

第17章(1/2)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」































In the early summer of that year—1916—I started on a thousand-mile horseback journey, as a change from conducting. On my trip I had my gun with me and took part in tournaments. I also offered to join General Wood’s command on the border, which inspired a jocular New York Herald correspondent to say, “Sousa should play La Paloma in order to fascinate the Mexicans into inaction and The Stars and Stripes Forever to inspire the American troops.” The war scare petered out, however, and I didn’t go, but turned to Willow Grove where we opened on August 20th. 



That fall I went to New York to rehearse with the Hippodrome company and we opened in Philadelphia on October 16th. The Boy Scout Marchwas written that season. 



On November sixth, my sixty-second birthday, at the Metropolitan Opera House, Mr. E. T. Stotesbury presented me with a beautiful loving cup, the company gave me a silver platter and the band also gave me a loving cup. I’m glad I wasn’t born on the 29th of February; it would be so long between loving cups! 



On May 20, 1917,—six weeks or so after the United States entered the World War—I received a telegram from Mr. John Alden Carpenter, a composer-friend of mine: “The Naval Station has an undeveloped band which needs the inspiration of a master hand to start them on the right track. Could you come here if only for a few days to start the work and bring with you a bandmaster of the right personality to continue the instruction? I realize how much I ask and know your enthusiasm for the cause.” 



I left as soon as I could arrange my affairs, met Mr. Carpenter in Chicago, and we went on to the Naval Station at Great Lakes. I was introduced to the Commandant, Captain Moffett, since promoted to Admiral. He summoned the band to the parade grounds, a collection of seventy-five young fellows. They played a march or two and then returned to their quarters. After lunch we chatted of his plan and the Navy’s necessity for good music. 



“You, Sousa, know the game better than any man in the country, with all your years with the Marines, your knowledge of discipline and the best way to handle men. I don’t know where to look if you fail me.” 



“I won’t fail you,” I replied. “I’ll join. I’m past sixty-two, but you’ll find me a healthy fellow.” “When will you join?” “Right away,” I answered. 



On my return to Chicago I telegraphed to my wife my intention of 

joining the navy and was sworn in as lieutenant in charge of the music. I had explained to the Commandant that I had contracted for various dates which must be fulfilled before I could remain 

permanently at the station. Until I came to stay I volunteered to be placed on the one-dollar-a-month basis. I celebrated my new position with a verse which was reprinted in many an American newspaper: 



I JOINED the Reserves on the last day of May, 

I gave up my band and a thousand a day, 

A dollar a month is my government pay, 

My God, how the money rolls in! 






During my service in the Navy, from May, 1917, to March, 1919, I 

learned to love and admire Admiral Moffett. Every man who had the honor to serve him felt the same. His own hours for work were all hours. He asked no man to do more than he was willing to do himself. Certainly his executive ability was unusual and although he was a great disciplinarian he had nothing of the martinet about him.  



In a month we had over six hundred enlistments for the band. It was a cumbersome number to handle. One day as the Commandant and I were returning from a banquet at the Chicago Club, I said, “Commandant, the musical forces are degenerating into an unruly mob. I have a plan to propose which I hope will meet with your approval. I should like to form a band battalion of three hundred and fifty, with military commander, musical director, surgeon, master-at-arms and petty officers. After that I propose to organize, as enlistments warrant it, bands to consist of double-battleship units of theDelaware type, assigning a band to each regiment at the Station. Will you issue an order to that effect?” 



“Order be hanged,” said the amiable Moffett. “You’re the musical 

director. Go ahead, and if it doesn’t work you will be the first to 

realize it.” 



Next day I sent for the senior bandmaster and asked him for a list of all the musicians in the station, with their rating, ability and age. From this I formed a batallion which became my special care during the war. We had in all about 350 musicians. My system proved to be advantageous for whenever we received a telegram from the Department asking us to send a band to some ship or another station I was able to send an organized whole—a group of men who knew one another, possessed a common repertoire and understood how to play together.  



One request from Admiral Mayo, commander of the Atlantic Squadron, was for a band for his flagship, the Pennsylvania. Captain Moffett decreed that we send the finest regimental band we had. I suggested a bright young bandmaster named V. D. Grabel and we sent him and his men along to the Pennsylvania. Later, when I was ordered aboard that ship to dine with Admiral Mayo, he said enthusiastically, “Sousa, you gave me a great surprise when you sent me that band. They reported at six o’clock and gave a concert at seven, an achievement which I have never heard equalled in the Army or the Navy!” 



In September my battalion was ordered to Kansas City to take part in “Old Glory Week” where we gave a concert in Electric Park. Thousands surged about the bandstand and very near us I observed Colonel Roosevelt and his family. I asked him if there was anything special he would like to hear. He replied warmly, “It would make me very happy if you would play 'Garryowen'.” 



By the way, in 1917 Roosevelt made a speech to the Naval forces at Great Lakes and he said, with that famous grin of his, “I’d give anything if I could go to war with you, but so far this has seemed to me a very exclusive war and I was blackballed by the committee on admission.” 



It was in 1917, too, that I went over to Oyster Bay from my home at Port Washington to talk with Colonel Roosevelt about some features of my work with Navy Band Battalions, and in the course of the conversation, he put his arm around the shoulders of a young naval-officer, who was with us and said feelingly, “My boy, you should be proud to be wearing that uniform—I wish I were!” 



Back at the Great Lakes a telegram awaited me from Mr. Henry P. Davison asking if the band would play for the Red Cross Drive in New York. The Commandant permitted us to go, and we laid out a further itinerary which included the Rosemary Pageant at Huntington, a concert in Carnegie Hall and then engagements in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 



The band battalion included young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, many of whom were members of college bands and small town bands of the west and southwest. They were a bright, pleasing lot and full of enthusiasm. I had exercised great care in selecting the music, making sure that it was all within the comprehension and execution of the band. I had chosen the most effective street marches, such as The Thunderer, The National Emblem, Semper Fidelis, Washington Post, and The High School Cadets. The drum major, a splendid sailor named Micheaux Tennant, was an excellent drill master and trained the boys to step off briskly. When we reached Philadelphia we were gathered in front of the Union League Club on Broad Street. An old Civil War general came out of the Club and proceeded to inspect each file of the band. We were at rigid attention. He came up to me and said, “Sousa, you have a remarkable lot of men.” 



“Yes, sir, I think so, too,” I replied. “I have inspected every file of the three hundred or more and there isn’t a belly in the whole band!” I thanked him again.  



Our next assignment was the First Liberty Loan Drive in Baltimore. Mr. Van Lear Black, chairman of the Committee, in discussing the probable success of the drive, said to me, “I’m very much encouraged since the arrival of your band. Now I believe we will be able to raise eight million dollars.” 



Before it was over we had raised nearly twenty-one million dollars! 

Patriotic Baltimore responded nobly. The banks had already named the amount of their subscriptions before we arrived, but when our concerts began in the Fifth Regiment Armory thousands of people came forward to make magnificent gestures. I would have a man with a megaphone call out to the assemblage, 



“If somebody will subscribe one hundred thousand dollars the band will play 'Dixie'.” We would get that sum in a very few minutes. Presently the man would announce, “If someone will subscribe two hundred thousand dollars, the band will play 'Maryland, My Maryland'.” The subscription was forthcoming. 



From Baltimore we went to Washington to assist in the Liberty Loan drive there. My home town was good to me. Here was a gratifying refutation of the old saying that a prophet is without honor in his own country! During the Washington stay I planned a serenade to the President. We marched from Hotel Willard up to Sixteenth Street and came to a halt beside the executive offices. The streets were crowded and the officers and clerks from the War, Navy and State Departments overflowed the steps and balconies of those buildings. I played three pieces and at the third fully expected the appearance of the President for that is the custom in serenades. I played still another and no President. One more and then we closed with The Star Spangled Bannerand marched off, three hundred and fifty disappointed boys who had had a yearning to behold their Chief Executive. 



In New York we gave a concert at the Hippodrome for the Women’s 

Auxiliary Naval Recruiting Station and our receipts were eleven thousand dollars. For that occasion I wrote The United States Field Artillery March and Blue Ridge. I had put together a medley of airs and called it A Day at Great Lakes. It began with reveille and continued through a day’s doings to the midnight patrol. In it I introduced not only instrumental but vocal music and arranged to have a song popular at that time, Throw Me a Rose, sung by a handsome young sailor lad named Mix. At times the stage was littered with roses thrown by admiring and patriotic ladies! 



How we tooted and trumpeted to charm the dollars out of American pockets! We toured Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and other cities. I verily believe we were the strongest drawing card in all the war drives. Millions were subscribed to the Liberty Loans and the dollars came pouring in for Red Cross drives and naval relief campaigns. Nor did we scorn fifty, a hundred, or two hundred dollars at a time. Some attractive sailor lad would hold up my twenty-cent baton and ask what he was offered for it. If he received a bid of only fifty dollars he would drawl, “Say, this is a money affair. We can’t let this priceless baton go for fifty dollars,” whereupon the bids would rise as high as three or four hundred dollars. 



