


エヴェリン・グレニー(Evelyn Glennie)世界屈指の打楽器奏者がゲスト出演した、TVインタビューショーを、私が聴き取ったものです。ブルーノ・マーズビル・ゲイツ、コフィ・アナン前国連事務総長も出演したSVT / NRK/ Skavlan です。検索してチェックしてみてください。 





Listening is about looking at a person. 




Anchorperson:Please welcome, Evelyn Glennie. 



Man: Hi, Evelyn, good to see you. 



A:Hei, Evelyn, welcome to the show. 



Evelyn Glennie: Thank you. Actually, it's Evelyn, not “EEVLIN” 



Victoria Silvstedt: Oh, is it? 



E: Yeah, it's Evelyn, yeah. 



A: It's like, uh, Skandiavian pronunciation, sounds like. OK, I'm sorry. 



E: No, not at all. 



M: OK, Freddy. 



A: Tell me, you're gonna perform a little piece for us later. And I wonder, when I see this script, what's going on in your head? 



E: Oh, my goodness me. That's impossible to say, because in every occasion it's so different. But ultimately it starts with listening.  


You know, this is kind of the machine, or the engine as it were. So you know, in every occasion it's different.  


You're listening to the room you're in. You're listening to how you're feeling, you're listening to what you're wearing, the platform you're standing on, how the audience is configurated, you know, whether they're sitting on cushion seats, or carpets, or curtains, or whatever.  


So you know, the instruments I play just happen to be the tools. It's almost like ingredients as you're cooking your meal. But ultimately, my job is to take those ingredients and to create a sound meal. But I have to start with listening, a pallette of listening.     



A: But you need to have a sense of rhythm as well. 



E: Everybody does, everybody.  



A: Do we? 



E: You and your profession does. A politician does. A jockey does. 


We all have rhythm. We all begin life with rhythm. And actually, we all begin life as percussion players in the womb. 


You know, we're fighting away there, beating away there.  


And when you look at the baby, or an infant, the flexibility they have within the WHOLE body. 


You know, they can really sort of do things with the limbs. Every percussionist wants to have and cling on to it, really. So..... 



A: But the simultaneous... I feel, I feel, uh, I don't know about you, but I feel, uh, I can have a rhythm in a way.  


But when you do different things, different rhythms with different hands and feet, then it's beyond me. 



E: Well, it is, it is. Just you decide to use the word “It's beyond me.” You know, it isn't. 


That's my profession. So I have to pay attention to every limb, and make sure that whatever the right hand does, the left hand can also do. Whatever the left leg does, the right leg can also do.  


You know, that's part of my profession. That's part of what I train to do. 



Goldie Hawn: Are you taking notes? 



A: Yes. Well, I.... You used to be a dancer. I mean, you have rhythm. 



G: Yeah, there's a lot of music in your body. And, uh, also in acting. Because in acting I hear the same.. 


So comedians usually work..... or is very scientific because there are certain things that a comedian will do. 


And you can give it one, two, three beats. You can find it funny on the third beat, but it's not on the second. 



E: Uh, it's interesting that. Because it is what happens in between. So those silences, there's no such thing as silence, of course, but what we are really paying attention to. We really are. 



G: It's like empty space in art, really. Those empty space are very powerful. 



E: It is, really. But actually, when you have the presence of the audience there, that changes everything. And the rhythm can change, the placement of sound can change. 



A: So your ambition is to teach people to listen, in a way? 



E: Oh, you know, it's quite an ambition, actually. But we all have the opportunity to do that every single day of our lives. We really do. 


You know, we have a tendency to conduct our lives where looking downwards at the moment. 


We are on our mobile phones or computers, and you know, “Oh, there's someone there,” but then, “Oh, yes, this is more important.” 


And we are missing not just that oral attention. But listening is about looking at a person and, William said, you know, looking at a horse's eye, as you know. 


Well, I can sort of understand that because suddenly, if you put sunglasses on, I would not be able to lip-read you as I do now, so that whole image changes. 


So, your eyes and every sort of little frown or change of expression is VERY important to me. 



A:You mentioned that you lipread because that's actually what to do. Yeah, and it's hard to believe when talking to you because you do that very well. But the fact is that you started to lose your hearing when you were eight years old. And what happened? 



E: Well, I had mumps and then the nerves of the ears deteriorated.  


So by the time I was twelve I was dependent on hearing aids. 


And what I found was that the sound was boosted tremendously, but I didn't have control of the sound. 


And I didn't know where the sound was coming from. 


So it wasn't so much that I couldn't HEAR sound. 


I was almost hearing too much of that. 


And I remember when I went to secondary school and I was already playing the piano, but I assumed that sound had to come from the ears. 


And when I was introduced to the school orchestra I saw the percussion section. 


I thought “Wow, that's sort of intriguing because some instruments are small, some are large, some people are standing up to play, som people are crouching down to play things” 


And I thought I want to be part of that, I'm quite curious toward that. 


Now they could've said “I don't think so. You know, deaf, music? No, they don't marry at all.” 


But they did, and curiousity, of my perscussion teacher where he believed, will, you know, sort of propel you in a direction. 


He said, “Evlyne, would you be able, EVLYNE (chuckle), would you be able to hear more if you took your hearing aids off?” 


Now, of course I thought he landed from Mars. 


Really, I mean, what a question to ask. 


Of course I am not to hear more. 


