

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第4回 第4章 音楽の4要素 1.リズム

4. The Four Elements of Music 






I. リズム 


Music has four essential elements: rhythm, melody, harmony, and tone color. These four ingredients are the composer's materials. He works with them in the same way that any other artisan works with his materials. From the standpoint of the lay listener they have only a limited value, for he is seldom conscious of hearing any one of them separately. It is their combined effect ― the seemingly inextricable web of sound that they form ― with which listeners are concerned for the most part. 



Still, the layman will find that it is well-nigh impossible to have a fuller conception of musical content without in some degree delving into the intricacies of rhythm, melody, harmony, and tone color. A complete understanding of the separate elements belongs with the deepest technicalities of the art. In a book of this kind, only so much information should be imparted as will help the listener more exactly to grasp the effect of the whole. Some knowledge of the historical development of these primary elements is also necessary if the reader is to arrive at a more just view of the relationship of contemporary music to the art of the past. 



Most historians agree that if music started anywhere, it started with the beating of a rhythm. An unadulterated rhythm is so immediate and direct in its effect upon us that we instinctively feel its primal origins. If we had any reason for suspecting our instinct in the matter, we could always turn to the music of savage tribes for verification. Today, as ever, it is music almost entirely of rhythm alone and often of an astonishing complexity. Not only the testimony of music itself but the close relationship of certain patterns of doing work to rhythmic patterns, and the natural tie-up between bodily movement and basic rhythms are further proof, if proof were needed, that rhythm is the first of the musical elements. 



Many thousands of years were to pass before man learned how to write down the rhythms that he played or those that he sang in later ages. Even today our system of rhythmic notation is far from perfect. We still are unable to note down subtle differences such as every accomplished artist instinctively adds in performance. But our system, with its regular division of rhythmic units into measures separated by bar lines, is adequate for most purposes. 



When musical rhythm was first put down, it was not measured off into evenly distributed metrical units as it now is. It wasn't until about 1150 that “measured music,” as it was then called, was slowly introduced into Western civilization. There are two opposing ways in which one might regard this revolutionary change, for it had both a liberating and a restraining effect on music. 



Up until that time, much of the music of which we have any record was vocal music; it invariably accompanied prose or poetry as a modest handmaiden. From the time of the Greeks to the full flowering of Gregorian chant, the rhythm of music was the natural, unfettered rhythm of prose, or poetic speech. No one then, or since, has ever been able to write down that kind of rhythm with any degree of exactitude. Monsieur Jourdain, the protagonist of Moliere's comedy, would have been doubly astonished if he had known that he was not only talking prose but that his prose rhythm was of a subtlety that defied transcribing. 



The first rhythms that were successfully transcribed were of a much more regulated character. This innovation gradually had many and far-reaching effects. It helped considerably to divorce music from its dependence on the word; it supplied music with a rhythmic structure of its own; it made possible the exact reproduction of the composer's rhythmical conceptions from generation to generation; but, most of all, it was responsible for the subsequent contrapuntal, or many-voiced, music, unthinkable without measured metrical units. It would be difficult to exaggerate the inventive genius of those who first developed rhythmical notation. Yet it would be foolish to underestimate the confining influence that it has had on our rhythmical imagination, particularly at certain periods of musical history. How this came about we shall soon see. 



The reader may be wondering by this time what, musically speaking, we mean by “measured metrical units.” Almost everyone, at some time in his life, has marched in a parade. The footbeat themselves seem to call out: LEFT ,right, LEFT, right; or ONE, two, ONE, two; or, to put it into simplest musical terminology:  

ONE-two  ONE-two 


>           > 

That is one measured metrical unit of 2/4 time. One could 

continue beating out this same metrical unit for a few 

minutes, as children sometimes do, and have the basic 

rhythmic patten of any march. The same holds true for the 

other basic metrical unit by threes: 

ONE-two-three  ONE-two-three 


>     >          

which is a measure of 3/4 time. If the first of these rhythms is doubled, we get a measure of 4/4 time, thus: ONE-two-THREE-four; if the second is doubled, we get 6/4 time: ONE-two-three-FOUR-five-six. In these simple units, the stress, or accent, as we call it in music (marked >), normally falls on the first beat of each measure. But the accented note need not necessarily be the first of each measure. As an example, take a measure of 3/4 time. There is the possibility of accenting not only the first beat but also the second or the third, thus: 

ONE-two-three; or one-TWO-three; or one-two-THREE  


>       >              > 


1  2 1   2 


>   > 


1   2    3      1   2    3 


>     >          


1 2   3        1    2   3       1    2    3  


>       >             > 


The second two are examples of irregular, or displaced, accents in 3/4 time. 



The fascination and emotional impact of simple rhythms such as these, repeated over and over again, as they sometimes are, with electrifying effect, is quite beyond analysis. All we can do is humbly to acknowledge their powerful and often hypnotic effect upon us and not feel quite so superior to the savage tribesman who first discovered them. 



Such simple rhythms, however, carry with them the danger of monotony, particularly as used by so-called “art” composers. Nineteenth-century composers, primarily interested in extending the harmonic language of music, allowed their sense of rhythm to become dulled by an overdose of regularly recurring downbeats. Even the greatest of them are open to this accusation. That probably is the origin for the conception of rhythm entertained by the ordinary music teacher of the past generation who taught that the first beat of every metrical unit is always the strong one. 



There is, of course, a much richer conception of rhythmic life than that, even as applied to nineteenth-century classics. In order to explain what it is, it is necessary to make clear the distinction between meter and rhythm. 



Properly understood, there is seldom in art music a  rhythmic scheme that is not made up of these two factors: meter and rhythm. To the layman, unfamiliar with musical terminology, any confusion between the two can be avoided by keeping in mind a similar situation in poetry. When we scan a line of verse, we are merely measuring its metrical units, just as we do in music when we divide the notes into evenly distributed note values. In neither case do we have the rhythm of the phrase. Thus, if we recite the following line, stressing the regular beats of the metrical line, we get: 

       /        /           /          /        /   

What is your substance, whereof are you made, 

       /        /           /          /        / 

That millions of strange shadows on you tend? 









Reading it thus, we get only its syllable sense, not its rhythimic sense. Rhythm comes only when we read it for its meaning sense. 



Similarly in music, when we stress the down beat: ONE-two-three; ONE-two-three; and so forth, as some of us were taught to do by our teachers, we get only the meter. We get the real rhythm only when we stress the notes according to the musical sense of the phrase. The difference between music and poetry is that in music a sense of both meter and rhythm may be more obviously present at the same time. Even in a simple piano piece there is a left hand and a right hand at work at the same time. Often the left hand does little more, rhythmically speaking, than play an accompaniment in which the meter and rhythm exactly coincide, while the right hand moves freely within and around the metrical unit without ever stressing it. An especially fine example of that is the slow movement of Bach's Italian Concerto. Schumann and Brahms also supply numerous examples of the subtle interplay of meter and rhythm. 



Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the humdrum regularity of metrical units of twos and threes and their multiples began to be broken up. Instead of writing an unvarying rhythm of ONE-two, ONE-two, or ONE-two-three, ONE-two-three, we find Tschaikovsky, in the second movement of his Pathetic Symphony, venturing a rhythm made up of a combination of the two: ONE-two- ONE-two-three, ONE-two-ONE-two-three. Or, to put it more exactly: ONE-two-THREE-four-five, ONE-two-THREE-four-five. Tschaikovsky, no doubt, like other Russian composers of his time, was only borrowing from Russian folk-song sources when he introduced this unusual meter. Wherever it came from, our rhythmic schemes have never been the same since that time. 



But the Russian composer had only taken a first step. Though beginning with an unconventional rhythm in five, he nevertheless kept it rigorously throughout the movement. It was left for Stravinskyto draw the inevitable conclusion of writing changing meters with every bar. Such a procedure looks something like this: ONE-two, ONE-two-three, ONE-two-three, ONE-two, ONE-two-three-four, ONE-two-three, ONE-two, etc. Now read that in strict tempo and as fast as you can. You will see why musicians found Stravinsky so difficult to perform when he was new. Also, why many people found these new rhythms so disconcerting merely to listen to. Without them, however, it is hard to see how Stravinsky could have achieved those jagged and uncouth rhythmic effects that first brought him fame. 





At the same time, a new freedom developed within the confines of a single bar. It should be explained that in our system of rhythmic notation the following arbitrary note values are used: whole note ; half note ; quarter note ; eighth note ; sixteenth note ; thirty-second note ; sixty-fourth note ; In duration of time, a whole note would be the equivalent of two half notes, or four quarter notes, or eight eighth notes, and so forth, thus: 





全音   2分音符  4分音符  

8分音符  16分音符  32分音符  64音符  






The time value of a whole note is only relative; that is to 

say, it may last two seconds or twenty seconds according to whether the tempo is fast or slow. But in every case, the smaller values into which it may be divided are exact divisions. In other words, if a whole note has a duration of four seconds, the four quarter notes into which it may be divided will have a value of one second each. In our system, it is customary to gather the notes into bars or measure, as is often the case, the piece is said to be in four-quarter time. This, of course, means that four quarters or their equivalent, such as two half notes or one whole note, will make up one bar. When a measure of four-quarter time is split into eighth notes, the normal way of dividing them would be to group them by twos: 2―2―2―2. 







