

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第7章(1/2)バイロイトとドイツの若者達

A Mingled Chime 




第7章 バイロイトとドイツの若者達 



It was during the summer of the same year, 1899, that I paid my first visit to Bayreuth, and it may be imagined with what excitement I had been looking forward to this event which inspired as much enthusiasm in the musically devout of the end of the nineteenth century as did a pilgrimage to some shrine such as that of Thomas a Becket at Canterbury in the Middle Ages. I  journeyed by slow steps through Bruges, Brussels, Cologne, Frankfurt, and Nuremburg, suitably preparing my mind for the great experience by a re-study of the music dramas I was to hear under ideal conditions, as well as an extensive dip into German history, folk lore, and lyrical poetry, and after about ten days reached the little Franconian capital on an evening early in August. The town was hot, stuffy, and packed, the only accommodation I could secure was inadequate and uncomfortable, and a large number of the visitors seemed to be from my own country. This was an unwelcome surprise, for I had vaguely imagined that I should find myself in the pure atmosphere of an undiluted Teutonism, and the prevailing sound of my own tongue gave the place something of the tone of a holiday resort at home that dulled a little the edge of my expectations. With the splendid snobbery of youth I declined to believe that this familiar crowd of knickerbockered sportsmen, gaitered bishops, and equine-visaged ladies could have any real affinity with the spirit of the mighty genius who had completed on the stage the task which Walter Scott a century earlier had begun in the novel, the reconstruction of the age of chivalry and romance. I coveted the happiness and applauded the prejudice of the royal Ludwig, and had I been a millionaire would have waited until the close of the Festival and engaged the company to play its program all over again for the benefit of an audience of one, myself.  




There were signs too that Bayreuth was ceasing to be the inviolate shrine of the Wagner cult and that the German public was beginning to lose some of an earlier faith in its artistic integrity. The air was filled with the din of controversy over the policy of Wahnfried as well as the quality of the performances at the Festspielhaus, and the redoubtable Felix Weingartner was to the front with a pamphlet in which he vigorously attacked both. The malcontents quite unambiguously proclaimed the decadence of the Festival and accused Cosima of having handed over the splendid musical machine of her husband as a toy for their son to play with, deplored the engagement not only of singers who had little or no knowledge of the true Wagnerian style, but of conductors whose addiction to slow tempi weakened that force and liveliness which Richard had always demanded in the rendering of his music and, worst of all, clamored loudly for the removal from the chair of the youthful Siegfried, whose left-handed direction they denounced as feeble and uninspiring. Naturally the Wahnfried circle responded to its critics with the counter-accusations of intrigue and jealousy and, so far as I could judge, seemed for the moment to be having the better of the argument. The personal prestige of Cosima, a remarkable woman of considerable attraction and indomitable will, still ran high, and if she did not know what Richard’s true intentions and wishes had been, then no one did.  




My own sympathies veered toward the opposition camp, as the representations I heard were distinctly disappointing. Although I had not seen “The Ring” before and could not therefore judge where in detail I found them wanting, the singing, playing, and stage production all fell below the level I had previsioned. The inevitable crowd of cranks and faddists swelled the ranks of worshippers and the bookshops overflowed with literary curiosities, some of them linking up the music dramas with every recent “ism” in philosophy, politics, science, and even hygiene, one bright effort going so far as to allege that Parsifal was less of an art work than a Bayreuth and Young Germany piece of propaganda for the higher vegetarianism and not to be comprehended fully unless accepted as such. It was something of a relief to escape from this unidyllic environment into the country for a change of air during a pause in my cycle of performances, and as I had been told of a little Spa, Alexandersbad, some twenty miles out where one went to drink the steel water springs and take walks in the pine woods all around, I went and remained there for the rest of my visit, going into Bayreuth only on the days of performance.  