He repeated the question, and I took my time, and I thought “give it a go.” 


I took my hearing aids off. 


He struck a drum and he said “Evlyne, where can you FEEL that sound?” 


And I thought “Where can I feel that sound?” 


Suddenly my whole body had to stop and really be patient to LISTEN to that sound, so that the sound, really sort of, seeped through the body, and not just be coming through the ears as I thought it would be so that stike, that initial impact came through the ears, but the resonance, then, was felt through the body. 


It was just a HUGE revelation for me, it completely changed my life. 



A: Do you use hearing aids today? 



E: No, I don't. 



A: Well, Evlyne, or Dame Evlyne, could you please give us a little demonstration? We have, we have your instrument, your , your little table. 



E: Oh, woodblocks! 



A: Yes, and we prepared that, and if you could just show how it work? 



E: Oh, my heavens above, these are just two wood blocks 


So if I say to you, have a look at these woodblocks, what do you think they FEEL like? 



A: Uh, ... Hard? 



E: Hard? Do you think it's a fat sound, do you think it's a thin sound, a frightening sound? 



A: I think it's a fat sound because of the space inside. 



E: OK, so if you were suddenly sitting twenty rows back there, would you say the same thing? 



A: Nope 



M: We are about to find about. 



E: We all have different experiences. 



A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 



E: So we just assume eveyone is experiencing the same instrument, in the same way, and the same dynamics and so on, and that's not the case at all. 


So we all have our own PERSONAL situation or where we are; if we are sitting under a balcony, or up in a box, or back there, or right in front row, or whatever it may be. 


So if I strike one little block and really, really imagine what the total sound might be, even if we don't know where it goes, but .... (strike) 



G: Ooophs! 



A: ........... Yeah, we can hear that. 



E: You can hear that, but where could you feel it? (strike again) 



A: It's like..... my spine. 



E: Your spine! 



A: Yeah, I'd say that. 



E: OK, so if I play a little piece of muisic, and you concentrate on listening to this with your spine, or through your spine, but just pay attention to your spine and see what happens. (start playing the music) 





James Day: 

Mr. Stern, you once said the happiness in satisfaction is to play the kind of music that solves all human problems. That's a pretty big order, so what kind of music is it that solve all human problems? How does music impinge upon human problems? 




Isaac Stern: 

I don't know where I said that somewhat of a pompus statement. It seems to be a long time ago. 





Exotic profiled in New York. 





Oh, that was a long time ago, yes it's a pompous statement. 





You don't make it have statement any more? 





Oh, certainly! I do not quite say. 

I don't know if they solve, they involve human problem. Music, at its best, is a distillation of what a man can think and can try for. It's certainly non-verbal. I don't know who it was that wrote and very accurately that you can describe music but never explain it. Now, how to explain the fact... let this take an example that, the first sixteen measures of the slow movement of the Mozart's sinfonia concertante for violin and viola, have more sheer poignancy and more expression of a thoughtful sadness of life than any number of verbal ballads that are trying to express sadness today whether it's the pop vein or classic field, no matter what it is. 





愉快な名指揮者、リッカルド・ムーティ(Riccardo Muti)が、2011年のビルギット・ニルソン賞(The Birgit Nilsson Prize)受賞記念スピーチからの抜粋です。 












Music is extremely important. Education in music is essential, fundamental. Why? 



Not because we are to make miserable life of our children, with the small flute them out, and play every morning “TEE-TE-TEE-TE・・・” 


(make+O+C  OをCにしてしまう) 


Because we teach music: we teach poison in that way, and we alienate people from music. 



What is important is to teach the young boys and girls in the modern society that, in orchestra, a symphonic orchestra, or a chorus, is the symbol of a society; how a society should work and stay together. 


(what is important is:関係代名詞のwhat) 

Because we've seen that now, with the Royal Orchestra, the Royal Opera Orchestra. And I want to thank them and also the soprano and the chorus that we are seeing later, and Maestro (Gianandrea) Noseda, my colleague, for what they are doing tonight for this occasion. 


(what we are seeing / what they are doing ごく近い未来を表す現在進行形) 


But as I was saying that in an orchestra you see the violin, viola, cello, contrabass, flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, fagott, percussion... 



And in a score they are altogether written there in the page of the score. 



Everyone has a different line, and all the lines should... SHOULD! ― because sometimes they don't ― go together and play together. 



And every player knows that his freedom must exist, but should not stop or damage the freedom of the other player. 



But all the players, together in their freedom and expressing their feelings, they all must work in one direction; that is, HARMONY. 


(expressing their feelings:分詞構文) 


When children learn to stay together and to have this concept of the good and harmony that must be equal for everybody, then they learn how to stay together in a society. 


(learn to stay : ~できるようになる) 


I'm trying to say to insist on this subject since... forty years, and, uh... so, I'm sure that even if conductors are... they sometimes think that they are God, I know that I don't have another forty years in front of me. 



Or maybe? I don't know. 



And if I have it, I will insist in this concept. 



And then music doesn't know barriers. 



When we go to different countries, we have our musicians play together with the musicians of the towns, of the cities that we visit. 




And they sit together. They don't know their names. They don't know (that) they have different culture, they speak different languages, they belong, sometimes or many times, to different religions, they have different colors in their skin. 



But everything disappears because they have the same heart and the heart starts to beat in the same way, for everybody, in everybody, and they play and they sing together. 


