It was a new sensation to be under private management after twelve years of official life in Washington. During the two tours I had made with the Marine Band, under the management of David Blakely, I had met him only a few times - when we started both tours and when we “settled up.”
Blakely had been manager of Theodore Thomas' orchestra for several years and had also managed Gilmore's Band for a number of years. He told me that he had gone to Europe after his split with Gilmore, to find a conductor of equal popularity. He had come back from his quest empty-handed, and by chance happened to be in Chicago when we played our second engagement there. He was very flattering and, being an impressive sort of person, commanded my respect instantly. He said that he had been Secretary of the State of Wisconsin, Editor of the Chicago Post, and had entered the managerial world by organizing and bringing to a successful conclusion a huge musical festival in Minneapolis. Blakely had a nose for news, and wrote well, but left the route-making and datemaking of his attractions very largely in the hands of two assistants, Howard Pew and Frank Christianer.
Blakely asked if I had confidence in the success of our enterprise, and I assured him that I had. At that, he suggested that I buy some stock in the concern, and set the sum at a thousand dollars. I bought it then and there. We opened our season on the twenty-sixth day of September, 1892, at Plainfield, New Jersey, and continued on the road for eight weeks. On the day of our first concert, Patrick Gilmore lay dead in St. Louis. In respect to that fellow musician I arranged and played as the first number ever played publicly by my band, a composition of Gilmore's, The Voice of a Departed Soul.
私がブレイクリーとのタッグに自信があるかと聞かれたので、自信があると彼に伝えた。それを受けて、彼は私に、1000ドル分の株式購入を提案した。私は即答で了承した。初めてのコンサートシーズンは、1892年9月6日ニュージャージー州プレインフィールドでの公演を皮切りとする、8週間のツアーである。最初の演奏会の日、パトリック・ギルモアがセントルイスで亡くなった。同じ音楽仲間への敬意を表し、新しい私のバンドの第1曲目に、ギルモアの作品「The Voice of a Departed Soul」(昇魂の歌声)を選んだ。
We continued on the road with varying success. Sometimes business was wretched, again we would strike a town where I had previously showed, with the Marines, and then business was good. When we reached Boston, Blakely joined us. He called me into his room at the hotel, and said, “I'm going to close this tour to-night.” I was frantic!
“You'll do nothing of the kind,” I cried. “The route laid out for the band has been hopeless, but that is not my fault. You booked me in a territory where Gabriel with a horn of gold wouldn't draw. And now you have the effrontery to propose ruining my career. You would disgrace me as a musician; the authorities at Washington would laugh at my humiliation, after I left them in such high feather. I won't permit you to close! We have two weeks more, and I insist that you carry out your contract!”
We went from Boston to Portland, Maine, and had a very large house. From there we went to Lewiston, Bangor, Rockland, Manchester, Burlington, and other towns in New Hampshire and
Vermont, all of which gave us excellent houses.
But Blakely and I never really were in harmony from the date of that tense interview in Boston. Although I realized his ability as a manager, I could not place my entire confidence in so poor a loser. As the band grew in popularity, he no doubt saw his mistake and became almost fatherly in his affectionate toward me. I quote a letter which demonstrates his subsequent friendliness:
New York, October 30, 1896
Your note, received yesterday, from Vienna, was a delight for two reasons: One: because I found that you were receiving my letters through Brown, Shipley and Company, and the other because it contained the fine notice from the Nachtrichen, of your concert in Berlin. Be assured that the letter shall have the attention and wide circulation it deserves. We are receiving dozens of notices every day from the newspapers, containing the cables of the United and Associated Presses regarding the concert, and the written notice sent out by me. So that the country is familiar with the fact, and the country is happy because of the honors done its favorite and distinguished leader.
1896年10月30日 ニューヨークにて
It happens every day just as it has happened today, that fully half of my time is taken up by callers - some wanting the Band, some wanting engagements, some wanting this and some wanting that, and sometimes I feel as if my time had actually been frittered away for a whole day with scarcely any compensation; but you will be pleased to know that the book is almost completed, and that it contains between its covers an amount of testimony in the way of unbought, unprejudiced, unselfish eulogy never before equalled in the history of music in this or any other country; and that I am classifying it under all its different heads, each department by itself, each section of the country by itself, each city which has given us more than one notice, each Fair, each Exposition, each class of matter by itself, and several magnificent pages concerning the new opera - the whole forming a bouquet of newspaper exotics such, I repeat, as were never before bound within covers since the birth of man.
While going through the proof of some of these notices yesterday, I turned to Miss Allen, and said, “Could mortal man of whom such and so many of these things are said, escape from being vain or be blamed for being vain?” No, my bonnie boy, you have a title to self-appreciation beyond that of most men living. And if you succeed in keeping this fact under, or from seeming to be too frequently and continuously manifested, you must certainly be entitled to the credit of something more than human. In many respects, you are certainly an extraordinarily modest man. Your conduct on the stage in this respect is beyond reproach, and your general conduct in public is entitled to the same commendation: and they who find fault with you for sometimes dwelling too long upon matters connected with your career as a leader and composer, do not know you as I do, and do not know how few men there are living, or who ever lived, who do not show the effect of their humors more conspicuously than you do.
I am hurrying this letter for the morning's mail. I shall now write you more frequently because you are getting my letters. Dismiss from your mind any concern regarding my accident, It is not only behind me, but its damaging effects are there also. I am putting in my full number of hours in the office - everything is promising - Sousa continues to occupy the columns of the papers and the hearts and minds of his scores of thousands of his friends - the prospect of the election is good - our own tour promises well because of this fact - and you, I trust, are enjoying and being benefitted by your vacation and the appreciation which accompanies you on foreign shores, and hence all is well, and is going to be well with us in the future more abundantly than it has been in the past.
The last return from the opera - to wit, the second week in Brooklyn, has just come in, and amounts to $194. For a second week in Brooklyn, that was immense. Hopper never did so well there in his life.
Always affectionately and devotedly,
In October, 1892, I had the honor to play in conjunction with Theodore Thomas' Orchestra at the dedication of the World's Fair Buildings in Chicago. The programme consisted, among other numbers, of Columbus, a march and hymn for orchestra, military and chorus, written by John Knowles Paine of the Faculty of Harvard University. I had very thoroughly rehearsed the music we were to play in combination with the orchestra, and a general rehearsal was held in the Auditorium. Mr. Thomas stopped the orchestra in the middle of the number and turning to my band, said, “Sousa Band, start it from the beginning.” He went through it, without once stopped them. Then he turned to me - I was sitting with Mr. Blakely in the front seat of the Auditorium - and smilingly said, “I thank you for the pains you have taken.” After the rehearsal he came over to me and said, “Let's get some lunch.” We sat in the Auditorium Hotel restaurant until after six. It was one of the happiest afternoons of my life. Thomas was one of the greatest conductors that ever lived.
It pleased my fancy to compare Thomas' career with my own, for they were much alike. He had played second horn in a United States Navy Band stationed at Portsmouth, Virginia, when he was but thirteen; I had played second trombone in the Marine Band at Washington when I was thirteen. He had played the violin for dancing; so had I. He had become an orchestral violinist, and so had I. He was an American by adoption, coming from Essen, East Friesland, at the age of ten. I was an American by birth, but my parents were Portuguese and German. He had conducted an opera at sight without even having seen performance or score before: I had done the same thing for a German opera company in Washington. (The conductor missed the train, and I conducted A Night in Granada by Kreutzer, without having seen anything but the overture.)
I have heard it said of Thomas that a great violinist was sidetracked to become the greatest conductor in the world. No wonder I was thrilled to be with him! He ordered luncheon and then became reminiscent, and told me a number of interesting stories about his early career. He laughed especially over the memory of a concert in Terrace Garden, in New York. He had placed on the programme a piece entitled, The Linnet Polka for two piccolos, and he prevailed upon the piccolo players to get up into the trees. When the audience heard the sounds coming through the foliage above, they applauded so heartily that it was obvious that the performance was a real “hit.”
I told Thomas that my early dream of heaven was his rendering of Schumann's Traumerei in Washington when I was a little fellow.
“That was some pianissimo,” he commented. “But, speaking of concerts, you must be very careful about management. Managers will stick close when you are making money, but they'll desert you without a qualm when the first squall blows up. Beware of speculators, if only for art's sake. Barnum offered to undertake the management of my concerts years ago, but I declined because I had no faith in his artistic integrity, and felt that he would exploit me in much the same manner as he did the Siamese twins, the fat lady, or the skeleton.”
We discussed many compositions I had heard him give, and when I became enthusiastic over some especially brilliant effect he had produced, he would inquire happily, “Do you really remember that?” adding, “I worked over that effect for hours but I finally got it.” The afternoon sped by, and I only left when I had to get ready for my concert that evening. Late that night, as I sat in my hotel room, musing over our conversation, I continued the parallel between Thomas and myself. Like him, I was tenacious of my rights, but more diplomatic and less given to irrevocable dicta. I would listen to advice, and if I knew it was no good, would quietly say, “I'll think that over,” leaving the other fellow with no ammunition to discuss the matter further. If I thought the advice good, I'd make the other fellow advance more arguments in favor of it and thereby convince me of its practical worth. Thomas had a highly organized symphony orchestra with a traditional instrumentation; I a highly organized wind band with an instrumentation without precedent. Each of us was reaching an end, but through different methods. He gave Wagner, Liszt, and Tchaikowsky, in the belief that he was educating his public; I gave Wagner, Liszt and Tchaikovsky with the hope that I was entertaining my public.
I do not believe there ever lived a conductor who interpreted Beethoven so perfectly as Thomas did, and he was the only one of the symphony leaders who idealized Wagner. Wagner to him was not a blare of brass or scraping of strings, but harmonies often ethereal in beauty. Thomas was primarily an educator, and nothing turned him aside from his purpose. It made him lose his sense of proportion, and at times brought him into sharp conflict with his public and his critics, yet I feel sure that nearly all the captious sayings reflecting on Thomas were directed against the man rather than the musicians.
