The Life and Music of Bartok (1953)
COMPOSER, CRITIC, AND HEAD of the Composition Department at the University of Southern California, Halsey Stevens has written the first full-length study of Bela Bartok to be published in English. Bartok presents an absorbing task for any biographer. He was a major figure in the contemporary musical scene with a personality not easily fathomable. And his body of work provides the kind of complex material a professional musician loves to explore.
Being himself a composer, Mr. Stevens naturally is concerned more with the work than with the life of the composer. There is no reason to regret this, except that the appeal of his book is thus limited. Professional musicians will find the sober and erudite analyses of musical textures highly interesting; others will have to await a more Boswellian biographer.
The first third of the book relates in straightforward fashion the main facts of Bartok's life. There is no attempt to probe the special fascination of the Bartokian temperament: the shyness and personal reticence that hid an indomitably independent spirit; the freedom of the inspired artist held in check by an almost pedantic self-discipline. Nor does Mr. Stevens dwell upon another curious aspect of the Bartok story: why it was that his death in 1945 seemed to touch off an enormous increase in the performances of his works. Most affecting is the unadorned recital of Bartok's illnesses and financial difficulties during his last years in American exile. Excerpts from the composer's letters in this section reveal him in the unsuspected role of a delightful correspondent.
The rest of the book is given over to a careful examination of every composition Bartok ever wrote, divided according to category. In each instance the author knows what he thinks and states it persuasively. He seems to have had in mind a reference text, most useful to those with the musical score readily at hand. This emphasis on textual exposition engenders a thesis-like atmosphere at times, and Mr. Stevens is not averse to throwing in an occasional term that glares at one from the page through its unfamiliarity (the “crasis” of the piano; the “dioristitc” details of traditional forms).
Embedded in the factual descriptive matter are many acute and cogent observations regarding Bartok's musical mentality and style that the ordinary music-lover would find illuminating, if only they were written into a more “normal” context. As it is, he is unlikely ever to find them at all, and that's a pity.
Mr. Stevens is at his best when he is most outspoken ― when he has a special point to plead. He is particularly eloquent on the subject of Bartok's finest achievement, the six string quartets. Some of his most perceptive writing will be found in that chapter, especially his enthusiasm for the more recondite example of the form ― Quartets Nos.3 and 4. He can be sharply critical also, and rightly so, it would seem, as in the case of the posthumously reconstructed Concerto for Viola, whose defects he clearly exposes.
As was to be expected, the book amply demonstrates the close connection between Bartok's musical manner and his lifelong preoccupation with Hungarian folk-song sources and those of adjoining nationalities. Despite earlier examples of musical nationalism in the work of Glinka, Smetana, and Grieg, it was left for Bartok to show in a definitive way that a simple folk song did not necesssarily imply a simple harmonic setting based on conventional harmonies. Having wedded folk song to modern harmony, the composer then successfully incorporated native musical materials into extended musical forms. And in the final metamorphosis, as Mr. Stevens phrases it, Bartok “employs neither folk melodies nor imitations of folk melodies, but absorbs their essence in such a way that it pervades his music.”
Mr. Stevens is not an impressionist critic; he is not satisfied until he pin-points these essences as themes, motives, rhythms, and scale structures. He is particularly keen in writing of Bartok's handling of the two- or three-note motive. These, Mr. Stevens writes, are “in a continuous state of regeneration. They grow organically; they proliferate; the evolutionary process is kinetic... the line between reason and intuition is never sharply defined, but the compact thematic logic cannot be denied.”
Mr. Stevens' book does credit to American musical scholarship. It makes one want to rehear the Bartok's works in the light of what the author has found in them. That is praise indeed for any book on music.