(訳注:心臓を持つ/脈打つ → heart→思いを持つ/高揚感を覚える) 


This is the reason why I am worried about the future because Europe is forgetting the importance of our culture, our tradition, our history. 



We are today what we have been. And we will be what we are today. 



So music and culture are parts extremely important of the history of Europe. 



So I take this opportunity from the stage of this prestigious opera house in front of the Kings, in front of all the authorities to send a message that certainly was a message that Birgit Nilsson sent in all the years of her musical life. 



Let's help the new generations toward good future. And one of the weapons is music and culture. 



This is what I want to say in this moment. And I will not say anything else because when I go to this subject I feel really sad because it seems that our Europe is losing little by little certain values. 



And music can help. GLACCHE! 





Despite the fact that as an art, music cannot compromise its principles, and politics, on the other hand, is the art of compromise, when politics transcends the limits of the present existence and ascents to the higher sphere of the possible, it can be joined there by music. Music is the art of the imaginary par excellence, an art free of all limits imposed by words, an art that touches the depth of human existence, and art of sounds that crosses all borders. As such, music can take the feelings and imagination of Israelis and Palestinians to new unimaginable spheres. 


<最終回>1999年版編集者あとがき(後半)「What to Listen for In Music」を読む

Two major forces, pulling in what seem to be exact opposite directions, fill in a large portion of the musical map as it stood at mid-century. One the one hand there was the extreme freedom advocated by John Cage, the minimalists and the serendipitous borrowers of influences from other civilizations. On the other, Schoenberg's conception of melody and harmony ― the “atonality” previously discussed in this book ― followed a system strictly organized to prevent any one note in a scale from being more important than any other (in the way the note C is the most important note in the C-major scale). Something about the intense organization of the Schoenbergian systems proved congenial to his German and Austrian followers; his disciple Anton von Webern, in his legacy of extremely small, compact works for few instruments, worked out ways of systematizing not only the notes and harmonies of a composition but also the orderly sequence of tone-colors and rhythms, louds and softs. Some of his set of “Pieces for Orchestra” (Opus 10) last less than a minute: in that little time, they seem to give off enormous clouds of multicolored sparks.  

2つの大きな勢力が、全く逆の方向と思われるところから、20世紀のど真ん中で、音楽界に幅を利かせるようになった。まずひとつは、極端とも言える自由さ。率いるのはジョン・ケージミニマリストであり、「2つ」の、自分と反対の勢力から、偶然にも様々な影響を受けている。もう一つは、シェーンベルクのメロディとハーモニーに対するコンセプト(「無調音楽」として、本書にも記載)。ルールを厳格に守って、ひとつの音階の中では、どの音も皆等しく平等である、と言う状態を維持するという考え方だ(間違っても、ハ長調の音階では、ハの音(ド)が一番重要だ、などとしない)。シェーンベルクの考えたシステムの、緻密な曲の構成の仕方については、ドイツやオーストリアの、彼のファンの好みに合うものだった。彼の弟子の、アントン・フォン・ヴェーベルンは、極端に少ない楽器編成による、極端に規模が小さくてコンパクトにまとまった作品という、彼が受け継いだものを引っさげて、システム化するやり方を創り出していったのが、一つの作品を作る際には、個々の音符や和声だけでなく、音色やリズム、音量の大小までも、厳格に繋がりを決めてゆく、という方法だった。彼は組曲に類するものをいくつか残しているが、そのうちの「管弦楽のための5つの小品Op. 10」は、演奏時間が1分にも満たない。その中で、それぞれの楽章が、とてつもない規模で多彩な輝きを放っている。 


Two twentieth-century giants, Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg, came to live only a few blocks apart in Los Angeles during the War years; they never spoke to one another. After the sensational launch of his career with The Rite Of Spring, Igor Stravinsky's musical manner found many modes of expression, but his works, like those of the Schoenberg school, allowed no room for anything but the exact letter of the score. Stravinsky claimed to have no use for the atonal style: yet, shortly after Schoenberg's death, he tried out the Schoenbergian style of composition and found it congenial. Some of his stark, intricately patterned late scores ― the powerful “Requiem Canticles” for one ― bring about a fascinating synthesis between styles once regarded as incompatible.  



Anton von Webern died in 1945, shot by mistake by an American sentry in the Austrian village of Mittersill. For years after his death little of his music was heard: the microscopic precision of his jewel-like pieces defied any but the most dedicated performer. By the mid-1950s, however, Webern's vision of a music tightly organized in all aspects brought about his rediscovery by a generation of young Europeans obsessed with exploring new modes of expression. At Cologne the West German Radio had set up a laboratory to investigate the potential of music electronically produced through oscillators and other tone-generating devices and electronically processed through tape editing. The young composer Karlheinz Stockhausen saw the possibilities of maintaining total control over the substance and structure of a musical work by pressing the right buttons on a electronic console. At Cologne he was joined for a time by a similarly revolution-minded Frenchman, Pierre Boulez ― who within a few years would convince the French government to finance a studio of his own in Paris (IRCAM, the Institute for Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music). 