One of the most important musical events during the war was the performance of Mendelssohn’s oratorio, “Elijah” at the Polo Grounds in New York. I received orders from the Navy Department to conduct the performance for the War Thrift festival. I found a chorus of ten thousand voices drilled by men famous in oratorio work. The principals were Marie Sundelius, Sophie Breslau, Betty McKenna, Charles Harrison and Oscar Seagle. The orchestra was recruited from the symphony orchestras and was entirely wood-wind and brass. 


第16章(2/2)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」

The liking for marches is quite universal and I have no doubt that many are written which never see the light of a musical day. I am still treasuring an earnest, kindly and very human letter—with all its inaccuracies—which I received about this time: 



Mr. Sousa Dont get cross at me For Wrighting to you Abought theas   marches o Gem i have 16 Butiefule marches i have Bin right at thos   marches For 16 years abought 10 year i rote and now i Wood Like to   put them in the hands of a Grate Band Master and you are the man   that i Wood Like to have a good Look at theas marches, if you Wood   be sow kind and so com idatin to poore mane Like me. pleas Let me   send 5 or 6 of thes marches to you to satisfised you that the ar as   Fine as enny marches ever rote i Will class them With your   Directorate march or invincible egle or El capitan and the Bass   parts in theas marches are neardner to the stars and Stripes Base   part of youres and enny that Was ever rote. They are like the Band   Bace part hevy and Fine every Strane is a 16 or 32 mesher of a plane   toone esy to play This Tones Will Last, Will not get Stale in 20   years they Will renue your Name agan as the Grate march rite of the   World as you held the glory all this years. Duble it up Like rosevelt For president . . . Look at the marches. Let me send 5 or 6 to you then tell me What you think of them i neve showed this marches to enny Body or neve tryed to published them. my idea all ways was to place them in your Name years ago. Becose they are hevy masters marches the kind that have classic Movent in them and the Basse solo ar as good as enny ever put in a march outside of the Stars and Stripes of yours that is the Best Base solo ever rote. mine are nearder to that an enny othr one that you ever rote. i have 1 Base Solo that is 2.4 meshers soled runs or comatic i takes a violin to play it With ese. i play the piane and Worked them out year after year. now pleas rite to me and Let me send a Few of the marches to you or if that dont soot you pleas tel me now Were i can meet you i Wood Like to Show them toe you and talk to you abought them or place them in your hans some day i am to poor to publishem them myself and i have no mane as a righter and they are to good to Fool away red this over and think as you never thought Before Beleve me this ar perfect marches From end to end  




I let myself in for some very puzzling situations in my anxiety to help young composers and to please my public. I suppose I have made my attitude so clear that some people may have taken advantage of it. At any rate, one of my managers, Frank Christianer, resented very strongly certain abuses of my leniency. He acted as if he hated every other composer in the world, except myself, and when he found me inserting works by John Doe and other local composers on our programmes, he cursed roundly at my crazy impulses. 



One evening in Cleveland three composers brought me some short pieces and urged me to use them as encores. I was in a dilemma for I did want to help fellow musicians whenever possible. So I said, “But, you see, my audiences seem to want to hear some of my own compositions as encores. Bad taste, of course, but it can’t be helped. Then there are two or three minor composers like Strauss and Wagner whom I feel I must include! I can’t tuck in all three of these things of yours, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do. . . . I’ll let you toss up and I’ll play the march of the one who wins.” And I stuck to my bargain, although the papers “roasted” me heartily for putting miscellaneous and unexpected music on the programme. I still feel the impulse to give young writers a hearing, and I believe I have played more unpublished compositions than any other band leader in the country. 



The band contracted to appear for ten weeks at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, so we left New York early in April, 1915, for the Pacific coast, giving concerts as we crossed the continent. We opened on May 22d. I had the pleasure of hearing The Messiah of Nations, written by James Whitcomb Riley and myself for the occasion of the dedication of the Soldiers’ Monument in Indianapolis, sung by the choir of St. John’s Presbyterian church of Berkeley, during their concert at the Exposition. We gave several concerts with the other bands there—Conway’s and Cassassa’s,—and the combination attracted much attention. M. Camille Saint-Saens, the French composer, wrote the official musical composition for the Fair, a piece written for orchestra, band and organ which was given its initial performance on June 20. 



Strange to say, the official music for expositions and world fairs seems always to die an immediate death. Wagner wrote the official march for the Centennial and although he was helped by no less a conductor than Theodore Thomas, the Wagner march, died before the Exposition closed its doors. I have had the honor of playing a number of official marches, including that of M. Saint-Saens, but with the single exception of King Cotton, the march of the Cotton States Exposition at Atlanta, all of them fell into innocuous desuetude. King Cotton, however, for some reason or other still continues to reign. 



Saint-Saens and I became the best of friends. We used to wander about the grounds together and he seemed always to have an eye for lovely womankind. Slim beauty seemed to make little impression on him but when one with territorial expansion hove into sight he would nudge me, calling my attention to “yonder beaming beauty!” The broader the “beam” the greater his delight! 



I received a telegram from Charles Dillingham which read, “How would you like to play in New York all winter?” I replied: “What kind of playing?” “Am sending Harry Askin out to talk it over with you.” 



Mr. Askin came with the news that Dillingham had obtained the Hippodrome for the winter season and wanted to open it with my band as one of the attractions. I was to give a short concert each evening and on Sunday the entire entertainment. I made a contract with him and remained two seasons under the Dillingham régime. 



While we were still in San Francisco the Music Teachers’ Association of California adopted a resolution petitioning Congress to make The Stars and Stripes Forever and Dixie the official airs of the United States. The idea did not appeal to me for, though Congress is a powerful body, it cannot make the people sing what they don’t want to sing. If The Stars and Stripes Forever ever becomes a national air it will be because the people want it and not because of any congressional decree. 



We left San Francisco late in July, toured east to Willow Grove and from there to the Pittsburgh Exposition, then on to fulfill our contract at the Hippodrome, where we opened late in September. I had written The March of the States during my Western sojourn and when it was played at the Hippodrome it scored a phenomenal success. I wrote the New York Hippodrome March which is now in the repertoire of every band in the country. In our Sunday night concerts the band played in conjunction with many well-known artists. Among them were Grace Hoffman, Florence Hardman, Virginia Root, Emmy Destinn, Nellie Melba, Orville Harrold, Belle Story, Margarite Ober, Alice Nielsen, Ernest Schelling, Susan Tompkins, John McCormack, Herma Menthe, Olive Fremstad, Julia Culp, Maggie Teyte, Tamaki Mura, Kathleen Parlow and Anna Pavlowa. 

私達がサンフランシスコを発ったのは7月下旬。向かった先は東のウィローグローブ。そしてそこからピッツバーグの博覧会へ。その後契約した曲馬場へ向かい、9月下旬に公演初日を迎えた。西海岸サンフランシスコ滞在中に作曲しておいた「合衆国の行進曲」(The March of the States)を、曲馬場で披露する。記録的な大成功であった。私が書いた「ニューヨーク曲馬場行進曲」は、今では全国各地のバンドでレパートリーとなっている。日曜日夜の公演では、多くの有名音楽家達と共演を行った。その一部をご紹介する。グレース・ホフマン、フローレンス・ハードマン、ヴァージニア・ルート、エミー・デスティン、ネリー・メルバ、オーヴィル・ハロルド、ベル・ストーリー、マーがライト・オーバー、アリス・ニールセン、アーネスト・シェリング、スーザン・トンプキンス、ジョン・マコーマック、ヘルマ・ミント、オリーヴ・フェルムスタッド、ユリア・クルプ、マギー・テイト、三浦環、キャサリーン・バーロウ、そしてアンナ・パブロワ。 


At one time we put on a combination of fifteen composers at the piano: Jerome Kern, Louis Hirsch, Baldwin Sloane, Rudolph Friml, Oscar Hammerstein, Alfred Robyn, Gus Kern, Hugo Felix, Leslie Stuart, Raymond Hubbell, John Golden, Silvio Hein, Irving Berlin and myself. We sat at fifteen different pianos, each playing his most popular hit, accompanied by the others. That night the attendance-record was certainly shattered. 



On the eleventh anniversary of the Hippodrome, Mr. R. H. Burnside, the stage manager, conceived the idea of organizing a parade of the entire Hippodrome force, 1274 paraders, with my band leading. At the rehearsals before the opening of the show, as I sat with Dillingham watching the various acts, I was especially pleased with the graceful skating of the charming Charlotte and later, with the antics of a trick mule. After the rehearsal I turned to Dillingham and said in a burst of enthusiasm, “Why, Mr. Dillingham, Charlotte and the mule would carry this show alone.” “Charlotte and the mule,” he mused. “Well, I’ll talk to the mule about it and if he doesn’t kick, I’ll do it!” 