Thomas became the Director of Music for the World's Fair, and engaged our band to play at the Exposition during the spring and early summer of 1893. Our concerts were a tremendous attraction and drew thousands at every performance. Mr. Tomlins, the vocal director of the Exposition, came up to the bandstand one night, after I had played a selection of old-time songs, and said, “Sousa, while you were playing that last piece, thousands of these people were just crazy to join in with the band. Let me announce that you want the audience to sing when you play Old Folks at Home.” So that night, we broke into Way Down Upon the Suwanee River. Before we finished, we had played half a dozen songs and hymn tunes near to the heart of America. We repeated the experiment several times during the season, with many encores.
トマスは万博の音楽監督をつとめ、私達のバンドとは開催期間中、1893年の春から初夏にかけて関わることになる。コンサートは大盛況、毎回大変な数の観客が訪れた。万博の合唱声楽担当のウィリアム・トムリンズ音楽監督が、ある夜の公演後私の所へやってきた。その日、懐メロのセレクションを演奏したのだが、それについて彼が「スーザさん、今日の最後の曲の演奏の時、お客さんが大勢、一緒に歌いたそうな顔をしていたよ。だから、明日以降は、君が「故郷の人々」を演奏する時は、僕からお客さんに一緒に歌ってくださいと言おうと思うが、良いかね?」そんなわけで、次の夜は、初っ端から「Way Down Upon the Suwanee River」と切り込んでいった。結局、アメリカ人の心にグッと来るような歌やら賛歌を6曲演奏した。この手は、開催期間中何度もやってみたのだが、おかげさまで沢山アンコールをいただいた。
The passing of Patrick Gilmore in the autumn of the previous year had saddened the musical world. Mr. Gilmore had organized and gathered together the very best wood-wind and brass players of both Europe and America. He had gone into the highways and byways of the land, playing Wagner and Liszt, and other great composers, in places where their music was absolutely unknown, and their names scarcely more than a twice-repeated sound. His concerts were extremely popular; indeed there is no doubt that Mr. Thomas had intended Gilmore to be the band attraction at the opening of the Fair.
On April 16, 1893, we gave a joint concert with Mr. Walter Damrosch's Symphony Orchestra which was billed as “the only permanent orchestra in New York.” A notice from the New York Press records:
The experiment of uniting the efforts of two of the chief musical organizations of the country resulted in a novel and enjoyable concert at Carnegie Hall last night. The Sousa Band joined the Symphony Orchestra and filled the stage with 150 performers.
The volume of sound produced by so large a body of players was unprecedented in the annals of the house. This effect was especially noticed in the concerted numbers that brought both bands under one baton, in which instances the gossamerlike delicacy of the Damrosch strings were quite lost in the richness and fullness of tone from the Sousa brass and percussion.
The rival organizations were best heard apart. It was a contest of skill between the two leaders and their superlatively trained musicians. The audience bestowed especially enthusiastic approval on both conductors. In his charming delivery of Grieg's Solvejg's Song from the Peer Gynt suite and Czebulka's dainty Love's Dream after the Ball. Walter Damrosch won as much applause as was given Mr. Sousa for his spirited rendering of Titl's Military Overture, Barnard's Serenade Enfantine, and three numbers from The Damnation of Faust. The competition between these talented conductors for the favor of the audience induced an unusually animated spirit in the musicians, and the concert was, in all matters, one of the most intensely interesting and enjoyable of the Music Hall series.
(news paper end)
On May 5, 1893, we gave a Columbian Festival in Boston at Mechanics Hall. Besides the band, we had a large orchestra of women and a group of vocalists which included Madame Fursch-Madi, the Misses Behnke, and Van Cauteren and Messieurs Campanini, Guille, Merton and Vivian. Miss Leonora Von Stosch was the violinist and it was all backed by a large chorus. Most of the vocal artists were from the Metropolitan Opera. We gave five performances in Boston and although artistically it was highly praised, financially we just about “broken even.” Presently we moved on to Buffalo.
1893年5月5日、博覧会が開催されたボストンにある、メカニックス・ホールでの本番に臨んだ。この日、バンド以外では、女性による大規模な管弦楽と、声楽家のグループ(エマ・フルシュ=マディ女史、ベンケ女史、ヴァン・コーテレン女史、男性歌手では、カンパニーニ氏、アルバート・ルイ・ギユ氏、マートン氏、ヴィヴィアン氏 等)が参加した。レオノーラ・フォン・ストッシュ女史はバイオリン奏者として参加。以上は大規模な合唱団がバックに付いた。声楽家達の大半はメトロポリタン歌劇場所属である。ボストンでは5回の公演を行った。演奏の出来は、高い評価を得たものの、収益の面では「トントン」にとどまった。程なく、私達はニューヨーク州バッファローへと向かった。
M. Guille, who had been Patti's tenor on her tour through America, evidently doubted the momentary resources of our organization, for he refused to appear in Buffalo, unless he got his pay check three days in advance. The treasurer came to me with fight in his eye. He begged me to allow M. Guille to leave us. I said, “You can't do that. We have advertised the man, and the public expects to hear him, so pay him salary, even though it isn't due.” The treasurer obeyed me, and the concert was given. That night we left for Detroit, but to our astonishment, when we started the Detroit concert, M. Guille was not there. He had missed the train and came in just before he was scheduled to appear on the stage. The singer was profuse in his apologies; the train had been late, etc., etc. He ran the gamut of excuses, neglecting entirely to give the real one, which was that he had stayed up all night with a company of friends, and had forgotten all about his concert engagement.
But always the show must go on. I began the prelude to Guille's number. When the music reached the point where he was to begin, not a sound came from his throat - his voice had completely failed him! There was never a more agonized expression on a man's face. He left the stage, and I substituted one of the other soloists. Guille came to me at the end of the concert and, poor fellow, he was frantic. He could speak only in a whisper. I suggested he go at once to a hospital and let me know when he was well again, but asked him not to bother me until he was able to sing again and was fully recovered. He left and I have never seen or heard of him from that day to this.
The only other unpleasantness I had on that tour was with Madame Fursch-Madi. She was a consummate artist, one of the best of the Metropolitan opera singers, but she was temperamental. I had arranged a programme that included the finale of Lohengrin, in which the whole solo force of the organization, together with a chorus and band, was used. It was the grand climax to the concert. The number before the last one was by the band.
One night in St. Louis, Madame Fursch-Madi came to me and said, “Monsieur Sousa, I cannot understand the manner in which you make up our programmes. Nobody in the world makes up a programme like you.”
Laughingly I replied, “Well, then, you should give me credit for originality, Madame.” “No, no,” she continued. “You have arranged the last number for the vocalists. Why not have a piece for the band alone?” “Well, Madame, we have a number of excellent vocal artists with us, and I believe we should climax our concerts by bringing them all together at the end.” She answered, “Will you not change for me? It makes me so late for the supper which I always have after the concert.” “Anything to oblige a lady once,” I answered. “I will reverse the last two numbers to-night, but never again.”
I kept my word. The next concert was in Omaha, where the Apollo Society assisted us. I invited the Society's conductor to lead the closing number. As I left the stage, the local conductor, much excited, said to me, “Madame Fursch-Madi has left the hall. She says you insulted her.” “In what manner?” I asked. “You promised to change the programme and failed to do so.” “I didn't do it because I distinctly told her that I would change it only for last night; but come on, we can't keep the audience waiting. I will have Miss Van Cauteren take the part.” Our next stand was Minneapolis. At my bowl I found this note:
M. Sousa: I would like to see you at once in my room.
I went to the lady's room, rapped, and elicited a gloomy, “Come in.” I went in. The lady was in high dudgeon. I greeted her with great respect. “You insulted me last night,” she exclaimed, angrily. “In what way?” “You promised me to change the programme, and you failed to do it.” “You are mistaken. I thought I made it very clear that I changed the programme for one night only. But do not worry. I have arranged everything.” She evidently did not like my tone, and asked impatiently, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Madame Fursch-Madi,” said I very slowly, “that I have instructed the treasurer of this band to fine you two hundred dollars for your non-appearance at the finale last night. ” She glared at me like a tigress! “If you do that, I'll not sing!” “Very well, Madame, if you are not on stage to-night, when your turn comes, I shall go down to the footlights, and say, 'Ladies and Gentlemen: Madame Fursch--Madi, the great artiste from the Metropoitan Opera House, refuses to appear because she prefers to have her supper before she serves her public. To replace Madame Fursch-Madi, who has gone to her supper, the band will play The Washington Post.” Madame was on the stage at the crucial moment that night and sang like an angel!
Mr. Austin Corbin, President of the Long Island Railroad and owner of Manhattan Beach, had endeavored many times to engage me, when I was directing the Marine Band, to substitute for Gilmore, while he was in camp with his regiment. It was, therefore, quite natural that Blakely should sign a contract for me to play at Manhattan Beach for the season of '93. This engagement brought me to the attention of the Director of the yearly St. Louis Exposition and I suppose the additional elan of having played at the World's Fair decided him in engaging me for the entire season at the Exposition. Undoubtedly this led to my later giving a series of concerts at the Trocadero in Chicago, for Mr. Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., the President of the Trocadero Company.
These engagements covered nearly the entire year of '93, and every day was guaranteed almost from the start of the season to its close. It was a signal achievement for an organization only in its second year, and I could not help but remember with a smile that, six months before, my management had sought to close me out.
During the Trocadero engagement I brought out The Liberty Bell. I had finished the march, but had not determined what its title should be, when, on entering the Auditorium one day, I chanced to see a spectacle there, called America. I was impressed by the very artistic scenic drop which depicted the Liberty Bell. At the end of the performance I went into the lobby of the Auditorium Hotel to inquire for my mail. A letter from my wife informed me that our little boy, Philip, had paraded that day in Philadelphia with his kindergarten class in honor of the Liberty Bell. The two incidents decided me. I called my new march The Liberty Bell and it was highly successful from its first performance.