Modern composers had the not unnatural idea of breaking the quarters into an unequal distribution of eighth notes thus: 









The number of eighths remains the same, but their arrangement is no longer 2―2―2―2― but 3―2―3 or2―3―3 or 3―3―2. Continuing this principle, composers soon were writing similar rhythms outside the bar line, making their rhythms look like this on the page: 2―3―3―2― 4―3―2―etc. 





This was another way, in other words, of achieving that same independence of rhythm that Stravinsky deduced from Russian folk song, via Tschaikovsky, Moussorgsky, et al. 



Most musicians still find it easier to play a rhythm of 6/8 than one of 5/8, particularly in fast tempo. And most listeners feel more “comfortable” in the well-grooved,  time-honored rhythms that they have always heard. But both musicians and listeners should be warned that the end of modern rhythmical experiments is not yet in sight. 



The next step has already been taken ― an even more complex stage of rhythmic development. It was brought about by the combination of two or more independent rhythms at the same time. These result in what has been termed polyrhythms. 



The first polyrhythmic stage is simple enough and was often used by “classical” composers. When we were taught to play two against three or three against four or five against three, we were already playing polyrhythms, with the significant limitation that the first beat of each rhythm always coincide. In such cases, we get: 


Right hand |1 - 2  | 1 - 2 | 

Left  hand |1-2-3 | 1-2-3 | 




Right hand | 1 - 2 - 3 | 1 - 2- 3 | 

Left  hand | 1-2-3-4 | 1-2-3-4 | 


Right hand |1 - 2  | 1 - 2 | 

Left  hand |1-2-3 | 1-2-3 | 




Right hand | 1 - 2 - 3 | 1 - 2- 3 | 

Left  hand | 1-2-3-4 | 1-2-3-4 | 


But it is two or more rhythms with first beats that do not 

coincide that really make for exciting and fascinating 




Don't imagine for an instant that such rhythmic complexities were unknown until our own time. On the contrary, by comparison with the intricate rhythms used by African drummers or Chinese or Hindu percussionists, we are mere neophytes. A real Cuban rhumba band, to come nearer home, can also show us a thing or two when it comes to the hectic use of polyrhythms. Our own “swing” bands, inspired by darker days of “hot jazz,” also occasionally let loose a welter of polyrhythms which defy analysis. 



Polyrhthms may be examined in their most elementary form in any simple jazz arrangement. Remember that really independent polyrhythms result only when down beats do not coincide. In such cases, a rhythm of two against three would look like this. 





or, in musical terms: 


     |       | 









     |       | 



All jazz is founded on the rock of a steady, unchanging rhythm in the bass. When jazz was only ragtime, the basic rhythm was merely that of march time: ONE-two-THREE-four, ONE-two-THREE-four. This same rhythm was made much more interesting in jazz by simply displacing the accents so that the basic rhythm became one-TWO-three-FOUR, one-TWO-three-FOUR. Unsuspecting citizens who object to the “monotony” of jazz rhythm unknowingly admit that all they hear is this foundational rhythm. But over and above it are other, and freer, rhythms; and it is the combination of the two that gives jazz whatever rhythmic vitality it possesses. I do not mean to say that all jazz music is continually and throughout each piece polyrhythmic but only that at its best moments it partakes of a true independence of different rhythms sounded simultaneously. One of the earliest examples of these polyrhythms used in jazz will be found in the late George Gershwin's appropriately named “Fascinating Rhythm.” 



(see the score illustrated on page 36) 



Gershwin, in a commercial product, could use this device only sparingly. But Stravinsky, Bartok, Milhaud, and other modern composers had no such limitations. In works like the Story of a Soldier (Stravinsky) or the later Bartok string quartets, there are abundant examples of multiple rhythms logically carried out, producing unexpected and new-sounding rhythmic combinations. 



Some of my more informed readers may be wondering why I have made no mention, in this outline of rhythmic development, of that phenomenal school of English composers who flourished in Shakespeare's day. They wrote hundreds of madrigals which are overrun with the most ingenious of polyrhythms. Since they composed music for voices, their use of rhythm takes its being from the natural prosody of the words. And since each separate voice has its own separate part, the result makes for an unprecedented interweaving of independent rhythms. The characteristic feature of the rhythm of the madrigal composers is the lack of any sense of strong down beat. Because of that, later generations with less of a feeling for subtle rhythms accused the madrigalist school of being arrhythmic. This lack of a strong down beat makes the music look like this; 











The effect is anything but primitive. Therein lies its main difference from the modern brand of polyrhythm, which depends for its effect upon an insistence on juxtaposed down beats. 



No one can say where this new rhythmic freedom will take us. Already certain theorists have mathematically computed rhythmic combinations as possibilities that no composer has yet heard. “Paper rhythms” these may be called. 



The lay listener is asked to remember that even the most complex rhythms were meant for his ears. They need not be analyzed to be enjoyed. All you need do is to relax, letting the rhythm do with you what it will. You already allow just that with simple and familiar rhythms. Later on, by listening more intently and not resisting the rhythmic pull in any way, the greater complexities of modern rhythm and the subtle rhythmic interplay of the madrigal school will undoubtedly add new interest to your music listening. 



Bach ― The Italian Concerto 

Glenn Gould (piano) (Sony) 

Tschaikovsky ― Symphony No. 6 (Pathetique) 

Sir Georg Solti, Chicago Symphony (London) 






サー・ゲオルグショルティ指揮  シカゴ交響楽団(ロンドン) 




Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第3回 第3章 音楽はどうやって作られるか

3. The Creative Process in Music 


Most people want to know how things are made. They frankly admit, however, that they feel completely at sea when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. Where a composer begins, how he manages to keep going ― in fact, how and where he learns his trade ― all are shrouded in impenetrable darkness. The composer, in short, is a man of mystery to most people, and the composer's workshop an unapproachable ivory tower. 






One of the first things most people want to hear discussed in relation to composing is the question of inspiration. They find it difficult to believe that composers are not as preoccupied with that question as they had supposed. The layman always finds it hard to realize how natural it is for the composer to compose. He has a tendency to put himself into the position of the composer and to visualize the problems involved, including that of inspiration, from the perspective of the layman. He forgets that composing to a composer is like fulfilling a natural function. It is like eating or sleeping. It is something that the composer happens to have been born to do; and, because of that, it loses the character of a special virtue in the composer's eyes. 



The composer, therefore, confronted with the question of inspiration, does not say to himself: “Do I feel inspired?” He says to himself: “Do I feel like composing today?” And if he feels like composing, he does. It is  more or less like saying to yourself: “Do I feel sleepy?” If you feel sleepy, you go to sleep. If you don't feel sleepy, you stay up. If the composer doesn't feel like composing, he doesn't compose. It's as simple as that. 



Of course, after you have finished composing, you hope that everyone, including yourself, will recognize the thing you have written as having been inspired. But that is really an idea tacked on at the end. 



Someone once asked me, in a public forum, whether I waited for inspiration. My answer was: “Every day!” But that does not, by any means, imply a passive waiting around for the divine afflatus. That is exactly what separates the professional from the dilettante. The professional composer can sit down day after day and turn outsome kind of music. On some days it will undoubtedly be better than on others; but the primary fact is the ability to compose. Inspiration is often only a by-product. 



The second question that most people find intriguing is generally worded thus: “Do you or don't you write your music at the piano?” A current idea exists that there is something shameful about writing a piece of music at the piano. Along with that goes a mental picture of Beethoven composing out in the fields. Think about it a moment and you will realize that writing away from the piano nowadays is not nearly so simple a matter as it was in Mozart or Beethoven's day. For one thing, harmony is so much more complex that it was then. Few composers are capable of writing down entire compositions without at least a passing reference to the piano. In fact, Stravinsky in his Autobiography has even  gone so far as to say that it is a bad thing to write music away from the piano because the composer should always be in contact with la matiere sonore. That's a violent taking of the opposite side. But, in the end, the way in which a composer writes is a personal matter. The method is unimportant. It is the result that counts. 



The really important question is: “What does the composer start with; where does he begin?” The answer to that is, Every composer begins with a musical idea ― a musical idea, you understand, not a mental, literary, or extramusical idea. Suddenly a theme comes to him. (Theme is used as synonymous with musical idea.) The composer starts with his theme; and the theme is a gift from Heaven. He doesn't know where it come from ― has no control over it. It comes almost like automatic writing. That's why he keeps a book very often and writes themes down whenever they come. He collects musical ideas. You can't do anything about that element of composing. 



