On May 20, Harry Thaw of Pittsburgh, who was destined to startle New York afterwards with the shooting of Stanford White, gave a party at the Ritz hotel which made even gay Paris sit up and rub its eyes. Mr. Thaw engaged my band to give one hour's concert, for which he agreed to pay fifteen hundred dollars. A large Hungarian orchestra was to play dance music. The guests numbered twenty-five. Someone of a mathematical turn of mind did a bit of addition and announced that the party cost eight thousand dollars, and set the facts down thus:
Number of guests 25
Sousa's Band $1500
Price of entertainment $8000
Cost per guest $320
Thaw asked for none of the old masters, but he expressed a fondness for Wagner and Liszt and we played Tannhauser, The Second Rhapsody, and a Carmen fantasie, together with some of my marches. He was a most attentive and enthusiastic listener and was loud in his praise of all but one number, that from Carmen. Designating a movement by singing a few measures of it, he demanded, “Don't you take that number a bit too slow?”
“I don't think so,” I replied; “it is marked 'molto moderato.'”
“Well, I have heard Calve sing it, and she sang it much faster than that.”
“Ladies first,” I amended; “the next time play it for you I will adopt the lady's tempo!”
私は答えた「そうですかね、楽譜はmolto moderato(くれぐれも速すぎたり遅すぎたりするな)とありますからね。」
Since I had no evening performances, we went about Paris and heard nine important concerts by symphony orchestras, and the best of the French bands. Much to my surprise I found that in these nine programmes, averaging seven or eight numbers each, there was just one piece which was not French. I concluded that the conductors were under the domination of publishing houses, or some narrow control that made them play only French music, though I failed to understand how any conductor who loved his art would consent to confine his programmes to the literature of one country, instead of making them eclectic. I felt so keenly on the matter that I wrote an article and used as my argument the idea that subsidy is the death of Art. It follows, in part:
Although at a certain period of my life, I rather favored the idea of “national theatres,” “national orchestras,” “national bands” and “national conservatories,” I have been converted completely by a comparison of the superior results produced by individual effort with those due to a governmentally-subsidized art.
I think French military bands are wonderfully good ― considering the care the State devotes to them. An artistic organization that is fostered by State aid is like a hardy plant brought up in a hot-house. It may keep on living, and that's all you can say about it, for it will always be sickly.
The reputation of a band that is not based exclusively on public favor resembles the reputation for military genius earned by some generals in time of peace, which melts like snow in July in the first weeks of actual warfare.
If a musician, a writer, or a painter, has anything in him, he will dig it out of himself, if the State will only let him starve long enough.
When a bandmaster has nothing to pay his bandsmen with, save what the public thinks he deserves, he must do good work or go to the wall. But if he has the Government behind him, it is merely in human nature that he will quote the famous saying, “The public be damned!”
It is an old saying that love and art have no frontiers. There seems, however, to be a predilection for French music in French bandmaster. Other things being equal, they appear to prefer music by a native composer to music by a foreigner. I could understand this were they arranging programmes to be played outside their own country, when a desire to show the wealth of their nation from a musical point of view might justifiably warrant them in giving the preference to works written by their fellow-countrymen. But, it seems to me, a wider range of selection might easily be permitted for concerts in Paris, where Saint-Sakeen, Massenet, Gillie, Guanine are likely to run no danger of being eclipsed in popular affection were Wagner, , Puccini or other foreign composers drawn upon a little more generously.
I have the programmes of military band concerts given in the Luxembourg, the Palais Royal and other places. At the Luxembourg, Massenet contributes two numbers out of five, Dealable one, Sanities one, and Weber is represented by a selection from his . At the Palais Royal there is not a foreign work on the programme. Yet there must be some number in international musical literature that might have been dropped into the concert, if only to flavor it with the spice of exoticism, as it were.
This, again, I attribute to the evil influence of Governmental support, which always creates a tendency to work in a groove, to stop in a rut. As it does not matter financially whether the public is pleased or indifferent, why should the bandmaster waste the gray matter of his brain in building programmes that will arouse interest, why should he grow old in going through veritable public libraries of musical works in the hope ― alas! too seldom rewarded ― of finding some new unknown gem with which to feed the unlimited repertory that a concert organization such as my own is compelled to possess?
I am convinced that military bands in France could be made something really marvellous. The evident artistic tastes of the nation is displayed in the high average standard of excellence attained by executants who are not professional musicians, and who are in the military bands merely because they are doing their military service. The precision of their playing is soldier-like, if not particularly telling, for elasticity of “tempo” is the life of a musical composition.
