

英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第30章(1/2)偉大なるジャーナリスト、チェスタトン兄弟








During the summer of 1915 there had been a growing dissatisfaction not only with the conduct of the war but with the inadequate control of business firms suspected of profiteering on a vast scale at the public expense as well as the lax supervision of provisions supplied to the armies in France. It was in connection with this that I became involved in the fortunes of a paper which enjoyed some reputation as an upholder of straight dealing in public affairs. The New Witness. 




Most readers of books know something of the late G. K. Chesterton, essayist, playwright, verse-maker, and creator of  Father Brown. Very few probably have ever heard of his younger  brother Cecil, who was in some ways an equally remarkable personality. He first attracted public attention a few years before  the war as the center of a libel action brought by the British  government against a weekly journal. The Eye Witness, of which  he was the editor and guiding spirit. The case was the famous Marconi Scandal which for months unpleasantly stirred the whole of England. At that time the government was contemplating taking under its control one of the several rival radio organizations; curiosity was rife as to which would be the lucky choice, and eventually the lot fell to Marconi. Shortly afterwards it was discovered that three members of the government, who presumably had private knowledge of its intentions, had been acquiring shares on a rising market in the Marconi concern, which was a public joint stock company. Chesterton and The Eye Witness, denouncing this as political corruption, called for the dismissal of the ministers involved. The government obtained a technical victory over the paper and was awarded a farthing damages which was equivalent to a moral defeat. The three ministers were saved from political extinction by the action of the Prime Minister, who interposed the broad shield of his own popularity and respectability between them and public disfavor, and it is somewhat ironical that a few years later, during the war, one of the three salvaged by this magnanimous effort was the mainspring of the intrigue which ousted Mr. Asquith in favor of Mr. Lloyd George. Shortly after the trial. The Eye Witness changed its name to The New Witness and it was about this time that I became acquainted with Cecil.  




I must confess that the first sight of him was a distinct shock. He had become quite a hero of mine, I had pictured him as a dashing and romantic knight of the pen, the champion of dangerous but righteous causes, and here was one of the most ill-favored and unprepossessing individuals I had ever looked on. His method of speech, or rather delivery of it, was hardly better, for he stammered, stuttered, and spluttered and seemed to swallow his tongue as well as his words when he became carried away by enthusiasm or indignation. But after a while it became evident to me, as to everyone else, that here was a fine and fearless spirit, a born fighter filled with a sacred zeal for honest living and a burning hatred of humbug and crooked ways. As I too was very much in the crusading vein just then, my heart warmed quickly to this doughty little figure, and when The New Witness shortly afterwards began to enter a period of difficulty and distress, I offered my collaboration. This was accepted and enabled the paper not only to get firmly on its feet, but to expand in the way of bringing in as regular contributors some of the most famous names in English letters and journalism; Hilaire Belloc, Bernard Shaw, G. K. Chesterton, Ernest Newman, Alice Meynell, and a few distinguished foreigners such as the Abbd Dimnet with a weekly article on French affairs. Although I never used or attempted to use the paper as a vehicle for any of my own opinions, I kept in fairly close touch with Cecil and made many appearances at his Friday board meetings which were held in a dingy room in Essex Street just off the Strand.  




The meetings began at five and for about half an hour were conducted in au atmosphere of comparative silence and gloom. A boy would then enter with a large tray on which were glasses and several bottles of Burgundy, one being placed before each member present. This pleasing indulgence, so I learned, owed its adoption to Hilaire Belloc, one of the most renowned wine drinkers of the day, and it certainly seemed to have a miraculous effect upon the proceedings. During the next half hour, tongues were unloosed, ideas floated in the air, epigrams were coined, and at times I could almost fancy myself in the old Mermaid Tavern of three hundred years ago. Another half hour and the next week's issue was virtually written and we went our different ways rejoicing. But among this brilHant gathering of wit, fancy, and solid learning, it was always Cecil who was the centerpiece of the show. Without any of the subtlety and paradoxical charm of G.K., or the massive knowledge of Belloc, he had a direct and powerful intelligence backed by a pungent and telling prose-style that were just what was needed for an enterprise such as The New Witness. The paper existed and was read mainly for its belligerent and critical policy; it was he who undertook the lion’s share in maintaining its reputation as a courageous revealer of malodorous misdeeds; no influence or argument could ever turn him from his course once he had determined which way to go, and he became a source of terror to some of those rapacious vultures who were taking the fullest advantage of the war to line their own pockets. 




One day he wrote to tell me that he was going into the army; there lay his duty and he would not seek to avoid it; and a little while after he announced his forthcoming marriage to Miss Prothero, a gifted contributor to the paper. Their wedding breakfast was given at the Cheshire Cheese Tavern in Fleet Street, the favorite rendezvous of Dr. Johnson, practically all literary London attended, and a few days later Cedi left for the front. The sequel was pathetic. The hero of a hundred public controversies succumbed after a few months, not to the rage of battle but to an attack of influenza, and the paper did not long survive his loss. It might have managed for a while to carry on in some shape or other, yet without that sledge-hammer stroke of his in attack and that unrelenting persistence in argument, like a good bulldog gripping its antagonist, it would not have been the same. Thus came into and passed out of my life the man who to my mind was the finest journalist of his day in England; and as a memorial to him London can point to the Cecil Chesterton Hostels of which there are now about a dozen in existence, every other year seeing one more added to the number. These are institutions where women who are strangers to the city or depressed in means can obtain accommodation for a nominal sum, and were almost unknown when Cecil and his wife began a journalistic campaign for their foundation. Always the friend of the poor, the unfortunate and the down-at-heel, he would rejoice if he could see how the executive ability of his widow and the appreciation of the public have realized one of his most cherished projects. 










