

「Copland on Music を読む」第12回の7 「シェーンベルクとその楽派」ルネ・レイボヴィッツ著


第2章 〇〇の本 



Schonberg and His School (1949) 



RENE LEIBOWITZ, Polish-born composer living in Paris, himself a student of Schonberg and Webern, is the latest, and in some ways the most formidable, champion the Schonberg school has yet had. No serious musician denies the historical importance of Schonberg's contribution, nor the fact that all contemporary music, directly or indirectly, owes something to his daring. But to arrive at a conclusive judgement as to the merits of Schonberg's most characteristic compositions, as well as those of his pupils, Alban Berg and Anton Webern, is hardly possible as yet, because of the infrequent performances their works are given (it is remarkable to note how much music of the Schonberg school has become readily available on records in the past decade). In the meantime the argument continues hotly in musical and intellectual circles. 



To get the most out of this book, one must be prepared to ignore the intensely dogmatic tone of the author. Leibowitz is the born disciple, with a proselytizing fervor seldom encountered in musical treaties. His invective seems deliberately designed to provoke the reader; it works for a while, but in the end is merely wearying, since it has nothing to do, really, with the purpose of the book, which is to make clear the significance of the Schonberg movement. 



The thesis might be stated in this way: the essential core of Western music in the last thousand years has been its polyphonic structure. The fact that we, in our music, hear independent melodic lines sounded simultaneously (polyphony) separates our music from that of all other peoples, and gives it its special glory. Unfortunately (according to Leibowitz), simultaneously heard melodies tend to form chords that gradually take on a life of their own as harmony. At first in the modal system and later in the tonal system, harmony pre-empted the place of counterpoint. Melodies were no longer free to move outside their harmonic framework. This hegemony of harmony could not be destroyed until the tonal system itself was destroyed. 



It was Wagner who precipitated the suspension of tonality through continual chromatic modulation, and Schonberg who first bravely dispensed with all feeling for tonal centers, thereby freeing polyphony from its harmonic fetters. It was then necessary to organize the new world of atonal sound, which Schonberg proceeded to do with the creation of his compositions written in the twelve-tone system. 



The rest of the book is devoted to a brief analysis of each of the master's works and those of his followers, Berg and Webern. Nowhere in his book does the author speak of the special world ― Vienna at the turn of the century ― that so strongly influenced the aesthetic ideals of the music of Shonberg and his school. The declining romanticism of that period, with its tense emotionality and its love of complexities, powerfully influenced the new revolutionary music. Its principal adherents, even to day, are those who feel a natural affinity with the language of an exaggerated romanticism (←no longer a true statement of the musical situation). 



Leaving aside their specific expressive connotations, Shonberg's innovations posit certain fundamental theoretical problems. Has the tonal system really been exhausted and should it be abandoned or are there still hidden resources to be tapped? Must music always be based on themes, or can we envisage a new athematic music? Isn't it time to find a new way of organizing musical structure based on entirely new principles? 



It is one of the ironies of the twelve-tone system that its supporters should be so anxious to prove that they are in the main line of musical tradition. Leibowitz in particular grovels before tratidion in a way that is most unsympathetic to American mind. Especially since this tradition-drenched music actually makes a bewilderingly untraditional impression on the uninitiated listener. 



Similarly the author makes a kind of fetish out of musical logic. Faithful to his Central European training, he holds before us the ideal of a music in which there is “not a single note or figuration which does not result from the development and variation of the basic motive.” But isn't it ironic that it should be just this music, of an undeniable ingenuity in note-for-note logic, that appears to have no inevitability of flow for the unprejudiced ear? 



In the name of logic Leibowitz contends that only the music of twelve-tone composers can be considered truly representative of our time. Perhaps. But then what are we to do with triflers like Stravinsky and Statie ― abandon them for the good of our musical souls? As an antidote to so much method I suggest that the author relax long enough to contemplate the charms of the unanalyzable and the non-systematic, which, after all, is what makes music an art and not a science. 



For this reader the chapters devoted to the music of Anton Webern were the most absorbing. Here one finds material nowhere else available in English. Whatever the purely musical quality of his music may prove to be, it makes clear that Webern undoubtedly possessed one of the most original musical minds of our century, and that he carries the implications of the twelve-tone system closest to their inevitable conclusion. 



In spite of its fanatical tone and dense prose style this is an important book for all those professionals who want an authoritative analysis of the workings of the Schonberg system. I doubt whether it can be of much use to the musical layman. It has been faithfully translated by Miss Dika Newlin, herself an American devotee of the master's school. 