At the Trocadero, Mr. Blakely had several interviews with Mr. Michael de Young, a leading spirit in the forthcoming midwinter fair to be held in San Francisco, beginning in January, 1894, but Mr. de Young balked at the figure Blakely demanded and the negotiations ceased. Early in December we returned to New York, to plan the '94 tour. Scarcely a month passed before Blakely received a telegram from Mr. de Young: “How soon can you reach San Francisco?” Blakely replied that he could do so in three weeks ― at the terms previously laid down. We crossed the continent, giving concerts on the way, and on reaching San Francisco we were amused to learn that the band which had been playing there before our advent had not succeeded in satisfying musical San Francisco; to placate the populace they had engaged us.
Of course we were in the pink of playing condition. When Gilmore died, we took into our organization about nineteen of his best men ― such musicians as Herbert Clarke, the well-known cornetist, Gustave Stengler, Herman Conrad, Joseph Raffyola, William Wadsworth, and Albert Bode. These, together with our own Arthur Pryor (who had been a member of my band since its inception) Henry Koch, and many other talented men, gave us a host of brilliant players. The musicians of San Francisco were delighted with our work and at the end of the first week tendered us a magnificent banquet. One of their member, called upon to make a speech, said that he had been deputized by the Musicians' Union to attend the first concert of the band and report on “value received.”
“Well,” he smiled, “when you fellows played your first piece, I knew it was Tannhauserer, because the programme said so; but I soon found out something I never knew before ― that the clarinet and the flute and the oboe can be played just as softly as a muted violin, and the rest of the band can play an accompaniment to them even softer. I never knew that clarinets and flutes had soft pedal keys on them, until I heard you fellows play.”
This was received with great applause by everybody, and from that day to this there has always been a warm friendship between the musical fraternity of California and my band.
While we were at the Fair, Fritz Scheel, an excellent musician, who in after years became conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony, was giving concerts in a large auditorium in the Fair gounds, which I think they called “the Vienna Prater.” The public attendance was very ordinary; while ours could be counted by thousands. Someone in authority suggested to Mr. de Young the advantage of boosting the enterprise by giving a double concert with Scheel's Imperial Orchestra and our band. I was consulted and told them I was engaged by the Exposition, and if they saw fit to have me play in conjunction with the Imperial Orchestra I would not object. They needed money and I would be extremely happy if I could assist in bringing money to the Vienna Prater people and the Exposition. So the concert was announced.
Scheel, a very nice fellow, had evidently been told that I was very dictatorial and would override him if he didn't watch out, which, of course, was all bosh, but he believed it. When we met to arrange the joint programme, he asked me how many soloists I intended to introduce.
“Only one,” I said, “Mr. Arthur Pryor.”
Then, said he, he would put on only one, Mr. Franz Hell (who afterwards became a member of my band). It was agreed that we should have two numbers by the entire aggregation, two numbers by the separate organizations, and the two solos.
“What is your piece for the combined orchestra and band?” asked Mr. Scheel.
“I'll take Tannhauser,” I replied.
“Nein, nein!” cried Scheel, “I must have it.”
We argued, both getting pretty angry, when Frank Truesdale, the publicity man of the Exposition, whispered to me, “Let the Dutchman have it. Don't wrangle any more.” I quieted down, and Scheel went on, “What is your next piece?”
“The Second Rhapsody of Liszt,” I said.
“Nein, nein! I must have that!”
“Very well.”
“What is your opening piece?” asked Scheel.
Not to be caught with another objection, I asked,
“Well, what is yours?”
“Mignon overture.”
“Good!” I exclaimed, “I congratulate you, and I'll take William Tell.”
It was finally settled that Scheel should open the programme with Mignon, I should follow with William Tell; then the solos by Fritz Hell and Arthur Pryor; then I was to do the Feramors music, Scheel the Liszt Rhapsody, and the two finishing numbers would be Tannhauser, by the combined bands, Scheel conducting, and Rienzi with myself as conductor.
The concert started billiantly ― a packed house and high prices! Scheel's orchestra played Mignon and played it very well. There was a polite patter of applause and he bowed himself off the stage, while my men filed in for their first number.
At the morning rehearsal, there had been an exhibition of studied indifference among the foreigners in Scheel's orchestra which was vigorously resented by my men; in fact, Henry Koch and others of my band had bluntly informed the offenders that there would be a row if they continued to show inattention when I was conducting. To make matters worse, one of the San Francisco papers had published a cartoon, depicting a big six-footer labelled “Scheel” leading by the hand a little two footer labelled “Sousa,” intimating thereby that the Sousa band and its director should feel highly honored to be allowed to play on the same stage with the Imperial Orchestra. This, of course, did not contribute to the tranquillity of my bandsmen, and they were a grim and determined lot when they marched on to the stage to begin the William Tell Overture. It was the most impeccable performance completely off its feet, and at the end of the number there came a thunder of spontaneous applause. I was forced to bow again and again; still the clapping roared on.
I then did the meanest thing in my life. I whispered to my band, “The American Patrol, boys!” and mounted the platform. We began almost inaudibly, working up to a great crescendo, and suddenly forsaking the Patrol, launched into Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. The audience began to applaud, and as we swung into Dixie they yelled as if every one of them had been born south of the Mason-Dixon line. With Yankee Doodle we finished the number. But Scheel, like Bret Harte's Chinaman, was no longer interested in the subsequent proceedings!
It was a mean trick, but Scheel forgave me, and years afterward we laughed over it together. The rest of the concert passed off decorously. Financially and artistically it was a great success. We were compelled to give a second one, but like first love, no second concert could duplicate the thrills of the first. However, it was a good concert, and the only flaw was its abrupt termination, due to the sudden extinction of every electric light in the hall. No audience likes to sit in darkness!
With the end of our engagement in San Francisco we began the tour which wound up in New York, for our second season at Manhattan Beach, where I received a medal from Mr. Corbin for having broken the record of the Beach for concert crowds. From Manhattan we proceeded to St. Louis for our second year at the Exposition, and another medal was forthcoming for having broken the attendance record there also.
At this time the march which rivaled in popularity the far-flung Washington Post was The High School Cadets. I had written it for a company of high school cadet students in Washington and they had paid me twenty-five dollars for the dedication. At that time I had no adequate idea of the value of my compositions, and sold Semper Fidelis, The Picador, The Crusader, The Washington Post, High School Cadets, and several others, under a contract with Harry Coleman, the music publisher, in Philadelphia, for thirty-five dollars apiece, and I was also to furnish three arrangements, one for piano, one for orchestra, and one for band!
The Gladiator, my first hit in the march line, I offered to Stopper and Fiske, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for fifty dollars. They returned the manuscript, and nothing daunted, I sent it to Coleman, who took it for his usual price of thirty-five dollars. And that was the march that put me on the musical map! I really believe that every band in America played it.
It seems to me now that I had a very hazy idea of the value of money. When I was a boy in Washington, the pay for a fourth-class clerk in the Government Department, eighteen hundred dollars a year, seemed as much as anyone should earn or require; in fact our neighborhood reckoned an eighteen-hundred-dollar clerk as something of a nabob. I believe that boyhood idea, derived from those about me, had much to do with making me a poor business man. Up to 1892. I sold all my compositions outright, some as low as five dollars. The highest price was fifty. Many of those marches became immensely popular and simply coined money for the publishers. In fact Coleman bought a reed instrument factory and a brass instrument factory entirely from the profits he made on my compositions I was more interested in producing music which would appeal to the public heart than in gaining a fortune for myself.
I had understood from Mr. Blakely that he would undertake the publication of my compositions, since he had a large printing establishment in Chicago, so my first piece written after I went with Blakely was offered to him. This was the well known Belle of Chicago March. Blakely rejected it and when I questioned his decision, he wrote me:
“My dear Sousa, a man usually makes one hit in his life. You have made two, The Washington Post, and The High School Cadets. It is not reasonable to expect you to make another, so I am willing to let Coleman publish The Belle of Chicago.”
Coleman took it and The Beau Ideal as well, two marches which made another little ripple on the River of Success. But because they did not electrify the country like the two characterized by Blakely as “hits,” Coleman believed that I had shot my bolt as a successful composer. When I asked him how the marches were going, his invariable reply was an unenthusiastic, “Well, they're moving along slowly.”
The year 1895 saw us touring again ― Manhattan Beach for the season, then St. Louis once more, and on to Atlanta, where we were to play at the Cotton States Exposition. I had written “King Cotton” while on tour, and this was adopted as the official march of the Exposition and proved to be a great success. About a week before we were scheduled to arrive in Atlanta, Blakely received a telegram from the manager of the Exposition: “Impossible to carry out contract. Consider cancelled.”
Blakely turned to me. “What's to be done?”
“Done?” I echoed, indignantly. “Telegraph them that you will open at the Exposition, precisely according to the terms of the contract.”
We could not have done otherwise. We would have lost at least ten thousand dollars in bringing the band back, and rearranging our tour after Atlanta. Blakely sent his assistant ahead with instructions to explain to the manager the impossibility of cancelling our contract, and to advertise our opening date with all the customary exploitation. Blakely's man informed us, when we arrived in Atlanta on the morning of our opening, that the board of directors had proved difficult indeed. They had two famous bands from New York, neither of which had drawn money. The board had been forced to borrow money from a public-spirited citizen in order to carry on the Exposition. The outlook was a dismal one.
We opened, however, and drew a splendid crowd, the second largest in the annals of the Exposition. The delighted Blakely announced, “Now watch 'em; they'll come around and apologize handsomely.” As we sent to dinner that night a bellboy handed Blakely a large, official-looking envelope.
“Bully,” said he, “here's the apology.”
