

第17章(1/2)英日対訳・スーザ自叙伝「進め! Marching Along」































In the early summer of that year—1916—I started on a thousand-mile horseback journey, as a change from conducting. On my trip I had my gun with me and took part in tournaments. I also offered to join General Wood’s command on the border, which inspired a jocular New York Herald correspondent to say, “Sousa should play La Paloma in order to fascinate the Mexicans into inaction and The Stars and Stripes Forever to inspire the American troops.” The war scare petered out, however, and I didn’t go, but turned to Willow Grove where we opened on August 20th. 



That fall I went to New York to rehearse with the Hippodrome company and we opened in Philadelphia on October 16th. The Boy Scout Marchwas written that season. 



On November sixth, my sixty-second birthday, at the Metropolitan Opera House, Mr. E. T. Stotesbury presented me with a beautiful loving cup, the company gave me a silver platter and the band also gave me a loving cup. I’m glad I wasn’t born on the 29th of February; it would be so long between loving cups! 



On May 20, 1917,—six weeks or so after the United States entered the World War—I received a telegram from Mr. John Alden Carpenter, a composer-friend of mine: “The Naval Station has an undeveloped band which needs the inspiration of a master hand to start them on the right track. Could you come here if only for a few days to start the work and bring with you a bandmaster of the right personality to continue the instruction? I realize how much I ask and know your enthusiasm for the cause.” 



I left as soon as I could arrange my affairs, met Mr. Carpenter in Chicago, and we went on to the Naval Station at Great Lakes. I was introduced to the Commandant, Captain Moffett, since promoted to Admiral. He summoned the band to the parade grounds, a collection of seventy-five young fellows. They played a march or two and then returned to their quarters. After lunch we chatted of his plan and the Navy’s necessity for good music. 



“You, Sousa, know the game better than any man in the country, with all your years with the Marines, your knowledge of discipline and the best way to handle men. I don’t know where to look if you fail me.” 



“I won’t fail you,” I replied. “I’ll join. I’m past sixty-two, but you’ll find me a healthy fellow.” “When will you join?” “Right away,” I answered. 



On my return to Chicago I telegraphed to my wife my intention of 

joining the navy and was sworn in as lieutenant in charge of the music. I had explained to the Commandant that I had contracted for various dates which must be fulfilled before I could remain 

permanently at the station. Until I came to stay I volunteered to be placed on the one-dollar-a-month basis. I celebrated my new position with a verse which was reprinted in many an American newspaper: 



I JOINED the Reserves on the last day of May, 

I gave up my band and a thousand a day, 

A dollar a month is my government pay, 

My God, how the money rolls in! 






During my service in the Navy, from May, 1917, to March, 1919, I 

learned to love and admire Admiral Moffett. Every man who had the honor to serve him felt the same. His own hours for work were all hours. He asked no man to do more than he was willing to do himself. Certainly his executive ability was unusual and although he was a great disciplinarian he had nothing of the martinet about him.  



In a month we had over six hundred enlistments for the band. It was a cumbersome number to handle. One day as the Commandant and I were returning from a banquet at the Chicago Club, I said, “Commandant, the musical forces are degenerating into an unruly mob. I have a plan to propose which I hope will meet with your approval. I should like to form a band battalion of three hundred and fifty, with military commander, musical director, surgeon, master-at-arms and petty officers. After that I propose to organize, as enlistments warrant it, bands to consist of double-battleship units of theDelaware type, assigning a band to each regiment at the Station. Will you issue an order to that effect?” 



“Order be hanged,” said the amiable Moffett. “You’re the musical 

director. Go ahead, and if it doesn’t work you will be the first to 

realize it.” 



Next day I sent for the senior bandmaster and asked him for a list of all the musicians in the station, with their rating, ability and age. From this I formed a batallion which became my special care during the war. We had in all about 350 musicians. My system proved to be advantageous for whenever we received a telegram from the Department asking us to send a band to some ship or another station I was able to send an organized whole—a group of men who knew one another, possessed a common repertoire and understood how to play together.  



One request from Admiral Mayo, commander of the Atlantic Squadron, was for a band for his flagship, the Pennsylvania. Captain Moffett decreed that we send the finest regimental band we had. I suggested a bright young bandmaster named V. D. Grabel and we sent him and his men along to the Pennsylvania. Later, when I was ordered aboard that ship to dine with Admiral Mayo, he said enthusiastically, “Sousa, you gave me a great surprise when you sent me that band. They reported at six o’clock and gave a concert at seven, an achievement which I have never heard equalled in the Army or the Navy!” 



In September my battalion was ordered to Kansas City to take part in “Old Glory Week” where we gave a concert in Electric Park. Thousands surged about the bandstand and very near us I observed Colonel Roosevelt and his family. I asked him if there was anything special he would like to hear. He replied warmly, “It would make me very happy if you would play 'Garryowen'.” 