Christopher Morrongiello performs "Lachrimae" (ca. 1590s) by John Dowland (1563–1626) 

英日対訳:The Northern Fiddler (1985) p.6:なぜ音楽を「楽しめなく」なったのか

Musically the social changes in Britain and Europe meant that in the nineteenth century classical music became available to the growing middle class, but although patronage of the music passed in some cases from the aristocracy to the state, the composers and performers were always, as they had been at the courts in earlier times, a specialized few, and the new large plebeian audiences, listening but not participating, set the stage for the huge passive audiences of the mass media in the twentieth century.  



There was still popular music, of course, but its character and particularly the scale of public involvement had changed, and by the time of the music hall it too had become a spectator rather than a participatory entertainment. The country dances and local musicians with their varying regional styles disappeared except in remoter areas; folk songs polished by generations of use were displaced by the catchy novelties minted by the new popular music industry. 



from page 6 of 


by Allen Feldman & Eamonn O'Doherty 


英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第29章(2/2)ディーリアス勘違い/ランドン・ロナルド








Being present in Manchester for a few days during the spring of 1915 in company with Delius, I found myself dining one evening at the house of the principal patron of the College of Music there. The conversation turning to the subject of academic training in general, Delius, who had enjoyed about as little of it as any musician living, entertained the party with a magnificent effort of abusive condemnation. Our host, sensibly alert to the possibility of a little fun, asked him if he would address the College on the following evening, when, as there was an annual celebration of some sort, professors, students and everyone else connected with it would be present. This Delius declined to do on the plea that he was no public speaker, which was true. Like several other brilliant conversationalists I have known, he was fragmentary and incidental rather than comprehensive and sequential, and disdained the humbler faculty of marshaling ideas with that semblance of logical order necessary to the mental comfort of any audience that is asked to bear with patience the ordeal of a lengthy delivery on a single subject. 




As it was known that I had done a good bit of this sort of thing for many years past the invitation was passed on to me and, thinking that here might be a chance of venting a few of the doubts and misgivings which for some time had been troubling me, I accepted it. But I knew that to create a lively interest and provoke any useful reaction over a wide area I should have to employ the tactics of an out-and-out offensive, I thought that I should first ask our local Maecenas if they would be likely to injure the interests of the especial object of his protection. He answered that the more outspoken my discourse the better, as there was far too much self-satisfaction in the place for his own liking. 




Encouraged by this admirable objectivity of outlook I took for my text Dante's famous line, “Lasciate ogni speranza che voi entrate,” which I suggested should be written over the entrance door of every academy in the land, and challenged the particular one I was addressing to point to a single musician of outstanding distinction produced by it during the twenty odd years of its existence. The result was equal to any I had expected, and for weeks the Manchester papers were full of indignant letters citing the names of singers and instrumentalists, who in the opinion of the various writers gave the living lie to my insult. Presently there came an opportunity to put the issue to a practical test. I had advertised in one of the Halle Society programs Delius’ “Sea Drift,” which requires a solo baritone with gifts not only of voice but of diction and poetical insight. As I had not yet engaged a singer, I issued an invitation to the College to bring forward one among its students, past or present, who could interpret the part adequately. The composer, who was on the scene, would act as judge; and as he was likely to want a performance of his work as much as anyone, the conditions of trial would be favorable to the competitors. There was intense excitement in the whole county: its musical capacity had been called into question, it was determined to wipe out the affront convincingly, and it looked as if we were going to have a tournament of song that would rival in importance that historic contest on the Wartburg.  




I knew that eventually I should have to choose someone to sing the work, but I hoped that the argument would drag on long enough for me to extend it to a much wider domain of debate, to create a pleasantly dramatic tension, and that by spinning out the trials I would be enabled to make the ultimate verdict all the more gratifying to local pride. But I had reckoned without the incalculable element of Frederick Delius, who, at the opening audition, forgetting entirely the real purpose of the whole adventure, chose the first singer who presented himself. It availed nothing that in all essential endowments the fortunate vocalist was far from being the ideal type for the music; the decision was given, and the triumph of the College was complete. For if the very first candidate who appeared had proved acceptable, then it followed as a matter of course that there must be many others of equal eligibility. My discomfiture was as total as the elation of the other side, and I vowed that never again would I entrust the casting vote of decision in other of my carefully calculated projects to the unaccountable impulse of a composer, however eminent.  




Shortly after on my return to London I was dining by myself at Pagani’s and was joined by Landon Ronald, who was also alone. My acquaintance with him was of the slightest and by the turn of circumstances we had generally been in opposite camps of public activity. For when I severed my connection with the New Symphony Orchestra at the end of 1908, he had been appointed its conductor and had shared a little of that emotion of rivalry which the players had felt upon the unwelcome appearance of a new body of competitors. He had meanwhile been appointed to the Directorship of the Guildhall School of Music, an organization which had been a special object of attack in my Manchester address, and he now wanted to know what he had done to deserve it. I explained to him that there was nothing in the least personal in my action, that it had been taken for the sole purpose of arousing public interest in the whole educational system, and to assure him further on this score I proposed that he assist me as conductor both in the Halle Concert Series and elsewhere during the coming autumn. To this he willingly agreed but suggested that we might begin our cooperation earlier by doing something together during the summer in London, which otherwise would be entirely without music for months to come; and we there and then planned and subsequently gave a short season of Promenade Concerts at the Albert Hall which the pair of us conducted on alternate nights.  

ロンドンに戻ってすぐ、レストラン「パガーニズ」で1人で食事をしていたときだった。そこへランドン・ロナルドが同席してきた。彼も1人だったのだ。彼とは接触する機会がなく、公の場での活動においては、変わり目ごとに大概は相対する側に居た。1908年の暮に、「新交響楽団(New Symphony Orchestra)」関連の仕事をさせていただいた際は、その前に彼はすでに指揮者に就任しており、新たに台頭してきた招かれざる楽団達に対して、ちょっとした競争意識を共有していた。一方彼がその頃、既に運営面で引っ張る立場にあったのが、ロンドンにあるギルドホール音楽学校である。ここは、私がマンチェスターで講演をおこなった際に、とくに標的となった学校である。レストランで彼は、私の標的となった要素について、自分のそれまでの取り組みのどこがそれにあたるのか、知りたがっていた。私からは、我が意図するところに、私的事情は何一つ無いこと、英国全体の教育システムにおける昨今の人々の興味関心を高めたいという、ただその一心であったことを説明した。そしてそのことを彼に確信してもらうために、その年の秋に、ハレ管弦楽団の公演期間や、他の団体の公演についても、指揮者として私を支えてみないかと提案した。この提案に、彼は大いに乗り気であったが、提案を一つ出してきた。2人の共同作戦を、もう少し早く実施したほうが良いと言うのだ。夏にロンドンで何かやろう、でなければ数カ月間、完全に音楽会がなくなってしまう、というものだ。そして店の中で計画を立ててしまい、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールでの「プロムナード・コンサート」という、短い公演期間を開催した。私達2人で、一晩ごとに交代で指揮をするのだ。 



Landon Ronald was a man of integrity, scrupulous in all his dealings with his fellows and an affectionate and constant friend. He had unquestionably a great and natural talent for conducting, and his bearing and movements in action carried an ease and grace that I have never seen rivaled. His sympathies however did not equal his endowment, and this limitation of taste, combined with an inborn inertia, placed a check upon the growth of his repertoire which I often deplored. I judged from the answers to my remonstrances that he was not fully aware of his own unusual ability; and this self-depreciation, highly uncommon in an artist, deprived him of that extra ounce of incentive which is the impelling force behind any sustained endeavor or successful accomplishment. His secret inclination was less toward public parade than private placidity, with plenty of time and opportunity for the gratification of those indulgences which were as necessary to him as music itself. One day, many years later, upon my asking him to do a special job of musical work for me that would go over several weeks and take up most of his spare time, he replied that while nothing would please him better he was not sure whether his health would stand the strain. But he was very shortly seeing his doctor for a periodical overhauling and would procure his opinion on the point. It happened that soon after this I too had occasion to visit the same famous physician, and I inquired anxiously of him if there was anything seriously wrong with our friend. To this the Galen of England answered, “Not at aU; it is only a case of wine, women and song, and I have told him that he must make up his mind to drop one of them.” When therefore I next was in a position to ask Landon which of the three dangerous joys of life he had decided to cut out, to my disappointment though not to my surprise his instant reply was “Song.”  




My only other effort of consequence that summer in London was the organization of a public meeting at Queen’s Hall, to demand that the Government should place cotton on the list of contraband goods. For some reason quite inexplicable to the entire country, this had not been done, although we were well in the eleventh month of the struggle and the dangerous stuff was pouring into Germany through every available opening. The war had come just in time to prevent the adoption by half-a-dozen great powers of the Declaration of London, an extraordinary document which seemed to have been designed for the main purpose of crippling the power of the British Navy. Anyway, at the head of a long list of articles to be made non-contraband in the event of a conflict stood cotton, the most vital of all the materials used in the manufacture of shot and shell. The only conclusion one could form was that, although the declaration had never been signed, the Government which had fathered it was striving to abide by its terms; for in spite of much protest in the Press, the Foreign Office preserving an unbroken silence offered no explanation of its ambiguous attitude. Many of us in Lancashire, the home of the commodity, considered that the time had come for a series of public meetings far and wide, and that at Queen’s Hall was the opening event, with Sir Charles Macara, President of the Cotton Spinners Federation in the chair and a group of scientific and industrial celebrities on the platform. During the course of the day the Foreign Office made an unsuccessful attempt through my father to discover my whereabouts, though for what reason I never knew. It could hardly have been to request the cancellation at the last hour of a public gathering that had been advertised for weeks, but as Government departments in those days moved in every way as mysteriously as they do now, such an impromptu step would have been no surprise to us. Whatever its purpose, that evening was the beginning and end of our campaign, for a few days later appeared the welcome proclamation that, so far as was within the nation’s control, the enemy would receive no more cotton. It is probable that the Government had been on the eve of taking this belatedly necessary action, but it pleased us all to imagine that our little effort had done something to accelerate its decision.  






Cycle of Life (Landon Ronald) | Melisa Camba with Gabriel Paguirigan 




英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第29章(1/2) 「音大生を無職で路上に放り出すな!」








About the beginning of 1915 Delius and his wife, who had been forced to make a hasty flight from Grez when the German armies were advancing in the Marne district, arrived suddenly in England. They had buried their stock of wine in the garden, left 

their beloved jackdaw Koanga in charge of the parish priest, climbed on to a manure cart and, after a painfully long and circuitous journey, contrived to reach one of the Channel ports, from which the steamers were still making their daily crossings. I had a house a few miles out of Watford where I thought the wandering couple might care to take up their residence. A pretty little place, formerly the dower house of a large estate, with a millwheel to provide soothing music day and night and well away from main roads, it seemed to me quite the sort of a retreat where a hunted composer could repair his ravaged nervous system and continue his work in peace. And settle there they did but not with full content until they had succeeded in bringing over their own French cook from Grez and relegating my homely English help to duties of a strictly non-culinary kind. 




As my occupations were increasing rapidly I could pay him only occasional visits, usually at a week end when other visitors would look in to pay homage to genius in exile, and among them was a young man just down from Cambridge who surprised us all by his sympathy for and understanding of modern music. His ambition was to edit a journal which should be progressive and aggressive in tone, and as the idea had the enthusiastic backing of Delius, whose chief delight in life next to composing was to stir up any kind of public controversy provided it was acrimonious enough, we drew up a scheme for launching it under the title of The Sackbut or The Anti-Ass. But nothing much came of this promising enterprise, for although the paper did make its appearance some months later, it remained but a short time under the control of Philip Heseltine, or Peter Warlock as he afterwards became known. Passing into the hands of a safe commercial house which shore the title of its provocative and better half, it ran with success according to the most unimpeachable rules of good journalistic conduct. This strange and gifted youth was bom out of his time and suffered from a duality of nature whose two divisions were opposing and irreconcilable. One half of him looked wistfully back to the healthy naturalism of the sixteenth century while the other faced boldly the dawn of an age whose music shall have parted company with every element which for centuries we have believed to be the very essence and justification of its existence. Such types have small part in the present; they “look before and after and pine for what is not” and either consciously or subconsciously are in perpetual conflict with it. Their spiritual isolation makes it hard to say whether they are the remnant of a biological experiment which Nature in a capricious mood has already tried and abandoned, or the premonitory symptom of one that is in an embryonic stage of gestation. But Peter Warlock, if he was a lost soul, was a brilliant and lovable character, a man among other men, and an intellect that never wholly lost touch with a past without which there cannot be a future. In this he stood apart from some of his contemporaries and most of his successors, who were not only an innovation in European music but the negation and denial of it, and can be viewed with equanimity on the one condition that they are the close and not the beginning of an era. 

私の仕事が急に忙しくなってきたので彼のもとに顔を出すのも、週末にたまにというのがやっとだった。私が顔を出さない間は、疎開中の天才作曲家への表敬訪問が次々と行われていた。その中にケンブリッジ大学を出たての若い男が1人いた。彼の、現代音楽に対する愛好ぶりとその理解度は、私達みなを驚かせた。彼には大きな野望があった。ある新聞で手掛けたい記事があるという。論調は時代を先取りした「攻め」の姿勢でいきたいとのこと。このアイデアを、熱心に支持したのがディーリアスだ。彼にしてみれば、人生において、この件で何かしら社会的論争を、辛辣さたっぷりなものとする条件付きだが、巻き起こすことに、作曲の次に人生の喜びを覚えていたのだ。私達は計画を立て、記事のタイトルを「The Sackbut」(訳注:中世の、今は使われなくなった管楽器)か、「The Anti-Ass」(訳注:クソとは無縁のもの)にしようということで、取り掛かることとした。だが、この前途洋々に見えた目論見は、あまり多くを生むことにはならなかった。というのも、記事は確かに数カ月後に新聞に掲載されたのだが、フィリップ・アーノルド・ヘーゼルスタイン(後にピーター・ウォーロックとして著名な作曲家、文筆家となる)の短期間の指揮の下に委ねられたのだ。この目論見は、とある秘密裏に事をすすめるビジネス組織の手に渡り、そこでこの挑発的なお題目と我が親友への支援となるような、最高に申し分のないジャーナリズムの手腕のおかげを持って、成功を収めた。この経験の浅く、しかしながら才に恵まれた若者は、時代の申し子であった。そして、自らの相対する2つの矛盾した側面に苦しんでいた。片方は、16世紀の健全なる自然主義を、切なげに見つめていること。これに相対するのが、何百年もの間本質であり存在根拠していたものと、全て決別する音楽の新たな時代が、ハッキリと始まるという現実に直面していること。こういうものは現在(1943年)は、その役割が小さくなっている。両方とも、いわゆる「過去と未来を見て、ないものねだりを」して、判っていながら、場合によっては全く気づかずに、いつまでもズルズル衝突をし続けるのだ。これらの根本精神は、現実社会から乖離してしまっている。この世を創った神様が、もう既に気まぐれ適当に試して断念した、生物学的な実験の名残なのか、それとも、成長途中の未発達段階であることを警告するほのめかしなのか、説明するのも難しい。だがピーター・ウォーロックは、仮に成仏しきれずにいるような、どっちつかずの輩だとするならば、誠に聡明かつ愛すべき人物であったと言える。どこにでもいるような、普通の人間で、過去との完全なる決別などありえない、ということは、未来が必ず存在しうるという、そういう知識人であった。この点において、彼が一線を画しているのが、同時代の者達や、彼の跡を追いかけた者達だ。彼らは、ヨーロッパの芸術音楽において、革新をもたらしただけでなく、これを存在し得ないものとして否定してかかったのだ。そして彼らは現在(1943年)、一つの時代を始めたのではなく、閉じただけという、ある意味呆れられたものの見方をされてしまっているフシがある。 