He opened the envelope and his gladness changed to gloom.
“Damn it!” was his only comment.
The note was from some petty official connected with the Exposition transportation department.
David Blakely,
Manager Sousa's Band.
The Exposition paid three dollars to carry your large instruments from the hall to the band stand. Kindly reimburse us on receipt of this, and hereafter make your own arrangements for the transportation of your instruments.
スーザバンド マネージャー
After the concert that evening, Blakely introduced me to a lawyer named Glenn, whom he had engaged to look after our interests. Mr. Glenn knew the general manager and the board of directors of the Exposition, and had made an appointment with them to meet us and discuss the situation the next day. The board proved to be a group of fine men who were much distressed over their inability to carry out their contract. One of them told me that eighty per cent of their daily receipts had to be paid over to their creditors, leaving the Exposition but twenty per cent to carry on business. After considering various plans to have us remain, and arriving always at the fact that they simply hadn't the money to pay us, I made a proposition; we would release the management from the contract; we would give a series of concerts in the Festival Hall, charging an admission of fifty cents, all profits to revert to us; either side was privileged to terminate this agreement by a week's notice.
The board consented, and the next day we gave our first indoors concert in Festival Hall. I received a number of abusive letters, upbraiding me for charging the people for my music after they had already paid fifty cents for admission to the fair-grounds. One paper carried a cartoon, in which I was in a glass case, with the inscription, “Drop fifty cents in the slot and hear Sousa.”
It worked beautifully. Although the public was indignant, still they came and filled the hall. We played the week out, and on Sunday gave a musicale at De Give's Opera House. The Exposition was making money through us, at the gate, and it wasn't costing them a penny. The second week was as successful as the first, but on Saturday night the board of directors received the following notice:
Sousa's Band will terminate its engagement with the Exposition next Saturday evening.
Very respectfully,
The man who had written the “three dollar letter” was the first to expostulate. “What are you stopping for?” he demanded. “You're making money, and so are we, so why end the concerts?”
“I'll tell you. After we had come to an agreement to give these concerts, without any expense to you, Mr. Blakely sent his assistant ahead to book contracts for the band in various towns ahead between here and New York. He has done so, and we open in Spartanburg, South Carolina, a week from Monday,” I replied.
Months before, B. D. Stevens, the manager of the DeWolf Hopper Opera Company, had come to me with a libretto. He said that Mr. Hopper retained a happy recollection of Desiree which I had composed, and in which he had made his initial appearance in comic opera, and had said that if I saw enough in this libretto to write the music, he would produce it. I took the libretto, which was written by Charles Klein, and was called El Capitan. I read it carefully, liked it very much, and assured Stevens and Hopper that it was an excellent vehicle for musical treatment. Klein was not a lyric writer, so we called in Tom Frost, who enjoyed some reputation as a versifier. I marked out the places for music, and Frost and I wrote the lyrics. I wrote the words and music of the El Capitan song, Sweetheart I'm Waiting, The Typical Tune of Zanzibar and quite half of the lyrics of the piece.
これに先立つこと数か月前の話である。ミュージカルコメディーやオペレッタで人気を博した俳優のデウォルフ・ホッパー率いる歌劇団のマネージャーB. D. スティーブンス氏が、台本を1冊持って私のところへ来てくれた。彼によると、ホッパー氏が、私の「デジレ」に良い印象を持ってくれているようで、更には、「デジレ」は彼の初のコミックオペラ出演作品とのこと。私がこの新しい台本を読んで、曲をつけるに値すると判断するなら、スティーブンス氏がプロデュースしてくれるという。私は台本を手に取ってみた。チャールズ・クライン作の「エル・カピタン」。よく読んでみて、とても気に入った。スティーブンス氏とホッパー氏には、これはきっと曲をつけるとよい作品になるでしょう、と伝えた。クライン氏は作詞家ではないので、トム・フロスト氏に声をかけた。作詞家としてはちょっとした評判を取っている。台本冊子に、音楽を付けたらいいと思うところに印をつけて、フロスト氏と私で手分けして歌詞を書いた。私は「エル・カピタン」の歌に歌詞と曲を付けた。「Sweetheart I‘m waiting」と「The Typical Tune of Zanzibar」といい、これでこの作品につける歌詞の半分を占める。
There was a newspaper man on the Constitution whom I came to like and admire. His name was Robert Adamson, and he was very well known indeed during the time Mr. Gaynor was Mayor of New York. One morning he came to the hotel to see me and I said, “Hopper has asked me for a different song for his El Capitan entrance. He doesn't care for the one I've already sent him, so I've written a new one, words and music.” I sat at the piano, and played the piece, and Mrs. Sousa sang it. Adamson was delighted. “If that doesn't make a hit, I'll eat it!” he exclaimed. He never ate it!
私が敬愛するようになった新聞業界の方を紹介しよう。Atlanta Journal-Constitutionのロバート・アダムソン氏だ。ニューヨーク市長がウィリアム・ジェイ・ゲイナー氏の時代の有名な新聞界の人物である。ある朝、彼はホテルに滞在中の私を訪ねてきた。私は彼に「ホッパー氏に頼まれているのですが、彼の劇団で上演する「エル・カピタン」の導入曲を、すでに作ったのとは別のを用意してくれ、というんです。せっかく作ってやったのですが、お眼鏡にかなわなかったようですな。だから今、曲と歌詞をやってますよ。」私はピアノに座って、弾いて聞かせた。妻がこれに合わせて歌う。アダムソン氏は喜んで「これは大ヒットするでしょう、でなきゃ私が逆立ちして街を歩きますよ!」結局彼は逆立ちせずに済んだ。
In the third act there was a cumbersome and expensive change of scene. B. D. Stevens ― who sometimes because of his initials, was called Breakfast, Dinner and Supper Stevens ― was a careful and thrifty manager. He saw no necessity of spending a large sum of money on scenery that might prove valueless, so he wrote me, “Hopper wants a knockout song for this act. Send as soon as possible.”
第3幕に、面倒で、なおかつ予算のかかる舞台風景替えがあった。B. D. スティーブンス氏は、その名前のイニシャルから「Breakfast Dinner and Supper Stevens」なとど冷やかされているが、マネージャーとしては用心深くてやりくりの上手い手腕の持ち主である。この舞台風景はきっと大したことないと思われるだろう、と予想した彼は、こんなものに大金をつぎ込む必要はないと判断した。そこで彼は私に手紙を書いたのだ「ホッパーがこの第3幕に鉄板の曲を欲しいと言っている。できるだけ早く送ってやってほしい。」
I remembered some verses I had written a few years before for a now defunct magazine. They were called, The Typical Tune of Zanzibar. So, on my way from Omaha to Chicago I wrote music for them, and wired I would be in Philadelphia in a week to see Stevens. Both Klein and Stevens were enthusiastic when they heard the song. It has remained one of the many hits of the perennial El Capitan. Boston took an instant fancy to both the story and music; although the critics were not unanimous in their praise of the work. Indeed, Ben Wolf of the Herald whetted his knife upon it. Yet El Capitan is played almost every year, and vies in revivals with the Gilbert and Sullivan operas. When I last heard it, two years ago, the words and music seemed as fresh and tuneful as on the first night of presentation. The libretto is probably the best ever written on this side of the water.
数年前のことだが、今は廃刊になってしまったある雑誌に、詩を寄稿したことがある。タイトルを「The Typical Tune of Zanzibar」という。で、私はネブラスカ州オマハからシカゴへ向かう途中、これに曲を付けたのだ。そして奇妙な話だが、その1週間後に、フィラデルフィアでスティーブンス氏と会うことになる。クライン氏もスティーブンス氏も、二人ともこの曲を聞いて盛り上がってくれた。「エル・カピタン」のロングヒット曲はいくつかあるが、これもその一つだ。ボストンの音楽ファンには、物語も音楽も、両方ともすぐさま気に入られたようだ。もっとも批評家先生方の中には、おほめにあずかれなかった方もいた。実際、「ヘラルド」紙のベン・ウォルフ氏などは、厳しい論調を頂いている。とはいえ、「エル・カピタン」はほぼ毎年上演され、再演回数ではギルバートやサリヴァンのオペラと張り合うものだ。前回、本書執筆中の2年前に聞いたときは、歌詞も楽曲も初演時と変わらぬ新鮮さがあった。我が国で作られた台本としては、最も優れたものと考えられる。
After Desiree I had composed with Ned Taber a one-act piece called The Queen of Hearts, representing the nursery tale of the Queen who made some tarts and of the naughty Jack who ate them. It was produced in Washington, and met with moderate success. But it was El Capitan, my fourth opera, which captured the hearts of the public. The march of that opera stirred the country and is today one of the most popular of all my marches.
When we reached San Francisco on our next tour, our violinist, Miss Currie Duke, was ill, but, with the courage and goodsportsmanship characteristic of American girls, insisted on appearing. We were scheduled to be there a week. Miss Duke was anxious not to disappoint the audiences but felt able to play only one of her simpler pieces. Of course I acquired and on the first night she played a Hungarian Fantasie by Natchez, which she repeated at every performance thereafter. Since the programmes had all been printed a week before, it was impossible to alter the titles and we made no announcement to the audience. To my amusement, on the closing night, one of the critics of the San Francisco press came to my dressing room and said, mildly,
“Mr. Sousa, I haven't missed a performance since you opened, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every concert, but I am puzzled about the violin solos. The titles of the selections on the programme have changed for each performance, but the music remains the same!”
We started on our journey eastward. When we got to Missoula, after days of snow, we found that the Chinook winds had descended and melted the ice which had carried away the bridge. At last we were able to cross, but later in the day we found still another bridge swept away by the melting ice, and were obliged to wait until a plank walk was constructed. Instrument cases and music trunks were transported by hand, and leaving our Pullmans on one side of the river we took a day coach for our concert in Butte, Montana. We reached that city at ten thirty and found the theatre packed with people who had patiently waited for us since eight o'clock. The manager suggested that I announce our arrival. I took the stage, and said cheerily,
“How do you do, everybody? We have been fighting the Chinook winds all the way from Missoula, but if you will be patient with us for a few minutes, we will give you the best concert we have ever given!”