By the 1980s electronic-music laboratories had become a standard adjunct to most universities, and electronic music had moved out of its sound-effects stage and into a more serious kind of music. New York boasted a center maintained jointly by Columbia and Princeton Universities and Bell Laboratories; its most renowned composer, Milton Babbitt, triumphantly demonstrated that a work electronically conceived (Philomel, for soprano and four-track tape) could be deemed worthy of the prestigious Pulitzer prize. At the California Institute of the Arts, north of Los Angeles, Morton Subotnick worked out ways in which live musicians and a computer program could interact to produce music more fantastic, more complex, than mere mortals or mere machines could do on their own. 



The limitless sound potential of electronic music seemed, in a delightful if curious way, to stimulate some composers into expanding what they might do with “normal,” or, at least, nonelectronic means. The Greek-born Iannis Xenakis pursues two careers, as both composer and architect; the curving, swirling, undulating outlines of some of his most striking music does, indeed, suggest the shape of buildings he is known to have worked on. The Hungarian-born Gyorgy Ligeti worked with Stockhausen at Cologne for a time, but later created a strange, enchanting repertory that called for “live” mechanical instruments: a “Poeme Symphonique” for an assemblage of 100 metronomes all wound up and ticking but eventually slowing down to individual, out-of-synch rates; and other pieces for such humble means as a barrel-organ or an ensemble of ocarinas. Some of Ligeti's music found its way into the background score for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey; the eerie, swirling, buzzing music that brings the spaceship through the interplanetary light show and onto Jupiter is from Ligeti's masterful Requiem. 

これだけ電子音楽の持つ無限のサウンドに関する潜在的価値が示されると、作曲家の一部には、前向きに興味を持って、「普通の」というか、少なくとも電子装置を使わなかった方法から、手を広げてみようかな、と思わせる刺激となったであろう。ギリシャ出身のヤニス・クセナキスは2足のわらじをはく。作曲家と建築家である。建築家として知られる彼の建物の、カーブや螺旋、波状のアウトラインは、自身の最も衝撃的な音楽作品にも活かされている。ハンガリー出身のジェルジェ・リゲティは、ケルンでしばらくの間シュトックハウゼンと研究活動に取り組み、後に、今までにない奇抜な、そして魅力的な、「Live Mechanical Insrument(命ある機械じかけの楽器)」とよばれる作品を次々と発表した。「ポエムサンフォニックス」は、100台のメトロノームを、それぞれ違うテンポで一斉に鳴らし始めて、バラバラのまま進み、最後の一つが止まったら終わり、というもの。他にも、手回しオルゴールのための作品や、オカリナアンサンブルのための楽曲と言った、素朴なものもある。リゲティの音楽は、その一部がスタンレー・キューブリックの映画「2001年宇宙の旅」で使用された。惑星間を航行する宇宙船が木星へと向かう場面で流れる、不気味で渦を巻くようにザワザワと聞こえてくる音楽は、リゲティの力作「レクイエム」である。 


Were these revolutionary trends ― the cultural eclecticism, the minimalism, John Cage's aesthetic, the Schoenbergian and Stravinsky's seeming capitulation, the electronic revolutions ― the entire panorama of serious music in the second half of this century? By no means. As Aaron Copland noted in his invaluable chapter on form, many composers in this century still create symphonies and concertos, operas and chamber music. Within these forms, of course, the musical language changed; so did the very idea of what might constitute a symphony worthy the name. 



Dimitri Shostakovich left a legacy of fifteen symphonies, but one of them (No. 13) is actually a choral setting of the Yevtushenko poem “Babi Yar,” and another (No. 14) is a series of tragic songs for vocalists and a small orchestra. In 1976 the American minimalist Philip Glass joined with the avant-garde stage director Robert Wilson to create ― well, you might call it an opera ― a huge stage work called Einstein on the Beach, dealing with the great scientist entirely in metaphor and climaxing, about five hours into the piece, with action aboard a spaceship.  



In the realm of the Broadway musical, there was reason by 1976 to fear that this particular form had run its course; that was the year that a big, dazzling show by the best known of all American musicians, Leonard Bernstein, failed to run a full week. On the other hand, Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, a musical created for Broadway and dealing with murder, cannibalism and lechery, seemed more like an opera than a theatrical musical, and has in fact been produced by several opera companies. 



By far the most successful operatic composer of recent times, England's Benjamin Britten produced a repertory that ranges from grand opera on an old-fashioned grandiose scale (Peter Grimes) to works of comparable emotional impact but using far smaller forces (and, therefore, with better chance of being performed, such as The Turn of the Screw, The Rape of Lucretia, Death in Venice). 



In the Soviet Union under Communism, avant-garde composers like Alfred Schnittke and Sofia Gubaidulina wrote their challenging new music in dark corners, away from the eyes of the disapproving commissars that had given Shostakovich and Prokofieff many anxious moments. With the collapse of Soviet power a repertory of vivid music by these and their colleagues has taken its rightful place. On Alfred Schnittke's eight symphonies (so far), the First is a hilarious free-form work that at one point requires a rock band to invade the concert hall and set up shop; his Fourth Symphony employs a chorus, intoning ancient Russian church chants. His Third String Quartet is a splendid musical stew, into which quotations from Bach, Beethoven and other past masters are stirred in and seasoned with the fearsome dissonances of Schnittke's own language. 



What, then, do we listen for in this vast array of music of our own time? In the familiar music we're most likely to hear in concert halls or on the radio, we use our powers of memory to bind a listening experience; we remember the tune at the beginning of the symphony, smile with pleasure as the composer tweaks the tune here and there, and enjoy the thrill of rediscovery when it later returns as it was before. Other listening tools come into play, as Aaron Copland's book explains better than anyone I know or have known. 