Many of the great artists who appeared at our concerts were greeted with stirring ovations. Miss Emmy Destinn was having a triumphant evening and at the end of her second encore she walked briskly onto the stage, suddenly took me by the shoulder, and gave me a resounding kiss! The unexpected never fails to make a hit and the audience shouted, for joy. After that, every good-natured prima donna would bestow a chaste salute on the blushing conductor; even the doll-like little Japanese opera star, Tamaki Mura, reached up and just about managed to kiss my collar! Fun-loving Maggie Cline, carried away by her applause one evening, advanced on me with determination in her eye. I foresaw a burlesque kissing bee and quickly dodged behind the harp lest she corner me. 



The Hippodrome closed the last of May. About this time I received a letter from Mr. James Francis Cook, Editor of The Etude, asking me to set one of his correspondents right in regard to my name—whether it was Sousa, So, or Something else. My reply was as follows: 



If there is one thing I dislike more than another it is to spoil a good story. I vividly remember my infantile contempt for the punk-headed pirate who told me that Jack the Giant Killer never existed, and I clearly recall my undying hatred for the iconoclast who calmly informed me that Robinson Crusoe was a myth and his man Friday a black shadow without life or substance. I also despised the man who said that Nero was never a fiddler, hence you can understand   my position when you call on me in all seriousness to verify the   story that my name is not Sousa but Philipso. When I received your  letter my first impulse was to allow you to hang on the tenterhook  of doubt for some moons and then in the interest of truth gradually  to set you right. 



The story of the supposed origin of my name is a rattling good one   and like all ingenious fables, permits of international variation.   The German version is that my name is Sigismund Ochs, a great   musician, born on the Rhine, emigrated to America, trunk marked S.  O., U. S. A., therefore the name. The English version is that I am   one Sam Ogden, a great musician, Yorkshire man, emigrated to   America, luggage marked S. O., U. S. A., hence the cognomen. The  domestic brand of the story is that I am a Greek, named John  Philipso, emigrated to America, carried my worldly possessions in a  box marked J. P. S. O., U. S. A., therefore the patronymic. 



This more or less polite fiction, common to society, has been one of  the best bits of advertising I have had in my long career. As a rule  items about musical people find their way only into columns of the  daily press, a few of the magazines, and papers devoted to music,  but this item has appeared in the religious, rural, political,  sectarian, trade and labor journals from one end of the world to the  other, and it is believed that it makes its pilgrimage around the  globe once every three years. It emanated first about ten years ago  from the ingenious brain of that publicity promoter, Colonel George  Frederick Hinton. At that time Colonel Hinton was exploiting Sousa  and His Band, and out of the inner recesses of his gray matter he  evolved this perennial fiction. Since it appeared I have been called  on to deny it in Afghanistan, Beloochistan, Carniola, Denmark,  Ethiopia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Kamchatka,  Lapland, Madagascar, Nova Scotia, Oporto, Philadelphia, Quebec,  Russia, Senegambia, Turkestan, Uruguay, Venezuela, Wallachia, Xenia, Yucatan, and Zanzibar, but even with this alphabetical-geographic  denial on my part, the story—like Tennyson’s brook—goes on forever.  Were it not for the reproving finger of pride pointed at me by the  illustrious line of ancestral Sousa, I would let it go at that; were it not for the sister and brothers ready to prove that my name is  Sousa, whom I cannot very well shake, I might let your question go  unheeded. 

世間に知られているこの悪気のない作り話は、多かれ少なかれ、わたしのこれまでの長いキャリアの中で最高の宣伝材料の一つになっていることは間違いない。一般的な話をすれば、音楽好きな方々が日刊紙や雑誌、そして音楽に特化した各紙を読む時は、その関係の記事をひたすら探そうとする。だが今回の話が掲載されているのは、世界の隅々の各紙の、宗教欄、地域の情報欄、政治欄、特定のグループを扱った欄、流通欄、それと労働問題の欄である。そして私達のバンドのツアーに合わせるように、3年に一度世界をめぐると信じられている。事の発端は10年前、宣伝広告を担当した元陸軍大佐のジョージ・フレデリック・ヒントン氏の優れた頭脳が震源地なのだ。当時ヒントン元大佐は、スーザとそのバンドを金のなる木と成し、その優秀な脳みその奥底から、このいつまでも消えない作り話を引っ張り出したのだ。この話が世に出て以来、私は呼ばれる先々でこれを否定している。アルファベット順に言えば、アフガニスタン、バローチスターン州(パキスタン)、カルニオラ(スロベニア)、デンマークエチオピア、フランス、ドイツ、ハンガリーアイルランド、日本、カムチャツカ(ロシア)、ラップランドフィンランド)、マダガスカルノヴァ・スコシア州(カナダ)、オポルトポルトガル)、フィラデルフィアケベック州(カナダ)、ロシア、セネガンビア(西アフリカ)、トルキスタン中央アジア)、ウルグアイベネズエラ、ワラキア(ルーマニア)、キセニア(米オハイオ州)、ユカタン半島ザンジバルタンザニア)。私の方は否定しているのに、この作り話は、テニソンの「The Song of the Brook」の一節「人々は 来たかと思へば 去り行くも 我永遠に 歩き続けん」ではないが、いつまでも「一人歩き続けん」としている。もしもスーザ家のご先祖様達が、誇りを持って私を指差して叱責することがないのなら、この話は「一人歩き続け」させておこうと思う。もしも私の妹や男兄弟達が、私の名前はスーザだといつでも証明しようとするなら、彼らを振り切ることは到底無理なので、あなたの質問は看過するかも知れない。」 


My parents were absolutely opposed to race suicide and had a family  of ten children, six of whom are now living, all married and doing  well in the family line; so well, indeed, that I should say about 1992. the name of Sousa will supplant that of Smith as our national  name. Now for the historical record: I was born on the sixth of  November, 1854, on G. Street, S. E., near old Christ Church,  Washington, D. C. My parents were Antonio and Elizabeth (Trinkhaus) Sousa. I was christened John Philip at Dr. Finkel’s church on Twenty-Second Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. and would say, had I an opportunity to be born again, I would select the same parents, the same city and the same time. 


第16章(1/2)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」





























On November 15, 1908, there had appeared a symposium on music, by Madame Chaminade and myself. The Sunday Editor of the New York Herald had conceived the idea of presenting the American and the European points of view on matters of popular interest. Mr. Frank A. Munsey and Lord Northcliffe gave their opinions concerning the periodic magazine, Mr. Guggenheim and Mr. Zangwill discussed the Jewish question and other prominent people participated. 



Madame Cecile Chaminade, the French composer, proved an interesting conversationalist on our topic. Mr. Cleveland Moffett, the editor of the Sunday Herald, was the questioner and Mr. Rupert Hughes the recorder. Of course the question of so-called popular music came up. Notwithstanding the credo of musical snobs, “popular” does not necessarily mean “vulgar” or “ephemeral.” In London a certain conductor had sneered at my efforts, saying, “He gets the mob because he plays nothing but marches.” Now marches are only a small part of my programmes. There is rarely more than one listed. If the audience gets others, it is because they are demanded as encores. Madame Chaminade asked me how I met this jealous conductor’s onslaught. 



“By sending word to him that I would give a concert in London which would consist only of the compositions of the so-called classic writers, and that I felt confident it would be the largest in point of receipts given that season,” I replied. “What was the programme?” asked Madame Chaminade. 



“Miss Maude Powell played Mendelssohn’s violin concerto, the most popular of all violin literature, Miss Estelle Liebling sang Mozart’s fascinating Batti-Batti from Don Giovanni; the band played Handel’s Largo, Bach’s Loure, Haydn’s Surprise Symphony, Beethoven’s Leonore Overture Number Three, Weber’s Invitation to the Dance, Schumann’s Träumerei and Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. Those, I maintain are among the most popular compositions ever written and every one of them is from the pen of a great composer whom the critics would dub a classic writer. I didn’t even have to include an opera composer like Wagner.” Madame Chaminade was asked at the conclusion of my recital, “Would you agree that these nine names stand for the greatest in music?” The answer was, “Yes, yes!” 



Probably there is no term more abused and more often mistaken in its real meaning than “popular music.” To the average mind popular music would mean compositions vulgarly conceived and commonplace in their treatment. That is absolutely false. Let us take music that has been performed over and over again. In every instance the most meritorious and inspired works, whether based on complex or simple lines, have survived the longest. There certainly is no composition in the world which has enjoyed greater vogue for twenty-five years among a wide range of listeners, from technical musician to uneducated but sympathetic auditor, than the Tannhäuser overture. For spontaneity, brilliancy and melodic charm most people will agree that the Poet and Peasant Overture is the master work of Suppe—and that piece of music has been thrummed and hammered, scraped and twanged and blown for, lo, these many years. Many a melody, chancing to catch the fickle fancy of the public, becomes temporarily popular, but unless it bears the stamp of genius it soon palls upon the ear and is no longer heard. 



I was asked, “What makes a composition popular?” “Its measure of inspiration. Anybody can write music of a sort. But touching the public heart is quite another thing. My religion lies in my composition. My success is not due to any personal superiority over other people. But sometimes Somebody helps me and sends me a musical idea and that same Somebody helps the public to lay hold of my meaning. It does not always happen, by any means, and I am quick to realize when a composition lacks inspiration. I can almost always write music; at any hour of the twenty-four, if I put pencil to paper, music comes. But twenty-four hours later I am apt to destroy it as worthless. For years I have been able to wear the same size hat!” 