The idea itself may come in various forms. It may come as a melody ― just a one-line simple melody which you might hum to yourself. Or it may come to the composer as a melody with an accompaniment. At times he may not even hear a melody: he may simply conceive an accompanimental figure to which a melody will probably be added later. Or, on the other hand, the theme may take the form of a purely rhythmic idea. He hears a particular kind of drumbeat, and that will be enough to start him off. Over it he will soon begin hearing an accompaniment and melody. The original conception, however, was a mere rhythm. Or a different type of composer may possibly begin with a contrapuntal web of two or three melodies which are heard at the same instant. That, however, is a less usual species of thematic inspiration. 

集めるネタは、様々な形で浮かんでくる。メロディは 自分で鼻歌で歌えるような形、あるは伴奏付きの形、時にはメロディが浮かんでこず、伴奏だけが浮かんで、後からメロディを付けることになったり、一方でメロディのリズムだけ太鼓の音か何かで浮かんできたり、とこんな風でも取っ掛かりとしては十分だ。元はリズムだけのメロディも、やがて伴奏だの、音程のついた音だのがついてくるのだ。それとも、作曲家によっては、同時に2つ3つと旋律が複雑に絡み合ったものが聞こえてくるかもしれない。まあ、これなどは主題がインスピレーションとして降ってくるパターンとしては、あまり聞かない話ではある。 


All these are different ways in which the musical idea may present itself to the composer. 



Now, the composer has the idea. He has a number of them in his book, and he examines them in more or less the way that you, the listener, would examine them if you looked at them. He wants to know what he has. He examines the musical line for its purely formal beauty. He likes to see the way it rises and falls, as if it were a drawn line instead of a musical one. He may even try to retouch it, just as you might in drawing a line, so that the rise and fall of the melodic contour might be improved. 




But he also wants to know the emotional significance of his theme. If all music has expressive value, then the composer must become conscious of the expressive values of his theme. He may be unable to put it into so many words, but he feels it! He instinctively knows whether he has a gay or a sad theme, a noble or diabolic one. Sometimes he may be mystified himself as to its exact quality. But sooner or later he will probably instinctively decide what the emotional nature of his theme is, because that's the thing he is about to work with. 



Always remember that a theme is, after all, only a succession of notes. Merely by changing the dynamics, that is, by playing it loudly and bravely or softly and timidly, one can transform the emotional feeling on the very same succession of notes. By a change of harmony a new poignancy may be given the them; or by different rhythmic treatment the same notes may result in a war dance instead of lullaby. Every composer keeps in mind the possible metamorphoses of his succession of notes. First he tries to find its essential nature, and then he tries to find what might be done with it ― how that essential nature may momentarily be changed. 




As a matter of fact, the experience of most composers has been that the more complete a theme is the less possibility there is of seeing it in various aspects. If the theme itself, in its original form, is long enough and complete enough, the composer may have difficulty in seeing it in any other way. It already exists in its definitive form. That is why great music can be written on themes that in themselves are insignificant. One might very well say that the less complete, the less important, the theme, the more likely it is to be open to new connotations. Some of Bach's greatest organ fugues are constructed on themes that are comparatively uninteresting in themselves. 



The current notion that all music is beautiful according to whether the theme is beautiful or not doesn't hold true in many cases. Certainly the composer does not judge his theme by that criterion alone. 



Having looked at his thematic material, the composer must now decide what sound medium will best fit it. Is it a theme that belongs in a symphony, or does it seem more intimate in character and therefore better fitted for a string quartet? Is it a lyrical theme that would be used to best advantage in a song; or had it better be saved, because of its dramatic quality, for operatic treatment? A composer sometimes has a work half finished before he understands the medium for which it is best fitted. 



Thus far I have been presupposing an abstract composer before an abstract theme. But actually I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom conceives music in a somewhat different fashion. 



The type that has fired public imagination most is that of the spontaneously inspired composers ― the Franz Schubert type, in other words. All composers are inspired of course, but this type is more spontaneously inspired. Music simply wells out of him. He can't get it down on paper fast enough. You can almost always tell this type of 

composer by his prolific output. In certain months, Schubert wrote a song a day. Hugo Wolf did the same. 



In a sense, men of this kind begin not so much with a  musical theme as with a completed composition. They invariably work best in the shorter forms. It is much easier to improvise a song than it is to improvise a symphony. It isn't easy to be inspired in that spontaneous way for long periods at a stretch. Even Schubert was more successful in handling the shorter forms of music. The spontaneously inspired man is only one type of composer, with his own limitations. 



Beethoven symbolizes the second type ― the constructive type, one might call it. This type exemplifies my theory of the creative process in music better than any other, because in this case the composer really does begin with a musical theme. In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down. We can see from his notebooks how he worked over his themes ― how he would not let them be until they were as perfect as he could make them. Beethoven was not a spontaneously inspired composer in the Schubert sense at all. He was the type that begins with a theme; makes it a germinal idea; and upon that constructs a musical work, day after day, in painstaking fashion. Most composers since 

Beethoven's day belong to this second type. 



The third type of creator I can only call, for lack of a  better name, the traditionalist type. Men like Palestrina and Bach belong in this category. They both exemplify the kind of composer who is born in a particular period of musical history, when a certain musical style is about to reach its fullest development. It is a question at such a time of creating music in a well-known and accepted style and doing it in a way that is better than anyone has done it before you. 



Beethoven and Schubert started from a different premise. They both had serious pretentions to originality! After all, Schubert practically created the song form singlehanded; and the whole face of music changed after Beethoven lived. But Bach and Palestrina simply improved on what had gone before them. 



The traditionalist type of composer begins with a pattern rather than with a theme. The creative act with Palestrina is not the thematic conception so much as the personal treatment of a well-established pattern. And even Bach, who conceived forty-eight of the most varied and inspired themes in his Well Tempered Clavichord, knew in advance the general formal mold that they were to fill. It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditionalist period nowadays. 



One might add, for the sake of completeness, a fourth type of composers ― the pioneer type: men like Gesualdo in the seventeenth century, Mussorgsky and Berlioz in the nineteenth, Debussy and Edgar Varese in the twentieth. It is difficult to summarize the composing methods of so variegated a group. One can safely say that their approach to composition is the opposite of the traditionalist type. They clearly oppose conventional solutions of musical problems. In many ways, their attitude is experimental ― they seek to add new harmonies, new sonorities, new formal principles. The pioneer type was the characteristic one at the turn of the seventeenth century and also at the beginning of the twentieth century, but it is much less evident today.  

(Recent experiments with electronically produced music, however, point to a new species of scientifically trained composer as the pioneer type of our own time.) 



But let's return to our theoretical composer. We have him with his idea ― his musical idea ― with some conception of its expressive nature, with a sense of what can be done with it, and with a preconceived notion of what medium is best fitted for it. Still he hasn't a piece. A musical idea is not the same as a piece of music. It only induces a piece of music. The composer knows very well that something else is needed in order to create the finished composition. 



He tries, first of all, to find other ideas that seem to go with the original one. They may be ideas of a similar character, or they may be contrasting ones. These additional ideas will probably not be so important as the one that came first ― usually they play a subsidiary role. Yet they definitely seem necessary in order to complete the first one. Still that's not enough! Some way must be found for getting from one idea to the next, and it is generally achieved through use of so-called bridge material. 



There are also two other important ways in which the composer can add to his original material. One is the elongation process. Often the composer finds that a particular theme needs elongating so that its character may be more clearly defined. Wagner was a master at elongation. I referred to the other way when I visualized the composer's examining the possible metamorphoses of his themes. That is the much written-about development of his material, which is a very important part of his job. 



All these things are necessary for the creation of a full-sized piece ― the germinal idea, the addition of other lesser ideas, the elongation of the ideas, the bridge material for the connection of the ideas, and their full development. 



Now comes the most difficult task of all ― the wedding together of all that material so that it makes a coherent whole. In the finished product, everything must be in its place. The listener must be able to find his way around in the piece. There should be no possible chance of his confusing the principal theme with the bridge material, or vice versa. The composition must have a beginning, a middle, and an end; and it is up to the composer to see to it that the listener always has some sense of where he is in relation to beginning, middle, and end. Moreover, the whole thing should be managed artfully so that none can say where the soldering began ― where the composer's spontaneous invention left off and the hard work began. 



Of course, I do not mean to suggest that in putting his materials together the composer necessarily begins from 

scratch. On the contrary, every well-trained composer has, as his stock in trade, certain normal structural molds on which to lean for the basic framework of his compositions. These formal molds I speak of have all been gradually evolved over hundreds of years as the combined efforts of numberless composers seeking a way to ensure the coherence of their compositions. What these forms are and exactly in what manner the composer depends on them will materialize in later chapters. 