There was a fair sprinkling of persons of my own age but, with the exception of a few Americans of German extraction, no foreigners by myself, and I struck up acquaintance with some students and young naval officers who manifested the keenest interest in everything English. There was a curious duality of outlook in all of them, a genuine admiration of Great Britain, its institutions and customs, coupled with a firm belief that Germany was destined in the coming years to supersede it as a leader in world affairs. They spoke with an assurance, even a note of fatalism, that made a deep impression upon me and set me wondering whether my present conception of the Fatherland as a vast academy given up mainly to higher abstract thought and artistic endeavor was altogether accurate. There was little of that sort of thing in these young men, who, though educated and knowledgeable enough, were severely realistic and practical beyond the imagining of their opposite numbers at home. In the friendliest and most amiable fashion they would discuss with me the coming struggle between our two countries and never entertained the slightest doubt as to the result. Every empire has its day, they argued; the previous centuries had seen the rise and decline of Spain, Holland, and France, and England’s turn must come. And who was there to fill its place but the wise, noble, and gifted nation whose development had been the outstanding event of the nineteenth century? Step by step it had climbed up the ladder of achievement, and now its strength was concentrated and poised for heroic enterprise. I inquired if there was not room enough on the earth for two equally great powers to co-exist side by side in friendly rivalry, but the answer invariably was that there never had been two cocks-of-the-walk of similar ambition who sooner or later could avoid coming to blows. They introduced me to the writings of modern German historians, notably those of Von Treitschke, who saw in the new Empire the fulfillment of the dream of the great Hohenstaufen emperors that it was the mission of Germany to rule over a Europe dominated by Teutonic arms and culture.  




All this seemed a long way off from the Goethean conception of it as an international home where all branches of knowledge, art, and learning could flourish in peace, and I consoled myself with the reflection that my companions after all were exteremely young and might undergo many spiritual and mental changes before the day of reckoning arrived. Their vision was bounded by an horizon purely European, and Western European at that: and not one of them looked to the rapidly growing community across the Atlantic as another potential competitor in the race for world supremacy, or to the possibility of a military resurgence in the East. About the intellectual superiority of their own country over mine they were equally convinced and, pointing to the much greater number of universities, state-supported theaters, opera houses and other institutions founded and maintained for the higher education of the people, contrasted all this wealth of cultural resource with the comparative poverty of it of England. Here they were on less assailable ground, for I had no answer to the challenge that while we possessed the greatest group of dramatists the world had even seen, the Empire could not show one theater given up to the regular representation of its incomparable contribution to art.  




I had gone to bed early one evening, quite fatigued by a bout of political dialectics which had gone on most of the day, and waking also early the next morning went for a long tramp across the charming and rolling country that lay on every side of the Spa, during which I enjoyed two of the pleasantest coincidences that ever came my way, I had taken with me a small score of the Beethoven Fitth Symphony and the Fruit, Flowers and Thorn Pieces of Jean Paul Richter and, reaching a pretty valley, sat down to read awhile. Suddenly I heard the call of a yellowhammer quite near me, repeated several times and with a short interval between each utterance. Presently it was answered by another from the opposite side of the valley, and this delightful duet went on for several minutes.*  

ある夜、私はいつもより早く床に就いた。その日の大半を、政治的な論争に費やしてしまい、クタクタだったからだ。次の朝、温泉地の四方に広がる、魅力的で起伏の緩やかな田園地帯を、ゆっくりゆっくり時間を掛けて散歩した。その間私は、それまでの人生で、最高の2つの楽しみを、同時に味わった。私はこの旅行に、ベートーヴェン交響曲第5番のミニチュアスコアと、ジャン・パウル・リヒターの小説「The Fruit, Flowers and Thron Pieces」を持参していた。長めのいい谷間に到着すると、私は腰を下ろして、しばし読書を楽しんだ。突然、キオアジの鳴き声が、私のすぐ近くで聞こえた。短い間を取りながら、何度か鳴いていた。すると、谷間の反対側から、別のキオアジが、これに呼応する。この素晴らしき二重唱は、数分間続いた。* 



* Everyone is aware that the habitual song of the yellowhammer is identical with the motto theme of the first movement of Beethoven's C Minor Symphony. But this is sometimes varied and on the occasion to which I am alluding, the second voice of the duet answered with the last of the four notes of the phrase a third above, instead of below the preceding three.  
