At the close of the Willow Grove season we left for Buffalo and opened there on June 10, 1901 for a month at the Pan American Exposition. I noticed at our first evening concert that the lights were suddenly dimmed until the grounds were shrouded in darkness; then a little light appeared, the illumination grew steadily, till, brightening and brightening, the full blaze was restored. It was new at that time and had an almost supernatural effect on the watchers.
When you burrow deep into the heart of the real America you will discover an intense affection for the old hymn tunes of the churches. Whatever a man's religious convictions, a hymn tune reaches his heart quicker than any other burst of music. Remembering this, I contrived the next evening, when the illumination began to wane, to have the band softly begin, Nearer my God to Thee, and as the lights grew the band crescendoed and swelled out its power to the utmost. The effect was thrilling! It was afterward the subject of much editorial comment. One paper said, “It was left to a bandmaster to discover the meaning of the illumination. The music was inspiring and beautiful.” I received hundreds of letters of congratulation, and the crowds flocked to the bandstand.
生粋のアメリカ人なら、心の奥底で強い愛着を持つ、古い教会音楽がいくつかお有りだろうと思う。そういう音楽は、他の音楽がいかに大音響で聞こえてこようとも、その方の宗教上の信念が何であれ、心にすっと染み込んでゆくものだ。このことを頭において、私が翌日の夜公演で一計を案じる。照明が落ち始めると、「Nearere my God to Thee」を、バンドに指示して小さな音量で演奏を始める。明るくなるのに合わせて、音量を盛り上げてゆき、そして最後に全てのパワーを解き放つ。スリリングな効果を生んだ!後日、多くの新聞の編集後記欄で採り上げられていた。ある新聞からの記述では「会場の照明変化をどう捉えるか、この判断を任されたあるバンドの指揮者は、印象的かつ美しい音楽をこれに添えた。」何百ものお手紙で、よくやったと褒めて頂き、その後もバンドの演奏会場には、多くの人々がやってきてくれた。
After several days, someone in authority sent me an order to substitute The Star Spangled Banner for Nearer My God to Thee. Now patriotic songs are inspiring only on patriotic occasions; at other times their appeal is purely perfunctory. But, having been trained to obey orders, I played The Star Spangled Banner the next night. Morning brought a number of written protests. In three nights the order was revoked and I was requested to resume Nearer My God to Thee. The official had doubtless found out the real preference of the public.
At the end of the week Mr. Barnes, my manager, received a check for the week's work, amounting to several thousand dollars. He asked me to go to the bank to identify him.
“Are you Mr. Sousa?” asked the teller of Mr. Barnes.
“No,” I interrupted, “I'm John Philip Sousa.”
But the teller looked at me coldly and handed back the check.
“You'll have to be identified,” he said.
Turning my back to the teller's window, I raised my arms as if preparing to start off my band and began to whistle The Stars and Stripes Forever, bringing my arms up and down in the manner familiar to those who attend my concerts. The clerks in the room broke out in laughter and applause, and one ran over to whisper in the cashier's ear; he beckoned for the check and cashed it without a word!
After the Exposition closed its doors we went to Manhattan Beach for the season. That year I wrote The Invincible Eagle, a march commemorating the Exposition. Manhattan Beach was rapidly changing. The crowd, though appreciative, was not a wealthy one and I saw the writing on the wall which proclaimed, “This is the end.” When we closed there, we started to fulfill an engagement in New England and, as I was getting off the train at a station to stretch my legs for a few minutes, an excited woman rushed up to me and demanded frantically, “Has the nine-three train pulled out?”
“I really don't know,” I replied.
“Why don't you know?” she shouted. “Why do you stand there like a log? Aren't you a conductor?”
“Yes, I'm a conductor.”
“A fine conductor you are!” she exclaimed contemptuously.
“Well, you see!” I humbly replied, “I'm not the conductor of a railroad train, I'm the conductor of a brass band.”