That long-delayed concert began at eleven o'clock and we played the last note at a little before one. As we waited for our train, heading eastward, a baggage porter spoke to me, and thanking me for a pleasant evening, inquired how I composed a march. I knew that the man's interest was genuine, and so I said slowly, “It is conceived; that is all I know about it. I know what you mean, of course, and I am afraid that I cannot answer your question more satisfactorily. The musician is actuated by a power beyond himself, so fleeting and intangible that it cannot be explained and I can only call it inspiration.”
At the close of the 1896 Manhattan Beach engagement, I needed a rest, and so Mrs. Sousa and I sailed for Europe on the Furst Bismarck. In London I was delighted to hear Hans Richter's orchestra. They gave a purely Wagner programme, with the exception of a Haydn symphony. Our own Lillian Nordica was the vocalist and sang exquisitely the Elizabeth song from Tannhaeuser. When the first part of the concert was concluded the orchestra left the stage, and at the end of the intermission there appeared, for the performance of the Haydn symphony, an orchestra of the size employed by Haydn in his day, instead of Richter's great group of a hundred men. I counted six first violins, four second, four violas, three 'cellos, four double basses, two flutes, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets and tympani. This contrast between the heavier fare of Wagner, in the first part, and the delicacy of a delightful miniature orchestra in the second, pleased me exceedingly. It was rare showmanship on Richter's part. After all, that is effective in every walk of life. Men may object to being called showmen, but the history of mankind is a record of continual showmanship from the very beginning. The Queen of Sheba's appearance before Solomon was showmanship of the cleverest sort.
And a more modern example is the recent appearance of Henry Ford as super-showman par excellence. Did not Mr. Ford hush the country into a state of breathless expectation during the weeks immediately preceding the advent of the new model Ford car? The Springfield Union caught the drama of Mr. Ford's supremely knowing gesture and said appreciatively: “With the simultaneous 'unveiling' in all cities in the United States, as well as in many foreign cities, of the new Ford models, Mr. Henry Ford takes his place as the master showman of all times. The mystery with which the new car has been surrounded, the tremendous interest aroused in this and other countries and the huge volume of newspaper publicity which has attended the change of the Ford designs constitute an advertising feat which has never been equalled .” It is indubitably true that suspense is essential to effective drama. To create a feeling of suspense is the aim of every dramatist who knows his art. Mr. Ford, like Makeda, Queen of Sheba, knew the value of surprise and used it.
After a pilgrimage to Paris and a refreshing tour through Switzerland, we went on to the equally marvellous beauties of Italy. Having been long an admirer of Giovanni Boccaccio, the father of the modern novel, I had looked forward to seeing a performance of Suppe's opera Boccaccio, in Florence, but, alas, it was a horrible presentation in every way. One of my greatest delights while in Florence was to read again Machiavelli's life amid scenes familiar to him. I was especially impressed by one paragraph from his biographer, Villari, which made me wonder if we in America are not too lavish with education. It was:
“Accustomed as we are now to hear daily that knowledge and culture constitute greatness, and prove the measure of a nation's strength, we are naturally led to inquire how Italy could become so weak, so corrupt, so decayed in the midst of her intellectual and artistic preeminence.” Isn't it possible, then, that a nation may educate certain of its people beyond their intelligence?
Our arrival in Venice was timed about midnight, and we hailed a gondola exactly as we would a cab in an American city. A porter placed our trunks in the gondola, and as we glided through the dark waters, the gondolier commented on the various buildings we passed. Most of the canals are very narrow and at that late hour were dark and forbidding. The gondolier, with the dramatic instinct of the Latin, would utter a human honk as we turned sharp corners. When we passed beneath the Bridge of Sighs, he halted his gondola and uttered a peroration which neither an Italian nor an Englishman could have understood, since it was a sort of mince-meat of both language. With the Bridge of Sighs behind us, he seemed oratorically exhausted and soon brought us to the Royal Danielli hotel.
One of the many attractions in Venice was the series of concerts given in the Piazza of St. Mark by Castiglioni's band. Mrs. Sousa and I, with a group of friends, were attending one of these concerts, and listening with great interest, when, to our delight, the band struck up The Washington Post. At the close of the piece, we entered a music-store not far from the bandstand and inquired for the “the piece the band had just played.” A clerk went over to the bandstand and on his return volunteered the information that it was The Washington Post. “I will take a copy,” said I. I was immediately supplied with an Italian edition by Giovanni Filipo Sousa!
“Yes,” I said, “that is what I wanted. The title-page gives the name of one Giovanni Filipo Sousa. Who is this man?”
“Oh,” said the shopkeeper, “he is one of our most famous Italian composers.”
“Indeed! I am interested to hear it. Is he as famous as Verdi?”
“Well, perhaps not quite as famous as Verdi; he is young yet, you see.”
“Have you ever seen him?” I persisted.
“I do not remember, Signor.”
“Then,” said I, “let me introduce you to his wife. This is Signora Sousa!”
And she, in turn, observed, “Permit me to introduce my husband, Signor Giovanni Filipo Sousa, the composer of the Washington Post.” There was much explanation and laughter and then the shopkeeper nobly offered to charge me only the wholesale price for a pirated copy of my own march!
We were in Rome when news came of the election of Mr. McKinley to the Presidency. The bellboys, who for a few years had not received an abundance of tips, because of the shortage of opulent American tourists, had evidently heard some fervent Republican say that prosperity would accompany the election of McKinley, for on that night they shouted, “McKinley and prosperity! Prosperity and McKinley!”
Rome offered us a thousand delights; for me there was the interest of observing a choir in the Vatican rehearsing from a large book of hymns whose notation differed absolutely from the Guidonian in use today; then there were the usual little contretemps with lazy sons of Italy anent “tipping”; Mrs. Sousa drank in avidly every beauty of the Holy City, and when we went on to Naples she seemed to find a sort of Earthy Paradise in the Madonnas of the National Museum, one of which is described in my novel, The Fifth String.
Our preparations to leave Naples and visit Sicily were abruptly ended when I chanced upon an item in the Paris Herald, cabled from New York, saying that David Blakely, the wellknown musical manager, had dropped dead in his office the day before. The paper was four days old! I cabled at once, and Christianer replied that it was indeed our manager who had died so suddenly and that I must now be responsible for the next tour of the band. We sailed on the Teutonic for America the following Saturday.
Here came one of the most vivid incidents of my career. As the vessel steamed out of the harbor I was pacing the deck, absorbed in thoughts of my manager's death and the many duties and decisions which awaited me in New York. Suddenly, I began to sense the rhythmic beat of a band playing within my brain. It kept on ceaselessly, playing, playing, playing. Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and reechoing the most distinct melody. I did not transfer a note of that music to paper while I was on the steamer, but when we reached shore, I set down the measures that my brain-band had been playing for me, and not a note of it has ever been changed. The composition is known the world over as The Stars and Stripes Forever and is probably my most popular march.
Following are the words I set to it ― they are sung in countless American schools and by countless singing societies throughout the world:
Let martial note in triumph float
And liberty extend its mighty hand;
A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
The banner of the Western land.
The emblem of the brave and true.
Its folds protect no tyrant crew;
The red and white and starry blue
Is freedom's shield and hope,
Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.
Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
That by their might and by their right It waves forever.
Let eagle shriek from lofty peak
The never-ending watchword of our land;
Let summer breeze waft through the trees
The echo of the chorus grand.
Sing out for liberty and light,
Sing out for freedom and the right,
Sing out for Union and its might,
O patriotic sons.
Other nations may deem their flags the best
And cheer them with fervid elation,
But the flag of the North and South and West
Is the flag of flags, the flag of Freedom's nation.
Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it waves as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
That by their might and by their right It waves forever.
ボクシング世界チャンピオン ボブ・フィッシモンズ
劇作家 チャールズ・クライン
As soon as I reached New York, I called upon Mrs. Blakely. Feeling under a strong moral obligation to fulfil the dates arranged by her husband, I readily consented to her nominal assumption of the management, with Mr. Christianer as active manager of the band. It was an unfortunate agreement, destined to produce a good deal of storm and stress. Mrs. Blakely's true representative was a relative who endeavored to cut my salary a hundred a week and went so far as to instruct the John Church Company to tie up my royalties. This they declined to do, and I very naturally refused to take the drastic cut in my salary. My insistence upon what I believed to be my just share of the profits brought the dispute to a head, and I was accused of violation of contract. Christianer lost his position: I was unwilling to accept a substitute manager, and new dates made in Yonkers and Jersey, since I had agreed only to carry out the plans originally made by Mr. Blakely. Finally I took the entire responsibility upon my own shoulders, dismissed the entire Blakely outfit, and in view of probable litigation and threats by Mrs. Blakely's relatives to warn managers not to pay me directly, I made it a rule, under the exceptional circumstances of this tour, to require my treasurer to count up the house immediately after the concert began and to obtain payment before the second number was over. I let it be known that if he failed to receive payment I should be obliged to stop the concert and dismiss the audience. High-handed though it was, the rule proved effective, for the managers preferred to settle with me ➖― with one exception.
In Waterbury, Connecticut, the local manager proved to be a very handsome young woman who was profuse with her compliments about my music and me! The house was packed, but the treasurer failed to report the money at the end of our second number. I took a chance, however, and continued the programme. After the concert, the treasurer appeared, crestfallen and apologetic.
“What was in the house?” I began, as usual.
“Nineteen hundred dollars,” he said, “but I didn't get a penny of it.”
“Why not?”
