

英日対訳:トーマス・ビーチャム自叙伝「A Mingled Chime」第7章(2/2) バイロイト滞在中の収穫

A Mingled Chime 







Continuing my way a mile or two further I saw in the distance the outline of a small town, and on approaching discovered it to be a choice example of the walled city of medieval days, Wunsiedel, and none other than the birthplace of Jean Paul himself. Nothing on the face of it could be more strikingly at variance than the spirit of the little group I had left behind me in Alexandersbad and that of the sentimental humorist of ninety years earlier: but paradoxically there was a reconciliation between these seeming opposites. For clearly poets and musicians, as well as politicians and philosophers had all this time been bending their energies to the re-discovery of an independently national or racial entity in themselves, an aim that was a total reversal of their outlook in the eighteenth century. There is nothing distinctively German in Handel, indeed he is above all others the great internationalist of music; or in Gluck, Mozart, Haydn, or even Beethoven, although in the latter we have some premonitory hints of the great breakaway from the broad European tradition that was to be initiated by Weber and consummated by Schumann. I have often thought that if we are seeking an insight into one whole side of the Teutonic nature, we can find it more fully revealed than anywhere else in the art of Robert Schumann.  




According to Nietzsche, he and his contemporaries, including Mendelssohn, were merely an episode or interruption in the orderly flowing tide of German musical history; but while this may be true or not of the others, it is an entire misreading of Schumann’s place in it. Far more completely national and unmistakably representative than any other before or since is his the genuine voice in song of his countrymen, and all that is best in the German soul is enshrined here as a witness to the world of what has been and in days to come may be again. Poetry and romance have been acknowledged to be more fully present in this music than in any other, Chopin’s excepted. But it is not these qualities in themselves that constitute its unique character, for all the really great men possess them in larger or lesser measure. It is the individual expression of them which sets Schumann so widely apart from his fellows and which takes the form of an intimate approach that salutes us, not so much as an audience to be conquered by rhetorical argument as a friend to be talked over by gentle persuasion. Queen Victoria used to complain that Mr. Gladstone would insist on addressing her as if she were a public meeting, and we are affected, though not disagreeably, in the same way when we listen to other composers. It is a ceremony, sometimes a very formal one, and during its performance we are seldom forgetful that the author of the discourse is addressing himself to a thousand or two others beside ourselves. There is none of this platform manner about Schumann, who has accomplished the miraculous feat of clothing exquisite and delicate fancies in subtle and secret phrases that each one of us feels to have been devised for his own especial understanding. To meet this ingratiating simplicity and confidential intimacy in an artistically sophisticated community is the rarest of phenomena. They are to be found almost exclusively in culture’s earlier stages, and typical instances are the earlier Gothic sculpture and the ballad poetry of all nations (notably that of Scotland), of which a lingering echo can be heard in the more local verse of Robert Burns. The sentiment that inspired them was nourished by the fireside rather than in the market place, and was the most valued possession of that older Germany, land of toys and the Christmas Tree, for whose people perhaps more than any other, home was the center of the world. But it was already evident to me that to regard this facet of German inner life as illustrative of the whole people at the close of the century was just another youthful illusion, which I had better discard at once; and fortifying myself by a fresh glance into the soothing wisdom of Jean Paul, I returned to Alexandersbad for breakfast and another prolonged debate with my companions on the future of the young empire.  




The austerity of purely masculine society was tempered by the presence of two charming American girls whose forebears had come originally from the vicinity, and as their conversational acquaintance with the language was hardly better than mine, we made a little group of our own, to which we joined a young naval lieutenant who spoke English admirably. We played games, took walks, dined together, and made music afterwards in one of the large sitting rooms of the hotel. One evening in the middle of a lively talk punctuated with a good deal of noisy laughter, a diminutive baron who had been sitting with his massive wife on a sofa at the opposite end of the room, got up suddenly, rushed forward and shaking his fist furiously in the face of one of the girls, treated us to a violent harangue of which I could hardly follow a word. The lieutenant, who seemed highly amused, informed us that we were being accused of having spoken slightingly of the lady during one of our hilarious moments, and I hastened to assure the irate husband that not only had we not mentioned her name, but up to that moment had been unaware of her existence. This, however, he appeared to take as a fresh insult, for he stormed away all the more vigorously, and I was at last obliged to request our friend to tell him that if he did not cease at once and return to his seat, I should be under the disagreeable necessity of conducting him to it against his will. This intimation of belligerent action, if necessary, produced the desired effect, for he drew himself up with immense dignity, turned right about face and strutted away in the direction of the door, his baroness well behind him in true German fashion. Naturally the girls were rather upset by this untoward event and also retired earlier than usual, while the lieutenant and I stayed up to consider what ought to be done next, it being finally decided that he should seek out the enemy in the morning, explain to him the enormity of his offense, and demand an apology. That night I was haunted by dreams of a sanguinary encounter carried on in the best Heidelbergian style and for the first time felt that there might be something after all in the much discussed project of a universal language, which should be made obligatory upon the whole civilized world for the avoidance of needless misunderstandings. But evidently the baron had had time to think again over the matter, for upon the visit of my emissary he professed willingness to be convinced that his wife might have been in error and had not been the inspiration of some of our cachinnatory outbursts. This little unpleasantness removed, we all got together, celebrated our reconciliation, and remained on the best of terms during the remainder of my stay.  




The series of performances at the Festspielhaus coming to an end, I started on my homeward journey, loitering for a few days at Nuremburg to better my acquaintance with the churches and other buildings I had so much admired when first passing through. I had intended to spend a little time at Munich and Strasbourg and go on from there to Paris, but finding that my funds had almost melted away through an indulgence in hospitality at the Spa much larger than I had anticipated, this part of my tour had to be abandoned, and I returned by the way I had come.  




By one of those contrarieties or perversities of human nature which may really be natural and normal if we only understood them better, I was less interested during my Bayreuth visit in the music of Wagner with which I was tolerably familiar, than in that of Brahms which was almost unknown to me. Whether this was owing to a recoil from the unnatural atmosphere of a place where idolatry, cant, and eccentricity were all so blatantly ubiquitous, or nothing more than the simple attraction of a musical style wholly unlike the one which had been filling my ears for weeks past, I do not know. But on my returning to Alexandersbad I took with me a large bundle of the Hamburg master’s work, devoting much of my spare time to the study of it. I formed then the opinion which I have since been unable to vary, that Brahms was essentially a romantic composer, as far removed as is conceivable from the true classical spirit and generally at his best in smaller forms.  