In his short chapter on contemporary music, written for the 1957 revision of this book, Copland divides the realm of new music into four categories: very easy, quite approachable, fairly difficult and very tough. Forty years later there is no real reason to change those pigeonholes or the birds cooped up in them. Arnold Schoenberg's Fourth String Quartet and the Third Symphony of Roger Sessions ― two inhabitants on the “very tough” level ― demand a certain effort from listeners. 



If it's any comfort, half a century after my first hearing of the Schoenberg Fourth Quartet, I find that it's still “very tough” ― except that now I begin to make out the outlines of the work's principal melodies and to note when they reappear, as I do with a Mozart quartet. The late quartets of Beethoven are also “very tough,” and so is the Ninth Symphony of Gustav Mahler. I firmly believe that, once we conquer our fear of new experiences ― and I repeat, our, not just your ― we're more than halfway toward establishing a oneness with those “very tough” pieces out there. 



Instead of the simple harmonies and recognizable tunes of a Mozart symphony, listen to the amazing swoosh of orchestral tone-color in Bela Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra; be hypnotized by the repetitions in Steve Reich's Drumming as the music oozes ever so slowly from one pattern to the next; let Morton Subotnick's synthesizer-created Silver Apples of the Moon transport you to “long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” 



Confronted with a brand-new work you have no foreknowledge of, hold your ground. Perhaps it isn't any good, and everybody around you is waiting for someone to say so. Perhaps, however, it is any good; be sobered by a book called A Lexicon of Musical Invective compiled some time ago by the great musician / author Nicolas Slonimsky, in which we can read the critic who, at the first performance of Tchaikovsky's thrice-familiar Violin Concerto, wrote that “it stinks in the ear.” 



The fearsome critic and not-very-tough composer Virgil Thomson once drew up a set of rules for hearing an unfamiliar work: the last of those is the question I take with me to every new-music event: “Is this just a good piece of clockwork, or does it actually tell time?” Really, that's all you need: that question, and an open mind connected to a pair of ears of like quality. 

Alan Rich 




Copland ― Piano Concert; other early works 

Garrick Ohlsson, piano, with Michael Tilson Thomas 


Copland ― Billy the Kid; Appalachian Spring 

Aaron Copland, Boston Symphony Orchestra (RCA) 


Harrison ― Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Javanese Gamelan 

Mills College Gamelan (Music & Arts) 


Reich ― Drumming 

Steve Reich Ensemble (Nonesuch) 


Glass (with Robert Wilson) ― Einstein on the Beach 

Michael Riesman, Philip Glass Players (Nonesuch) 


AdamsNixon in China 

Edo de Waart, Original Cast (Nonesuch) 


Cage ― Imaginary Landscapes  

Electronic and live performers (Wergo) 


Boulez ― Notations 

Pierre Boulez, Ensemble Intercontemporain (Deutsche Grammophon) 


StravinskyRequiem Canticles  

Oliver Knussen, London Sinfonietta (Deutsche Grammophon) 


Ligeti ― Requiem 

Michael Gielen, chorus and orchestra (Wergo) 


Gubaidulina ― Offertorium, for Violin and Orchestra 

Gidon Kremer, Charles Dutoit, Boston Symphony (Deutsche Grammophon) 


Schnittke ― Quartet No. 3 

Kronos Quartet (Nonesuch) 


Britten ― Peter Griems  

Benjamin Britten, with Peter Pears (London) 


Sondheim ― Sweeney Todd 

Broadway cast (RCA) 


Subotnick ― Silver Apples of the Moon 

Electronic synthesizer (Wergo) 


Corigliano ― Clarinet Concert 

Leonard Bernstein, with Stanley Drucker (New World) 



コープランドピアノ協奏曲 他、初期作品 

ギャリック・オールソンピアノ) マイケル・ティルソン・トーマス指揮 



アーロン・コープランド指揮 ボストン交響楽団RCA) 






スティーヴ・ライヒ アンサンブル(ノンサッチ) 



マイケル・リースマン指揮 フィリップ・グラス プレイヤーズ(ノンサッチ) 



エド・デ・ワールト指揮 初演時出演者 (ノンサッチ 






ピエール・ブーレーズ指揮 アンサンブル・インターコンテンポレイン(ドイツ・グラモフォン 



オリバー・ナッセン指揮 ロンドン・シンフォニエッタドイツ・グラモフォン 



ミヒャエル・ギーレン指揮合唱団 管弦楽団ウェルゴ 


グバイドゥーリナ:奉献唱 バイオリンと管弦楽のための 

ギドン・クレーメル(バイオリン) シャルル・デュトワ指揮 ボストン交響楽団ドイツ・グラモフォン 






ベンジャミン・ブリテン指揮 ピーター・ピアーズテノール) (ロンドン 









レナード・バーンスタイン指揮 スタンリー・ドラッカークラリネット) (ニューワールド)

1999年版編集者あとがき(前半)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

Epilogue: “Since Then” 



The year 1945 provides a convenient place-marker in any overview of the many pathways that music's creative spirits have explored in this century. The end of World War II left many people in the arts ― and in other walks of life as well ― with an obsession to form new beginnings, to invent new modes of expression starting virtually from point zero. If it's possible to coin a single phrase applicable to the course of music in the past half century, it's that the art has totally redefined itself. 



