On November 15, 1908, there had appeared a symposium on music, by Madame Chaminade and myself. The Sunday Editor of the “New York Herald” had conceived the idea of presenting the American and the European points of view on matters of popular interest. Mr. Frank A. Munsey and Lord Northcliffe gave their opinions concerning the periodic magazine, Mr. Guggenheim and Mr. Zangwill discussed the Jewish question and other prominent people participated.
Madame Cecile Chaminade, the French composer, proved an interesting conversationalist on our topic. Mr. Cleveland Moffett, the editor of the “Sunday Herald”, was the questioner and Mr. Rupert Hughes the recorder. Of course the question of so-called popular music came up. Notwithstanding the credo of musical snobs, “popular” does not necessarily mean “vulgar” or “ephemeral.” In London a certain conductor had sneered at my efforts, saying, “He gets the mob because he plays nothing but marches.” Now marches are only a small part of my programmes. There is rarely more than one listed. If the audience gets others, it is because they are demanded as encores. Madame Chaminade asked me how I met this jealous conductor’s onslaught.
“By sending word to him that I would give a concert in London which would consist only of the compositions of the so-called classic writers, and that I felt confident it would be the largest in point of receipts given that season,” I replied. “What was the programme?” asked Madame Chaminade.
“Miss Maude Powell played Mendelssohn’s violin concerto, the most popular of all violin literature, Miss Estelle Liebling sang Mozart’s fascinating “Batti-Batti” from “Don Giovanni”; the band played Handel’s “Largo”, Bach’s “Loure”, Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony”, Beethoven’s “Leonore” Overture Number Three, Weber’s “Invitation to the Dance”, Schumann’s “Träumerei” and Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”. Those, I maintain are among the most popular compositions ever written and every one of them is from the pen of a great composer whom the critics would dub a classic writer. I didn’t even have to include an opera composer like Wagner.” Madame Chaminade was asked at the conclusion of my recital, “Would you agree that these nine names stand for the greatest in music?” The answer was, “Yes, yes!”
Probably there is no term more abused and more often mistaken in its real meaning than “popular music.” To the average mind popular music would mean compositions vulgarly conceived and commonplace in their treatment. That is absolutely false. Let us take music that has been performed over and over again. In every instance the most meritorious and inspired works, whether based on complex or simple lines, have survived the longest. There certainly is no composition in the world which has enjoyed greater vogue for twenty-five years among a wide range of listeners, from technical musician to uneducated but sympathetic auditor, than the “Tannhäuser” overture. For spontaneity, brilliancy and melodic charm most people will agree that the “Poet and Peasant” Overture is the master work of Suppe—and that piece of music has been thrummed and hammered, scraped and twanged and blown for, lo, these many years. Many a melody, chancing to catch the fickle fancy of the public, becomes temporarily popular, but unless it bears the stamp of genius it soon palls upon the ear and is no longer heard.
I was asked, “What makes a composition popular?” “Its measure of inspiration. Anybody can write music of a sort. But touching the public heart is quite another thing. My religion lies in my composition. My success is not due to any personal superiority over other people. But sometimes Somebody helps me and sends me a musical idea and that same Somebody helps the public to lay hold of my meaning. It does not always happen, by any means, and I am quick to realize when a composition lacks inspiration. I can almost always write music; at any hour of the twenty-four, if I put pencil to paper, music comes. But twenty-four hours later I am apt to destroy it as worthless. For years I have been able to wear the same size hat!”
I started on a long horseback trip covering all the cities between New York and Washington, returning to Philadelphia to act as a judge at Wanamaker’s Competitive Music Festival. The other judges were George W. Chadwick, Horatio Parker, J. Lewis Brown and Arthur Foote. At our first meeting, Mr. Parker, who had had experience at various similar competitions and who, until his death, occupied the Chair of Music at Yale University, said, “Gentlemen, there is one suggestion I wish to make to you. As soon as you have arrived at your decision, destroy your markings. If you don’t, you will be bothered to death by both the successful and unsuccessful contestants.” It was good advice, for after I had voted on each contest I invariably received a number of letters requesting grades. My answer was that I had destroyed them all.
The fascinating Octavia Roberts, of the _State Journal_ of Springfield, Illinois—now Mrs. Barton Corneau of Boston—asked me while I was in that city shooting in the Grand America Handicap, “Won’t you tell the public, you who have known all the good things the world can give—fame and honor and travel and wealth—what are life’s best gifts?” “A horse, a dog, a gun and a girl—with music on the side,” I replied. She laughingly said, “Is that a diminuendo or a crescendo?” “Crescendo, crescendo. The last is the best of all.”
I went south presently, according to my custom, to hunt ducks, deer and quail on our preserves in South Carolina. Of all sports there is none that appeals to me like clay bird shooting. I am opposed to the shooting of live pigeons for I feel that it is a wanton destruction of domestic birds, and can in no way be deemed a sport. I made good scores in the clay pigeon contests. At Augusta, Georgia, I led the field both for professionals and amateurs, breaking 98 out of 100. That is my best score, although one year I shot so consistently that my average for 15,000 clay birds was ninety per cent. I have many friends among the trap-shooters; they are clean sportsmen and always ready to applaud the winner.