“That young Circe who runs the theatre did nothing but talk of you, your greatness, and her tremendous admiration for you. I listened, in a trance, and meanwhile the concert was going on to an end. When the last note was played, I said, 'I'll take our share, now.' She said, 'Oh, no, you won't. I have a letter from Mr. Blakely's lawyer asking me not to pay over any monies to Mr. Sousa, and I shall hold on to this money until the law says Mr. Blakely is right, or Mr. Sousa is. Of course I admire Mr. Sousa very, very much, but ― business is business!” And my poor treasurer wiped the sweat from his agitated brow.
I looked up a first-class lawyer and before midnight the enchantress disgorged, still protesting her respect and admiration for my musical ability. She even came to me the next morning, and quite undismayed, said, “I know you are dissatisfied with your management, and I should like to apply for the position.”
“My dear young lady,” I replied, “you would be far too sharp for an innocent little bandmaster like me. Good day!”
Ultimately the dispute with the Blakely group came into court ― and to a settlement, but it was a very unpleasant affair both for our peace of mind and our several pocketbooks.
It taught me, however, a salutary lesson ― that absolute cooperation and confidence between artists and their management is indispensable to the success of the enterprise.
Perhaps because of my own stab at lyric-writing for various comic operas, there was an entente cordiale between poets and myself . In 1896, a new version of Dixie was sent me by some admirer:
When Sousa's Band's in de land ob cotton
Work and worry's all forgotten
Look away! Look away! Look way, Dixie land.
When de music plays and de coons am hummin'
It makes 'em think good times are comin'
Look away! Look away! Look away, Dixie land
When Sousa's Band's in Dixie,
Hooray, Hooray!
Longside dat band, we'll take our stand,
An' sing an' dance in Dixie!
Away, away!
Away down south in Dixie!
More verse came rolling in!
The lover takes his sweetheart out to hear our famous band;
While listening to the music sweet, he holds her little hand,
He pictures to himself the day when man and wife they'll stand,
And life is all a blissful dream, when Sousa leads the band!
The people flock from far and near, to concert hall or beach,
That they may hear the tunes they love, the songs the heart will reach.
Each voice is hushed, each ear attends, the leader takes command
And music floods the earth with joy, when Sousa leads the band!
Sorrow flies away when music fills the air,
Troubles fade and fail, forgotten every care;
Hearts are keeping joyous time to music sweet and grand
For joy has come and reigns supreme, when Sousa leads the band!
And this form some kindly member of the fair sex:
(A tribute to John Philip Sousa)
As I listen, enchanted, when Sousa is playing,
My fancy, unfettered, and light-winged, is straying.
I airily drift on the rhythmical measures,
And revel in music's ethereal treasures.
He woos me to meadows where flowers are blowing,
To shadowy woodlands where brooklets are flowing,
To mirror-like pools where the moonlight is sleeping,
And flute-throated birds their love trysts are keeping.
I float upon rivers where sunbeams are glancing;
I wander mid bowers where fairies are dancing;
I hear plaintive winds regretfully sighing.
A requiem sad that the summer is dying
I traverse strange lands 'mid scenes ever shifting,
'Neath azure blue skies where fleece-clouds are drifting.
I view Alpine heights, where the wind-flower is blowing,
And the haughty Jungfrau in the sunset is glowing
A change comes over my fancy's creations ―
The darkies are dancing on Southern plantations;
The 'Liberty Bell' hold, in triumph is ringing.
And its tones on the night air 'King Cotton' is flinging.
Then come vivid pictures, where passion is raging,
And love, unrequited, a tempest is waging.
The bugle's reveille the war-note is sounding,
And boom of artillery to echo is bounding.
Then dainty tone-poems of tenderest feeling
Into the heart come silently stealing -
Till passion and pain, and sorrow are ending,
And o'er the whole world the rainbow is bending.
Thou versatile weaver of musical rhyming!
Throughout the broad land thy sweet strains are chiming!
They come to the heart when twilight is falling,
Like whip-poor-will note through the dusky woods calling.
O, minstrel, to thee the multitude listens;
In eyes bravely calm, a tear often glistens.
And souls that are strengthened with hope for tomorrow
Will cherish and bless thee, thou healer of sorrow!
On December 28, 1897, The Bride Elect for which I wrote libretto and music, was produced in New Haven, by Klaw and Erlanger. A number of New York critics attended that first performance. So great had been the success of El Capitan that naturally there was great interest everywhere as to whether “he could do it again.” The piece soared completely over the top, although the cast boasted not a single star. At the finale of the second act Unchain the Dogs of War, the enthusiasm of the audience was tremendous, and Mr. Bunnell, owner of the Hyperion theater, came to my box and said, “Mr. Sousa, I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars for your opera.” “Thanks very much,” was my reply, “it is not for sale.”
Next morning, a newspaper man who had overheard our conversation bewailed in print the fact that poor Bizet died in poverty three months after the production of Carmen while I, a far lesser luminary, had been offered a hundred thousand dollars for The Bride Elect. I afterwards said to the sympathetic scribe,
“I do not know whether your remarks about Carmen were meant as a reflection on my opera or on Mr. Bunnell's judgement in offering me a hundred thousand dollars for it. I think the real reflection is on the French managers who failed to see the beauties of Carmen and to offer Bizet a huge sum for it!”
America is willing to pay for good music. Europe may call us an infant in musical art, but America today is the Mecca of every European musician who has anything to offer. Of course some theatrical managers drive close bargains, but there are many who display a gratifying generosity. My experience with Messrs. Klaw and Erlanger was a happy one. When I wrote The Bride Elec, the first opera I had ever done for them, a formal contract was drawn up, every provision of which was carried out to the letter. For the same firm, I wrote The Free Lance and Chris and the Wonderful Lamp. The day after I had played over a new score for them, there would be a ring at the telephone, and either Mr. Erlanger or Mr. Klaw would say, “Well, we're going to produce that opera of yours very soon. How much do you want for it?”
“The usual terms,” I would reply, and I am confident that every dollar which should have been mine was given me to the last penny, by Klaw and Erlanger.
We started in 1897 under the management of Everett R. Reynolds, who had been the manager of the Long Island Railroad and the Manhattan Beach Hotel all the years I played at the Beach, and who came with me after Mr. Corbin's death.
When we reached Providence, “Bob” Fitzsimmons, the new world's champion, announced himself at the box-office.
“I'm Bob Fitzsimmons, champion of the world. I want a box to see this show.”
“I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Fitzsimmons,” said the ticketseller respectfully, “but all the boxes are taken.”
“Then give me an orchestra seat.”
“I regret to say that I haven't one left; in fact, there is only standing room.”
“Then give me a 'standing-room.'” And Fitzsimmons attended the concert, standing! At its close, he said to my manager,
“Let me see that little fellow that led the band. I just want to shake hands with the man who can draw more people than the Champion of the World. I had a rotten matinee today!”
He was ushered to my dressing room and there we chatted of prize-fighting, past and present. We became so interested that the meeting finally adjourned to the Narragansett Hotel where Ed Corliss and Wallace Reeves joined in the conversation. Naturally we talked of the recent encounter between Jim Corbett and Fitzsimmons. Fitz could not forgive Jim the memory of the little playful rubbing of the laces of Jim's glove on his nose, which resembled raw beef for days afterwards. Ed Corliss, who weighed at least two hundred pounds, was much interested and wondered how Corbett had managed to do it. Eager to oblige, Fitz rose, pulled Ed close to him, placed one hand against his mouth (the first finger of his right hand pressing under Ed's nose) and with the other hand pressing against his victim's back, the champion raised him off the ground. Once released from the torture, poor Corliss immediately felt his nose, fearing that it had been torn off! Ed afterwards declared that it was so sore he could not bear to touch it for a month.
Not only did Fitzsimmons and I dine together, but we met after our respective performances, and had supper. Events were at that time leading up to the Spanish War, and nearly every conversation would either begin or end with an allusion to Spain or Cuba. It was not so many days previous to the destruction of the Maine.
I had imbibed much knowledge of Spanish history from my father, whose Spanish birth and love of study had made him an able teacher. So I began to recite the salient points of the history of Spain. Fitzsimmons was a most attentive listener. I finally got to the Saracens, and began to expound the glories of El Chico, the last Moorish king, more commonly known as Boabdil, who finally was defeated by Ferdinand of Aragon and forced to leave the land where he and the Saracens had been masters for half a thousand years. I dramatically intoned my story: “Whipped and disgraced, Boabdil, riding towards the mountains, turned to take a last lingering look at Granada, and cried in despair, 'Allahu akhbar!' (God is great!) and then burst into violent and uncontrolled sobs. His mother, standing beside him, said angrily, 'Do not weep like a woman for that which you could not defend like a man!”
Fitzsimmons had shut his eyes during this recital. I thought he might be dozing. But suddenly he shook his head, looked around and said raptly, “Sousa, tell us again about poor Boabdil and his mother!” Someone started to make a joking remark, but Fitz stopped him sternly with, “Don't you say a word. Let the little fellow talk!”
About this time, Mr. Reynolds and I began to plan a European tour for 1898. We employed Colonel George Frederick Hinton to go over and make the necessary arrangements. Col. Mapleson, the well-known manager, became interested in the tour, but with the breaking-out of the Spanish War, we found it wise to change our plans. Col. Mapleson cabled that there was an anti-American feeling on the Continent, and advised the band not to try Europe for a while. So we made a tour of the States instead, which covered January, February, March and April.
I wrote a show-piece called Trooping the Colors, which started with a company of trumpeters proclaiming in a fanfare, Liberty throughout the world! Then each nation friendly to the United States was represented by a tableau - The British Grenadiers for England, the Marseillaise for France, then Cuba, Belgium, and many others, winding up with the entrance of Columbia, singing The Star Spangled Banner, with band and chorus. The effect was electrical and the performance proved to be a tremendous success financially.
