On April 16, 1893, we gave a joint concert with Mr. Walter Damrosch's Symphony Orchestra which was billed as “the only permanent orchestra in New York.” A notice from the New York Press records:
The experiment of uniting the efforts of two of the chief musical organizations of the country resulted in a novel and enjoyable concert at Carnegie Hall last night. The Sousa Band joined the Symphony Orchestra and filled the stage with 150 performers.
The volume of sound produced by so large a body of players was unprecedented in the annals of the house. This effect was especially noticed in the concerted numbers that brought both bands under one baton, in which instances the gossamerlike delicacy of the Damrosch strings were quite lost in the richness and fullness of tone from the Sousa brass and percussion.
The rival organizations were best heard apart. It was a contest of skill between the two leaders and their superlatively trained musicians. The audience bestowed especially enthusiastic approval on both conductors. In his charming delivery of Grieg's Solvejg's Song from the Peer Gynt suite and Czebulka's dainty Love's Dream after the Ball. Walter Damrosch won as much applause as was given Mr. Sousa for his spirited rendering of Titl's Military Overture, Barnard's Serenade Enfantine, and three numbers from The Damnation of Faust. The competition between these talented conductors for the favor of the audience induced an unusually animated spirit in the musicians, and the concert was, in all matters, one of the most intensely interesting and enjoyable of the Music Hall series.
(news paper end)
On May 5, 1893, we gave a Columbian Festival in Boston at Mechanics Hall. Besides the band, we had a large orchestra of women and a group of vocalists which included Madame Fursch-Madi, the Misses Behnke, and Van Cauteren and Messieurs Campanini, Guille, Merton and Vivian. Miss Leonora Von Stosch was the violinist and it was all backed by a large chorus. Most of the vocal artists were from the Metropolitan Opera. We gave five performances in Boston and although artistically it was highly praised, financially we just about “broken even.” Presently we moved on to Buffalo.
1893年5月5日、博覧会が開催されたボストンにある、メカニックス・ホールでの本番に臨んだ。この日、バンド以外では、女性による大規模な管弦楽と、声楽家のグループ(エマ・フルシュ=マディ女史、ベンケ女史、ヴァン・コーテレン女史、男性歌手では、カンパニーニ氏、アルバート・ルイ・ギユ氏、マートン氏、ヴィヴィアン氏 等)が参加した。レオノーラ・フォン・ストッシュ女史はバイオリン奏者として参加。以上は大規模な合唱団がバックに付いた。声楽家達の大半はメトロポリタン歌劇場所属である。ボストンでは5回の公演を行った。演奏の出来は、高い評価を得たものの、収益の面では「トントン」にとどまった。程なく、私達はニューヨーク州バッファローへと向かった。
M. Guille, who had been Patti's tenor on her tour through America, evidently doubted the momentary resources of our organization, for he refused to appear in Buffalo, unless he got his pay check three days in advance. The treasurer came to me with fight in his eye. He begged me to allow M. Guille to leave us. I said, “You can't do that. We have advertised the man, and the public expects to hear him, so pay him salary, even though it isn't due.” The treasurer obeyed me, and the concert was given. That night we left for Detroit, but to our astonishment, when we started the Detroit concert, M. Guille was not there. He had missed the train and came in just before he was scheduled to appear on the stage. The singer was profuse in his apologies; the train had been late, etc., etc. He ran the gamut of excuses, neglecting entirely to give the real one, which was that he had stayed up all night with a company of friends, and had forgotten all about his concert engagement.
But always the show must go on. I began the prelude to Guille's number. When the music reached the point where he was to begin, not a sound came from his throat - his voice had completely failed him! There was never a more agonized expression on a man's face. He left the stage, and I substituted one of the other soloists. Guille came to me at the end of the concert and, poor fellow, he was frantic. He could speak only in a whisper. I suggested he go at once to a hospital and let me know when he was well again, but asked him not to bother me until he was able to sing again and was fully recovered. He left and I have never seen or heard of him from that day to this.