I started on a long horseback trip covering all the cities between New York and Washington, returning to Philadelphia to act as a judge at Wanamaker’s Competitive Music Festival. The other judges were George W. Chadwick, Horatio Parker, J. Lewis Brown and Arthur Foote. At our first meeting, Mr. Parker, who had had experience at various similar competitions and who, until his death, occupied the Chair of Music at Yale University, said, “Gentlemen, there is one suggestion I wish to make to you. As soon as you have arrived at your decision, destroy your markings. If you don’t, you will be bothered to death by both the successful and unsuccessful contestants.” It was good advice, for after I had voted on each contest I invariably received a number of letters requesting grades. My answer was that I had destroyed them all. 



The fascinating Octavia Roberts, of the _State Journal_ of Springfield, Illinois—now Mrs. Barton Corneau of Boston—asked me while I was in that city shooting in the Grand America Handicap, “Won’t you tell the public, you who have known all the good things the world can give—fame and honor and travel and wealth—what are life’s best gifts?” “A horse, a dog, a gun and a girl—with music on the side,” I replied. She laughingly said, “Is that a diminuendo or a crescendo?” “Crescendo, crescendo. The last is the best of all.” 



I went south presently, according to my custom, to hunt ducks, deer and quail on our preserves in South Carolina. Of all sports there is none that appeals to me like clay bird shooting. I am opposed to the shooting of live pigeons for I feel that it is a wanton destruction of domestic birds, and can in no way be deemed a sport. I made good scores in the clay pigeon contests. At Augusta, Georgia, I led the field both for professionals and amateurs, breaking 98 out of 100. That is my best score, although one year I shot so consistently that my average for 15,000 clay birds was ninety per cent. I have many friends among the trap-shooters; they are clean sportsmen and always ready to applaud the winner. 



Clay pigeon, or trap-shooting is comparatively new in America. Like golf it appeals to all ages and all strata of society. On the golf course at Hot Springs, Virginia, I have seen the multi-millionaire Rockefeller wait for John Jones to tee off, even though John Jones is a ribbon-clerk from Wanamaker’s, honeymooning at the Springs, spending three days and six months’ savings! Millionaire, savant, ribbon-clerk,—all are members of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Golfers. So with trap-shooting. In the State shoot a few years ago, a squad of five included one famous baseball pitcher, one world-renowned divine, one well-known financier, one hard-working carpenter and “yours truly.” None of us had ever met before but we all worked like Trojans to make our squad the “top-notcher.” Like love, trap-shooting levels all ranks. 



Before returning to New York I went quail-shooting in Virginia. The young farmer with whom I was lodging had never been twenty-five miles from his home and he said it was the dream of his life to go at least as far north as Washington. “Why don’t you do so?” I asked. “Can’t afford it,” was his answer. “Of course you can. This horse I am riding here on your plantation belongs to you and is a good one. Your other horse seems all right, too. Suppose we start on a trip and go as far as Washington. I’ll pay for the use of your horse and $5.00 a day for your time.” 



He was delighted. We started the next day. At noon we stopped at a farmhouse for luncheon. The farmer’s wife said, “What will you have—fried chicken or ham and eggs?” My friend chose ham and eggs. We stopped at still another farmhouse for the night and at supper when he was asked what he would like to eat, my companion repeated, “Ham and eggs.” Indeed, on that ten day trip to Washington, his invariable choice for breakfast, dinner and supper was ham and eggs. When we finally reached the Capital we went to the Hotel Willard where I handed him the menu card with at least 150 items on it, saying, “This is a first-class hotel, Jim. You must be hungry as a bear, so just take anything and everything you want.” 



He looked it all over carefully, his face growing more and more serious, and then moaned as he dropped the menu card, “’Tain’t here, ’tain’t here.” “What ‘ain’t here’?” I asked. “Ham and eggs.” 



Riding for the fifth time from Hot Springs, Virginia, I had as my companion Jim Hamilton, the genial riding master of that famous resort. We each had two horses and carried a surrey containing clothing and the necessities of travel. We started late in February. The Jackson River and the mountains were still blanketed with snow; the river had cakes of ice in it and winter yet lingered in the air. One day we stopped at a plantation for lunch and I was amazed to behold three or four little children running about the grounds barefoot and thinly clad. I called to the farmer’s wife, “It seems dangerous to me to allow those little ones to run about without shoes and stockings. They are likely to contract pneumonia from such exposure.” 



“Don’t you worry,” said the mother. “A fool man come along here ’bout two years ago and talked just as you are talking and we got plumb scared and Jim (that’s my husband) hitched up his team and druv sixty miles to Staunton to buy the little fellow a pair of shoes and stockings. When he got back it was snowing hard and I put the shoes and stockings on the little boy’s feet. He went out to play in the snow, got his feet wet and that night he nigh died of croup. My mother took off the wet shoes and stockings, dosed him with kerosene and made him run around outside in the snow for an hour. That cured him. No more shoes for him, nuther. I ain’t a-goin’ to risk their health with no such foolishness. Why, man, they slides on the ice in Jackson River in their bare feet. I loves ’em too much to let them take any chances with shoes!” 



One November we were in Atlanta giving concerts. The warden and the clergyman attached to the Federal Prison wrote and asked if I could not bring my band to the Penitentiary and give a concert for the inmates. The band unanimously volunteered and we gave our concert in a huge hall with the white prisoners on the left and the colored ones on the right. One of the attendants stood at my side as they marched in and pointed out a young man, barely over thirty, handsome but marred by a devil-may-care expression. The attendant remarked, “Notice that man. He’s a bad ’un. He was sent here from one of the territories after his sentence had been commuted from hanging to life imprisonment. In a little over a year he was pardoned; within a few months of his release he nearly killed another man, was tried and sentenced to twenty years and sent here once more. A year later he was pardoned again. In six months he had killed another man, was tried and sentenced to be hanged but the sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life. Here he is and, we hope, here he will remain.” 



Of course so desperate and perverted a personality won my interest.When we played the first number the applause was deafening but he sat with folded hands, absolutely impassive and evidently determined to remain so. When Miss Root, the vocalist, stepped forward he never wavered an eyelash. I had thought that a pretty girl singing beautifully would arouse him but he gave no sign. As we reached the close of our program I played The Stars and Stripes Forever. At the first measures he began to straighten up and presently was applauding as loudly as the others. Apparently the one redeeming trait in his character was a certain patriotic devotion. Despite his evil life it is quite possible that he would have died for his country. 



The Stars and Stripes Forever seems to have a unique appeal. A Frenchwoman once told me very quaintly and expressively that it sounded to her like the American eagle shooting arrows into the Aurora Borealis! 



The liking for marches is quite universal and I have no doubt that many are written which never see the light of a musical day. I am still treasuring an earnest, kindly and very human letter—with all its inaccuracies—which I received about this time: 


第15章(1/1)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」

















New York and home again! I could not gather together my horse, dogs and guns quickly enough! It was no time before I was off on a long jaunt, following the shooting tournaments as far west as Des Moines.  



We came to a Western town which boasted one of those excellent railroad hotels originated by Fred Harvey. The hotel table set forth, temptingly enough, a very large plate of spring onions. Mrs. Sousa is inordinately fond of spring onions, an odd hankering in a pretty woman and in violent contrast to my own tastes, though, rather than live on the roof or in the cellar when she indulges in the succulent genus “allium cepa”, I partake in self-defense. So Mrs. Sousa eyed these particular onions longingly and presently they were no more. Dinner over, my wife, with the ever-present feminine love of “picknickles and bucknickles,” lingered about a little curio shop in the hotel where they sold Indian blankets and trinkets. Finally she trolled in. Behind her walked a Mexican laborer, and they reached the counter simultaneously. The proprietor, eager for an order from my wife, suddenly sniffed suspiciously, shot a furious glance at the Mexican and sniffed again. There was no doubt about the plebeian scent. The curio dealer indignantly ordered the Mexican from the shop.  



“How in the world these Mexicans expect to be endured after gorging onions and garlic is more than I can see,” declared the offended merchant. Mrs. Sousa discreetly backed towards the door, saying that she would return in the morning! 



There is an interesting analogy between man and music. We say that an instrument is in tune when the several strings or chords are of that tension, which, resounding, gives the proper vibrations at due intervals. So it is with man. When his heart is filled with courage, happiness, love, ambition and general goodness, the adjustment is so perfect that he is in tune with all Nature and with the Infinite. But let weariness, disappointment, envy or illness creep in—then the balance is lost and the chords of life jangle. 