But whatever the form the composer chooses to adopt ,there is always one great desideratum: The form must have what in my student days we used to call la grande ligne (the long line). It is difficult adequately to explain the meaning of that phrase to the layman. To be properly understood in relation to a piece of music, it must be felt. In mere words, it simply means that every good piece of music must give us a sense of flow ― a sense of continuity from first note to last. Every elementary music student knows the principle, but to put it into practice has challenged the greatest minds in music! A great symphony is a man-made Mississippi down which we irresistibly flow from the instant of our leave-taking to a long foreseen destination. Music must always flow, for that is part of its very essence, but the creation of that continuity and flow ― that long line ― constitutes the be-all and end-all of every composer's existence. 



Schubert ― Selection of Songs 

Rene Fleming (London); Wolfgang Holzmair (Philips) 


Beethoven ― Piano Sonata in C, Opus 53 (”Waldstein”) 

Alfred Brendel (Philips) 


Beethoven ― Quartet in C-sharp Minor, Opus 131 

Emerson Quartet (Deutsche Grammophon) 


Bartok ― Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta; 

Concerto for Orchestra 

Fritz Reinver, Chicago Symphony (RCA) 






ベートーヴェンピアノソナタハ長調 作品53ワルトシュタイン 



ベートーヴェン弦楽四重奏曲嬰ハ短調 作品131 





フリッツ・ライナー指揮 シカゴ交響楽団RCAレコート社)

Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第2回 第2章 私達は音楽をどう聴いているか

2  How We Listen 


We all listen to music according to our separate capacities. But, for the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to speak. In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate planes. For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane, (3) the sheerly musical plane. The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way in which we listen. 




私達一人ひとり、それぞれ音楽の聴き方は、方法や深さが異なる。でも本書はその分析が目的なので、音楽を聴くプロセス全体を明確にするために、いくつかの部品に分解してみる。ある意味、私達は皆、次の3段階で音楽を聴く。他に良いネーミングがなくて申し訳ないが、一応こんな名前をつけてみた。(1)感覚的に聴く (2)表現を聴く (3)しっかり音楽的に聴く。仮にこうした段階を設定して、音楽を聴くプロセス全体を機械的に切り分けてみる。そうすることで、私達の音楽の聴き方が、より明確になってくる。 


The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself. That is the sensuous plane. It is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any way. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. 



You may be sitting in a room reading this book. Imagine one note struck on the piano. Immediately that one note is enough to change the atmosphere of the room ― proving that the sound element in music is a powerful and mysterious agent, which it would be foolish to deride or belittle. 



The surprising thing is that many people who consider themselves qualified music lovers abuse that plane in listening. They go to concerts in order to lose themselves. They use music as a consolation or an escape. They enter an ideal world where one doesn't have to think of the realities of everyday life. Of course they aren't thinking about the music either. Music allows them to leave it, and they go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it. 



Yes, the sound appeal of music is a potent and primitive force, but you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest. The sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not constitute the whole story. 



There is no need to digress further on the sensuous  plane. Its appeal to every normal human being is selevident. There is, however, such a thing as becoming  

more sensitive to the different kinds of sound stuff as used by various composers. For all composers do not use that sound stuff in the same way. Don't get the idea that the value of music is commensurate with its sensuous appeal or that the loveliest-sounding music is made by the greatest composer. If that were so, Ravel would be a greater creator than Beethoven. The point is that the sound element varies with each composer, that his usage of sound form an integral part of his style and must be take into account when listening. The reader can, see, therefore, that a more conscious approach is valuable even on this primary plane of music listening. 







The second plane on which music exists is what I have called the expressive one. Here, immediately, we tread on controversial ground. Composers have a way of shying away from any discussion of music's expressive side. Did not Stravinsky himself proclaim that his music was an “object,” a “thing,” with a life of its own, and with no other meaning than its own purely musical existence? This intransigent attitude of Stravinsky's may be due to the fact that so many people have tried to read different meanings into so many pieces. Heaven knows it is difficult enough to say precisely what it is that a piece of music means, to say it definitely, to say it finally so that everyone is satisfied with your explanation. But that should not lead one to the other extreme of denying to music the right to be “expressive.” 



My own belief is that all music has an expressive power, some more and some less, but that all music has a certain meaning behind the notes and that the meaning behind the notes constitutes, after all, what the  piece is saying, what the piece is about. This whole  problem can be stated quite simply by asking, “Is there a meaning to music?” My answer to that would be, Yes.” And “Can you state in so many words what  the meaning is?” My answer to that would be “No.” Therein lies the difficulty. 












Simple-minded souls will never be satisfied with the answer to the second of those questions. They always want music to have a meaning, and the more concrete it is the better they like it. The more the music reminds them of a train, a storm, a funeral, or any other familiar conception the more expressive it appears to be to them. This popular idea of music's meaning ― stimulated and abetted by the usual run of musical commentator ― should be discouraged wherever and whenever it is met. One timid lady once confessed to me that she suspected something seriously lacking in her appreciation of music because of her inability to connect it with anything definite. That is getting the whole thing backwards of course. 



Still, the question remains. How close should the intelligent music lover wish to come to pinning a definite meaning to any particular work? No closer than a general concept, I should say. Music expresses, at different moments, serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph, fury or delight. It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences. It may even expresses a state of meaning for which there exists no adequate word in any language. In that case, musicians often like to say that it has only a purely musical meaning. They sometimes go farther and say that all music has only a purely musical meaning. What they really mean is that no appropriate word can be found to express the music's meaning and that, even if it could, they do not feel the need of finding it. 



But whatever the professional musician may hold most musical novices still search for specific words with which to pin down their musical reactions. That is why they always find Tschaikovsky easier to “understand” than Beethoven. In the first place, it is easier to pin a meaning-word on a Tschaikovsky piece than on a Beethoven one. Much easier. Moreover, with the Russian composer, every time you come back to a piece of his it almost always says the same thing to you, whereas with Beethoven it is often quite difficult to put your finger right on what he is saying. And any musician will tell you that that is why Beethoven is the greater composer. Because music which always says the same thing to you will necessarily soon become dull music, but music whose meaning is slightly different with each hearing has a greater chance of remaining alive. 



Listen, if you can, to the forty-eight fugue themes of Bach's Well Tempered Clavichord. Listen to each theme, one after another. You will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of feeling. You will also soon realize that the more beautiful a theme seems to you  the harder it is to find any word that will describe it to your complete satisfaction. Yes, you will certainly know whether it is a gay theme or a sad one. You will be able, in other words, in your own mind, to draw a  frame of emotional feeling around your theme. Now  study the sad one a little closer. Try to pin down the exact quality of its sadness. Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad?  



Let us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen theme. There is still no guarantee that anyone else will be satisfied. Nor need they be. The important thing is that each one feel for himself the specific expressive quality of a theme or similarly, an entire piece of music. And if it is a great work of art, don't expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you return to it.  



Themes or pieces need not express only one emotion, of course. Take such a theme as the first main one of the Ninth Symphony, for example. It is clearly made up of different elements. It does not say only one thing. Yet anyone hearing it immediately gets a feeling of strength, a feeling of power. It isn't a power that comes simply because the theme is played loudly. It is a power inherent in the theme itself. The extraordinary strength and vigor of the theme results in the listener's receiving an impression that a forceful statement has been made. But one should never try to boil it down to “the fateful hammer of life,” etc. That is where the trouble begins. The musician, in his exasperation, says it means nothing but the notes themselves, whereas the nonprofessional is only too anxious to hang on to any explanation that gives him the illusion of getting closer to the music's meaning. 



Now, perhaps, the reader will know better what I mean when I say that music does have an expressive meaning but that we cannot say in so many words what that meaning is. 



The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical plane. Besides the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive feeling that it gives off, music does exist in terms of the notes themselves and of their manipulation. Most listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane. It will be largely the business of this book to make them more aware of music on this plane. 



Professional musicians, on the other hand, are, if anything, too conscious of the mere notes themselves. They often fall into the error of becoming so engrossed with their arpeggios and staccatos that they forget the deeper aspects of the music they are performing. But from the layman's standpoint, it is not so much a matter of getting over bad habits on the sheerly musical plane as of increasing one's awareness of what is going on, in so far as the notes are concerned. 



When the man in the street listens to the “notes themselves” with any degree of concentration, he is most 

likely to make some mention of the melody. Either he hears a pretty melody or he does not, and he generally lets it go at that. Rhythm is likely to gain his attention next, particularly if it seems exciting. But harmony and tone color are generally taken for granted, if they are thought of consciously at all. As for music's having a definite form of some kind, that idea seems never to have occurred to him. 



It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical plane. After all, an actual musical material is being used. The intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it. He must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious fashion. But above all he must, in order to follow the line of the composer's thought, know something of the principles of musical form. Listening to all of these elements is listening of the sheerly musical plane. 



Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. Acturally, we never listen on one or the other of these planes. What we do is to correlate them ― listening in all three ways at the same time. It takes no mental effort, for we do it instinctively. 



Perhaps an analogy with what happens us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer. In the theater, you are aware of the actors and actresses, costumes and sets, sounds and movements. All these give one the sense that the theater is a pleasant place to be in. They constitute the sensuous plane in our theatrical reactions. 