The only other unpleasantness I had on that tour was with Madame Fursch-Madi. She was a consummate artist, one of the best of the Metropolitan opera singers, but she was temperamental. I had arranged a programme that included the finale of Lohengrin, in which the whole solo force of the organization, together with a chorus and band, was used. It was the grand climax to the concert. The number before the last one was by the band.
One night in St. Louis, Madame Fursch-Madi came to me and said, “Monsieur Sousa, I cannot understand the manner in which you make up our programmes. Nobody in the world makes up a programme like you.”
Laughingly I replied, “Well, then, you should give me credit for originality, Madame.” “No, no,” she continued. “You have arranged the last number for the vocalists. Why not have a piece for the band alone?” “Well, Madame, we have a number of excellent vocal artists with us, and I believe we should climax our concerts by bringing them all together at the end.” She answered, “Will you not change for me? It makes me so late for the supper which I always have after the concert.” “Anything to oblige a lady once,” I answered. “I will reverse the last two numbers to-night, but never again.”
I kept my word. The next concert was in Omaha, where the Apollo Society assisted us. I invited the Society's conductor to lead the closing number. As I left the stage, the local conductor, much excited, said to me, “Madame Fursch-Madi has left the hall. She says you insulted her.” “In what manner?” I asked. “You promised to change the programme and failed to do so.” “I didn't do it because I distinctly told her that I would change it only for last night; but come on, we can't keep the audience waiting. I will have Miss Van Cauteren take the part.” Our next stand was Minneapolis. At my bowl I found this note:
M. Sousa: I would like to see you at once in my room.
I went to the lady's room, rapped, and elicited a gloomy, “Come in.” I went in. The lady was in high dudgeon. I greeted her with great respect. “You insulted me last night,” she exclaimed, angrily. “In what way?” “You promised me to change the programme, and you failed to do it.” “You are mistaken. I thought I made it very clear that I changed the programme for one night only. But do not worry. I have arranged everything.” She evidently did not like my tone, and asked impatiently, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Madame Fursch-Madi,” said I very slowly, “that I have instructed the treasurer of this band to fine you two hundred dollars for your non-appearance at the finale last night. ” She glared at me like a tigress! “If you do that, I'll not sing!” “Very well, Madame, if you are not on stage to-night, when your turn comes, I shall go down to the footlights, and say, 'Ladies and Gentlemen: Madame Fursch--Madi, the great artiste from the Metropoitan Opera House, refuses to appear because she prefers to have her supper before she serves her public. To replace Madame Fursch-Madi, who has gone to her supper, the band will play The Washington Post.” Madame was on the stage at the crucial moment that night and sang like an angel!
Mr. Austin Corbin, President of the Long Island Railroad and owner of Manhattan Beach, had endeavored many times to engage me, when I was directing the Marine Band, to substitute for Gilmore, while he was in camp with his regiment. It was, therefore, quite natural that Blakely should sign a contract for me to play at Manhattan Beach for the season of '93. This engagement brought me to the attention of the Director of the yearly St. Louis Exposition and I suppose the additional elan of having played at the World's Fair decided him in engaging me for the entire season at the Exposition. Undoubtedly this led to my later giving a series of concerts at the Trocadero in Chicago, for Mr. Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., the President of the Trocadero Company.
These engagements covered nearly the entire year of '93, and every day was guaranteed almost from the start of the season to its close. It was a signal achievement for an organization only in its second year, and I could not help but remember with a smile that, six months before, my management had sought to close me out.
During the Trocadero engagement I brought out The Liberty Bell. I had finished the march, but had not determined what its title should be, when, on entering the Auditorium one day, I chanced to see a spectacle there, called America. I was impressed by the very artistic scenic drop which depicted the Liberty Bell. At the end of the performance I went into the lobby of the Auditorium Hotel to inquire for my mail. A letter from my wife informed me that our little boy, Philip, had paraded that day in Philadelphia with his kindergarten class in honor of the Liberty Bell. The two incidents decided me. I called my new march The Liberty Bell and it was highly successful from its first performance.