not always be of the best quality, but it is certainly of a unique quality ― for there is no one in contemporary music who is remotely like him. 



The operatic form provides plenty of elbowroom for Britten's special “flair.” Grimes and Lucretia, despite their differences, are shaped out of a similar mold. Britten's operas show every sign of being carefully planned from first word to final note. Nothing is improvised, nothing left to chance. His planning starts with the libretto, in this case the work of Ronald Duncan, based on an original French play by Andre Obey. Operatic treatment, as Britten understands it, breaks up into three different types: the usual recitative to move the plot ahead; a more florid, accompanied recitative for dramatic pointing up; the fully developed aria, duo, septet. etc., for carrying the emotional burden. This comparatively simple formula is rigorously applied, and makes for coherent plotting of the entire work. The danger for the future lies in the possibility of an overdose of planning. 



Probably the most striking single factor in his operatic writing is the richness, variety, breadth, and sweep of his melodic lines. The elements that make up the line are not always original. But even when they are eclectic to a disturbing degree it is the power behind the musical impulse that puts them over. This same richness of melodic invention, when applied to choral writing, produces brilliant results. Unlike the American operas of Blitzstein and Virgil Thomson, Britten's world does not rely upon the speech rhythms and inflections to give his melodic line naturalness. Quite the contrary. Britten is not primarily interested in naturalness, and is even not averse to deliberate distortions of prosodic treatment if he can achieve greater expressivity and expansiveness thereby. 



A word must be added about the amazing variety of effects he is able to extract from his twelve instrumentalists. When one considers that two hours of opera are accompanied by a dozen players one marvels at the subtlety and imagination and ingenuity of the orchestration. 



A fully rounded judgement of The Rape of Lucretia should await stage presentation in our country (first presented in Chicago, June 1947). I have serious reservations as to the validity of certain scenes in the libretto. The piano-vocal score (in an excellent version by Henry Boys) taken by itself, however, would seem to me to repay closest study on the part of anyone interested in contemporary opera. 