The peculiarities of musical instruments have their counterparts in the characteristics of humankind. The queen of the musical family is the violin, an instrument which is sensitive under all conditions, capable of the most minute gradations of sound and pitch; now sentimental, now brooding, now brilliant, now coquettish, now breathing low, ardent notes of passionate love; for all the world like a lovely woman, high-strung, capable of all the emotions and an artist in every harmony of affection and sympathy. The bass drum with its eternal “thump, thump, thump” is like the heavy, stolid, slow-thinking man whose life is a round of breakfast, luncheon, dinner and sleep. Then there is that unfortunate man in life, who, like the instrument in the orchestra, may never rise above second position. A third alto horn man may envy a solo alto man but he remains a third alto forever. The second trombone may cast jealous eyes at his brother in the first chair but it availeth him not. If instruments were created equal, all would be sovereigns, and if men were born equal, all would be leaders. 




And how the human disposition is reflected in the shrilling and cooing and wailing of the musical instrument! The shrieking fife and the hysterical woman can both become nuisances. The golden nuances of the oboe’s tone are as sweet as the voice of a shy girl. The noble tone of the trombone has all the pomp of an emperor. The languorous rhythm of an Andalusian guitar is the very echo of a deep contralto. And so we run the gamut—with a love proposal embodied in the impassioned melody sung by the ‘cello, and the giggling-fit of the coquette reflected in the fickle flights of the piccolo. We even have the man who never deviates from his chosen ordinance in the positive “umph” of the bass horn, and the never-can-make-up-his-mind individual in the hesitating “pah” of the second alto. 




Here, however, the analogy ends, for, once out of tune, man and instrument require a different treatment. The tuner, the adjuster, the bridge-and-sound-post expert, the reed maker and the mandolin maker are called in when piano, organ, violin, wood-wind or brass require tuning. But when the balance of life is lost and its chords jangle, no tuner can restore harmony. Like a tired child Man must turn to Mother Nature and live in her bosom until he fits once more into the eternal symphony. There is strength in the hills, solace in the plain, healing in the forest and immortality in the embrace of sky and ocean. There is a constant soft murmur of music in the breezes of a calm day and a weird harmony in the roar of a storm. From spring’s overture to winter’s dirge the motif ever varies and always the wide range of Nature is rich in melody. 




There was no snapping of the strings of Life in my family until I had reached maturity. I was fortunate enough to keep my father with me until he was seventy years old. He died April 27, 1892, when I was giving a concert in Duluth. At the end of the programme my manager came backstage holding aloft a telegram, while I was still bowing to the final applause. As the curtain was lowered, I took my telegram. It was from my brother: “Father died this morning. Mother insists you continue your concerts and not disappoint the public. Will have funeral postponed until your return.” 



Mother died August 23, 1908, at eighty-three years of age. She was a wonderful, fearless woman whose simple faith in goodness was eternally strong. During war-times, when Father was off with the Marines and we little ones were preparing our lessons for the next day at school, some soldier, either drunk or capricious, would wander into the house. Mother would promptly take him by the arm and lead him to the door, admonishing him not to return. Then she would gather us about her and pray for our safety. She gave birth to ten children and lived her life for them and for her husband. And I suspect that I was always her favorite, even though she never fully understood my “musicking.”  



It is to her that I owe my faith in mankind. She always had a good word for everybody and was loath to see the wrong things in this world. She came to hear my band only once; it made her so nervous that she never went again, declaring at the time that she knew what I could do and that telling her about my music always satisfied her. When I was only a small boy I used to write little tunes and play them to her on my violin; she was not musical but she always encouraged me by assuring me that they were very beautiful. 


第14章(3/3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」

On the Fourth of July I was playing in Melbourne in Exhibition Hall. I planned a programme that overflowed with American music, and tacked on the national anthem for good measure as a fitting wind-up. I had noticed a soldierly-looking man around the building and it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to have him bring on our flag when we played The Star Spangled Banner. The arrangements were made and he understood his instructions as follows: as I gave the sign he was to march down the centre of the stage, stop in front of me and wave the flag continuously until the music ceased. He was an amazingly conscientious man and arrived fully a half hour before the performance, although the national anthem was two hours and a half away. 




At length we reached the next to the last number and Miss Zedeler entered for her violin solo. As she began, a note was handed me. It was from Sir George Reed, High Commissioner of Australia:  




My dear Mr. Sousa: 

I am here with a party of friends and enjoying every moment of your concert. Some of my party heard your beautiful rendition last night of Chopin’s Funeral March. May I ask that you repeat it? We are most anxious to hear it. 

George Reed 






I instructed my band to have the music for the March ready to play immediately after the violin solo. The violinist made her bow and retired, and we began. When we reached the trio of the dirge I turned to the saxophones as the score indicated their solo. Facing them, I was in a direct line with the flag bearer. To him this was the supreme moment of the concert. Thoroughly oblivious of my signs of negation he marched forward, waving the flag, until he was directly in front of me—and he kept on waving that flag until the funeral march was finished! 




A Melbourne paper observed next morning that it was indeed strange that wide-awake America should have so funereal a piece of music for its national anthem. 



We visited Toowoomba and then Brisbane, which was as far North as we penetrated on the Australian tour. The papers there were most appreciative. One said: “If Sebastian Bach is the musician’s musician and Carl Czerny the student’s musician, emphatically John Philip Sousa is the people’s musician.” 




In my address I thanked the audience for applauding so long because it would shorten my speech. I told them how I had met a Queenslander in New York who said, “I see you are going to Australia. Don’t miss Brisbane. Adelaide is all right. So are Melbourne and Sydney, but Brisbane—well, it’s just next door to Paradise. You have only to look over the fence and there she is, Paradise. The only reason they don’t call Brisbane ‘Paradise’ is because Paradise patented it first!” 




At my final concert in Sydney I said: “I say goodbye with sadness in my heart. In the long experience of a man who has travelled over the greater part of the civilized world, I find that ideas of the countries visited often undergo a change. One is apt to possess preconceived notions of a place, which personal observation is bound to revolutionize. Australia seems to me a young country like my own land and consequently before the bar of public opinion. Interest is always keen in the young, whether nation or individual. Since we have been here we have covered the territory from Adelaide to Brisbane and I have gathered a very fair idea of the genius of your people and of their hopes for the future of the country. Australia has been modest in telling the world about herself, but with your climate and the tremendous amount of raw material you are producing, you are bound to become one of the important countries of the world. I have met some gifted musicians during my stay and the Australian audiences have endeared themselves to me because they are splendid listeners. No praise is more grateful than that of faithful attention. You have every reason to feel that you have a seat with the rest of us at the table of artistic endeavor.” 



We sailed on the Ulamaroa for Invercargill, New Zealand, the most southerly town in the world. In my walks about town I came upon two interesting pieces of jade. On one was carved “N. Z.” and on the other, “V. R.” The letters caught my fancy, for I foresaw a pleasant use for them, and, buying both pieces, I returned to the hotel and called on Miss Nicoline Zedeler, our violinist. I presented her with the jade marked “N. Z.,” saying, “You seem to have made a great hit out here; they are already selling jewelled souvenirs with your initials on them.” Miss Zedeler was delighted and so was Miss Virginia Root, our songstress, to whom I presented the jade marked “V. R.” I didn’t tell them that the shopkeeper who sold them said that the initials stood for “New Zealand” and “Victoria Regina.” But they were bright girls and I have no doubt that they soon found out for themselves. 




From Invercargill we proceeded to Dunedin, then on to Christchurch and Wellington. At Wellington I struck up a pleasant friendship. Mr. Hargus Plimmer, a celebrated New Zealand author, met our vessel at the dock and introduced himself to me, saying that the editor of theDominion had directed him to ask me for an interview. We went to my hotel and talked an hour. Finally we lunched together. And then I invited him to dinner. In fact, our entire stay in Wellington was punctuated with pleasant dinners en famille with Mr. Plimmer’s family or similar entertainments given by mine. In the course of the discussions I had that week with Mr. Plimmer, there was one on the music of the drama. 




From the days of Arion and Thespis down to the present, I do not believe any of the arts of the theatre show a progress equal to music. The application of electricity has helped the stage immeasurably but its effect on the mind of the auditor is not so lasting as the influence of music. Among the various forms of theatrical entertainment music is paramount as a mode for expression and as a companion of another art. In tragedy and comedy, music is used to heighten the effect of a dramatic situation; in pantomime, to make clearer the intention to be conveyed by the actor. Music’s fascination makes the ballet enduring and possible. Grand opera is the most powerful of stage appeals and that almost entirely through the beauty of music. Opera is drama for the sake of music, while in the spoken tragedy and comedy, music is for the sake of the drama. In the spoken drama the definite classes are the farce, the comedy, the romantic play and the tragedy. These are paralleled in melody by the musical comedy, the comic opera, the romantic opera and grand opera—each independent of the other and all judged by a standard set for its kind. 



The introduction of music into the theatre (I use theatre in contradistinction to opera house) was brought about by accident. In the beginning there were no reserved seats, no press agents, no critics. Therefore the audiences had to come to the play to judge for themselves. It was a case of “first come, first served,” and consequently, to secure the best seats there was pushing and shoving, snarling and bickering, and even fighting—which reminds us that we do the same thing to-day during the rush hours in the subways. After the audience was housed, the dimness of the candle light and the strain of waiting a whole hour for the performance to commence would bring about rows and riots and sometimes the stage itself would be invaded by an unruly mob, ready to demolish anything handy. The managers realized that something had to be done, and the C. B. Dillingham of his time solved the problem. He inaugurated preliminary orchestral music before the play. It was a concert of three numbers and was known as the first, second and third music. These musical numbers were played at intervals between the time of the opening of the doors until the rising of the curtain. The second selection was the longest and principal one and the third was the “curtain tune.” 