The expressive plane in the theater would be derived from the feeling that you get from what is happening on the stage. You are moved to pity, excitement, or gayety. It is this general feeling, generated aside from the particular words being spoken, a certain emotional something which exists on the stage, that is analogous to the expressive quality in music. 



The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical plane. The playwright creates and develops a character in just the same way that a composer creates and develops a theme. According to the degree of your awareness of the way in which the artist in eitheir field handles his material will you become a more intelligent listener. 



It is easy enough to see that the theatergoer never is conscious of any of these elements separately. He is aware of them all at the same time. The same is true of music listening. We simultaneously and without thinking listen on all three planes. 



In a sense, the ideal listener is both inside and outside the music at the same moment, judging it and enjoying it, wishing it would go one way and watching it go another ― almost like the composer at the moment he composes it; because in order to write his music, the composer must also be inside and outside the music, carried away by it and yet coldly critical of it. A subjectie and objective attitude is implied in both creating and listening to music. 



What the reader should strive for, then, is a more active kind of listening. Whether you listen to Mozart or Duke Ellington, you can deepen your understanding of music only by being a more conscious and aware listener ― not someone who is just listening, but someone who is listening for something. 



Bach ― Well-Tempered Clavier, Books I and II (48 Preludes and Fugues) 

Wanda Landowska (harpsichord)(RCA); Andras Schiff (piano)(London) 

Beethoven ― The Nine Symphonies 

John Eliot Gardiner (Archiv); Otto Klemperer(Angel-EMI) 


バッハ平均律クラヴィーア曲集 第1集第2集48の前奏曲とフーガ 






Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第1回の2 第1章はじめに



All books on understanding music are agreed about one point: You can't develop a better appreciation of the art merely by reading a book about it. If you want to understand music better, you can do nothing more important than listen to it. Nothing can possibly take the place of listening to music. Everything that I have to say in this book is said about an experience that you can only get outside this book. Therefore, you will probably be wasting your time in reading it unless you make a firm reasolve to hear a great deal more music than you have in the past. All of us, professionals and nonprofessionals, are forever trying to deepen our understanding of the art. Reading a book may sometimes help us. But nothing can replace the prime consideration ➖― listening to music itself. 






Luckily, opportunities for hearing music are much greater than they ever were before. With the increasing availability of good music on radio and phonogragh, not to mention television and the movies, almost anybody has the chance to listen to music. In fact, as a friend of mine recently said, nowadays everybody has the chance not to understand music.  



It has often seem to me that there is a tendency to exaggerate the difficulty of properly understanding music. We musicians are constantly meeting some honest soul who invariably says, in one form or another, “I love music very much, but I don't understand anything about it.” My playwright and novelist friends rarely hear anyone say, “I don't understand anything about the theater or the novel.” Yet I strongly suspect that those very same people, so modest about music. have just as much reason to be modest about the other arts. Or, to put it more graciously, have just as little reason to be modest about their understanding of music. If you have any feelings of inferiority about your musical reacitons, try to rid yourself of them. They are often not justified. 



At any rate, you have no reason to be downcast about your musical capacities until you have some idea of what it means to be musical. There are many strange popular notions as to what “being musical” consists of. One is always being told, as the unarguable proof of a musical person, that he or she can “go to a show and then come home and play all the tunes on the piano.” That fact alone bespeaks a certain musicality in the person in question, but it does not indicate the kind of sensitivity to music that is under examination here. The entertainer who mimics well is not yet an actor, and the musical mimic is not necessarily a profoundly musical individual. Another attribute which is trotted forth whenever the question of being musical arises is that of having absolute pitch. To be able to recognize the note A when you hear it may, at times, be helpful, but it certainly does not prove, taken by itself, that you are a musical person. It should not be taken to indicate anything more than a glib musicality which has only a limited significance in relationship to the real understanding of music which concerns us here. 



There is, however, one minimum requirement for the 

potentially intelligent listener. He must be able to recognize a melody when he hears it. If there is such a thing as being tone-deaf, then it suggests the inability to recognize a tune. Such a person has my sympathy, but he cannot be helped; just as the color-blind are a useless lot to the painter. (William Schuman contests this statement. As a result of practical work with amateurs he claims good results in aiding those previously held tone-deaf to recognize melodic materials). But if you feel confident that you can recognize a given melody ― not sing a melody, but recognize it when played, even after an interval of a few minutes and after other and different melodies have been sounded ― the key to a deeper appreciation of music is in your hands. 



It is insufficient merely to hear music in terms of the separate moments at which it exists. You must be able to relate what you hear at any given moment to what has just happened before and what is about to come afterward. In other words, music is an art that exists in point of time. In that sense it is like a novel, except that the events of a novel are easier to keep in mind, partly because real happenings are narrated and partly because one can turn back and refresh one's memory of them. Musical “events” are more abstract by nature, so that the act of pulling them all together in the imagination is not so easy as in reading a novel. That is why it is necessary for you to be able to recognize a tune. For the thing that takes the place of a story in music is, as a rule, the melody. The melody is generally what guides the listener. If you can't recognize a melody on its first appearance and can't follow its peregrinations straight through to its final appearance, I fail to see what you have to go on in listening. You are just vaguely being aware of the music. But recognizing a tune means you know where you are in the music and have a good chance of knowing where you're going. It is the only 

sine qua nom of a more intelligent approach to understanding music. 



Certain schools of thought are inclined to stress the value for the listener of some practical experience of music. They say, in effect, play Old Black Joe on the piano with one finger and it will get you closer to the mysteries of music than reading a dozen volumes. No harm can come, certainly, from pecking the piano a bit or even from playing it moderately well. But as an introduction to music I am suspicious of it, if only because of the many pianists who spend their lives playing great works, yet whose understanding of music is, on the whole, rather weak. As for the popularizers, who first began by attaching flowery stories and descriptive titles to make music easier and ended by adding doggerel to themes from famous compositions ― their “solution” for the listener's problems is beneath contempt. 



No composer believes that there are any short cuts to the better appreciation of music. The only thing that one can do for the listener is to point out what actually exists in the music itself and reasonably to explain the wherefore and the why of the matter. The listener must do the rest. 


Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第1回 著者序文

Preface(first edition 1939) 


To put down as clearly as possible the fundamentals of intelligent music listening is the object of this book. The job of “explaining” music is no easy one, and I cannot flatter myself that I have succeeded better than others. But most writers on music appreciation approach the problem from the standpoint of the educator or the music critic. This is a composer's book. 


序文(初版本 1939年 




To a composer, listening to music is a perfectly natural and simple process. That's what it should be for others. If there is any explaining to be done, the composer naturally thinks that, since he knows what goes into a musical composition, none has a better right to say what the listener ought to get from it. 



Perhaps the composer is wrong about that. Perhaps the creative artist cannot be so objective in his approach to music as the more detached educator. But it seems to me that the risk is worth taking. For the composer has something vital at stake. In helping others to hear music more intelligently, he is working toward the spread of a musical culture, which in the end will affect the understanding of his own creations 



Still the question remains, how to go about it? How can the professional composer break down the barrier between himself and the lay listener? What can the composer say to make music more completely the listener's own? This book is an attempt to answer these questions. 



Given the chance, every composer would like to know two very important things about anyone who takes himself seriously as a music lover. He would like to know these two things: 



1. Are you hearing everything that is going on? 

2.Are you really being sensitive to it 


Or, to put it differently: 


1.Are you missing anything as far as the notes themselves are concerned? 

2.Is your reaction a confused one, or are you quite clarified as to your emotional response? 










Those are very pertinent question, no matter what the music may be. They apply equally well to a Palestrina Mass, a Balinese gamelan, a Chavez sonatina, or the Fifth Symphony. In fact, they are the very same questions that the composer puts to himself, more or less consciously, whenever he is confronted with unfamiliar music, old or new. For, after all, there is nothing infallible about a composer's musical instincts. The main difference between him and the lay listener is that he is better prepared to listen. 



This book, then, is a preparation for listening. 



No composer worthy of the name would be content to prepare you to listen only to music of the past. That is why I have tried to apply every point made not only to established master works but also to the music of living men. I have often observed that the mark of a real music lover was an imperious desire to become familiar with every manifestation of the art, ancient and modern. Real lovers of music are unwilling to have their musical enjoyment confined to the overworked period of the three B's. The reader, on the other hand, may think that he has accomplished enough if he has been led to a richer understanding of the accepted classics. But it is my belief that the “problem” of listening to a fugue by Handel is essentially no different from that of listening to a similar work by Hindemith. There is a definite similarity of procedure which it would be foolish to ignore, quite aside from the question of relative merit. Inasmuch as I am bound to discuss fugues in a book of this kind, the reader might just as well see the fugue form exemplified in a new work as in an old one. 