Clay pigeon, or trap-shooting is comparatively new in America. Like golf it appeals to all ages and all strata of society. On the golf course at Hot Springs, Virginia, I have seen the multi-millionaire Rockefeller wait for John Jones to tee off, even though John Jones is a ribbon-clerk from Wanamaker’s, honeymooning at the Springs, spending three days and six months’ savings! Millionaire, savant, ribbon-clerk,—all are members of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Golfers. So with trap-shooting. In the State shoot a few years ago, a squad of five included one famous baseball pitcher, one world-renowned divine, one well-known financier, one hard-working carpenter and “yours truly.” None of us had ever met before but we all worked like Trojans to make our squad the “top-notcher.” Like love, trap-shooting levels all ranks.
Before returning to New York I went quail-shooting in Virginia. The young farmer with whom I was lodging had never been twenty-five miles from his home and he said it was the dream of his life to go at least as far north as Washington. “Why don’t you do so?” I asked. “Can’t afford it,” was his answer. “Of course you can. This horse I am riding here on your plantation belongs to you and is a good one. Your other horse seems all right, too. Suppose we start on a trip and go as far as Washington. I’ll pay for the use of your horse and $5.00 a day for your time.”
He was delighted. We started the next day. At noon we stopped at a farmhouse for luncheon. The farmer’s wife said, “What will you have—fried chicken or ham and eggs?” My friend chose ham and eggs. We stopped at still another farmhouse for the night and at supper when he was asked what he would like to eat, my companion repeated, “Ham and eggs.” Indeed, on that ten day trip to Washington, his invariable choice for breakfast, dinner and supper was ham and eggs. When we finally reached the Capital we went to the Hotel Willard where I handed him the menu card with at least 150 items on it, saying, “This is a first-class hotel, Jim. You must be hungry as a bear, so just take anything and everything you want.”
He looked it all over carefully, his face growing more and more serious, and then moaned as he dropped the menu card, “’Tain’t here, ’tain’t here.” “What ‘ain’t here’?” I asked. “Ham and eggs.”
Riding for the fifth time from Hot Springs, Virginia, I had as my companion Jim Hamilton, the genial riding master of that famous resort. We each had two horses and carried a surrey containing clothing and the necessities of travel. We started late in February. The Jackson River and the mountains were still blanketed with snow; the river had cakes of ice in it and winter yet lingered in the air. One day we stopped at a plantation for lunch and I was amazed to behold three or four little children running about the grounds barefoot and thinly clad. I called to the farmer’s wife, “It seems dangerous to me to allow those little ones to run about without shoes and stockings. They are likely to contract pneumonia from such exposure.”
“Don’t you worry,” said the mother. “A fool man come along here ’bout two years ago and talked just as you are talking and we got plumb scared and Jim (that’s my husband) hitched up his team and druv sixty miles to Staunton to buy the little fellow a pair of shoes and stockings. When he got back it was snowing hard and I put the shoes and stockings on the little boy’s feet. He went out to play in the snow, got his feet wet and that night he nigh died of croup. My mother took off the wet shoes and stockings, dosed him with kerosene and made him run around outside in the snow for an hour. That cured him. No more shoes for him, nuther. I ain’t a-goin’ to risk their health with no such foolishness. Why, man, they slides on the ice in Jackson River in their bare feet. I loves ’em too much to let them take any chances with shoes!”
One November we were in Atlanta giving concerts. The warden and the clergyman attached to the Federal Prison wrote and asked if I could not bring my band to the Penitentiary and give a concert for the inmates. The band unanimously volunteered and we gave our concert in a huge hall with the white prisoners on the left and the colored ones on the right. One of the attendants stood at my side as they marched in and pointed out a young man, barely over thirty, handsome but marred by a devil-may-care expression. The attendant remarked, “Notice that man. He’s a bad ’un. He was sent here from one of the territories after his sentence had been commuted from hanging to life imprisonment. In a little over a year he was pardoned; within a few months of his release he nearly killed another man, was tried and sentenced to twenty years and sent here once more. A year later he was pardoned again. In six months he had killed another man, was tried and sentenced to be hanged but the sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life. Here he is and, we hope, here he will remain.”
Of course so desperate and perverted a personality won my interest.When we played the first number the applause was deafening but he sat with folded hands, absolutely impassive and evidently determined to remain so. When Miss Root, the vocalist, stepped forward he never wavered an eyelash. I had thought that a pretty girl singing beautifully would arouse him but he gave no sign. As we reached the close of our program I played “The Stars and Stripes Forever”. At the first measures he began to straighten up and presently was applauding as loudly as the others. Apparently the one redeeming trait in his character was a certain patriotic devotion. Despite his evil life it is quite possible that he would have died for his country.
“The Stars and Stripes Forever” seems to have a unique appeal. A Frenchwoman once told me very quaintly and expressively that it sounded to her like the American eagle shooting arrows into the Aurora Borealis!
The liking for marches is quite universal and I have no doubt that many are written which never see the light of a musical day. I am still treasuring an earnest, kindly and very human letter—with all its inaccuracies—which I received about this time: