D. Mus.
In considering the national aspects of music we ought to think of what causes our inspiration and also to whom it is to be addressed, that is to say, how far should the origins of music be national, how far should the meaning of music be national?
And perhaps before we go on to this we ought to diverge a little bit and try and find out why it is we want music at all in our lives.
What is the origin of that impulse to self-expression by means of sound? We could possibly trace back painting, poetry and architecture to an utilitarian basis. I am not saying that this is so, but the argument can be put forward. Now the great glory of music to my mind is that it is absolutely useless. The painter is bound by the same medium whether he is painting a great landscape or whether he is touching up the weather-stains on his front gate. Language is the medium both of "Paradise Lost" and of an auctioneer's catalogue. But music subserves no utilitarian purpose; it is the vehicle of emotional expression and nothing else.
Why then do we want music? Hubert Parry in his "Art of Music" writes, "It is the intensity of the pleasure or interest the artist feels in what is actually present to his imagination that drives him to utterance. The instinct of utterance makes it a necessity to find terms which will be understood by other beings."
Let us try to find out what is the exact process of the invention and
making of music. Music is only made when actual musical sounds are produced, and here I would emphasize very strongly that the black dots which we see printed on a piece of paper are not music; they are simply a rather clumsy device invented by composers; a series of conventional signs to show to those who are not within hearing distance how they may with the necessary means at their command reproduce the sounds imagined by the composer.
A sheet of printed music is like a map where you see a series of conventional signs, by which the skilled map reader will know that the road he is on will go north or south, that at one moment he will go up a steep hill and that at another he will cross a river by a bridge. That this town has a church, and that that village has an inn. Or to use another simile, heard music has the same relation to the printed notes as a railway journey has to a time table. But the printed notes are no more music than the map is the country which it represents or the time table the journey which it indicates.
We may imagine that in primitive times ― and indeed it still happens when someone sits down at the pianoforte and improvises ― the invention and production of sound may have been simultaneous, that there was no differentiation between the performer and the composer. But gradually specialization must have set in; those who invented music became separated from those who performed it, though of course till the invention of writing the man who invented a tune had to sing it or play it himself in order to communicate it to others. Those others, if they were incapable of inventing anything for themselves, but were desirous, as I believe everyone is, of artistic self-expression, would learn that tune and sing it and thus the differentiation between composer and performer came about.
What is the whole process, starting with the initial invention of music and leading on to the final stage when the sounds imagined by the composer are actually heard on those instruments or voices for which he designed them? What should be the object which the performer has in view when he translates these imaginings into actual sound? And what should be the object of the composer when he invents music?
We all, whether we are artists or not, experience moments when we want to get outside the limitations of ordinary life, when we see dimly a vision of something beyond. These moments affect us in different ways. Some people under their influence want to do a great or a kind or an heroic deed; some people want to go and kill something or fight somebody; some people go and play a game or just walk it off; but those whom we call artists find the desire to create beauty irresistible. For painters it takes the form of idealizing nature; for architects the beauty of solid form; for poets the magic of ordered words, and for composers the magic of ordered sound. Now it is not enough to feel these things; the artist wants to communicate them as well, to crystallize these vague imaginings into, as I have already said, ordered sound, clear and intelligible; and to do this he must make a synthesis between the thing to be expressed and the means of expression. Thus there has arisen the technical side of music. Musical instruments have been devised which will translate these ideas in the most sensitive manner possible; artists spend years discovering how to get the best results from these instruments and composers, of course, have to study how to translate their ideas into the terms of the means at their command. And first of all the composer has, as I have said, to devise a series of dots and dashes which will explain, it must be confessed, in a very inadequate manner, the pitch, the duration, the intensity, and to a certain extent the quality of the sounds he wishes the performer to produce. The composer starts with a vision and ends with a series of black dots. The performer's process is exactly the reverse; he starts with the black dots and from these has to work back to the composer's vision. First he must find out the sounds that these black dots represent and the quicker he can get over this process the sooner he will be able to get on to something more important. Therefore though a good sight reader is not necessarily a good musician, it is very useful for a musician to be a good sight reader. Then the performer has to learn how best to make these sounds. Here he is partly dependent, of course, on the instrument maker, but it is here that vocal and instrumental technique have their use. Then he must learn to view any series of these black dots both as a whole and in detail and to discover the relation of the parts to the whole, and it is under this heading that I would place such things as phrasing, sense of form and climax ― what we generically call musicianship. When he has mastered these he is ready to start and reproduce the composer's vision. Then, and then only, is he in a position to find out whether there is any vision to reproduce.
Thus we come round full circle: the origin of inspiration and its final fruition should be one and the same thing.
How are we to find out whether music as a whole, and especially the music of our own country, has a national basis? Or perhaps we may go further still and ask ourselves whether there is any sanction for the art of music at all, and if so, how we are to discover it. I suppose that most of you to whom I am speaking are studying music ― some of you perhaps are teaching it and you find that at present your time is, quite rightly, largely occupied with the technical aspect of music, with the means rather than with the end. Do you not ask yourselves sometimes what is the end? Or perhaps I should put it better by saying, what is the beginning? You can hardly expect a gardener to be able to cultivate beautiful flowers in a soil which is so barren that no wild flowers will grow there. Must we not presuppose that there must be wild flowers of music before we occupy ourselves with our hydrangeas and Gloire de Dijon roses? Before the student undertakes the task of technical training he should satisfy himself that his art is something inborn in man. He should try and imagine whether the absolutely unsophisticated though naturally musical man ― one who has no learning and no contact with learning, one who cannot read or write and thus repeat anything stereotyped by others, one who is untravelled and therefore self-dependent for his inspiration, one in fact whose artistic utterance will be entirely spontaneous and unself-conscious ― whether such a one would be able to invent any form of music, and if so whether it would be at all like the music which we admire. "Ought not I," he may say, "to expect it to illustrate in embryonic form those principles which I find in the music of the great masters? Unless I can imagine such a man surely this great art of music can be nothing but a house with no foundation, a sort of fool's paradise, a mirage which will disappear before the first touch of real life."
In fact if we did not know from actual experience that there was such a thing as folk-song we should have to imagine it theoretically.
But we do find the answer to this enquiry in real fact. The theoretical folk-singer has been discovered to be an actuality. We really do find these unlettered, unsophisticated and untravelled people who make music which is often beautiful in itself and has in it the germs of great art.
Some people express surprise and even polite disbelief in the idea that people who have never seen a pianoforte or had any harmony lessons and do not even know what a dominant or consecutive 5th is should be able to invent beautiful music: they either shut their ears and declare that it is not really beautiful but "only sounds so," or they declare that these singers must have "heard it somewhere." Perhaps you know the story of the missionary who, hearing some savages chanting this rhythm
{dotted quarter note, three eighth notes, quarter rest},
which after all is a very primitive one and very likely to be found among unsophisticated people, expressed his delight in discovering, as he thought, that Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" had penetrated to even these benighted regions. Or to give an example which came under my own notice. A distinguished English musician could not be persuaded to believe that a countryman who could not even read could possibly sing "correctly" in the Dorian mode. He might as well have expressed surprise with M. Jourdain at being able to speak prose.
The truth is, of course, that these scientific expressions are not arbitrary rules, but are explanations of phenomena. The modal system, for example, is simply a tabulation by scientists of the various methods in which it is natural for people to sing. Again, nobody invented sonata form; it is merely a theoretical explanation of the mould into which people's musical thoughts have naturally flowed. Therefore far from expressing surprise at a folk-song being beautiful we ought to be surprised if it were not so, for otherwise we might doubt the authenticity of our whole canon of musical beauty.
Nevertheless the notion that folk-music is a degenerate version of what we call composed music dies hard, so perhaps I had better say a little more about it. If this were really so, if folk-song were only half-remembered relics of the composed music of past centuries, should we not be able to settle the matter by going to our museums and looking through the old printed music? We shall find there nothing remotely resembling the traditional song of our country except, of course, such things as the deliberate transcriptions of the popular melodies in the "Fitzwilliam Virginal Book."