Unfortunately, whether the music is old or new, a certain number of technicalities have to be explained. Otherwise the reader cannot hope to grasp explanations of the higher musical forms. In every instance I have made an effort to keep technicalities to a minimum. It has always seemed to me more important for the listener to be sensitive to the musical tone than to know the number of vibrations that produce the tone. Information of that kind is of limited value even to the composer himself. What he desire above all is to encourage you to become as completely conscious and wide awake a listener as can possibly be developed. There lies the kernel of the problem of understanding music. It is no more difficult than that.  



Though the book was written primarily with the lay 

man in mind, it is my hope that music students may also profit by reading it. In their concentration on perfecting themselves in the particular piece they happen to be studying, typical conservatory students tend to lose sight of the art of music as a whole. This book may serve, perhaps, especially in the later chapters on fundamental forms, to crystallize the loose general knowledge the student often acquires. 



No solution has been found for the perennial problem of supplying satisfactory musical examples. Every piece of music mentioned in the text has been recorded and therefore may be heard by the reader. For the benefit of quick reference by those who read notes, a moderate number of musical illustrations have been printed in the text. Some day the perfect method for illustrating a book's statement about music may be discovered. Until then, the unfortunate layman will have to accept a number of my observations on simple faith. 





Author's Note for the 1957 Edition 


Almost twenty years have passed since the first edition of this book was issued in 1939. It is naturally gratifying to me to know that it has continued to be found useful by music listeners since that time, both in America and abroad (EDITOR'S NOTE: Translations of What to Listen for in Music have appeared in German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Hebrew, and Persian.)  






During the past two decades we have witnessed an unprecedented spread of interest in all forms of music throughout the world. Both the quantity and quality of music listening have changed, but fortunately for the author, the basic problems of “what to listen for” have remained about the same. For that reason, only minor  corrections were needed in the body of the text.  



Two new chapters have been added ― one on the thorny question of how present-day composition should be listened to, the other considering the comparatively new province of film scoring and its relation to the movie-goer. The first of these added sections needs a word of explanation in view of my original claim, in the Preface to the first edition, that contemporary composition posed no special listening problems of its own. This still seems to me to be true. Nevertheless, it is equally true that after fifty years of so-called modern music there are still thousands of well-intentioned music lovers who think it sounds peculiar. It seemed worth an extra try to see if I could elucidate some few facets of new music listening that do not come within the scope of other chapters. Both new sections are based on articles originally prepared for The New York Times Magazine. My thanks are due the editors for permission to recast some of the material originally printed there. 



At the back of the book a list of recordings of works mentioned in the text (with a few additions) will be found. For those interested in further reading, a short bibliography has been added, including a special listing of books by composer-authors. These were set down in the hope that listeners would want to hear composers speak for themselves. 



Aaron Copland 


New York 









What to listen for in music was the title of a course of fifteen lectures given by the author at the New School for Social Research in New York City during the winters of 1936 and 1937. Dr. Alvin Johnson, director of the New School, deserves my thanks for providing the public forum which stimulated the writing of this book 






The talks were designed for the layman and music student, not for the professional musician. The present volume, therefore, is correspondingly limited in scope. My purpose was not to be all-inclusive on a subject that might very easily spread itself but to confine the discusion to what seemed to me to be essential listening problems. 




The manuscript was read by Mr. Elliot Carter, to whom I am indebted for valuable suggestions and friendly criticisms. 




Copland 「What to Listen for in Music」を読む 第0回の2 前書き アラン・リッチ


A. R. (1999) 


 Turn back the clock. The year 1939. Aaron Copland, Brooklyn-born at the turn of the century (November 14, 1900), is already being widely hailed as the first genuinely American composer. Now he has produced a small but immensely valuable book, a compilation of lectures he had given at Manhattan's New School for Social Research under the title “What to Listen for in Music,” not the first attempt to translate the experience of classical music into words but ― as hordes of enthusiastic readers soon recognized ― surely the first such attempt from the inside, the first to express the way someone actually involved in creating music regards the artistic world around him. 







 Recognized as a prodigy ― at the piano and as a composer ― while in his teens, Copland was soon lured, as were many of his colleagues, to develop his musical skills at the traditional fountainhead of all serious music, Europe. The formidable Nadia Boulanger, composer, organist, and teacher, had set up a curriculum for aspiring young American composers at the newly formed American Conservatory at Fountainbleau, near Paris. The twenty-year-old Copland was one of the first to arrive at Boulanger's doorstep. Godmother in all but name to generations of the most distinguished names to American music as they tested their new wings ― from Copland, Virgil Thomson and Roy Harris in the 1920s to Philip Glass in the 1960s ― Boulanger drilled her fledgling charges in musical basics: how to listen to (and what to listen for) in the music of the past, and how to make those techniques work in the music of the present and future. Most of all she preached the need for composers to seek new musical sources in the world around them, rather than grinding out slavish if proficient rip-offs of the music of the past ― and to venture  

fearlessly into new and unknown regions. 




 In 1921, when Copland became Boulanger's first student at Fontainebleau, the musical world was still quivering from the impact of Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, first heard on May 29, 1913 ― which many take as the birth date of modern music. The premiere of that epochal score ― whose composer had had the gall to use his orchestral strings as percussion instruments, elicit unearthly wails from the usually well behaved woodwinds, and set up an agonizing chain of pounding, shifting rhythms ― had stirred its audience to riot; music would never again be the same. The timid listener of the time might well have looked on Stravinsky's score as music's Armageddon; even now, when that milestone work counts as familiar repertory to most symphony orchestras and when a well-stocked record store might offer fifty competing performances of that one score, you'll still occasionally witness a suffering patron beating a hasty retreat from the concert hall as Stravinsky's drums begin their onslaught. 




The Rite of Spring arrived in America in March 1922 led by the fearless, innovative Leopold Stokowski, greeted (as in Paris nine years before) with outrage from the majority and with cheers from the courageous. Basically, America's musical tastes at the end of the First World War tended toward the conservative, with its major composers ― Edward MacDowell, say, of the 

sugary piano pieces (”To a Wild Rose,” etc.) ― fashioning their symphonies, concertos, and songs on the European models of half a century before. Charles Ives, one composer imbued with a passion for musical innovation, and for instilling into his music a sense of American nationality, had by 1914 already created a legacy of large-scale, daring works; the best of these scores then sat on the shelf for another three decades or more, until a new generation of musicians ― among them the American-educated, American-trained Leonard Bernstein ― made a belated but exhilarated discovery of their worth. 




Nadia Boulanger led her American students toward a heightened recognition of their own origins, and toward the skills that would translate this awareness into great music. American music, thanks to her urgings, began to sound like itself: Midwestern ballads and dances that found their way into Roy Harris's symphonies, the Southern Baptist hymn tunes transfigured in 

Virgil Thomson's small piano pieces and full-scale operas. 




One of Copland's first successes, after his return to the United States in 1924, was his Music for the Theater, a suite of dances and tone-pictures that drew on America's ragtime craze for some of its tunes and rhythms. In January 1927, with the proud composer at the piano and Serge Koussevitzky conducting the Boston Symphony, Copland's Piano Concerto stirred up a reaction 

among the audience and critics comparable to the “Riot of Spring” in Paris fourteen years before. Why? Because this audacious young American composer had dared to draw inspiration from his own country's music ― its dazzle, its wrangle and ― horror! ― a liberal dose of the newfangled jazz stirred into the stylistic melting pot. Jazz in Boston's hallowed Symphony Hall? The earth 

surely shook that day. 




Ten years later, the name Aaron Copland was everywhere recognized as the American composer for all seasons. A growing legacy of symphonic works, chamber music, and piano solos confirmed his credentials as an innovator in the fearsome world of dissonance. A fine ear for the melodic throb and the dynamic rhythms of indigenous music ― from his own Russian-Jewish immigrant background, from the frenzy of Latin rhythms as they might resound in a cabaret called “El Salon Mexico,” to a haunting, cowboyish tune that Billy the Kid might have heard on a quiet night ― expanded that legacy and seemed to proclaim that greatness and accessibility in music need not be sworn enemies. His 1938 Billy the Kid was the first of a series of ballet scores that enchantingly mingled high and low art: Rodeo and Appalachian Spring abide among the world's fund of masterpieces. 




In the winters of 1936 and 1937 Copland delivered the series of lectures that became the basis, two years later, for this book. The lectures, too, bore the same titles; “What to Listen for in Music” may seem a bit clumsy grammatically, but it is accurate in a way that “How to Listen to Music” would not be. “These are the things that I find remarkable, defining, in this particular piece,” 

Copland constantly reminds us in his beautifully well chosen words. “This is what the composer does with these things, and what they do to me. Accept me as a role model, if you wish, or don't. You're on your own.” That is hardly the sentiment of a composer obsessed with the need for self-justification. (If there is a weakness here, it is the absence of a “What to Listen for in Aaron Copland's Music” chapter.) 




The enduring strength in Copland's words is the portrait they create of a musician proud of his music, proud of the musical world surrounding his own work, eager to delve into that world and find the words for its wordless phenomena that can bring the ultimate recipient of those words ― you and me, in other words ― closer to the magical mysteries of the music we can hear and want to hear better. 




The very process of hearing music has changed enormously, and mostly for the better, since Aaron Copland compiled this “owner's manual for music,” as I like to call it (although it's just as clearly a manual to being owned by music). I have an encyclopedia of available recordings worldwide, published the same year Copland began his lectures; it's astonishing to compare its 

listings with the latest issue of the renowned Schwann Catalogue. Look anywhere: out of 104 symphonies by Joseph Haydn (all of them available today in recorded versions four or five times duplicated), only ten were available in 1936. Of the four mighty music dramas of Richard Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung, not one had been recorded complete; at this writing there are eight versions of the complete “Ring.” Against the current deluge of concertos by the Baroque master Antonio Vivaldi, there are but three ― all of them in modernized, “inauthentic” arrangements ― listed in 1936; there was but a single one of the more than two hundred church cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, some of the most powerful music dramas composed in any era. 




Recordings, furthermore, came on twelve-inch, hard (and sometimes agonizingly breakable) shellac discs, rotated at seventy-eight revolutions per minute, with each side lasting up to 4 1/2 minutes; each disc retailed for two dollars (1936 dollars!). Figuring an inflation factor of about twenty, a recording of, say, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, on four double-sided discs, would retail at about $160 at today's rates; instead, you can now get a perfectly good, uninterrupted performance of the Fifth ― with, perhaps, another symphony tossed in for good measure ― on a single compact disc, holding up to eighty minutes of music, for under ten dollars. The 1936 phonograph was usually a massive piece of parlor furniture. The truly affluent could afford a record changer, thus saving the walk to the turntable every 4 1/2 minutes, but the machinery operated on about a ten-second cycle, so you still only got to hear the music in short segments. Fifty years after the invention of the long-playing record, twenty years after the compact disc, part of my subconscious still hears the Beethoven Fifth Symphony in these musical lumps, and also hears the scratch at the start of the second side of the slow movement. (This is not, of course, what I “listen for” in the music, but it's something beyond my power to avoid.) 




A copy of Copland's book helped bridge the difficulties in this piecemeal kind of home listening, and it served as boon companion as music became more and more accessible in its proper, uninterrupted form through the magic of radio. Sunday afternoons across the land became sacred observances, the weekly concerts by the New York Philharmonic, broadcast live from Carnegie Hall. Saturday afternoons were equally hallowed, the weekly matinee performances by the Metropolitan Opera. On Christmas Day 1937, Arturo Toscanini and his newly formed NBC Symphony Orchestra had their first broadcast in a series that was to stretch over seventeen years. Other orchestras in major cities broadcast their performances to local audiences. Even without the luxury of choice offered in today's world of the broadcast media and the staggering resources of today's recordings emporiums, people in 1939 had access to a fair amount of music. 




Not long after the end of World War II, the listening process underwent a drastic change, for better or for worse. The long-playing record turned at a pokey 33 1/3 revolutions per minute, but held up to thirty-two minutes on a side: a whole Beethoven Fifth, say, with only the breaks in continuity ordained by the composer! What's more, the processes behind the production of recordings had slimmed down to the point where any record producer, armed with a couple of microphones and a tape recorder, could roam the musical repertory and discover the hidden nooks and crannies that the industry had previously overlooked. By the early 1950s the catalogues swelled with Bach cantatas, Haydn symphonies, Wagnerian music dramas, grand quantities of new music including works by Copland himself, all available in resonant, continuous performance where none had been available before. Suddenly it seemed as if the entire music-loving world could tune in on the entire music-creating world. If anything, the need for guidance in What to Listen for in Music became even more profound. 




Copland subjected What to Listen for in Music to a gentle revision in 1957, adding one chapter on what to listen for in new (1957!) music and another on film music ― a field that he himself had invaded with great success, including an Academy Award for the 1948 score to The Heiress. “Both the quantity and quality of music listening have changed, but.... the basic problems of 'what to listen for' have remained the same. For that reason, only minor corrections were needed in the body of the text.....” 




Could that same reassurance apply forty years later? No, it could not. In 1957 there was music being created at an electronic studio in Cologne in which the sounds came not from instruments but from an array of tone generating devices of various sizes and proficiency. In California the composers Colin McPhee and Lou Harrison drew their inspiration not from the traditional models of France and Germany but from the sounds and rhythms of Indonesian gamelan music. In 1952 the composer John Cage produced a work in which the only sounds were the room noises around a pianist sitting silently at a piano. Some composers ― among them the American Milton Babbitt and France's Pierre Boulez ― expanded the extreme formalism of Anton Webern's music into a musical style totally ruled by systems. Others ― Cage, the German-born American Lukas Foss, Germany's Karlheinz Stockhausen ― worked from an opposite point of view, allowing their musicians totally free choice over the shape of any given performance. 




One could say without exaggeration that music in the years since 1957 has been totally reinvented around each and every fringe, even though the center has held. I have taken the extreme presumption of adding one chapter of my own Copland's text, on what has happened in those adventurous four decades, and what to listen for in the results. 




Access to musical masterpieces was a chancy proposition when Copland's book first appeared. His vivid, dedicated language offered a comforting survey of the mysteries and miracles of whatever music was at hand. His words suggested ways to take music seriously, without denying ourselves the sheer indulgence in the sound of a symphony orchestra or a piano virtuoso at work. It disturbed him not at all to realize that access to the music he so vividly described was often through the scratch-infested stop-and-start medium of the 78-rpm disc, or through a barrage of static on a pre-FM radio; listening, Copland makes wonderfully clear, is a privilege well worth the effort. 




And now there is music without effort. A look at the latest compact-disc catalogue leads one to suspect that every piece of music ever composed, from the austere melodies of ancient church chant to the drums and gongs of something finished just last week, is now available on discs, sometimes in numerous (and did I hear “wasteful”?) duplicate versions. Modern technology has produced recordings amazingly like the sound of live performances in a concert hall or opera house; it has also, of course, eliminated the need to hear our music in four-minute segments. Compact-disc players exist that will accept and then play ― without human intervention ― a load of anywhere up to one hundred discs, each lasting more than an hour. There are also radio stations in most large cities that offer a twenty-four-hour steady flow of classical music. The spread of music, in other words, has come to resemble a branch of the wallpaper industry. 




Copland's book appeared at a time of relative famine; it spoke words of charm and comfort to potential audiences with sporadic access to a central corps of great works. By 1936 all of Beethoven's string quartets, concertos, and symphonies had been recorded, as well as all of Brahms's, but few of the works of Mozart, Haydn, Bach or the great masters of the Renaissance ― and far less of the music of this century. Today's listener faces no such deprivation. The Beethoven symphonies have been produced (and reproduced seventy-five times over), and so have the symphonies of Joachim Raff and Eduard Tubin, the chamber music of Knudige Riisager, the piano music of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji: composers virtually unknown until their recent 

“discovery” as grist for the compact-disc industry. Of music by Aaron Copland, the latest catalogue lists eight columns' worth of very small print, including five versions of that “scandalous” Piano Concerto of 1927. 





The vastness of today's compact-disc treasury is indeed fabulous. Unfortunately, however, much of it suffers the fate of the aforementioned wallpaper: as background for smart conversation in restaurants, bookstores or the elevators of tall buildings; on the radio at home as we do our puttering in the kitchen or serve dinner; on the 100-disc player, where after an hour or two its music begins to form amorphous fog of sound. “Does It Matter if You Listen?” read the title of a famous magazine article about involving an audience in a musical experience. The answer, alas, is “not always.” Copland would rise up in horror at this news, and probably did more than once. That's why the title of the book is so appropriate: we listen for the structural peculiarities in a Sibelius symphony, the dramatic surprises in even a tiny Chopin Prelude, the wedding of story-line and music in a Tchaikovsky tone-poem. We take those instances to heart, and learn to find similar (or contrasting) events in works unmentioned, but no less valuable, in this one slim volume. Plunged into the creative heart of the music of the master composers, we become master listeners. Dinner can wait. 






A Note on Selected Recordings 


The previous editions of What to Listen for in Music contained up to eight pages listing recordings of music that Copland had discussed ― or, more often, merely mentioned by name ― in his text. It added up to a staggering list, somewhat intimidating if truth be known. I have pruned the list drastically and broken it down into segments of recommended listening at the end of each chapter. Living as we do in times of recording redundancies, I don't think it makes sense to underline every proper name in the book with its appropriate signature tune; I would trust a listener who gets hooked on, say, Bartok's Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta in 

Chapter Three to be inspired to move on toward more Bartok ― starting, if I may suggest, with the Fourth String Quartet. I would also suggest that ownership of at least one set of the nine Beethoven symphonies ― of the several dozen listed in the latest compact-disc catalogue ― would be ground zero for forming any kind partnership with Aaron Copland's marvelous book. 







Copland's text includes a number of references to recordings that were obviously dear to him in 1939 ― Arturo Toscanini's recording of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, for one ― or of pieces for which no recording existed at the time. Well, Toscanini's recording, made in 1936, is still available and still sounds wonderful; still, there are also other performances in more up-to-date sound. And the Piano Pieces, Opus 19, of Arnold Schoenberg, of which no recording existed in 1939, can now be had in any of five different versions. I will not touch Copland's text, not its major substance nor its trifling anachronism; as it stands, it stands for one of music's great minds, and that transcends any other considerations. 



「Copland on Music を読む」最終回「同業者の皆様へ:リズムの記譜法について」 




第4章 同業者の皆様へリズムの記譜法について 


IN A RECENT ARTICLE in Modern Music, Marcelle de Manziarly demonstrated that there exist two different kinds of rhythm in music of a more sophisticated nature, namely, the rhythm one hears, and the rhythm one hears and sees. The ear alone, without the aid of the eye, can distinguish only elementary types, made up of strong and weak beats, evenly or unevenly grouped together, heard singly or in combinations. In a simple waltz or march the ear easily grasps what the mental eye sees. But just as the trained musician occasionally likes to follow from score ― perhaps in order to more clearly extricate the inner voices from the general musical texture, so the eye helps to appreciate rhythmic subtleties that the ear cannot take in. This distinction should be stressed more than it has been. 



It is a distinction that becomes crucial in the noting down of certain so-called modern rhythms ― rhythms that present a technical problem both to the composer himself and to his executant (In the past decade the serialization of rhythmic units by the dodecaphonic school of composers has greatly complicated the problem as set forth here). 



Most of us were brought up in the rhythmic tradition of the nineteenth century, which took for granted the equal division of metrical units. Countless pupils were taught that four quarter notes:   


indicate accents on beats one and three: 

① 2 ③ 4 

and that when these were subdivided, the smaller units would always be equal divisions, thus: 

♪♪  ♪♪  ♪♪  ♪♪ 

Trouble began when composers became fascinated with the rhythmic possibilities resulting from the combination of unequal units of twos and threes: 

♪♪  ♪♪♪ or  ♪♪♪ ♪♪ 

Basically a large proportion of modern rhythms may be said to derive from that formula. 




① 2 ③ 4 


♪♪  ♪♪  ♪♪  ♪♪ 


♪♪  ♪♪♪ あるいは  ♪♪♪ ♪♪ 



If you happen to be the type of composer who hears successions of two and three eighth-note groupings, you are likely to find yourself writing down combinations like this: 

|5/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪|8/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪|7/8 ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|2/8 ♪♪|3/8 ♪♪♪| 


|5/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪|8/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪|7/8 ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|2/8 ♪♪|3/8 ♪♪♪|  


Here you have the by-now-familiar groups of unequal metrical units that strike terror in the hearts of performers, particularly conductors ― who know in advance the struggles in store for them when these rhythmic complexes are brought to rehearsal. 



The harassed executant is quick to point out that in his opinion the composer was inventing unnecessary complications in the notating of his rhythms. The argument goes something like this: In writing down groupings of 5/8 - 8/8 - 7/8 - 3/8, or any similar “odd” combination, you are proceeding on the assumption that all strong beats coincide with the first beat of each measure. In other words, you are making rhythm and meter synonymous, a practice in much nineteenth-century music. Walter Piston put the case well for the executant when he wrote: 



“The overemphasis on the musical significance of the barline and the attempt to make meter and rhythm synonymous should perhaps be laid to the influence of Stravinsky and Bartok. After the Sacre our young composers fell under a tyranny of the bar measure quite as strict as that which held sway during the nineteenth century, forgetting that the barline in music is only a convenience for keeping time and that it indicates rhythmic stress only by accidental and coincidence. 



If that is true ― if the bar-line is not to be taken as indicative of a strong beat ― then our rhythm of: 

(Version 1) 

|5/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪|8/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪|7/8 ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|2/8 ♪♪|3/8 ♪♪♪| 

might just as well be noted down as: 

(Version 2) 

|3/4 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪|♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪|♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪|♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|♪ 

    >     >       >         >      >           >      >     >    >     > 

Theoretically, whichever way the rhythm is notated (always assuming that accents have been added), the effect on the ear should be the same. 


(バージョン 1) 

|5/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪|8/8 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪|7/8 ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|2/8 ♪♪|3/8 ♪♪♪| 


(バージョン 2) 

|3/4 ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪|♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪|♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪|♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪|♪ 

   >       >      >        >       >          >       >     >     >    > 



That would seem to settle the question. But actually there are two schools of thought in this matter. The younger and more progressive type of interpreter will tell you that, despite its difficulty, he prefers Version 1 to Version 2. He insists that executants must be taught to play unequal rhythmic units with the same natural ease that they play a simple ternary rhythm. He claims further that the two versions do not in reality sound precisely the same to the listening ear. A subtle difference will be felt as between one version and the other. 



It seems to me true that, from the standpoint of the individual performer who plays without a conductor, both versions should be equally assimilable. The considerable advantage of Version 1 is that it looks the way it sounds. But for ensemble playing under the baton of a leader, experience has taught me that Version 2 is preferred by the majority of instrumentalists and conductors. It is not always technically easy to ignore the bar-line, as one must in playing Version 2, placing the accents where they are indicated. But once the rhythm is well learned it is easy to reproduce; while Version 1, even when thoroughly rehearsed, is easy to forget. 



One of the difficulties of trying to settle this matter of rhythmic notation once and for all arises from the fact that no one example can be made to stand for all possible rhythmic problems. Each separate instance must be decided on its own merit. For example, speaking generally, it would seem foolish to force a basic rhythm of 7/8, which consistently remains 7/8 throughout a piece or section of a piece, into a strait-jacket of 3/4 or 4/4 merely for the sake of a more conventional regularity. There are other instances where the addition of an extra eighth or sixteenth note to an otherwise regular rhythmic scheme will cause notational upsets. These are sometimes unavoidable, and can be accounted for only by the interpolation of an occasional uneven measure. Common sense dictates the use of the metrically regular bar-line whenever the actual rhythms are persistently irregular. These are the rhythms that have to be simplified, at least for the present, until executants catch up with the complex rhythmic imagination of the present-day composer. 



Mademoiselle de Manziarly goes so far as to suggest that some of the contemporary works in the standard repertory might well be renovated along these simplified lines. She adds: “I wonder if this would have been possible at the time they were written. The new world of rhythm the represented was unfamiliar; it needed to be firmly underlined by placing the beginning of each segment of phrase on the strong beat, regardless of the asymmetric succession of unequal measures.” Whatever men like Bartok and Stravinsky might say to this rebarring proposal, it is evident that their recent works usually show a more normal notation. Works that are polyrhythmic by nature almost force this solution, since the presence of independent strong beats in different voices cannot possibly be adequately represented by a single bar-line. 



Let us grant, then, the case of the performing artist who prefers a regular metric division in music, provided that the sense of non-coinciding rhythm is clear. But is it invariably crystal-clear? Do we always know when the bar-line is there merely for convenience (that is, to be disregarded) and when it is there as an indication of rhythmic stress (to be taken into account)? In theory the musical sense of the line should tell us what the real rhythm is. But in practice we find composers inventing little subterfuges for keeping the strong beat clear of the bar-line. Here are few example of solutions adopted by some well-known composers: 









' |♪ '♪ 



' |♪ ♪' 


or common practice 

♪' |♪        

♪|♪ ♪ 














' |♪ '♪ 



' |♪ ♪' 




♪' |♪        


♪|♪ ♪ 



This would seem to show that the use of accents, placed to indicate qualitative rhythm, is insufficient. It is common knowledge that an accent, taken by itself, is an unsubtle sign. Notes have light, strong, and medium accents. There are accents on up-beats as well as down-beats. There are accents that even allow the bar-line to be “felt.” All these are now symbolized by the simple sign >. (Sheer desperation must have mothered the addition of the sforzato sign for very strong accents.) It is obvious that we badly need an enlarged system of musical symbols to serve our greater rhythmic complexities. 



It seems unlikely, however, that a scientifically exact scheme of rhythmic notation will ever be devised. Much of the delicate rhythmic variety we are accustomed to hearing in first-rate performances is simply not written down by the composer ― could not be written down in our present system of notation. A certain rhythmic freedom seems to be an integral part of our Western musical tradition. Nevertheless, without attempting the impossible, it certainly appears highly desirable that some more satisfactory method than our present one be devised to account for rhythmic subtleties that don't “get across” to the interpreter in our old-fashioned notational system. 



In my opinion composers would do well to notate their music so that, as far as possible, it looks the way it sounds. If the work is written for solo performer there is usually no need for tampering further with the rhythm. If, however, more than one player is involved, and especially in the case of orchestral works, a rearrangement of rhythmic barring may be necessary. (For the student it may be interesting to compare the two different barrings of my El Salon Mexico as they appear in the published versions for orchestra and for solo piano.) The more rhythmically sophisticated conductors will not think so, but performances are more likely to materialized. 