On September third we opened at the Pittsburgh Local Exposition where we drew an audience of ten thousand people in the Music Hall. Mentioning Pittsburgh reminds me of a good friend, Thomas Preston Brooke, the bandmaster. One season, at the Pittsburgh Exposition, both his band and mine were engaged, Brooke and his Chicago Marine Band to open and play the first half, Sousa's Band to follow immediately and close the Exposition.
During the last week of Brooke's engagement both bands were well featured in the press but each notice was printed just above the announcement of some other attraction ― no less important ― and the “ads” were more or less run together. Brooke clipped these “ads,” pasted them on one of his letter-heads and addressed it to me. The following is a copy of his letter:
“Hell, John, ― How about this?”
“It is almost as good as this, eh?”
Yours faithfully,
We sailed once more for Europe, this time on the twenty-fourth of December, 1902, on the St. Louis, and opened in London on January eighth, 1903. King Edward paid me a graceful compliment, a few days after a concert which we gave in honor of her Majesty's birthday, by sending me four beautifully marked pheasants, accompanied by a card, “To John Philip Sousa, from his Majesty, at Sandringham.” I had them mounted and hung in my dining-room. I had written “Imperial Edward” before leaving America, and my manager had received the following letter from General D. M. Probyn, Keeper of his Majesty's Privy Purse:
Buckingham Palace 23rd June, 1902.
In reply to your letter of the 21st instant, I write to inform you that I have had the honour of submitting to the King the copy which you have brought from America of Mr. Sousa's march, Imperial Edward.
His Majesty has commanded me to ask you to convey his thanks to Mr. Sousa for the march and to acquaint you with that fact that his Majesty has given directions for the music of the march to be transposed so that it may be played by several of the principal Military Bands of England.
Yours faithfully,
バッキンガム宮殿発 1902年6月23日
On the 18th of January, 1903, I gave a matinee at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford-on-Avon and that night we were to play at Leamington. We had just arrived from America when the Countess of Warwick (the former Lady Brook, whom ribald, whispering London had, after the Baccarat affair, christened “The Babbling Brook”) called on my English manager to arrange a concert at the famous Warwick Castle. My manager regretted exceedingly that no open dates were left us, but the Countess was a very beautiful and charming specimen of English womanhood and quite used to getting her own way.
“Well,” persisted the lady, “you are to play in Leamington on the 18th. Why not play for me after the Leamington concert? Give me a midnight concert, and I'll announce the hour to my guests.” I consented to the arrangement. It was a tempestuous night. The many conveyances which were used to bring the band to the castle arrived in good time but the driver of the vehicle which contained our music lost control of the car in the storm and the thing went catapulting downhill, twining itself around a lamp-post at the bottom. The music, therefore, did not appear until the concert was over. The band played the entire programme from memory.
After the concert, the Earl of Warwick, Mrs. Sousa, Maud Powell, Miss Liebling and myself, together with the guests, went to supper. I sat with the Earl who presently addressed himself to me:
“I know you come from a land where they smoke the very finest tobacco, but I am going to offer you a cigar which I believe is better than anything you can produce in America.”
“Ah,” said I, “don't hurt my feelings! Criticise my band ― abuse my compositions, express a distaste for the red, white and blue; I can accept those opinions without serious resentment. But do not, oh, do not say that you have a cigar superior to those I import from the great Fonseca of Cuba.”
The humidor was rolled in and I selected a most fragrant cigar, and puffed it critically. “This is all right; but when I return to London, my dear Earl, I shall send you a cigar that is a cigar.”
When returned to London not long after, and from there I sent him a box of twenty-five Fonseca McKinleys. Fully two weeks passed before I received this letter:
We are far North in Scotland, hunting and having a grand time. Only last night your box of cigars arrived. I opened it and gave one to each of my four companions. We sat around the ingle puffing away, and I now desire to say that your remark about your cigars was modesty itself.
On January 30 we played a second command performance for the King. There is considerable misunderstanding on the subject of an alleged command from the English court. To me it seemed to come in the form of a most courteous request, “I am commanded by His Majesty to ascertain if it is convenient for you to give a concert at Windsor.”