For some time I had been more and more interested in a problem which no one heavily involved in the business of public performance could afford to ignore, the failure of our leading colleges to produce an adequate output of superior talent. Something like five thousand students were assembled in the London institutions alone, and while it was our custom to hold regular and frequent auditions of those singers who were represented to be the prize specimens of the year’s crop, we were hardly ever able to make use of any of them in the condition they were sent to us. The bulk of the English singers who had taken part in my seasons had received their training either abroad or at home privately, and those who had actually passed through one of the colleges were obliged almost invariably to seek out some additional instruction to supplement the scanty measure they had obtained there. Hardly more satisfactory was the state of advanced instrumental playing, for although it had earned our gratitude by raising the standard of style and execution in the orchestral player, the prevailing system seemed incapable of producing the class of performer who could pass beyond that stage to one of higher individual excellence. I once escorted Maurel on a tour of inspection through one of the largest of the great teaching establishments, and the Principal, thinking to make a telling impression, told us how many thousands of puipls were working under his roof.  




“Etonnant,” commented the distinguished relic of an older and leaner day, “mais combien d’artistes avez-vous?”  




Perhaps this was asking too much, and any academy is justified in protesting that it is not within its power to guarantee the creation of lofty natural ability. But this would have been no answer to or explanation of the undeniable fact that much the greater part of it as did exist had passed through hands other than its own. Remembering what Charles Wood had once said to me about the knowledge of orchestration, I began to wonder if these great nurseries of the art possessed either the will or the insight to employ pedagogic skill of a sufficiently expert order, for I knew quite a few instances of posts held by men who in the spheres of singing and playing had been anything but shining lights in their profession. As I have said before, the supreme artist has always a difficulty in handing on his own peculiar method, but if it were true that the bulk of the youth on the continent that ultimately found its way into its two hundred opera houses had been sent out by the conservatories of Paris, Vienna, Milan, Berlin, and a dozen other centers, it was inevitable that someone sooner or later should ask why our own could not do the same. 




My interest in this question, which is as much alive today as then, has been resented and misunderstood on nearly every occasion I have expressed it, sometimes in those quarters where I had the right to expect a more attentive hea ring as well as a more thoughtful reply. For it is not as the conductor of an orchestra that I have spoken but as an employer of musical labor, and by no means the least active in my own country. As I cannot run opera seasons without singers, or give certain works at all without some of a specific class or kind, it should follow that it is I as much as anyone else who is concerned that they should be forthcoming. In another sphere of discovery the same responsibility extends to the concert room, in which during the half dozen years before the present war it was my task to draw up or assist in drawing up something like a hundred different programs of music annually. As my appetite for genuine novelty has in no wise abated I am constantly on the lookout for it, but hardly once a year do I come across an unmistakable example. If some unprejudiced inquirer would take the trouble to make one list of the admittedly great orchestral works written between 1890-1910 and another of those written between 1920-1940, a cool comparison of the two might start him on a line of salutary reflection. And if he cared to go on to a brief examination of the true state of opera, his surprise would be increased by the disconcerting revelation that, while in the earlier period we were blessed with a score of masterpieces or quasi-masterpieces, one piece only during the later has managed to maintain its place in the international repertoire.  




This none too sound condition in the kingdom of music is familiar enough to those whose preoccupation is to search for first-rate work and bring it to the light of day. But if any one of them is moved from time to time to issue a word of warning about it, he is informed with the minimum of polite consideration that he is guilty of an unworthy pessimism and an action of gross disservice to an art which is still flourishing with undiminished vitality. The depressing truth is that the capacity for self-delusion seems to be as great in the aesthetic world as in the political, and that little short of a series of catastrophes will bring enlightenment to those who continue to ignore the writing upon the wall.  











英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第28章(2/2) 音楽興隆に奔走/イシドール・デ・ララ



28. WAR TIME  





Here was a situation that should be met without delay. The organization was the center and chief of an imposing number of lesser or satellite bodies who looked to it for example and guidance; and its excellent orchestra traveled far and wide, not only giving its own concerts but taking part in those of choral societies whose work would be hampered or curtailed without its cooperation. Any manifestation at this vibrant moment of infirmity of will, timidity of purpose or, worst of all, abnegation of leadership would depreciate morale, diminish zeal and undermine the outer defenses of the gallant stronghold of culture which Charles Halle had toiled so laboriously to consolidate over a period of thirty years. I entered into a partnership with the Society under which I would work for it as an unsalaried musical director, conduct the concerts when on the spot and engage a fitting substitute when absent.  