As time went on, the audience assumed the privilege of calling for their favorite tunes, or popular compositions of the day. But this did not work out satisfactorily, for at times factions would insist on some political, racial or sectarian tune and if the orchestra played it, there would be a fight because they did play it and if the orchestra didn’t play it, there would be a fight because they didn’t play it; so these tunes were bound to start a fight anyway and consequently the custom fell into disuse. Imagine what would have happened if, just after our Civil War, someone in a theatre south of Mason and Dixon’s line had called for Marching Through Georgia! 




As the critic, the press agent and reserved seats became an established fact, the first, second and third music preliminary to the performance gradually retired and there came in their stead what is known today as the overture. Even the overture, now that we are so firmly established by law and order in our theatres, is disappearing from the houses devoted to the drama without incidental music. 




With the development of the orchestra in symphony and operatic performances, and theater is calling more and more on music for help—the picture-houses have found it necessary to have orchestral equipment of greater than primitive type. Musical comedy and comic operas, romantic and grand operas, and productions depending on music, employ more musicians than ever before. Therefore the progress of music in connection with the drama shows a healthy growth. 




I believe that where music is not essential to the spoken drama, it is the least interesting part of an evening’s entertainment and therefore never will be missed; Where it is essential it leaves its sister arts far in the shadow. Poetry, painting and music, properly mixed, have an overpowering fascination for the normal man, and when he sees and hears them produced in perfect proportion he feels he is near the God who created the poet, the painter and the musician. 




After Palmerston we went to Wanganui and from there to Auckland, our last stand in Australasia. When I was called upon for a speech I described my first introduction to Auckland. When I was five hundred miles from New Zealand I had received a wireless asking me how I like it. I answered, “I reserve decision until I see it.” I went on, “Now that I have been here I can truthfully say it is a fine country and that I like it very much. It is the cheapest country for a poor man and the dearest country for a rich man—in the whole world. From my own observations I should say you were a nation of multimillionaires. 




Well, as to my own condition in life, I am happy in the thought that I am a march writer for, after all, what is life itself but a perpetual march? Perhaps the musical dramatists like Wagner looked upon life as an ever-changing succession of dramatic situations—all of us symbolizing our own points of view.” 




We sailed for Suva in the Fiji Islands September first, on the Makura. We spent a day there and then steamed for the Hawaiian Islands which we reached on the twelfth. We played in Honolulu to one of the largest houses since we had left Sydney. At the end of the concert a host of charming Hawaiian lassies (and some not so charming) showered me and my band with leis. I was decked with so many of these garlands that my ears were hidden! We took ship again immediately after the concert and set out for Vancouver, ten days away. 




When we reached Victoria, we found the Canadian elections going at high pitch. One politician named Kelly seemed to be the storm centre of the day, but of course my thoughts were more on the concert than on any election. I was delighted to play to a packed house. In my journey around the world I had often played as a popular number the song, Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly? On election night in Victoria, I played it as a matter of course. Now just before we struck up that piece the information was passed around the hall that Kelly had been “snowed under” in the election. Apparently my audience rejoiced in the tidings, for the moment the boy put up the sign, announcing the title, Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly? and the band swung into the melody, a loud yell arose that shook the rafters. At the end of the concert a number of people surged backstage to congratulate me, believing that I had written the piece for the occasion. It would never have done to disillusion them. Audiences resent correction. 

ヴィクトリアへ到着すると、カナダは国政選挙の真っ最中だった。ケリーという名前の候補者が、選挙戦の目玉のようであったが、当然私の気持ちは選挙どころではなく、公演に向けられていた。有り難いことに会場は満員御礼だった。今回の世界一周ツアーで、度々演奏した人気曲が、「Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly?」(誰かケリーを知らないか)という流行歌だった。ヴィクトリアでの投票日の夜、私は別に他意もなく普通にこの曲を演奏した。さて、この曲を演奏する直前のこと、会場中にケリー氏が選挙で惨敗したとの知らせが駆け巡った。明らかに場内は、この知らせに喜んでいるようであった。その瞬間、観客の一人が「Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly」と書かれた紙を掲げ、曲名を口にした。バンドがメロディを弾き始める。会場を揺るがさんばかりの大歓声が上がる。終演後、多くの人が楽屋に詰めかけ、よくやったと私に言ってくれた。この機を狙って譜面を用意したのだろうと、信じている様子だった。客を幻滅させるようなことはするまい。違うと言われれば、彼らは腹をたてることだろう。 

第14章(2/3)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」

We played Ballarat and Adelaide, where an inquisitive reporter approached me with a copy of my programme in his hand and said: “From what I have heard of your organization, it is so splendidly equipped that I should think you would play only the most majestic music of the masters. Why do you mix it up with lighter stuff?” 



I answered him thoughtfully: “When I left Washington to gather together my own organization I had four distinct bodies comprising instrumental combinations well suited to interpret my ideas of the entertaining and the educational. The lover of poetry would never scorn The Ode to a Skylark because it happens to be shorter than The Vision of Sir Launfal nor did I wish to confine myself to the ponderous symphony, the long-drawn-out overture or the massive prelude, banishing from my repertory the fanciful waltz, the stirring march and the tender ballad. 



“Believing then and—even more strongly now—that entertainment is of more real value to the world than technical education in music appreciation, I would not accept the symphonic orchestra as my medium. Of course the cabaret orchestra’s limitations were too great to bother with that; the military band was too vague in its instrumentation, but a new combination, unhampered by tradition, which could get at the hearts of the people was my desideratum. I wanted to avoid those musical combinations governed by certain laws as enduring as those of the Medes and the Persians, and institute one which I felt would cater to the many rather than the few. And the outcome is the combination which I have at the present time.” 




“What superiority do you claim for it?” asked the reporter. 



“I claim a splendid balance of tone. Also, a multiplicity of quartettes; a virtuosity of execution, and my freedom to be absolutely eclectic in my programmes. I realized in the beginning that those composers known as the classicists would not lend themselves at all times to my scheme of orchestration. Therefore very little is heard at my concerts of Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart. The progress in complexity of orchestration and harmonic device, together with melodic charm is being supplied by the big men of to-day—such as Wagner, Richard Strauss, Elgar, Dvorák, Tschaikowsky, and others. And a combination of the instruments which constitute my organization gives an admirable rendition of the lavish tone coloring in modern music. Take the drama: it is not incongruous to see a comedy scene immediately follow a tragic one; in fact it is a favorite device of Shakespeare and many other master dramatists. It does not shock me to see laughter follow tears in the romantic drama. So it is that I have no hesitation in combining in my programme tinkling comedy with symphonic tragedy or rhythmic march with classic tone-picture.” 




The erudite men and women who usually buy tickets for symphonic concerts no doubt prefer that form of musical pabulum to any other. One feature is certainly in its favor; the symphonic orchestra is the same everywhere, be it Buda-Pesth, London, Paris, Madrid or New York; the same instruments and the same literature are in use. It is sad, however, to these same erudite men and women that the only addition to the resources of the symphony orchestra since the days of Haydn, with the exception of the harp, has been a wind instrument. Sometimes excellent judgment is displayed by the potentates of symphony when they enlarge an orchestra from sixty to seventy or ninety to a hundred players, in increasing only the string department and leaving the wood-wind and brass at exactly the same ratio for a hundred men as there had been for seventy. This idea of having four oboes for two parts gives the extra players more opportunity to think of home cooking than of playing. Two parts for two players seems to me to be correct. But a good deal of talent is lost in doubling men for each part. It reminds us of the lazy man and the diligent man who were called upon to lift a fat woman who had suddenly fainted. The lazy man said to the diligent, “You lift while I groan!” 




The first of the classic orchestras dating from Haydn consisted of one flute, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets, tympani, and the strings. The additions to-day used by the moderns are piccolos, English horns, contra-bassoons, hecklephone, saxophone, cornet, an array of French horns, trombones, tubas, euphoniums and Sousaphones. In the issuing of new orchestral compositions the publishers include these parts and know that players will be found for them. Here is where the symphonic orchestra has an advantage over the wood-wind band, for no two nations have the same instrumentation for the latter. It seems almost as if some committee had convened and decided on the instrumentation of a military band—and the bands of all countries had lined up accordingly, although, in the case of the Garde Republicaine, one notices a greater variety in wood-wind than the German band possesses. The Germans have plenty of brass and this makes them desirable for outdoor concerts. 



