

英日対訳:パーシー・A・グレンジャーThe Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music(1915)第3回(全6回)

The Impress of Personality in Unwritten Music 

Percy Grainger  




The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Jul., 1915), pp. 416-435  

(22 pages) 



Contribution from Oxford University Press 







Even when natives have been exposed to the influence of European music long enough to have acquired from it the habit of singing in parts, sometimes the unmistakable characteristics of unwritten music will survive to a surprising extent and color all their harmonic habits. This has been brought home to me very forcibly by five phonograph records of the improvised part-singing of Polynesian natives from Rarotonga in the South Seas, which have come into my possession through the warm generosity of a very remarkable collector, Mr. A. J. Knocks, of Otaki, North Island, New Zealand. 







These choral songs, which were sung as thank-offerings by the Rarotongans in return for gifts they received from the Maoris of Otaki, are more full of the joy of life than any other music (art or native) it has yet been my good fortune to hear, though they also abound in touching and wistful elements. The polyphony displayed by the four to eight singers was prodigious, and as the whole thing went prestissimo (Polynesian languages lend themselves very readily to speed) it reminded me of nothing so much as of a seething, squirming musical ant-hill, bursting into furious song for sheer joy and high spirits. No doubt the habit of harmony here displayed had been caught long ago from missionary hymns (Rarotonga was "converted" before many of the other islands of the South Seas), yet the use made by these brilliant musicians of their foreign accomplishment was completely native in its application and was throughout governed by the individualistic dictates of Unwritten Music. Their procedure followed habits rather than laws.  



Each part-song consisted of a succession of small sections, each lasting some fifteen to twenty seconds, and separated one from the other by a brief moment of silence.  



A short solo began each section, consisting of a curving, descending phrase, starting off on the fourth, fifth or sixth of the diatonic major scale and ending on the tonic below. As soon as the first singer reached the keynote the other voices would chime in, one after the other or in a bunch, according to the free choice of each individual concerned, while the first singer kept up a stirring hammering and highly rhythmic patter (which in the phonograph closely resembles the twang of banjos or rattle of small drums, though actually no instruments at all were used) on the tonic until the end of the section.  



These other voices also sang curving, descending diatonic phrases (never twice quite alike, but always bearing a sort of family likeness to those of the first singer), which were repeated by each singer several times before the end of the section, which was heralded by a growing lassitude in all the voices-often fading away in an indolent sort of "dying duck" wail-whereas each new section was attacked in the most vigorous manner.  



The various melodic lines as well as the whole character of the performance showed great variety during the course of a longish chain of such sections, while the harmonic and polyphonic happenings were kaleidoscopic in their everchanging aspects. 



It will be seen that a great range of personal choice was left to all the members of this Rarotongan choir, in each of whom a highly complex, delicate and critical sense for ensemble was imperative. Each of these natives had to be a kind of improvising communal composer, and to a far greater degree simultaneously creative and executive than is the case with peasant songsters in Great Britain or Scandinavia, though a somewhat similar gift for complex improvised part-singing is displayed in the wonderful Russian choral folk-music so admirably collected and noted by Madame Lineff. 







Attractive as are the passionate warmth of vocal color, the savage exhilarating rattle of the rhythms, and the often almost wistful sweetness of the melodic phrases heard in this Rarotongan music, most fascinating of all to a modern composer are the Bach-like gems of everchanging, euphoniously discordant polyphonic harmony which throughout surprise, baffle and soothe the ear; patches of concords alternating with whole successions of discords-mainly seconds.  



To us moderns the results of this free polyphony makes a seductive complex harmonic appeal, but I doubt very much if the Rarotongans themselves hear their own music in this way, and I am more inclined to believe that they attain their unique results precisely because their exceptionally developed individualistic polyphonic instincts are still free from the kind of harmonic consciousness which art-musicians have gradually built up through the centuries. 







