When I reached Washington after our stay in Fayetteville, David Blakely wrote me, asking if I could get permission to make a tour to the Pacific Coast. I obtained permission of General Haywood, the Commandant, that of the Secretary, and finally that of the President, for a seven weeks' tour from ocean to ocean. We left Washington in March, and arrived in San Francisco April 9, 1892, after playing in the leading cities all the way across the continent. I quote an article from the San Francisco Argonaut of those days, which was doubtless the work of an English writer:
THE United States Marine Band closed, on last Saturday, a season in this city which must have been profitable, if the proportion of paper in the Grand Opera audiences was not excessive. The management was distinctly bad; but the music was so good that people overlooked inconveniences arising from carelessness or inexperience, for the sake of artistic merit. As a rule, military bands have not been successful here, and if, as Mr. Haweis says, the connection between morals and orchestral music can be detected at a glance, we must be in pretty bad case. The Hungarian Band, Cappa's Seventh Regiment Band, the Mexican Military Band, all discoursed most excellent music, but they are none of them believed to have carried away many bushels of shekels.
It seems that the taste for orchestral music is a tardy plant, and flourishes chiefly in communities which have reached a high stage of development. Forty-four years ago, one of the most perfect bands that ever played in this country ― the Germania band under Carl Bergman, which had been recruited in Berlin ― made a tour through New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, and other eastern cities. They played to empty houses. In Philadelphia, they played to nine dollars and a half, the rent of the hall being ten dollars; in the middle of the performance, the proprietor appeared on the stage, and threatened to turn off the gas if the other half dollar was not forthcoming; whereupon the bandsmen, with one voice bade him “turn her off.” They kept on playing, at intervals, for six years; but when they finally disbanded, there was no money in the treasury. The members found work separately; Bergman became conductor of the New York Philharmonic ― a post which he retained to his death.
Jullien, who came to New York in 1853, may be said to have created the taste for orchestral music in the United States. He was a man of genius, and knew a little of everything except the science of music. But he was an admirable conductor, and posessed the gift of imbuing his players with the feeling that they must deny themselves the luxury of expressing their own feelings, in order to render the conductor's conception of the composer's iedeas. He was, also, an absolutely perfect judge of public taste. He used to say of himself that his vocation in life was to popularize music. He was a Frenchman, and like many Frenchmen, was nothing if not theatrical. Those whose memories go back forty years will remember him as he used to appear, graciously smiling, in an enormous white waistcoat, with huge wrist-bands folded back over his coatsleeves, bowing his thanks for plaudits. As he stood before the footlights, a valet in full dress brought him a pair of white gloves on a silver salver. Having donned these and seized his jewelled baton, he gave the signal, and very capital music, indeed, ensued.
Gilmore, Cappa, Godfrey, and Sousa - who has just left us - conducted their bands less turbulently; Mr. Sousa's legs were as motionless as if he were a sentinel on duty; Jullien writhed and flung himself from side to side as if the violence of his emotions electrified his muscles. When the piece ended, he flung himself, breathless and panting, into a velvet armchair, and fanned himself with a lace handkerchief.
As he still figures as the prince of bandmasters, it is sad to recall the harshness with which he was treated by fortune throughout his life. He made money by his concerts, but invested it in a lease of Drury Lane, which landed him in bankruptcy. He wrote an opera and brought it out at his own expense at Covent Garden; it was a total failure. His entire stock in trade was destroyed by a fire. He started a company to give garden concerts; it went to smash, taking Jullien with it. Driven out of England, by poverty, he went to Paris, ran into debt, and was imprisoned at Clichy. His friends in London were raising money to clear him, when the news reached them that he had died in a madhouse.
It was he who introduced to the American public the most wonderful cornetist of modern times. This was Levy, a London Jew, who had sworn, in his youth, that he would either blow his soul out of the mouth of his cornet or surpass all previous performers on that instrument. He never performed the former feat, but lived to delight many audiences and to marry many wives.
There were many claimants for Jullien's mantle, some of whom are conducting orchestras today. Perhaps the most famous among them was Johann Strauss, the younger, who brought an orchesra to New York fifteen years ago, but did not come so far as this coast. He was a real musician, and genuinely felt what Jullien affected to feel. It is curious to contrast his style with the grave immobility of Sousa as a conductor. A critic wrote of him: close, and the little man was left bowing and smiling, to an audience beside themselves with delight.”
“His appearance was the signal for frantic applause, to which, fiddle and bow in hand, he bowed good-humoredly; then turning sharp around, he would seem to catch the eye of every one in the band, and raising his violin bow, would plunge into one of those rapturous dance tunes which, once heard, could never be forgotten. Now shaking his bow at the distant drummer, egging on the wind, picking up the basses, turning fiercely on the other stringed instruments; then stamping, turning a pirouette, and dashing his bow on his fiddle-strings, the clear twanging of the Strauss violin would be heard for some moments above all the rest. Presently the orchestra sways as one man into the measure, which flows capriciously ... now tearing along, then suddenly languishing at the will of the magical and electric violin. Johann Strauss danced, pit and boxes danced, the very lights winked in time; everybody and everything seemed turned into a waltz or galop by yonder inexorable pied pipper, until some abrupt clang brought all to a ////
It is, of course, unfair to institute comparisons between a military band, consisting of wind and reed insruments, with a complete orchestra with the usual proportion of stringed instruments. Much can be done with trumpets and cornets, trombones, flutes, oboes, and clarinets, and their various modifications; still, the highest form of orchestration cannot be attained without viollins, viole, violoncelli, and contrabassi. At any rate, that is the opinion of musicians whose opinion is law. To the common man, whose musical education has been neglected, a military band, well-drilled, is a monstrous good thing to hear.