I sent John Braham, the well-known Boston conductor, ahead to rehearse the chorus. Cuba was represented by a company of Cuban patriots protecting a pretty mestiza girl from the onslaught of the Spanish. Braham telegraphed from Louisville: “Fine chorus, but they refuse to appear if you have colored girl in production. I believe in holding out.” John was born in New England; I, however, having been born south of Mason and Dixon's Line, knew that no Southern lady or gentleman would ever agree with his radical ideas, however well-disposed they might be toward the African race. I telegraphed back, “Request the prettiest girl in the chorus to make up for the colored girl, but be sure you get the prettiest one.” When we gave our performance in Louisville, feminine Cuba was represented by a dazzling beauty, skillfully powdered to an Indian copper!
I had made no arrangements to spend my usual season at Manhattan Beach that summer, since I had expected to go to Europe, so I leased a farm up in Suffern, N. Y., and there wrote the lyrics and music of The Charlatan. It was produced in Montreal on August 29, 1898, by DeWolf Hopper company. It did not make the prodigious hit that El Capitan had, but musically it was considered superior.
The Montreal opening accomplished, we then presented the piece to critical New York at the Knickerbocker Theater on September 5th. It was a night straight out of the Inferno, for suffocating heat! Why anyone chose to go to the theatre that night is a mystery. Of course it was a severe test for any new piece. The favorable reception accorded the piece in Montreal was lacking. Curiously enough, the comments of the critics ranged from ordinary praise to loud acclaim. Alan Dale, one of the best known of New York's critics wrote:
(newspaper article)
The Charlatan is a comic opera of distinct merit and as I have been the howler at Hopper's buffoonery for a good many years, I am going to emphasize the fact that it has evaporated - vanished into atmosphere. You can now look upon DeWolf Hopper as a tall and rather rigid gentleman with a slight swelling to grand opera attitudes, and even a mild hankering for vocal fireworks. That this sort of work seems strange I am bound to confess, but that it is pleasant for a change nobody will deny. Still, the role of “Demidoff” might have been made a trifle funnier without any sacrifice to Hopper's dignity. There is a happy medium between severity and buffoonery which, although it is hard to hit, may in time be found. Under the circumstances, however, it is better to err on the side of severity, because this comedian can really sing in addition to being able to act.
The Charlatan is chiefly interesting for its music, which is full of ginger and entrain. The music began rather simply, with melodies which resemble a Child's Guide to the Piano. But it woke up and v'la! biff! before we knew it we were revelling in Sousaism, affable waltzes, two-step affairs that made you yearn to get up and try it lightly - a jolly, rollicking ensemble. Sousa is always interesting. To commonplace people he is “catchy.” To those who are not commonplace he has a twist that stamps him with the luminous brand of originality. In The Charlatan he makes one or two efforts to be merely pretty that are not quite acceptable. Sousa is the comedian of music, and when he tries to be merely pretty he reminds you of Nat Goodwin attempting to be emotional, or Annie Russell starting out to be “strong.” He has an individuality of his own, and although for the sake of comic opera he is anxious to be as versatile as possible, he is never quite happy unless he is Sousa.
The delightful finale to the second act and The Seventh Son of Seventh Son song and one or two other musical instances hold you in complete admiration of this peculiar person and you feel that The Charlatan had a great many of the charms of El Capitan and The Bride Elect. I am one of Sousa’s wildest admirers. His name alone is sufficient to capture my attention. His work in The Charlatan was no disappointment and those who miss hearing these humorous strains can blame themselves for their omission.
Although I wrote all the lyrics of The Charlatan, except the Ammonia song, I did not allow my name to go on the program as the author of them, but Alan Dale, thinking it was Charles Klein, said, “Mr. Klein has written some lyrics which are extremely clever.”
After The Charlatan had made a tour of the States, DeWolf Hopper went to England, and produced there successfully El Capitan and The Charlatan under the name of The Mystical Miss. On his return to America he continued the season with The Charlatan. The first reports that came from London were not unanimous in praise of El Capitan. I was worried, so I wrote to an English musical friend, in whose judgement I believed, and asked him if the piece really were a success there. He cabled back, “Don’t worry. London endorses El Capitan.” Nevertheless, every now and then, some paper would assert that Hopper was going to replace El Capitan with Wang, one of his former pieces, but as El Capitan and The Charlatan were the only two pieces that ran during Hopper’s entire English season, evidently there was no necessity for a change, and no proposal to make one.
「いかさま師」 の国内ツアーを終えると、デヴォルフ・ホッパーはイギリスへ向かい、「エル・カピタン」と、「いかさま師」(英国公演時「The Mystical Miss」)のプロデュースを成功させる。帰国すると、「いかさま師」の公演シーズンを続行させた。ロンドンからの第1報によると、「エル・カピタン」は手放しに好評とは行かなかったようだ。私は心配になり、イギリス人の音楽仲間の1人に手紙を書いた。彼の判断には私は信頼をおいており、彼の地で「エル・カピタン」が上手く言ったかどうかを訊ねた。返電によれば「心配無用、ロンドンは「エル・カピタン」を絶賛」。にも関わらず、一部新聞から時折、ホッパーが「エル・カピタン」を、彼の前作ミュージカル「ワン」に差し替えるのではないか、との報道が見受けられる。だが、イギリスツアー中は、「エル・カピタン」と「いかさま師」の2本だけのはずだ。変更不要は明らかだったし、急遽新作を、との提案もなかった。
Some time after the initial performance of El Capitan, the Lambs Club invited Klein and myself to a dinner. Although Klein was an interesting raconteur when surrounded by a few friends and sympathetic listeners, it was an utter impossibility for him to “think on his feet.” His brain refused to work when he was called upon to make a speech. At this dinner, after I had spoken briefly, the toastmaster called upon Mr. Klein. The poor fellow arose, looked about him helplessly for a moment, said, haltingly, “I am yours truly, John L. Sullivan” and stopped for a full minute. Then, in a voice full of real agony, he asked, “Will someone kindly hit me with a bottle?” and sat down.
Charlie Klein, after the production of El Capitan, shot upward to fame and fortune with unexpected rapidity. His Lion and the Mouse, The Auctioneer, and The Music Master enjoyed an immense popularity and brought to the playwright very substantial returns. Suddenly, Klein “got religion.” He was an English Jew, but had paid little attention to the ancient Hebrew creed. He blossomed out, now, as an ardent Christian Scientist, and thereafter ascribed all his stage successes to his belief in the teachings of that faith. Dear fellow! At the height of his success God called him home; he sank with the Lusitania. Those who knew him loved him very much.
When war was threatening between the United States and Spain, I was touring the States and reached New York on April 10, 1898, for my concert at the Metropolitan Opera House. The war fever was intense, and the New York Herald described the unforgettable scene at my concert thus:
There had been some lively scenes in the theatres of late, when The Star Spangled Banner was played, but none of them equalled the extraordinary demonstration of last night at the Metropolitan Opera House, when Sousa's Band played the national anthem and then swung into Dixie.
During the playing of the former piece the demonstration kept up, and when it came to a conclusion with the final crash of music from the band, the scene beggared description. An encore was demanded, but Sousa stood calmly awaiting quiet before he would go on. Then when he could be heard he said,
“Ladies and Gentlemen: It seems the only appropriate encore I can give in these days is Johnny, Get your Gun. But stop! There's another air we all will cheer tonight.” The musicians swung into Dixie.
If there had been orderly enthusiasm before, there was bedlam let loose now, and while the cheers went up as heartily as ever, there burst from certainly a thousand throats the famous rebel yell. It came from all parts of the house. For quite a time this continued, men and women joining in the uproar, the ladies leaning out of the boxes, and waving their handkerchiefs while the southern air was played.
The audience had hardly quieted when a man in one of the boxes leaped over the rail and yelled, “Who says we're not ready for war?” and the house went wild again, with another combination of Union cheers and Rebel yells. Then someone in the orchestra jumped into the aisle and called for three cheers for “our flag and our country, the north and the south - we're all ready,” and the previous scene was repeated.
When The Stars and Stripes Forever was sung, there was still another demonstration, and then five thousand tired and hoarse individuals took themselves home.
These scenes were repeated in nearly every town we visited. In Chicago the Inter-ocean said:
The spectacular feature described as “Trooping the Colors” is a stunning affair, cleverly arranged in detail, calculated to arouse patriotic fire in the most phlegmatic. First came the trumpeters, “America proclaiming liberty to the world.” Then came the invincible Continentals playing Yankee Doodle. The national allotment then proceeds, God Save the Queen, The Marseillaise, The Wearing of the Green. The Scottish bagpipes playing The Campbells are Coming, enter the Auditorium through one of the tunnels, march down the aisle and up to the stage. The Cubans marched to the air You'll Remember Me. When the boys in blue and the Marines came marching to the front to salute the flag, the enthusiasm was uproarious. The Star Spangled Banner was encored three times. There were 200 young women in the chorus that made a striking background for the brilliant color of the fine costumes. “Trooping of the Colors” is one of the most remarkable displays of its kind ever seen on the local stage.
But with this enthusiasm, in a very little while the country had virtually shouted itself hoarse. A victory was assured and expected; so when we returned to New York for our final concert, it was a very decorous and strictly music-loving public that greeted us, and not one intoxicated by patriotic fervor.
As I became more widely-known, a number of men began to do imitations of me - some of them clever, and some the rankest kind of burlesque. Walter Jones, a comedian with Rice's musical pieces during their stay at Manhattan Beach, was a constant attendant at my concerts and began giving imitations of me wherever he went with musical comedy. As his fame increased with this merry burlesque of my conducting, a host of others sought to emulate his success. Lafayette and Zimmermann took up the mimicry.