There were about forty people present at the Windsor performance. Just before the band struck up. Lord Farquhar came to me and said, smilingly, “Mr. Sousa, we are having two Sousa concerts at Windsor tonight! When the children heard you were coming they had the gramophone rolled into the nursery and now they have selected a programme of your compositions and, while you give your concert in the Waterloo Chambers, they are giving theirs in the nursery, following your programme as far as the records permit them.” I imagine the present Prince of Wales was master of ceremonies at that affair!
Since the King's equerry had informed me that the King was very anxious to hear, at the end of our performance, the American national anthem, I instructed my bandsmen to play The Star Spangled Banner and then to go into God Save the King, beginning just as softly as possible and then gradually growing louder. I brought my band to a standing position, the assemblage rising with us, during the rendition of The Star Spangled Banner. The King was every inch a ruler as he stood there, decorated with the sash of a Knight of the Garter. Almost inaudibly we began the British anthem. I was facing his Majesty and had the full pleasure of seeing the change in his expression. As the music swelled it seemed to me that I could read his thoughts: “These aliens are asking God to protect me and my country,” and in the splendor and solemnity of the moment he seemed to be glorified.
陛下の侍従によれば、陛下は公演の最後に、是非ともアメリカの国歌をお聞きになりたいとのことだった。私からバンドのメンバーに指示を出す。まず米国国歌を、引き続いて「God Save the King」を、出だしは可能な限り小さな音量で、徐々に音量を上げてゆくように。奏者席へバンドを連れてゆく。米国国歌演奏中、出席者が起立する。国王陛下の佇まいは、隅々まで一国の頂点に立つ者である。ガーター勲章を肩帯にあしらってある。聞こえるか聞こえないか、ギリギリの音量で英国国歌の演奏を始める。私は陛下に向かい、陛下の表情がかわってゆくのを拝謁する喜びを目一杯感じていた。演奏が盛り上がってゆくにつれて、陛下の思いが読み取れるようだった「海の向こうからやってきたこの者達が、我と我が国にご加護あれと、神に祈っている。」壮麗さと厳粛さを漂わせつつ、陛下のお姿は栄光に満ちて輝いていた。
At the end of the programme he came up to me and shook hands cordially, told me how much he had enjoyed the concert, and added that he had invited the band of the Scottish Guard to sit in the gallery and hear American music as it should be played. The King and Queen chatted for some time with Mrs. Sousa and me on that never-failing theme, America and Americans.
While we were travelling in England I was taken ill at St. Leonard's-on-the-Sea and the distinguished medical adviser diagnosed the complaint as “a chill on the liver.” We do not recognize that malady in America ― at least not under that name ― but it was evidently rather serious, for the physician at once called a trained nurse. She was a conscientious, wholesouled, hardworking girl of thirty or so, who, after the fashion of her kind, briskly took possession of me, body and soul. My liver occupied my attention to such an extent that I did not notice whether she was beautiful or not, but later on I realized that she was extremely pleasant to look at.
At night my anxious little nurse moved her cot next my bed. The next night, since I had shown improvement during the day, she moved it to a distance of about two feet from the bed. I still gained, and on the third night the cot was placed about six feet from my bed. On the fourth night, it moved three feet further. Presently it was removed to the next room. Had I been there a month and improved as rapidly as I did the first week, the nurse would probably have been sleeping in the next block!
I deeply appreciated the devotion of that efficient young woman and was anxious to reward her appropriately. She often read to me and, one day, after reading an account of a dinner given to me at a famous restaurant for successful musicians and artists (the famous Pagani's in London) she sighed that the one desire of her life was to eat dinner at that holy of holies. I replied, “Very well, young lady. If I live, I shall certainly invite you to dine there!” On my recovery, I journeyed to Weymouth, still accompanied by my nurse, according to doctor's orders, and we stopped in London to have dinner at Pagani's in the artists' room, which we had entirely to ourselves. It made a deep impression on the heroworshipping little nurse, for when I returned to England on my next tour, she sent me a prayer book, in remembrance of what she called the happiest day of her life.