The war itself provided some of the impetus. From wartime technical research in both the United States and Germany came the mechanisms for creating musical tones electronically and, therefore, entire compositions through an array of oscillators, synthesizers and the like ― and of recording sound on magnetic tape. With nothing more than a table-top recorder, a razor blade and some sticky tape, a composer could edit a work in progress; a recording engineer could cut out wrong notes. A listener could tape broadcasts of music not available on commercial recordings; a record producer, with only a small suitcase of equipment, could tape live performances anywhere in the world and produce them on commercial discs. The fact that a reel of tape (or, later, a cassette) could last as long as an hour without the once-every-four minutes breaks of the old 78-rpm discs, led to further developments in the record industry itself: the long-playing record, first introduced in 1949, and today's digital compact disc, developed in the early 1980s. 



Music's horizons, and the horizons of the alert music listener as well, have been pushed back since this book was new in 1939, to a point immeasurable and inconceivable back then. In 1939, Aaron Copland noted, in his discussion of the set of Piano Pieces, Opus 19, by Arnold Schoenberg, that there was “no recording available.” At this writing, there are five. 



The old barriers crumbled. The musical world in 1939 consisted of a heritage from several specific European music centers ― Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union ― and the promising beginnings of something like an indigenous style in the United States, from native composers whose outlooks had been enriched with a generous dose of European education.  



Thanks to the new technologies ― most of all the ease with which recordings could be made of everything, everywhere ― it was possibly by the mid-1950s for the record buyer in the U. S. to claim easy access not only to the nine Beethoven symphonies in dozens of competing performances but also to newly composed music from the United States and abroad, to the music of African village drumming, the gamelans of Indonesia, American folksingers in isolated Appalachian villages, the steel-drum virtuosos of Jamaica ― the world, in other words. 



With their paltry musical tradition ― compared to the Vienna of Mozart and Haydn, say, or the Paris of Debussy ― composers in the United States were particularly eager to explore these new musical sources, carefully note their distinguishing features, then avidly set about incorporating these discoveries into their own music, seeking to bridge cultural gaps. Aaron Copland had already created that kind of bridge between so-called “pop” and “serious” culture by borrowing traditional American cowboy tunes ― or creating his own masterful imitations ― for his ballet scores Billy the Kid and Rodeo; in 1946 he created his masterful dance score Appalachian Spring, again using tunes from America's folk traditions.    



The composer Lou Harrison, fascinated by the richly patterned music of the Indonesian gamelan ― the ensemble of players striking a vast panoply of percussion instruments that had been designed to match one another in a kind of idealized chamber music ― built gamelans of his own, composed music for them that, indeed, managed to sound both Californian and Balinese, and taught his techniques to generations of students. Another West Coast composer, Terry Riley, heard the sinuous, hypnotic music of India and was induced to create his own variation. 



Steve Reich, a composer whose music is usually described as “minimalist,” derived his style ― short rhythmic or melodic patterns repeated and, over long time spans, gradually changing ― from extensive studies of African drumming. We hear a work like Reich's Drumming, seventy minutes of virtuosic ensemble performance, or Terry Riley's In C, a series of short melodic patterns centered on the note “C” ― to be played by whatever instruments are at hand and at whatever length the players choose ― in something of a trance, far removed from the orderly sequence of themes, developments and recapitulations we'd expect in a Haydn or Beethoven symphony of the previous century. 



To hear such music properly, we have to set aside whatever prejudices we've grown up with concerning “new” and “old”; we also have to set aside for the moment Aaron Copland's teaching of what to listen for in classic symphonic forms. The music of the minimalists, and of Lou Harrison, has its roots in the notion of music as ritual, as a form of hypnosis, of a flow that the composer beguiles us to join. Where Beethoven might terrify his listeners with a swift and violent leap from one key to another far removed, the changes in Reich's and Riley's works are almost subliminal; you notice suddenly that there's now an alien F-sharp, say, in the middle of In C, but you aren't at all sure when it got there, or how.  



Most of the minimalist repertory ― the roster also includes La Monte Young, who once fashioned a piece lasting two weeks consisting of a single sustained chord, and John Adams, who composed a successful opera based on Richard Nixon's first voyage to China, with a list of characters that included Mao Tse-Tung and Henry Kissinger ― implied a certain amount of liberty accorded the performer, a freedom to improvise within certain limits or even to decide by spontaneous agreement when a work has run its course. (One available recording of In C runs twenty minutes; another runs seventy-six!) Perhaps it was John Cage who carried the practice to extremes when he “composed” a piece for pianist sitting silently at his instrument for a specified time. But, as Cage was careful to explain, the “music” in his 4:33 was not silence, but the ambient sounds in a particular room at a particular time. “Music,” he claimed, “is whatever musicians say it is,” thus establishing an undissolvable license to the composer and performer to create and perform as the spirit moves. To Cage the element of chance was one of the governing forces in music-making, in sharp opposition to the beautiful controlled logic of the music of the classical and romantic eras. At one point Cage turned to the ancient Chinese oracular text I Ching to supplement his own compositional decisions.  



But the “disintegration” ― or, better stated, the departure of music from traditional practices and ingrained principles, especially the supremacy of melody and harmony, of structural unity and contrasting variety in the way a piece unfolds ― had already begun late in the previous century. Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde of 1864 underlined its theme of frustrated, unrequited love with a wash of disturbed, elusive harmony that never quite proceeds where we expect it to. In 1899 the twenty-five-year-old Arnold Schoenberg produced his first masterpiece, a chamber work called “Transfigured Night,” with its flow of harmony clearly inspired by “Tristan” and, thus, moving into a realm where the normal rules of harmony ― dissonance begetting consonance in an orderly progression ― were no longer the only formula for creating music. 


本編最終章(18)「What to Listen for in Music」を読む

18. From Composer to Interpreter to Listener 



Thus far, this book has been largely concerned with music in the abstract. But, practically considered, almost every musical situation implies three distinct factor: a composer, an interpreter, and a listener. They form a triumvirate, no part of which is complete without the other. Music begins with a composer; passes through the medium of an interpreter; and ends with you, the listener. Everything in music may be said, in the final analysis, to be directed at you ― the listener. Therefore, to listen intelligently, you must clearly understand not only your own role but also that of composer and interpreter and what each one contributes to the sum total of a musical experience.  



Let us begin with the composer, since music in our own civilization begins with him. What, after all, do we listen for when we listen to a composer? He need not tell us a story like the novelist; he need not “copy” nature like the sculptor; his work need have no immediate practical function like the architect's drawing. What is it that he gives us, then? Only one answer seems possible to me: He gives us himself. Every artist's work is, of course, an expression of himself, but none so direct as that of the creative musician. He gives us, without relation to exterior “events,” the quintessential part of himself ― that part which embodies the fullest and deepest expression of himself as a man and of his experience as a fellow being. 



Always remember that when you listen to a composer's creation you are listening to a man, to a particular individual, with his own special personality. For a composer, to be of any value, must have his own personality. It may be of greater or lesser importance, but, in the case of significant music, it will always mirror that personality. No composer can write into his music a value that he does not possess as a man. His character may be streaked with human fraitlties ― like Lully's or Wagner's, for example ― but whatever is fine in his music will come from whatever is fine in him as a man.  



If we examine this question of the composer's individual character more closely, we shall discover that it is really made up of two distinct elements; the personality with which he was born and the influences of the time in which he lives. For, obviously, every composer lives in a certain period, and each period has its character, too. Whatever personality a composer may have is expressed within the framework of his own period. It is the interreaction of personality and period that results in the formation of a composer's style. Two composers with exactly similar personalities living in two different epochs would inevitably produce music of two different styles. When we speak of a composer's style, therefore, we refer to the combined result of an individual character and a particular period. 



Perhaps this important question of musical style will be made clearer if applied to a specific case. Beethoven, for example. One of the most obvious characteristics of his style is its ruggedness. Beethoven, as a man, had the reputation of being a brusque and rugged individual. From the testimony of the music alone, however, we know him to be a composer with a bold, uncouth quality, the very antithesis of the suave and the mellifluous. Still, that rugged character of Beethoven's took on a different expression at different periods of his life. The ruggedness of the Fifth Symphony is different from that of the Ninth. The early Beethoven was rugged within the limits of an eighteenth-century classical manner, whereas the mature Beethoven underwent the influence of the liberating tendencies of the nineteenth century. That is why, in considering the style of a composer, we must take into account his personality as reflected by the period in which he lived. There are as many styles as there are composers, and each important composer has several different styles corresponding to the influences of his own time and the maturing of his own personality. 



If it is essential for the listener to understand the question of musical style as applied to a composer's work, it is even more so for the interpreter. For the interpreter is a kind of middleman in music. It is not so much the composer that the listener hears, as the interpreter's conception of the composer. The writer's contact with his reader is direct; the painter's picture need only be hung well to be seen. But music, like the theater, is an art that must be reinterpreted in order to live. The poor composer, having finished his composition, must turn it over to the tender mercies of an interpretive artist ― who, it must always be remembered, is a being with his own musical nature and his own personality. The lay listener, therefore, can judge an interpretation fairly only if he is able to distinguish between the composer's thought, ideally speaking, and the degree to which the interpreter is faithfully reproducing that thought. 



The role of the interpreter leaves no room for argument. All are agreed that he exists to serve the composer ― to assimilate and recreate the composer's “message.” The theory is plain enough ― it is its practical application that needs elucidation. 



Most first-rate interpretive artists today possess a technical equipment that is more than sufficient for any demands made upon them. So that in most cases we can take technical proficiency for granted. The first real interpretive problem is presented by the notes themselves. Musical notation, as it exists today, is not an exact transcription of a composer's thought. It cannot be, for it is too vague; it allows for too great a leeway in individual matters of taste and choice. Because of that, the interpreter is forever confronted with the problem of how literally he is expected to keep to the printed page. Composers are only human ― they have been known to put notes down inexactly, to overlook important omissions. They have also been known to change their opinions in regard to their own indications of tempo or dynamics. Interpreters, therefore, must use their musical intelligence before the printed page. There is, of course, the possibility of exaggeration in both direction ― keeping too strictly to the notes or straying too far away from them. The problem would probably be solved, up to a certain point, if a more exact way of noting down a composition were available. But, even so, music would still be open to a number of different interpretations. 