When Godfrey, of the English Grenadier Guards - one of that famous trinity of brothers, who are the great bandmasters of England - came to this country a few years ago, his concerts were very popular indeed, and he must have made quite a sum of money. The Englishmen had learned a lot of American popular airs, and gave them in return to calls for encores, with good taste and feeling. His band, take it all in all, was no better than our Marine Band. Mr. Sousa's troupe is one of which any conductor might be proud. It might be called a band of soloits. He is himself a musician of no mean merit. His Sheridan's Ride and his Race from Ben Hur are stirring compositions, and he has drilled his men till they have sunk their individuality in the work of playing parts of one great machine.
His band is quite large enough for any ordinary hall and it is not too large to be handled. The monstrous bands which are occasionally gathered together at great celebrations often discourse discord from the impossibility of controlling them. There was one occasion when several hundred musicians played together with fine effect. That was in the old, old days when Louis Phillipe was king of the French. An army corps was embarking at Marseilles for Algeria. The men were reluctant to go. They had heard weird tales of blighting heat and parched deserts in Africa. It was not deemed wise to employ force. General Bugeaud, who was in command, had the bright idea of ordering the military bands to play the Marseillaise - which was then a forbidden air in France. At the firing of a gun, twenty millitary bands struck up simultaneously the well-known air. The thrill which shot through their audience was indescribable. Everybody joined in; the stirring melody rose from the quays to the mountain tops which overlook the seaport of Provence, and filled the air with a joyful sound; and, without further ado, thirty thousand red-legged Frenchmen took up their knapsacks and marched, singing, on board the transports.(newspaper end)
The notices in all the papers were most gratifying, and on our way back we gave concerts again in Chicago. Mr. Blakely came to me and said, “How much does the Government pay you a year?”
“Oh, about fifteen hundred.”
“Well,” he answered, “I have been talking the matter over with a party of business men. They are willing to organize a syndicate, pay you six thousand a year, and twenty per cent of the profits, if you will resign from the Marine Band and organize a private concert band.”
“I'll think it over,” I replied.
The next morning, before any reply had been given to the offer, the Associated Press carried a story that I was going to leave Washington and organize a concert band in Chicago. Within the week I received hundreds of letters, some congratulating me, others hoping that I would not leave Washington. The Washington Post of April 19, published the following:
Washington, April 18:
“Chicago will want the White House next.” The remark was made this noon in the Senate restaurant by one of a group of senators and newspaper correspondents who were discussing pie, milk and Chicago's attempt to capture Sousa, the leader of the Marine Band. The news that Chicago was negotiating with the leader caused not so much surprise as regret. The people of Washington would receive with equanimity the news that Chicago had determined to introduce a bill to remove the Capitol of the nation to her capacious limits or to annex the present capital. But they are not prepared to witness the attempt to deprive them of the able and popular leader of the Marine Band and are very much exercised over the prospect of losing him. They don't blame Chicago, nor in fact do they blame Sousa for considering the offer, and they would not blame him if he accepted it. But they do blame the Government, and, moreover, they are bringing to bear upon the devoted heads of the congressmen a great deal of pressure induce them to vote for a bill that shall give to the leader of the Marine Band a salary commensurate with his worth.
Even Frank Hatton, who is used, from long practice, to view with unperturbed soul, the march of Empire toward the West, has devoted considerable time and space in his newspaper this week to sounding the alarm by declaring that the loss of Sousa means the loss of the Marine Band, it being naturally expected that if Sousa leaves, he will take with him such of the players whose terms of enlistment have expired, and others will follow in due course.
By the time I had reached Washington on May 6, I had fully made up my mind to request my release from the Government. The release was granted late in July, and with a number of gracious letters of apprciation from those in authority, I left Washington on the first of August for New York, to begin the organization of a concert band.
Twelve years of service under five Presidents of the United States had enabled me to draw some conclusions about the highest office within the gift of the nation and also about those men who occupied it. Moreover, the Marines, the White House, the routine of official life, had all grown inevitably dear and family is to me.
It was, in a sense, like leaving home, to leave the protection of the Government. Every year of the twelve had been packed with color and interest and excitement. I had been in close contact with the outstanding personalities of the time - men who possessed nobilities of character which gave them heroic qualities in the eyes of their musical director. I was not soon to forget the sane, impartial Hayes, with his clear vision and his valor, the integrity of Arthur, the democracy of Cleveland, the brilliancy and idealism of Harrison. The office of President is a great one; to every true American it seems the greatest on earth. And to me, as I was engaged in weaving a background of music for the pageantry of it, there came a deeper realization of the effect of that office on the man. Whatever acrimonious discussion might accompany a political campaign, the moment a man became President, the office glorified him. He would be ordinary clay indeed, if he did not respond to that stimulus, and live up to the grandeur of his position. I never knew a President who did not regard with reverence his duty of controlling the destinies of the nation.