During the summer of 1915 there had been a growing dissatisfaction not only with the conduct of the war but with the inadequate control of business firms suspected of profiteering on a vast scale at the public expense as well as the lax supervision of provisions supplied to the armies in France. It was in connection with this that I became involved in the fortunes of a paper which enjoyed some reputation as an upholder of straight dealing in public affairs. The New Witness.
Most readers of books know something of the late G. K. Chesterton, essayist, playwright, verse-maker, and creator of Father Brown. Very few probably have ever heard of his younger brother Cecil, who was in some ways an equally remarkable personality. He first attracted public attention a few years before the war as the center of a libel action brought by the British government against a weekly journal. The Eye Witness, of which he was the editor and guiding spirit. The case was the famous Marconi Scandal which for months unpleasantly stirred the whole of England. At that time the government was contemplating taking under its control one of the several rival radio organizations; curiosity was rife as to which would be the lucky choice, and eventually the lot fell to Marconi. Shortly afterwards it was discovered that three members of the government, who presumably had private knowledge of its intentions, had been acquiring shares on a rising market in the Marconi concern, which was a public joint stock company. Chesterton and The Eye Witness, denouncing this as political corruption, called for the dismissal of the ministers involved. The government obtained a technical victory over the paper and was awarded a farthing damages which was equivalent to a moral defeat. The three ministers were saved from political extinction by the action of the Prime Minister, who interposed the broad shield of his own popularity and respectability between them and public disfavor, and it is somewhat ironical that a few years later, during the war, one of the three salvaged by this magnanimous effort was the mainspring of the intrigue which ousted Mr. Asquith in favor of Mr. Lloyd George. Shortly after the trial. The Eye Witness changed its name to The New Witness and it was about this time that I became acquainted with Cecil.
I must confess that the first sight of him was a distinct shock. He had become quite a hero of mine, I had pictured him as a dashing and romantic knight of the pen, the champion of dangerous but righteous causes, and here was one of the most ill-favored and unprepossessing individuals I had ever looked on. His method of speech, or rather delivery of it, was hardly better, for he stammered, stuttered, and spluttered and seemed to swallow his tongue as well as his words when he became carried away by enthusiasm or indignation. But after a while it became evident to me, as to everyone else, that here was a fine and fearless spirit, a born fighter filled with a sacred zeal for honest living and a burning hatred of humbug and crooked ways. As I too was very much in the crusading vein just then, my heart warmed quickly to this doughty little figure, and when The New Witness shortly afterwards began to enter a period of difficulty and distress, I offered my collaboration. This was accepted and enabled the paper not only to get firmly on its feet, but to expand in the way of bringing in as regular contributors some of the most famous names in English letters and journalism; Hilaire Belloc, Bernard Shaw, G. K. Chesterton, Ernest Newman, Alice Meynell, and a few distinguished foreigners such as the Abbd Dimnet with a weekly article on French affairs. Although I never used or attempted to use the paper as a vehicle for any of my own opinions, I kept in fairly close touch with Cecil and made many appearances at his Friday board meetings which were held in a dingy room in Essex Street just off the Strand.
The meetings began at five and for about half an hour were conducted in au atmosphere of comparative silence and gloom. A boy would then enter with a large tray on which were glasses and several bottles of Burgundy, one being placed before each member present. This pleasing indulgence, so I learned, owed its adoption to Hilaire Belloc, one of the most renowned wine drinkers of the day, and it certainly seemed to have a miraculous effect upon the proceedings. During the next half hour, tongues were unloosed, ideas floated in the air, epigrams were coined, and at times I could almost fancy myself in the old Mermaid Tavern of three hundred years ago. Another half hour and the next week's issue was virtually written and we went our different ways rejoicing. But among this brilHant gathering of wit, fancy, and solid learning, it was always Cecil who was the centerpiece of the show. Without any of the subtlety and paradoxical charm of G.K., or the massive knowledge of Belloc, he had a direct and powerful intelligence backed by a pungent and telling prose-style that were just what was needed for an enterprise such as The New Witness. The paper existed and was read mainly for its belligerent and critical policy; it was he who undertook the lion’s share in maintaining its reputation as a courageous revealer of malodorous misdeeds; no influence or argument could ever turn him from his course once he had determined which way to go, and he became a source of terror to some of those rapacious vultures who were taking the fullest advantage of the war to line their own pockets.
One day he wrote to tell me that he was going into the army; there lay his duty and he would not seek to avoid it; and a little while after he announced his forthcoming marriage to Miss Prothero, a gifted contributor to the paper. Their wedding breakfast was given at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern in Fleet Street, the favorite rendezvous of Dr. Johnson, practically all literary London attended, and a few days later Cedi left for the front. The sequel was pathetic. The hero of a hundred public controversies succumbed after a few months, not to the rage of battle but to an attack of influenza, and the paper did not long survive his loss. It might have managed for a while to carry on in some shape or other, yet without that sledge-hammer stroke of his in attack and that unrelenting persistence in argument, like a good bulldog gripping its antagonist, it would not have been the same. Thus came into and passed out of my life the man who to my mind was the finest journalist of his day in England; and as a memorial to him London can point to the Cecil Chesterton Hostels of which there are now about a dozen in existence, every other year seeing one more added to the number. These are institutions where women who are strangers to the city or depressed in means can obtain accommodation for a nominal sum, and were almost unknown when Cecil and his wife began a journalistic campaign for their foundation. Always the friend of the poor, the unfortunate and the down-at-heel, he would rejoice if he could see how the executive ability of his widow and the appreciation of the public have realized one of his most cherished projects.
Christopher Morrongiello performs "Lachrimae" (ca. 1590s) by John Dowland (1563–1626)