It is, of course, widely known that many races use quarter tones and other divisions of the scale smaller than those hitherto in vogue in Europe, and Ferruccio Busoni's illuminating pamphlet "A New Esthetic of Music" contains some very clear-sighted suggestions for the use of third-tones and other close intervals suggestions which I fondly hope the near future may see carried into practice.  

当然のことながら、世界の多くの民族が、クオータートーンや、欧米音楽でこれまで流布していたものよりも、一つの音から次の音への間隔が狭い音階を使用していることは、広くしられている。フェルッチョ・ブゾーニの啓発的な小冊子「A New Esthetic of Music」(これからの音楽は何を新たに「美しい」とするか)。ここには、3度の音やその他近い音程差を利用する上で、大変に先見の明を感じさせる提案が、記されている。恐らく近い将来、実行に移されるだろう 


My own experience with such small intervals has been in the "waiatas" and chants of the Maoris of New Zealand. Here all sorts of very close intervals are used in an indefinite, gliding sort of singing, which is very effective; but it is not my impression that these intervals are fixed as are those of our art-scales. When several Maoris sing such chants together, great variations of intervals occur in the different voices, constituting a kind of "careless" or "inexact" unison also noticeable in Egyptian singing and pipe-playing and in much Eastern music, which has a charm all its own and might with great advantage be used in our art music. In this sort of ensemble the musicians do not seem to make any attempt to attain an exact unison, and here also one is inclined to imagine that the ear of the native listener follows the path of each performer separately, and is not conscious of the discords that result from this "loose fit" in a harmonical or "horizontal" way, as we would be. 








The South Sea Islands must simply teem with complex improvised choral music, which, according to R. L. Stevenson, Pierre Loti, and many other sojourners in the "Gentle Isles," accompanies both their ceremonies and their most ordinary actions, and makes their every-day existence constantly melodious.  



Africa appears to be the home of the richest developments of what may be termed "rhythmic polyphony," in which players upon every variety of drums and percussion instruments display in their treatment of intricately contrasted and independent rhythms a gift for communal improvisation comparable with that of Polynesian singers. Mr. H. E. Krehbiel, in his valuable and engrossing book on "Afro-American Folksongs," says of the war-dances of the Dahomans (pp. 64, 65):  



Berlioz in his supremest effort with his army of drummers produced nothing to compare in artistic interest with the harmonious drumming of these savages.  



Mr. Krehbiel's description of their music is exciting to a degree, and should be consulted in its entirety. 








A distant echo of the habits of unwritten music can be traced in the marvelous accomplishments of the colored instrumentalists and singers who make up the New York "Clef Club," an organization which could not fail to electrify Europe if presented there, and to hear which it is more than worth one's while to travel across the Atlantic. The compositions they interpret are art-music, and reveal the strict harmonic habits of the written art, but the ease with which those members of the Club who cannot read musical notation learn and remember intricate band and choral parts by heart (often singing tenor and playing bass) and many individualistic and rhapsodical traits in their performances suggest the presence of instincts inherited from the days of communal improvisation. These qualities are nowhere more in evidence than in their exhilarating renderings of two fascinating choral numbers by that strangely gifted American composer, Will Marion Cook-"Rain-song" and "Exhortation"-in themselves works of real genius and originality that deserve a worldwide reputation.  



Musicians who have been thrilled by the passionate but always artistically refined percussion playing of the "Clef Club" can the more easily picture to themselves the overwhelming effect of the Dahoman drumming described by Mr. Krehbiel. 







The war-dances of the Maoris of New Zealand strike a certain note of savage, elemental force and passion which, it seems to me, is foreign to most European music with the exception of certain heroic and violent outbursts in Beethoven. These "hakas," as they are called, consist solely of spoken declamations of highly rhythmic poems for solo and chorus, accompanied by handclapping, weird quiverings of the body and threatening gestures and grimaces. It is hard to realize that such simple means as these can be responsible for an impression so musically pregnant and emotionally overwhelming as that produced by these graceful ex-cannibals. 