Gilmore might be taken as an example of perfect organizing. His band went to Europe in 1878 equipped to a greater degree of musical perfection and artistic merit than any known organization of that day. It numbered about sixty-six musicians, divided thus: 

 2 piccolos 

 2 flutes 

 2 oboes 

 1 A♭ clarinet 

 3 E♭ clarinets 

 8 first clarinets 

 4 second clarinets 

 4 third clarinets 

 1 alto clarinet 

 1 bass clarinet 

 1 soprano saxophone 

 1 alto saxophone 

 1 baritone saxophone 

 2 bassoons 

 1 contra bassoon 

 1 E♭ cornet 

 2 first cornets 

 2 second cornets 

 2 trumpets 

 2 Fluegel horns 

 4 French horns 

 2 altos 

 2 tenor horns 

 2 Euphoniums 

 3 trombones 

 2 E♭ tubas 

 2 B♭ tubas 

 3 battery 
































My organization in 1924 included: 

 6 flutes 

 2 oboes 

 1 English horn 

 14 first clarinets 

 6 second clarinets 

 6 third clarinets 

 1 alto clarinet 

 2 bass clarinets 

 2 bassoons 

 4 alto saxophones 

 2 tenor saxophones 

 1 baritone saxophone 

 1 bass saxophone 

 4 first cornets 

 2 second cornets 

 2 trumpets 

 4 horns 

 4 trombones 

 2 Euphoniums 

 6 Sousaphones in B♭ 

 3 battery 
























In the instrumentation of these two bands, it may be observed that sixteen of Mr. Gilmore’s instruments had no place in mine. 



Foreign conductors, after touring America with their bands, went back to Europe and made some rather ridiculous comments. One of them, who brought a fairly good band to the St. Louis World Fair, complained that America demanded a cheap type of music. That is arrant nonsense! 



I played in fourteen different countries and I gave Europe and America precisely the same musical fare. America evidenced much the same musical taste as all the other countries, and American appreciation of music played in an inspirational manner is exactly as great as that encountered in any part of the Old World. 



It is, however, absolutely necessary that music should not be rendered in a prosaic or stereotyped manner, if it is to combine an inspirational with an intellectual appeal. With no wish to be egotistical, I believe that music often fails of a response, not because of the music or because of the players, but owing to a lack of ability in the conductor. Berlioz, in speaking of conductors, says: 



“The performers should feel what he feels, comprehend his mood. Then his emotion communicates itself to those whom he directs; his inward fire warms them; his electric glow animates them; his force of impulse excites them; he throws around him the vital undulation of musical art. If he be inert and frozen, on the contrary, he paralyzes all about him, like those floating masses of the polar seas the approach of which is perceived through the sudden cooling of the atmosphere.” 



In an Australian hotel I was descending in the elevator when the man at my side suddenly turned to me and said, “I’ll bet you a hundred dollars to ten that you can’t tell me where I saw you last.” Concluding that he was an American because he had said “dollars” instead of “pounds” I replied, “Doubtless in the States.” “Yes,” said he, “between Parkton, Maryland, and York, Pennsylvania. It was raining ‘cats and dogs’ and you were soaked to the skin. I saw you leading a lame horse and shielding your face from the storm as you walked. I wanted to stop and ask you to join us in the car but my companion said, ‘It’s useless to attempt that. Any man who has trudged thirty odd miles through the rain is not going to abandon his horse as he nears the end of his tramp, for the sake of riding in an automobile.’” I remembered the occasion and Marguerite’s lameness. The mare and I had reached York at ten o’clock that night. 




There is an Australian saying, “Sydney for pleasure, Melbourne for business, and Adelaide for culture.” I met a mighty fine Australian in Adelaide—a station-owner. Stations, in Australia, are much the same as our American plantations. He was sincere in his admiration for the simple bushmen of the island continent and recounted to me an incident which had greatly impressed him a few days before. He was walking over the station to inspect his sheep and cattle, and one of the bushmen, a young chap whom he often summoned to him, was following at his heels. 



When they returned to the bungalow this black boy threw himself at his employer’s feet and cried, “Master, Master, whenever you take me out, make me walk ahead.” 



“Why, what’s the matter?” asked the station-owner. “Oh, master, when I walk at your heels something says to me, ‘Kill him, kill him,’ and it is all I can do to resist. Master, kill me now if you want me to walk at your heels hereafter.” 



Australia is a “crust” country. Its towns are usually on the seashore, and little is known of the interior. The “Laughing Jackass” is perhaps the most interesting bird in Australia. He is a member of the kingfisher family and a great snake killer. When he espies a snake he darts down, grabs it by the back of the neck, takes it far in the air, and then drops it to the ground; like the Irishman’s explanation—it is not the fall that kills it but the sudden contact with the ground. During the descent of the snake the bird laughs wildly and delightedly. I have heard his laugh many times, and certainly it is a happy, satisfying sort of sound. Another bird found in immense flocks in Australia is the sulphur-crested cockatoo. When a thousand of them are flushed at one time the sky is a veritable scintillation of glimmering yellow and white. 


第14章(1)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」
























We sailed the 24th of December, 1910, sixty-nine of us, on the 

“Baltic” for Liverpool. 



On this tour, we opened in London January 2, 1911, and visited all the principal cities of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. At Myrta-Tydvil the stage had evidently suffered some amateur carpentering, in order to enlarge it to accommodate the band, and when we struck up “The Stars and Stripes Forever”, that piece (always the climax of any programme) was the signal for catastrophe! My conducting stand collapsed and I was buried seven feet beneath it. It is a breath-snatching sensation to fall seven feet below the floor with nothing to catch on to. I went down in a cloud of dust and debris and the prima donna, Miss Root, on hearing the crash, believed I had been killed and rushed out on the stage, screaming. I quickly righted myself, however, crawled up out of the depths, bowed to the audience and said, “We will now continue.” Calmly we finished the programme. 




The news of my mishap spread throughout the kingdom and nearly every day some anxious person would come and ask if I were injured. I believe that among these solicitous callers who seemed so delighted to learn that I was whole and uninjured there were agents sent by their various cities to inquire so that the concert dates might be called off in plenty of time! 



We left Europe for South Africa on March 4th and gave our first concert at Capetown on the 24th. It was there that I met Lady Gladstone, whose famous husband was on a mission in South Africa at the time. Capetown was a pleasant place for music. They were delighted with “Tannhäuser” and “The Ride of the Valkyries” and all our marches and popular fancies. We played to an enormous house.  



Next came Kimberley. Kimberley’s naïveté did not please me. When I arrived I found that we were advertised to give our concert in a public park, with no way of controlling the ingress or egress of the audience. That honest-hearted South African representative believed that the dear public would hunt up the ticket-seller, buy tickets, and wait in line to pass the proper entrance, even though the park was quite unfenced and the whole world might have crowded in. Said the simple manager to me, “There is only one hall in town and that holds but eleven hundred people.” “Get that,” I directed. 



He engaged the hall, and we filled it. There were, however, thousands of swarming, protesting people outside who had come in from the surrounding country, hoping to hear the band without cost. They were loud in their complaints over our meanness in expecting money for our efforts. But, since our expenses were $2500 a day on the tour and we were certainly not touring for our health, we felt no compunction. 



One night at dinner in Kimberley, the East Indian head waiter came to my table and said, “Mr. Sousa, there’s a Kaffir outside waiting to speak to you.” 



“A Kaffir? I don’t know any Kaffirs.” 

“He says he met you in America, sir.” 

“Oh, all right, send him in. I’ll see him.” 





My black friend could not reach my side soon enough; he rushed over to me, and cried, “How d’do, Mr. Sousa! Don’ yo’ remember me? I’m Jim Nelson f’om Henderson, Nor’ Ca’lina!” “How are you, Jim? And what are you doing so far from home?” “Mr. Sousa, I ain’t nothin’ but a fool nigger. I meets a man in No’folk who says I ought to see the home of my fo’fathers, an’ I gets it into my noodle that I gotta see that home o’ my fo’fathers. That man gets me a job on a ship comin’ over here an’ it sailed an’ sailed, and fo’ de Lord, I’ll never do it again! This ain’t no place fo’an honest cullud man. These yere Kaffirs do me up at craps. Lord, how they-all can play craps! Now they got all my money an’ I ain’t got no place to lay my haid. Mr. Sousa, I begs you to take me along with the band. I’ll work until I drops in my tracks, only take me, Mr. Sousa, fo’ God’s sake, take me!” 





I told him he could come along on the African tour and help with the baggage. He was with us for several weeks, but the story ended like a good many others of similar import; the homesick one fell for a dusky Basuto belle and for all I know, remained in “the land of his fo’fathers” forever after. 



The division of the Africans into tribes is very much like the division of our Indian tribes in America. The generic name for the African is “Kaffir” and this is the word most commonly used. In Africa practically no one says “negro” or “nigger.” In the larger towns there are Zulu policemen who are employed entirely for the purpose of governing the Kaffirs. They are usually magnificent specimens, six-footers, barefooted, dark, shining men, as strong as bulls. 