By the way, in 1917 Roosevelt made a speech to the Naval forces at Great Lakes and he said, with that famous grin of his, “I’d give anything if I could go to war with you, but so far this has seemed to me a very exclusive war and I was blackballed by the committee on admission.” 



It was in 1917, too, that I went over to Oyster Bay from my home at Port Washington to talk with Colonel Roosevelt about some features of my work with Navy Band Battalions, and in the course of the conversation, he put his arm around the shoulders of a young naval-officer, who was with us and said feelingly, “My boy, you should be proud to be wearing that uniform—I wish I were!” 



Back at the Great Lakes a telegram awaited me from Mr. Henry P. Davison asking if the band would play for the Red Cross Drive in New York. The Commandant permitted us to go, and we laid out a further itinerary which included the Rosemary Pageant at Huntington, a concert in Carnegie Hall and then engagements in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 



The band battalion included young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, many of whom were members of college bands and small town bands of the west and southwest. They were a bright, pleasing lot and full of enthusiasm. I had exercised great care in selecting the music, making sure that it was all within the comprehension and execution of the band. I had chosen the most effective street marches, such as The Thunderer, The National Emblem, Semper Fidelis, Washington Post, and The High School Cadets. The drum major, a splendid sailor named Micheaux Tennant, was an excellent drill master and trained the boys to step off briskly. When we reached Philadelphia we were gathered in front of the Union League Club on Broad Street. An old Civil War general came out of the Club and proceeded to inspect each file of the band. We were at rigid attention. He came up to me and said, “Sousa, you have a remarkable lot of men.” 



“Yes, sir, I think so, too,” I replied. “I have inspected every file of the three hundred or more and there isn’t a belly in the whole band!” I thanked him again.  



Our next assignment was the First Liberty Loan Drive in Baltimore. Mr. Van Lear Black, chairman of the Committee, in discussing the probable success of the drive, said to me, “I’m very much encouraged since the arrival of your band. Now I believe we will be able to raise eight million dollars.” 



Before it was over we had raised nearly twenty-one million dollars! 

Patriotic Baltimore responded nobly. The banks had already named the amount of their subscriptions before we arrived, but when our concerts began in the Fifth Regiment Armory thousands of people came forward to make magnificent gestures. I would have a man with a megaphone call out to the assemblage, 



“If somebody will subscribe one hundred thousand dollars the band will play 'Dixie'.” We would get that sum in a very few minutes. Presently the man would announce, “If someone will subscribe two hundred thousand dollars, the band will play 'Maryland, My Maryland'.” The subscription was forthcoming. 



From Baltimore we went to Washington to assist in the Liberty Loan drive there. My home town was good to me. Here was a gratifying refutation of the old saying that a prophet is without honor in his own country! During the Washington stay I planned a serenade to the President. We marched from Hotel Willard up to Sixteenth Street and came to a halt beside the executive offices. The streets were crowded and the officers and clerks from the War, Navy and State Departments overflowed the steps and balconies of those buildings. I played three pieces and at the third fully expected the appearance of the President for that is the custom in serenades. I played still another and no President. One more and then we closed with The Star Spangled Bannerand marched off, three hundred and fifty disappointed boys who had had a yearning to behold their Chief Executive. 



In New York we gave a concert at the Hippodrome for the Women’s 

Auxiliary Naval Recruiting Station and our receipts were eleven thousand dollars. For that occasion I wrote The United States Field Artillery March and Blue Ridge. I had put together a medley of airs and called it A Day at Great Lakes. It began with reveille and continued through a day’s doings to the midnight patrol. In it I introduced not only instrumental but vocal music and arranged to have a song popular at that time, Throw Me a Rose, sung by a handsome young sailor lad named Mix. At times the stage was littered with roses thrown by admiring and patriotic ladies! 



How we tooted and trumpeted to charm the dollars out of American pockets! We toured Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and other cities. I verily believe we were the strongest drawing card in all the war drives. Millions were subscribed to the Liberty Loans and the dollars came pouring in for Red Cross drives and naval relief campaigns. Nor did we scorn fifty, a hundred, or two hundred dollars at a time. Some attractive sailor lad would hold up my twenty-cent baton and ask what he was offered for it. If he received a bid of only fifty dollars he would drawl, “Say, this is a money affair. We can’t let this priceless baton go for fifty dollars,” whereupon the bids would rise as high as three or four hundred dollars. 



One of the most important musical events during the war was the performance of Mendelssohn’s oratorio, “Elijah” at the Polo Grounds in New York. I received orders from the Navy Department to conduct the performance for the War Thrift festival. I found a chorus of ten thousand voices drilled by men famous in oratorio work. The principals were Marie Sundelius, Sophie Breslau, Betty McKenna, Charles Harrison and Oscar Seagle. The orchestra was recruited from the symphony orchestras and was entirely wood-wind and brass. 