It must also be admitted that military bands, both in Germany and France, are not perfectly adapted to the purposes for which they are used. In Germany their instrumental composition is admirable for military work, ― that is, for parades, marches, and other purely professional duties of a regimental band. They are, thus, badly equipped for concert playing as the nice shades of tone-color are absolutely beyond their capabilities.
In France, on the other hand, greater care is devoted to the composition of military bands for concert use, which naturally destroys to a certain extent their effectiveness for military work, owing to their delicate instrumentation. In addition, the French bands are not shown at their best, even when heard in concert, as they so frequently play in the open air without a sounding-board to reinforce and concentrate the sound, and thus many of the nuances that would be wonderfully effective under proper acoustic conditions are lost.
I have been impressed by the artistic atmosphere of France and Germany. Not only are the musicians brilliantly gifted, but the audiences are also very critical, discriminating and intelligent. At the same time, Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius. If you look over the field of musicians, conductors and composers, you cannot fail to be struck with the fact that those who are most famous, most popular with the people, and whose reputation has passed the frontiers of their respective countries are precisely those who have been left untrammelled by Governmental or official bonds, and who have been compelled to put forward the best that was in them by the beneficent law of the survival of the fittest, which has forced them to be ever upon the alert to conquer competition.
I am convinced that many of the occupants of official positions in France and Germany would discover original genius of a high order in themselves were they to be left entirely to their own resources, while some who are first in the race might be limping in the rear. Juggernaut of public opinion and support soon crushes out the life of him who has nothing but Governmental influence to justify his occupancy of a given position in the artistic world.
I have heard during my visit here several of the military bands. As I said before, I have been impressed by the excellent artistic results obtained as a general rule, a detail that proves the genuine musical nature of the people. The Garde Republicaine band, for instance, is admirable, and others would be better under more favorable conditions.
So far as specific criticism is concerned, I do not care for the use of a string contra-bass in a military band. If a string bass, why not a ‘cello? And once granted the ‘cello, why not the viola and divided violins? In fact, why not become a symphony orchestra at once? There is no room in a military band for stringed instruments, except the harp which has no simulating voice. The bass tuba does all and more than a contra-bass can do, is richer, gives fuller and sounder harmonic basis for the volume of tone, and can played on the march - which a contra-bass cannot!
I think too, that French military bands would be improved if the alto-horn and valve-trombone were abandoned. They are only concessions to the laziness of instrumentalists, and are a poor substitute for the warm, effective and beautiful tone of the French horn and trombone.
Another thing; I fancy musicians still entertain a vague idea that a military band is inferior to the symphony orchestra; inferior it is not. It is simply different. There is no hierarchy in art. The artistic effect produced is the sole criterion of value. A simple folk-song may be a greater living musical truth than a symphony that calls for the united resources of all the musical instruments to perform. The melody that touches the heart of both the trained musician and the uneducated public is a musical thought that has been lying dormant in the hearts and minds of the people, and to which the composer has given expression at last. The form in which that thought is presented is of no importance. Yet composers will write for the symphony orchestra willingly, and for the military band with a certain sense of doing humbler work.
This feeling is absurd, and is rather a proof of ignorance or indolence upon the part of the writers than anything else, for it shows either that they have not realized all the resources of the wood and brass wind, or that they do not care to take the immense trouble necessitated in trying to reproduce the musical effect of some well-known orchestral work with the military band.
It is curious that this prejudice does not exist with regard to the orchestra. I attended one of Colonne's concerts today, and the second number on the programme was a transcription of Chopin's Funeral March, an orchestration of a piano composition. I may add that it was well-played and admirably conducted. The wood and brass wind are irreproachable, and the strings have an excellent quality of tone. In fact, I enjoyed the concert immensely. But if an orchestra may play transcriptions of piano works, why should not a military band play transcription of works for orchestras?
It may be this feeling that causes French bandmasters to limit themselves to overtures and operatic selections with little “genre” pieces instead of roaming over the entire world of music.
And I repeat, they probably would if the State left them entirely to their own resources. There is nothing that develops individual initiative so much as the necessity of scoring a success. Literature in France has been left without a “Prix de Rome” yet it is flourishing, and will be so until it is given an annuity, when, like music and painting, it will become very conservative and tradition-loving. For there is nothing that encourages conservatism more than a position under the Government ...