Johannesburg kept us happy and occupied for two weeks. Then came Pretoria, the capital of the Dominion, and Krugersdorp, where I had an odd experience. I was lunching at one of the famous roadhouses in the vicinity, when suddenly the proprietor moved his Victrola out on the front porch and made ready to play some fifteen or twenty of my compositions! With the strains of the first record a crowd of Kaffirs immediately surrounded the place. When I had finished lunch (the crowd now numbered hundreds) the man asked me to come out while he addressed the natives. He spoke in their own tongue and then played “The Stars and Stripes Forever” on his Victrola. Whether he had declared that I was the composer of the march, or the inventor of the Victrola, I know not but I do know that I was alarmed by the worship I received. One by one those natives stole up, felt my coat, and salaamed until their noses nearly touched the dirt. They followed me to my motor car and shouted loud acclaim till we vanished from sight. 



A Sunday morning visit to the Cinderella Mine at Boxburgh, one of de Beer’s diamond mines, proved to be full of color and interest. The various tribes that work in the mines were to perform their traditional dances in the compound. Each tribe seemed to keep aloof from the others and to avoid interference in any way with the dances of another tribe. One of their musical instruments must have been the great-great-grandfather of the xylophone. It had no definite scale and consisted only of four or five pieces of wood grouped in such a way that hammering on them produced an indefinable sound not worthy the name of music! One of the surprises of that memorable Sunday was a meeting with W. J. Kelly, so well known to vaudeville audiences as the “Virginia Judge.” 



We played Grahamstown and Elizabethtown and then went to the Natal country where in Pietermaritzburg and Durban we found the finest town halls imaginable. In Capetown again, we gave our farewell African concert. The night of the concert the boat which was to bear us further on our journey, the “Ionic,” made harbor. But in the morning, an ominous yellow quarantine flag was flying from her mast. I was scarcely out of bed when a telephone message arrived from Captain Roberts assuring me that there was no smallpox aboard. An arbitrary harbor inspector had insisted on putting the vessel in quarantine because a couple of stupid immigrants had gorged themselves sick with fresh pork, a senseless thing to do in that hot climate. Captain Roberts was confident that the boat would be permitted to sail that afternoon. We did sail, but the ship’s physician was taken ill almost immediately and our band physician, Dr. Low, had to assume charge of the ailments of passengers and crew. 



We were twenty-two days making that dreary trip across the Indian Ocean south to Tasmania and did not once see the sun. The boat tossed like a peanut shell, and when it wasn’t raining it was snowing, and when it scorned to snow it incontinently hailed. Not a vessel did we meet until we were near Tasmania. We were a day late and so lost our concert in Hobart much to the disappointment of a sold-out house. It was, therefore, in Launceston that we gave our first concert in Australia. The critics were enthusiastic. One wrote: “It would be a strange audience that could not be pleased with the band and its conductor, for he gratified the vociferously expressed wishes of those present with well-nigh a dozen encores. The organization is superb; the versatility is remarkable, and its perfect rendition of the most difficult compositions, alike combine in compelling admiration.” 



The “Rotomahana” bore us to Melbourne, and from there we set out for Sydney. Sydney met us with seven of their largest bands, blended into one great harmonious group under the leadership of J. Devlin. At the Town Hall I was given a rousing reception. There the Professional Musicians’ Band, conducted by Mr. O’Brien, played my suite, “Looking Upward” and “The Stars and Stripes Forever”. When I was called on to address the assemblage, I said: 

メルボルンへは「ロトマハナ号」で向かい、そこからシドニーへと進む。シドニーでは現地の最大級のバンド7つが、合同バンドを組んで私達を迎えてくれる。演奏の調和が大変素晴らしいこのバンドを率いるのは、J.デヴリン氏である。シドニー市庁舎の公会堂で、感動的なレセプションを開いていただく。ここでは「Professional Musician's Band」(職業演奏家のみで構成される吹奏楽団)として、オブライエン氏の指揮のもと、私の組曲「空を見上げて」と「星条旗よ永遠なれ」を演奏してくださった。集まった方々へのご挨拶ということで、次のようなスピーチを行った。 


“It isn’t every fellow who comes thousands of miles with his band, and is met by a band of a thousand, a rattling good one too, and then, entering a hall, hears another band play his own music faithfully and beautifully. At the present time a splendid friendship exists between America and Australia. Our fleet has been here and returned home full of admiration for Australia and Australians. With your mother, Great Britain, to the West of you and your cousin, America, to the East of you, you can sleep o’ nights without a sentry. One of your poets has said that you are the ‘Empress of the Southern Wave’ and I pray Heaven that you may reign forever!” 



In the newspaper accounts of the first concert in Sydney, it was said: “Mr. Sousa, whose style as a conductor is entirely free from the absurd exaggeration humorous writers had prepared Australia to expect, advanced rapidly to his place, was warmly welcomed by the audience and at once cut short the applause by raising his baton. This concise manner of getting to work without delay characterized his system throughout the evening.” 



Sydney had its share of reformers, too, and some of them evidently thought I needed reforming. The “London Sketch” had published an article of mine on clay pigeon shooting; it had attracted the attention of editors all along our route and most of the Australian papers had reproduced it. I had been in Sydney only a few days when I received this letter from a well-meaning clergyman: 



My Dear Sir: 

I read your article on pigeon shooting, and I am horrified at the   thought that you, a musician, a member of a profession giving to the world the sweetest tones of nature, should stoop so low as to shoot God’s beautiful creatures. Repent, sir, ere it is too late. Give up your murderous practice of killing the beautiful feathered denizens of the fields, I beseech you. 




It seemed cruel to spoil so choice a bit of crusading, but I bought a half dozen clay birds at a gun store and sent them to the soft-hearted cleric, with the following letter: 




Reverend Sir: 

Your letter received and noted. Before I received it I went out and in my sinful way bagged the enclosed pigeons. I am sorry I didn’t hear from you earlier, but I enclose the pigeons as evidence of my accuracy as a shot. Please have them broiled and let me know how they taste! 




But, alas, he wasn’t sport enough to write and apologize! 



It was while we were in Sydney that I met, after many years of epistolary acquaintance, Mr. J. C. Williamson, the famous theatrical manager. We talked of the time he was in New York in 1879 and heard my instrumentation of “Pinafore". He had bought the Australian rights of that opera from Gilbert and Sullivan, and he told me genially, 



“When I obtained the Australian rights I heard a performance of the opera at Daly’s theater, New York, by a Church Choir company, where the singing was the dominant feature. I was so delighted with the chorus and the orchestration that I inquired who had executed the latter and learned that the conductor of the company had orchestrated the music himself. He was glad to let me have a copy to take to Australia. You, Mr. Sousa, were that obliging conductor and doubtless recall the incident.” 



Gilbert had just died and Mr. Williamson and I discussed the operas which he and Sullivan had so happily conceived. 



“Gilbert,” remarked Mr. Williamson, “was terribly excited and worried at the final rehearsal for “The Mikado” when it was being prepared for production in London. Apparently he could not obtain the desired results from the company. It seemed to me that his method of explaining his conception made them more mechanical each time he had them repeat a scene. Of course at the dress rehearsal the thing limped horribly. From a brilliant gathering of professionals, society leaders and press representatives, there came scarcely a ripple of applause. 




The only thing which seemed to awaken much interest was the Mikado’s song, and that they had been planning to cut out. However, since it received a little encouragement from the audience it was suffered to remain. But the dress rehearsal was in every way disappointing and the wise ones were shaking their heads and prophesying a failure for The Mikado. I was present at the first performance the next night, and it was an overwhelming and triumphant success. Gilbert was not in the audience. He was nervously pacing up and down the Embankment during the entire performance! Ah, there was a brilliant fellow. He was tremendously popular socially and one of the greatest wits the English social world ever boasted. London will miss him; and when London misses a man, he must be brilliant indeed.” 



It was a heartfelt tribute to a gallant gentleman and a great writer, who won his place with clean comedy and pure wit and kindly satire.  



On June third we closed our Sydney season after fifty-six concerts and matinees in that interesting city of 600,000, of a character half English, half American. We opened June fifth in Melbourne at the Glaciarium, where we were met by the massed bands of Melbourne and vicinity and marched in triumph to our hotel. Winter was coming on apace and the advertisements read, “The Glaciarium will be especially heated for the Sousa season.” For in Australia, July is the coldest month and December the hottest! 




On the closing night in Sydney I made probably the shortest speech on record. As we finished Auld Lang Syne there were cheers and pleas for a speech. I bowed and backed off but the applause continued, so I advanced to the front of the platform and when I had obtained silence I called out, “Can everybody hear me?” “Yes!” came from all parts of the house. With a broad smile I shouted back, “Good night!” and scampered offstage. 

話は戻るが、シドニー最後の夜の公演で、私はスピーチを行ったのだが、おそらく記録に残る中では、人生で最も短いものであろう。「蛍の光」の演奏の後、拍手と、そしてスピーチを求める歓声が上がる。私はお辞儀をすると舞台袖に引っ込む。だが拍手が続いている。そこで、舞台かぶりつきまで進み出て、観客席が静まると、こう言った「私の声が聞こえますか?」すると会場のあちこちから「聞こえるぞ!」 満面の笑みを湛えると、私は「おやすみなさい!」と叫んで、そそくさと舞台袖に引っ込んでしまった。