For a composition is, after all, an organism. It is a living, not a static, thing. That is why it is capable of being seen in a different light and from different angles by various interpreters or even by the same interpreter at different times. Interpretation is, to a large extent, a matter of emphasis. Every piece has an essential quality which the interpretation must not betray. It takes its quality from the nature of the music itself, which is derived from the personality of the composer himself and the period in which it was written. In other words, every composition has its own style which the interpreter must be faithful to. But every interpreter has his own personality, too, so that we hear the style of a piece as refracted by the personality of the interpreter. 



The relation of the performer to the composition that he is recreating is therefore a delicate one. When the interpreter injects his personality into a performance to an unwarranted degree, misunderstandings arise. In recent years, the mere word “interpretation” has fallen into dispute. Discouraged and disgruntled by the exaggerations and falsifications of “prima donna” interpreters, a certain number of composers, with Stravinsky as ringleader, have, in effect, said:We do not wish any so-called interpretations of our music; just play the notes; add nothing, and take nothing away.” Though the reason for this admonishment is clear enough, it seems to me to represent a nonrealistic attitude on the part of composers. For no finished interpreter can possibly play a piece of music or even a phrase, for that matter, without adding something of his or her own personality. To have it otherwise, interpreters would have to be automatons. Inevitably, when they perform music, they perform it in their own way. In doing so, they need not falsify the composer's intentions; they are merely “reading” it with the inflections of their own voice. 



But there are further, and more profound, reasons for differences in interpretation. There is no doubt that a Brahms symphony, interpreted by two first-rate conductors, may be different in effect without being unfaithful to Brahms's intentions. It is interesting to ruminate on why that should be true. 



Take, for example, two of the outstanding interpreters of our day ― Arturo Toscanini and Serge Koussevitzky (this comparison of personality traits was written during their years as active interpreters of symphonic literature). They are two entirely different personalities ― men who think differently, who emotionalize about things in a different way, whose philosophy of life is different. It is only expected that in handling the same notes their interpretations will vary considerably. 




The Italian conductor is a classicist by nature. A certain detachment is an essential part of the classicist's make-up. One's first impression is a curious one ― Toscanini seems to be doing nothing at all to the music. It is only after one has listened for a while that the sense of an art concealing art begins to take hold of one. He treats the music as if it were an object. It seems to exist at the back of the stage ― where we can contemplate it for our pleasure. There is a wonderful sense of detachment about it. Yet all the time, it is music, the most passionate of all the arts. The emphasis with Toscanini is always on the line, on the structure as a whole ― never on detail or on the separate measure. The music moves and lives for its own sake, and we are considered fortunate in being able to contemplate it living thus. 



The Russian conductor, on the other hand, is a romanticist by nature. He is involved, body and soul, in the music that he interprets. There is little of the calculative about him. He possesses the true romanticist's fire, passion, dramatic imagination, and sesuosity. With Koussevitzky every masterpiece is a battleground on which he captains the great fight, and out of which, you may be sure, the human spirit will emerge triumphant. When he is “in the mood,” the effect is overwhelming. 



When these two opposite personalities apply their gifts to the same Brahms symphony, the result is bound to be different. This case of a profoundly German composer's being interpreted by a Russian and an Italian is typical. Neither one is likely to produce a quality of sound from his orchestra that a German would recognize as echt deutsch. In the Russian's hands, Brahms's orchestra will glow with an unsuspected luster, and every ounce of romantic drama that the symphony contains will be extracted by the time the end has been reached. With the Italian, on the other hand, the structural-classical side of Brahms will be stressed, and the melodic lines will be etched in the purest of lyrical styles. In both cases, as you see, it is simply a question of emphasis. It may be that neither of these men is your idea of the perfect interpreter of a Brahms symphony. But that is not the point. The point is that in order to hear an interpretation intelligently, you must be able to recognize what, exactly, the interpreter is doing to the composition at the moment that he recreates it.  



In other words, you must become more aware of the interpreter's part in the performance you are hearing. To do that, two things are necessary: You must have, as point of reference, a more or less ideal conception of the style that is proper to the composer in question; and you must be able to sense to what degree the interpreter is reproducing that style, within the sphere of his own personality. However short any of us may fall from attaining this ideal in listening, it is well that we keep it in mind as an objective. 



By now, the importance of the listener's role in this whole process must be self-evident. The combined efforts of composer and interpreter have meaning only in so far as they go out to an intelligent body of hearers. That bespeaks a responsibility on the part of the hearer. But before one can understand music, one must really love it. Above all things, composers and interpreters want listeners who lend themselves fully to the music that they are hearing. Virgil Thomson once describe the ideal listeners as “a person who applauds vigorously.” By that bon mot he meant to imply, no doubt, that only a listener who really involves himself is of importance to music or the maker of music. 



To lend oneself completely inevitably means, for one thing, the broadening of one's taste. It is insufficient to love music only in its more conventional aspects. Taste, like sensitivity, is, to a certain extent, an inborn quality, but both can be considerably developed by intelligent practice. That means listening to music of all schools and all periods, old and new, conservative and modern. It means unprejudiced listening in the best sense of the term. 



Take seriously your responsibility as listener. All of us, professionals and laymen alike, are forever striving to make our understanding of the art more profound. You need be no exception, no matter how modest your pretensions as listener may be. Since it is our combined reaction as listeners that most profoundly influences both the art of composition and interpretation, it may truthfully be said that the future of music is in our hands. 



Music can only be really alive when there are listeners who are really alive. To listen intently, to listen consciously, to listen with one's whole intelligence is the least we can do in the furtherance of an art that is one of the glories of mankind. 