I lost no time in reversing what had been its artistic policy for the past fifteen years, filling the programs with French, Russian, English and Italian works, hardly any of which the public had yet heard. I doubt if this could have been done in such a wholesale fashion in pre-war days, but with anti-German feeling increasing daily, the audiences soon developed a temper in which they were ready to listen to anything written by the composer of an allied nation. Manchester having been successfully planted on what appeared to be the solid ground of security, I turned my attention to London and the Royal Philharmonic Society which was also in a mood of indecision. With the support of two stalwart directors Stanley Hawley and Mewburn Levien I concluded an arrangement which enabled it to carry on the series which had been running uninterruptedly for over a hundred years, even during the Napoleonic Wars. It would never have done to permit the Kaiser to succeed where the great French Emperor had failed.  




The more I observed the general situation of music arising out of the war, the more I was appalled by the disorganization caused in its professional ranks. Artists of name and ability, singers, pianists and others who a few weeks earlier had been making a comfortable and in some cases a handsome living, now found themselves without a single engagement. The only institution or quasi-institution which survived intact was the annual performance of Messiah, which every choral society with a spark of vitality left pulled itself together to perform. Isidore de Lara, who had lately arrived in London from France, where he had been living for the past twenty years, started at Claridges Hotel a set of wartime concerts confessedly for the relief of those in difficulties. This was an enterprise of high merit which was not treated at the time with the respect it deserved. It ran throughout the war, provided work for hundreds of musicians and was the medium by which a large mass of British compositions was introduced to a section of society which so far had been unaware of its existence. For the audiences were largely composed of women of fashion and of those who liked to be seen in their proximity, but all a little curious to inspect at close quarters a man who had become almost a legendary figure of romance.  




Some twenty-five or thirty years earlier, de Lara had been a popular young composer of whom much was expected. He had written a few songs of the ballad type that were sung in every drawing room of the Kingdom and even an opera on Edwin Arnold’s poem The Light of Asia. Realizing that there was next to  no opportunity at home for anyone who wanted to devote his career to the lyric theater, he had transplanted himself to Paris where he remained until the beginning of the war, and during the intervening period had written some half-dozen operas of which the most popular was Messaline. Both as man and musician he was skillful, adroit, and knowledgeable; with a shrewd eye for the sort of subject likely to make a good libretto and the sense to invoke the aid of a practiced hand at the game. Thanks to these useful qualities his operas were a plausibly attractive entertainment when heard for the first time, the ingredients making up the dish served to us being blended with cunning enough to disarm the critical part of our musical attention. But further familiarity soon made it evident that here was another talented writer who had succumbed to the lure of the stage without the possession of those gifts which alone have the power to create a work containing the elements of true drama. De Lara’s bent was purely lyrical and devoid of the capacity to construct big movements, build up climaxes or endow his puppets with the breath of individual life. The listener must have a sluggish ear indeed who fails to discern that the songs sung by the Countess, Susanna, and Cherubino in Figaro are utterances of three clearly differentiated personalities, and this investiture of stage figures with variety of portraiture through the medium of the music itself, is the prime essential of any opera which asks that it be accepted as a genuine work of art. For it can never be emphasized too often that it is the music alone that matters, and if it be of the right sort, no one troubles about anything else. 




There were at that time half-a-dozen composers of de Lara’s stamp who were unable to comprehend the distinction between the two entities, drama and theater; and who imagined that so long as they made full use of all the devices and paraphernalia of the melodramatic spectacle or the pageant play, thrilling tale, picturesque milieu, troops of dancing ladies and houris, Roman amphitheaters and mirages in the African desert, all would be well with the music. If we accept this formula as canonical, we shall probably have to reject that employed in Pelleas and Melisande; and I have more than once heard apostles of the former declare that neither Debussy nor Delius knew how to write for the theater. Possibly not, but they could write for the opera house; and although they show next to no desire to dazzle or “upset” us, we do remain interested even after a dozen hearings, for the reason that these men are fundamentally musicians who are able to satisfy our ears with a line and volume of sound that makes all else going on of secondary importance.  




In disposition de Lara was a simple, kindly and manly fellow who almost to the end of his life boxed and rode daily on a bicycle in the Park. But through his long association with the stagier sort of people, he had developed a slightly theatrical air with which his British colleagues did not always find themselves in sympathy. The idol of his earlier years had been that great master of posture Maurel, some of whose tricks of manner and speech he had unconsciously absorbed; and these rarely failed to come to the surface with amusing fidelity at the rehearsals of his operas, or during discussions of those artistic problems on which his prototype never wearied of holding forth, so long as there was someone at hand to listen. By reason of his long absence from England he was inclined to overlook the considerable changes that had taken place during that period in public taste, and to present us with diversions that might have met with keener appreciation in the eighties or nineties. On one occasion we were electrified by a stirring address on the subject of Passion, delivered with immense gusto to an audience mainly composed of aged dowagers and their great-grand-children; and on another by a concert of his own songs, most of them dating back to his salad and ballad days. This latter event attracted enthusiasts from all parts of the country and, I sat next to two ladies of extremely advanced years who had traveled the whole way from Cornwall to listen to his own rendering of his famous ditty “The Garden of Sleep.” As the moment drew near for the performance of this favorite gem their excitement was almost painful to witness, and at its conclusion one of the pair murmured to the other “Thank Heaven, my dear, I have heard him sing it again before I die.”  