On one occasion when Klaw and Erlanger's Round of Pleasure company was playing at the Knickerbocker Theatre in New York, they gave a benefit for the Herald Ice Fund, and I volunteered to bring my band up from Manhattan Beach to aid in the performance. Walter Jones was once more the comedian. After I had given my programme, and while the audience was still applauding, Mr. Jones walked in from the wings, made up in a perfect disguise of me. With great dignity he extended his hand, and said:
“Ah, Mr. Jones, I wish to congratulate you and your splendid band. I knew there was something in you when I saw the clever way you mimicked me last season in In Gay New York and I am glad to see you have gathered such a good band of your own. Go ahead, my dear Jones, go ahead!” And with another hearty handshake, the actor, still imitating my carriage and my walk, bowed himself off and allowed the concert to proceed. It was so well done that for a moment the audience was half-convinced.
Just after our declaration of war against Spain, I applied to General James H. Wilson to join the Sixth Army corps, requesting only that I be allowed to fulfill engagements already made for concerts, after which I would report at the headquarters of the Division at Chickamauga. Unfortunately I was destined never to see a day of service. I sent the General some data concerning the formation, cadences, and duties of army bands, but just as I was about to go to Chickamauga I was taken with typhoid fever, and for sixteen weeks kept my bed. When I was restored to health the war was over. Major General Wilson, who had been informed by my doctors of my condition, later wrote me the following letter:
May 29th, 1900
Inasmuch as you accepted my invitation at the outbreak of the Spanish War to become the Musical Director of the 6th Army Corps, I now take pleasure in handing you the Headquarters Badge, which you are entitled to wear upon all occasions.
My idea, you will remember, in asking you to accept the above-mentioned position, was to utilize your great skill as a composer and director in securing uniformity in the music of the regimental bands, without which regularity of time and step in marching, especially in parades and reviews, is impossible. The necessity for this needs no demonstration to military men.
You will also recall that I recommended you to the War Department and the President for the commission of Captain in order that you might have proper rank and consideration in the performance of your duties, but for some reason not explained and much to my regret, the commission was not issued. It is understood that while this was a disappointment to me at least, if not to yourself, you were prevented by sickness alone from reporting for duty at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga.
Wishing you continued success, I am,
Very respectfully yours,
In 1899 our tour stretched from coast to coast and from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf. While we were playing in Los Angeles I accepted an invitation to breakfast with friends in Pasadena. I am very fond of horseback riding and indulge in it at the slightest provocation. Accordingly I thought it an excellent plan to go to Pasadena, not by stuffy train or lurching trolley, but cross-country, on a saddle-horse.
Returning to Los Angeles, after my pleasant visit, and jogging along at a very slow trot, I turned into the main street, with a trolley car just behind me, containing a brass band. Suddenly the band struck up a tune and startled my horse. Instead of dashing away from the burst of sound, the animal shied backward, and the car struck him with sufficient force to make him plunge and rear and become well-nigh unmanageable. His antics were decidedly dangerous in that street of crowded vehicles. My glasses were knocked off in the struggle (sadly upsetting my dignity, which I cherish!) and I found myself clinging to his neck in great alarm. I called to a Chinaman standing near, “Catch the bridle!” With a face like a graven image, he stared at me, and said slowly, “Me not do; not my horse.”
Since the inception of my Band it had appeared three times on parade ― at the dedication of the World's Fair, the departure of the Cleveland city troops for the Spanish War, and the return of the Pittsburgh volunteer regiment from that same war. While I was on the road my manager was approached in New York concerning the use of the band for parade purposes in honor of Admiral Dewey. The manager, without my knowledge, made a figure, and when it was quoted in the New York papers, there was considerable comment among musicians upon the size of it. I read the reports at the Pittsburgh Exposition, thus receiving my first knowledge of the affair, and immediately telegraphed my manager, “Tender my services and band free of charge to the committee. Admiral Dewey is an old friend of mine, and I desire to appear in the parade given in his honor.”
I augmented my own band to 150 men and we headed the Olympia crew on that eventful September 30. The march began at Grant's Tomb, and we proceeded after the parade was dismissed, with the Olympia crew, down to the dock where the sailor lads re-embarked on their ship.
Just as I believed that there was never a venal President of the United States, whatever his predilections in seamy politics, and that the office invariably glorified the man, so, too, it seemed to me, as Admiral Dewey stood at attention under the Washington Arch at the close of the parade in his honor, that he was thinking: “They have made me great. I must be worthy of the tribute they are paying me.”
A year later, when I dined with him, I spoke of that occasion and of my impression. He replied, “I felt keenly the honor that my country had bestowed upon me. I was awed and uplifted, and the event is one which will never lose its vividness. The proud thought that my people loved me because I had served them faithfully was a source of great pleasure to me.”
It is a curious coincidence that when Dewey's squadron sailed up Mirs Bay to attack Manila, the Olympia band played El Capitan, and the march we played in passing the reviewing stand on his day of triumph was again El Capitan.
After the Dewey parade I finished my engagements and then went to Boston to give concerts at the Food Fair, where I gave the first public performance of The Fairest of the Fair, I was followed on the programme by Lieutenant Dan Godfrey, the famous conductor of the British Grenadiers Band. His advance man, who had intently watched my methods of concert procedure, and my habit of responding instantly to hearty applause, with an encore, conveyed to Lieutenant Dan the importance of a similar response on his part if he expected success. Godfrey listened and said, “What do they like for an encore?”
“Oh, one of Sousa's marches will knock'em silly,” the press agent replied.
“All right,” said the Lieutenant, and turning to his men, when the performance was about to begin, he said, “Remember: immediately, immediately ― now don't forget, immediately after the overture we will perform Mr. Sousa's march, The Stars and Stripes Forever; see that you are ready immediately to go into it.”
At the end of the overture there was a round of applause. Godfrey bowed and sat down. Then rose and bowed again. The agent whispered to him, “Play the Sousa march.” Lieutenant Dan got up slowly, asked each man if he had his part handy, and after rapping for attention twice, played the march. The audience had ceased applauding some time before, and “immediately” was fifteen minutes after the close of the overture!.
Miss Hannah Harris, the manager of the then famous Star Course at the Philadelphia Academy of Music is the one who suggested the symphonic poem, The Chariot Race. After I had appeared with the Marine Band in Philadelphia, Miss Harris engaged me for a concert at the Academy. She wrote me the following:
Now I know how easily and how charmingly you adapt any fancy to music, and will you think of this suggestion? It is that you prepare a piece of music and call it The Chariot Race from Ben Hur. No doubt you are familiar with the spirited description, and if you are not, a single reading will give you the inspiration, I am sure. You would have the preparation for the race, the start, the progress, with the applause, etc. of the vast audience. The unfair advantages of Messala, the blow to the steeds of Ben Hur, and after all this, the victory of Ben Hur, the Jew. There is opportunity for a grand climax, and anything with the name of Ben Hur draws.
At these Academy concerts, where The Chariot Race was generously applauded, I appreciated as never before how widespread was public familiarity with my marches. No composition of mine figured in the programme. Instead, there was a list comprising gems from Wagner and other standard composers. During the first half of the concert, regular numbers and encores were of the “classic” kind. During the applause that followed the first piece in the second half of the concert, and old gentleman rose from his seat in the audience, and holding up his arm, said, “Will Mr. Sousa play The High School Cadets?” The request was music to my ears.
As 1899 was drawing to a close the editors of the New York World asked me for an article on “Musicians of the Nineteenth Century.” They had enlisted the pens of Cardinal Gibbons, Edward Everett Hale, Susan B. Anthony, Julia Ward Howe, and a number of others to write about their respective fields of endeavor. The article follows:
To one standing on the threshold of the century now drawing to a close a cursory glance over the political field of the world must have clearly shown that old ideas and institutions were being swept away and the world was starting in with a grand sweep for newer and better conditions. As music is the most potent of all the arts to move and excite the emotions, it was natural that the revolution in the body politic should have been accentuated in the sphere of musical art. Nations just emerging from revolutions, from tyranny, from oppression and national degradation, looking into the sunlight of liberty and freedom, could find no better means of expressing their thoughts than in the heroic measures and loud acclaim of musical sounds.
Perhaps the first of the writers of this century to impress his genius and to leave the imprint of his talent in the world of popular music was Rossini. When it is realized that he was born in 1792 and that one of the most popular, if not the most popular, pieces of music in the world today is his William Tell overture, it speaks volumes for the brilliant opening of this century.
Today the master minds of music have their own types; express their feeling both as nationalists and individuals, and impart to their compositions the typical characteristics of their nations, whereas before this century even men as great as Handel, Gluck and Mozart wrote in the style belonging to a nation the antipodes of their own. While all these masters, especially Mozart, made reforms or changes in operatic treatment, either the musical tyranny of the people would not permit them to depart so radically from the fashionable forms of their art as did their great successors, Weber and Wagner, or else they were unable to gain such a clear insight into the possibilities of the lyric dramas as those later masters of the art. The achievements of Beethoven's life, were made during the present century.
Of the great figures of the century in opera, I should name Wagner first, Verdi second, Meyerbeer third, Weber fourth, Rossini fifth, and then in places of honor among composers, Auber, Donizetti, Bellini, Herold and Flotow. The latter, while charged with being an imitator of other national schools, has written two works that still hold the stage of the world ― Martha and Stradella. The century has developed a Schubert, a Schumann, a Mendelssohn, a Wagner, a Verdi, a Liszt, a Tchaikowsky, a Rubenstein, a Berlioz, a Chopin, a Brahms, a Gounod, a Massenet, a Saint-Saens, and a countless array of wonderful instrumental performers.
During this time four of my operas were on the boards: El Capitan, The Bride Elect, The Charlatan, and Chris and the Wonderful Lamp. Besides these I was also represented by my band which was touring the country.
At the close of the season Mrs. Sousa and I went South and then on to Mexico where we spent many weeks. I was serenaded by the famous orchestra of Carlos Curti and had many another novel experience ― even witnessed a bull fight, my first and last, for as I told the editor of the Mexican Herald in an interview on the subject, it is, to me, a worthless and unfair sport.