仕事を離れて自由気ままに過ごす時間イシドール・デ・ララとは、裏表のない単純で心優しく男気のある輩であった。亡くなる直前まで、毎日毎日、小突きあいの喧嘩を起こしてみたり、ハイドパークをサイクリングしてみたりと、そんな風に過ごしていた。だが彼は、「わざとらしく型にはまった性格の演劇」という特徴の舞台人達と、長く付き合いすぎた。彼の芝居がかった人となりには、同じイギリス人の同業者達は、必ずしも共感を覚える者達ばかりではなかった。彼が駆け出しの頃、目標として憧れていたのは、かの名優ヴィクトル・モーレルである。その立ち居振る舞いや話し方の、ちょっとしたところを、彼は無意識に自分に染み込ませていた。それを、オペラの稽古中や、音楽談義について手近に話し相手になる者がいれば、持論を飽きもせずまくしたてる、そういった際に、ビックリするほどよく似たやり方を、毎度必ず示すのである。彼は人生の長い期間、生まれのイギリスに居なかった。おかげで、この間の一般大衆の好みが大きく変わったことを、見逃してしまう傾向にあった。1880年代だの90年代だのならば、まだ耳の肥えた客の好みに応えることが出来たかも知れないような、そんなやり方を、いつまでも転用する、そんな傾向にあった。その例を2つご紹介しよう。1つは、私達は彼の感動的な演説に、身震いしたことがあった。「受難曲」についての話であった。喜びに満ち溢れる物言いであった。これを聴いていたのは、年齢的には未亡人となっているような女性達と、その「ひ孫達」であった。もう1つは、彼がまだ若くて経験が浅かったころ、自作自演のリサイタルに際してであった。「自作自演のリサイタル」の方は、英国全土、津々浦々から、彼の熱烈な愛好家達が集まってきていた。私も客席に居た。隣に座っていた2人の御婦人方は、超ご高齢で、イギリスの南西の一番端にあるコーンウォール半島から、はるばるやってきたという。彼の代表曲「The Garden of Sleep」(眠りの庭)を、彼自身の歌声で聴きたかったとのこと。この珠玉の大人気曲が、演奏に付されるその瞬間が近づいてくる、その際の御婦人方の熱狂ぶりは、見ていて痛々しいほどであった。歌が終わると、2人の御婦人方の内の1人が、フガフガモゴモゴと、彼女の連れにこう呟いた「有り難いねぇ、冥土の土産に、また彼の歌を聞けたねぇ。」 



More than one musician of commanding stature has been known to envy the authorship of some of the Johann Strauss waltzes, and I daresay there are many others of larger accomplishment than de Lara who have journeyed through long and honorable careers without ever evoking such a manifestation of pious 







The Garden of Sleep (イシドール・デ・ララ作曲 



When I was beginning to play jazz around the world, critics and older musicians came out of the woodwork to say that my playing was inauthentic, lacked soul and feeling, and was too technical . In my young lie, I had not paid enough dues to play with any meaning or feeling. This criticism rattled my confidence. I questioned my qualifications to play even though I suspected my life was as full of drama and strife as most people's, especially people my age. In my insecurity, I complained about this assessment of my playing to Sweets Edison, supreme master of blues trumpet. 



He asked me, “Where are you from?” 

I said, “New Orleans.” 

He said, “What did you grow up doing?” 

I responded, “Playing.” 

“What did your daddy do?” 









Then he said, “What more do you want? Why are you trying to act like what you are? Be what you are.” This was one of my most profound lessons about creativity ― it's being yourself, valuing your own ideas, mining your own dreams. 



extracted fromo chapter 7 "That Thing with No Name"



How Jazz can Change Your Life 


with Geoffrey C. Ward 


2009 Random House Trade Paperback Edition 


英日対訳:T.ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第28章(1/2)戦時下:第1次世界大戦




28. WAR TIME  




Since my first visit to Germany, I had followed with keen interest the progress of its imperialistic ambitions. At that time it possessed no navy; a few years later it had a formidable one and the earlier balance of power in Europe was a thing of the past. Public opinion was divided into two opposing sections, a minority which saw the country in danger and clamored, not only for a large shipbuilding program but the creation of a powerful army, and a majority that had complete trust in the friendly intentions of Germany and looked upon war in the twentieth century as unthinkable under any circumstances. In these pious beliefs it was greatly fortified by the appearance of Norman Angell’s The Great Illusion. This remarkable work, whose main argument was that since war was no longer a paying proposition for any nation it had become meaningless and obsolete, made a deep impression upon that large mass of people who were incapable of understanding that men may sometimes labor for ends other than those of pecuniary advantage. They refused therefore to see any sinister motive behind the rapidly growing armed forces of Germany on land and sea. 




With the public generally in this mood, the prophets of action did not make much headway. To create a minimum army of one million men some measure of conscription would have been necessary, but this would never do. Every free-born Briton would resist it as a gross infringement of his personal liberty, as well as an insult to the very spirit of democracy. There were many inconveniences that a man was legally obliged to stomach, whether he liked them or not; such as paying taxes, serving on juries and keeping the peace. But military training for the defense of his country was quite another matter, and not to be contemplated seriously for a moment. Such was the doctrine not only preached to but accepted by the average citizen of the day, and if his war-inured descendant of 1943 may be inclined to look upon this picture as overdrawn, I venture to recall that as late as the summer of 1915, after the war had been raging for ten months, a prominent labor leader declared at a public meeting in the Midlands that if the Government attempted to introduce any measure of compulsory service there would be revolution in the land. Six months later the dreadful deed was done without a protesting voice raised anywhere, and for this sublime piece of prescience its owner was not long afterwards rewarded by a seat in the cabinet, where presumably he continued to serve the nation’s interests by prophesying calamities that never eventuated.  




But that which lulled the public into a torpor of indifference more completely than anything else was the proclaimed conviction of eminent bankers and actuaries that, even if war did take place, it could not last longer than six weeks, owing to the closely interwoven relation of international finance. The money machine would run down quickly with sand well in all its inwards, and how would men go on fighting after that? In England, if it is a writer or artist who utters a serious opinion, he is at once suspected of trying to be funny; if a scientist, then he is a crank or faddist; if a politician or even a mere member of Parliament, he is listened to with respect if not always with credence. But when a banker speaks, an awe-inspiring silence descends on the land and every word is received as a revelation from on high. This invocation to Mammon settled the question, for surely the Germans who were a clever people must recognize these sublime truths as clearly as ourselves. 




When accordingly the fateful fourth of August did arrive and the government much against its will was forced to declare war on Germany, the only European people to be surprised was the English; and how it was possible for it to have continued all the while in this happy state was hard for anyone to imagine who had spent much of his time on the Continent. In Italy where I was in the summers of 1912 and 1913, I met everywhere statesmen, journalists and industrialists who one and all discussed the coming conflict as a certainty, and as for Germany, it had been regarded as inevitable for the past ten years. The rival pretensions of Austria and Russia in South Eastern Europe were impossible of reconciliation, the overblown bubble of concord might burst at any moment, probably just about the time when the new Palace of Peace at The Hague would be opened, and both France and Germany would be drawn in to the aid of their allies. The only unknown quantity was Great Britain and her conception of her obligations to France under the Entente; and this was the question which agitated the whole country during the few final days when it was at last realized that hostilities of some sort were unavoidable. 




It is a fact that on Thursday, August first, no one knew the answer to it, not even the Cabinet. On the late afternoon of that day I went to the French Embassy with the Princess Alice of Monaco to see the Ambassador, M. Paul Gambon, who had just returned from the Foreign Office. He was in a state of considerable perturbation, having failed to obtain from Sir Edward Grey definite assurances of aid in the event of France being attacked by Germany. The peace bloc in the Cabinet was powerful, almost overwhelmingly so, and was backed up vigorously by the influential press of the Liberal Party such as The Daily Chronicle, The Manchester Guardian and The Daily News, one of them cheerfully advocating nonintervention for the reason that neutrality would give us an unprecedented opportunity of making money out of all the belligerents in turn. Fortunately for the Entente the hand of the Prime Minister was strengthened by the support of the leaders of the Conservative Party, so that the following day Germany received the ultimatum which expired at midnight August third.  




I do not think there were anywhere two persons more distressed at the catastrophe than the German Ambassador Prince Lichnowsky and his wife Machtilde. Only a few weeks before I had given a private concert in the Embassy with my orchestra; the couple were devoted to music and constantly seen at the Opera and Ballet. Of an amiable South-German stock they were both of them heartbroken at the breach between their own country and one to which they had become attached, and felt that in some way they had made a pitiable failure of their diplomatic mission. Strictly speaking this was true, for Potsdam had been guided less by the ambassador’s advices than those of his first lieutenant Von Kullmann, who, exaggerating the embanassment of Great Britain over the Ulster imbroglio, was convinced that she would not intervene in the struggle.  




The first reaction to the declared state of war was that all public entertainment should cease. It would not do to fiddle while Rome was burning, a pompous precept trotted out invariably by those who have done the least to prevent the conflagration. Concert societies all over the country were closing down, and it seemed that unless some countermove were made quickly England would find itself without music of any sort. It seemed to me that the first thing to do was to insure the continuance of some of the older and more indispensable of the big organizations, and as I happened to be staying at the time with my father in Lancashire, I went to see the manager of the Halle Concerts Society in Manchester, which at the moment was without either conductor or policy. The venerable Richter, having retreated two or three years earlier to the tranquil refuge of Bayreuth, had appointed in his place another German, one of those solid and painstaking hacks whose insensibility to every finer shade of music was (and still is) accepted in most quarters as the eighteen-carat hallmark of a tme orthodoxy. The crisis cutting short his labors, the Committee of the Society to whom the future of their concerts appeared dark and dismal without the guiding hand of a true-blue Teuton, was in a pathetic state of helplessness and vacillation.  





Pipes & Drums lead the Royal guard of honour into Balmoral after inspection by King Charles III 
